British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1326: UK-Germany Financial Summit

"Tomorrow is the UK-Germany Financial Summit. I wonder if the Germans will agree to our terms." Harold Wilson mentioned tomorrow's meeting. It seems that this is a very important financial summit. As the Prime Minister of a country, Harold Wilson rarely looks like this.

"Absolutely no problem. Prime Minister." Alan Wilson expressed optimism. The so-called British-German financial summit is of course important, because it involves the stability of the Bretton Woods system.

For the past two years, the French have always believed that the US dollar is a means of exploiting the world by the United States, and European countries are at a disadvantage. Of course, this is not wrong, it is true.

Of course, the Bretton Woods system was essentially a gold standard system. Under this system, Americans could not actually exert much financial capacity. The Bretton Woods system had inherent contradictions that it could not overcome.

The U.S. dollar as the main reserve currency has led to the contradiction between the supply of international solvency and the credibility of the U.S. dollar, which is the Triffin problem.

Another disadvantage that the French see is that this monetary system gives the US dollar hegemony. The US can directly use the US dollar to make up for the deficit in the balance of payments, while other countries can only reduce imports. The US actually indirectly manipulates the currency attacks of other countries. Policy.

Alan Wilson thought to himself that de Gaulle might not have imagined that the United States would later go beyond the Bretton Woods system.

It has also evolved into the method proposed by the United Kingdom in 1944 to link currencies with commodities. After the Bretton Woods system, the ability to intervene in other countries has not decreased but increased.

One of the Deutsche Regional Banks is operated by Pokina, which Alan Wilson gave to the Dragoon sisters through the British occupation army. He naturally understands the purpose of tomorrow's conference room.

Twenty years have passed since World War II, and Germany has long since recovered from the devastation of the World War. Its economic aggregate is slightly larger than that of France, and the German mark is also a major currency in Europe. Just calculating the influence in Europe, even more than France, of course, is still a long way from the British pound.

When the French are frequently firing at the US dollar, the UK should take the initiative to show the sincerity of the special relationship between the UK and the US to help the US stabilize the value of the US dollar. Or make an action to stabilize the value of the dollar.

Tomorrow's Anglo-German financial summit is a financial summit aimed at stabilizing the Bretton Woods system, and its purpose is to keep the Germans from messing around with the French.

Britain has once again sided with France, with the summit seen by the French as a retaliatory move by the French after Foreign Secretary Patrick Gordon Walker persuaded France not to withdraw from NATO in Paris.

In fact, the French misunderstood. He still has a lady of the same status as his wife living in Paris. How can he take revenge on France? Just make such a gesture, the French can do whatever they like, and they can continue to attack the dollar if they want to. Who can control France?

Even without this Anglo-German financial summit, Germany has not followed France in the history of exchanging money, and the French people's expectations for Germany would have been impossible to achieve. That being the case, the UK has turned the non-existent help into a card to show the US what's wrong with the special relationship between the UK and the US?

Alan Wilson has already asked his wife to set up a table in Zurich and eat crabs with the French, which is enough to help, and other aspects must adhere to the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

It is not the style of his cabinet secretary to do good deeds without leaving his name. After leaving No. 10 Downing Street, Alan Wilson mingled with the American ambassador. I have to say that Donald is old-fashioned, and he was still visiting prostitutes in London some time ago? Of course, this is in line with the style of Americans who can't control their crotch. Although Alan Wilson knew about this, he did not expose the other party.

At this meeting, he directly gave Donald... the United States behind him a reassurance, saying that the United Kingdom would do its best to maintain the smooth operation of the Bretton Woods system, "The franc became the world currency, wouldn't that kill the United Kingdom?"

Donald was in awe, this reason was really impeccable, and he said affectionately, "At a critical time, we are still a family who speak English."

Who is your family? After a few decades, the United States may speak Spanish. Thinking so, Alan Wilson still used the tone of a family not to speak two languages, "Of course, we must not subvert the , in the current world order, no matter whether the challenger is France, the Soviet Union, or the Chinese, they should honestly take their place and give the best things. Oh yes, I heard that the Spaniards are The march requires compensation, and I think the French are also instigating it behind the scenes.”

The hydrogen bomb that fell in the shallow sea area has been found in a large-scale investigation in the United States. Of course, the United States wants to hide the information secretly, and it is not unexpectedly bankrupt.

It's no wonder that others, who made the Americans suffer from persecution paranoia, thought that they couldn't find it because the Soviets found it first, which caused the Soviet Union to stab the matter. This has absolutely nothing to do with Alan Wilson correcting the Soviet Union's guess that either the nuclear leak or the hydrogen bomb didn't explode.

The Secretary-General of the Cabinet does not need any thanks from the Americans. His level of refuting rumors this time is equal to that of the Magic Capital. He should do it for the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

"Uh, the country is definitely communicating with Madrid." When it came to the almost nuclear explosion of Spain, Donald's face became stiff. In the field of American diplomacy, this British cabinet secretary was evaluated as an old British. A lot of times, he sincerely maintains the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, but it makes people unable to thank them, and their words are too unpleasant.

Just like now, the United Kingdom is holding this financial summit with Germany to counter France's attack on the dollar. The United States should thank the United Kingdom, but it must mention the hydrogen bomb dropped by the United States at this time.

"Communication is good, but the villagers in a small town are frightened. I believe that it can be settled with little money." Alan Wilson said with a high profile, "I don't believe what Franco dares to do to the US military. The Nuremberg trials missed him, didn't they?"

Having practiced the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, Alan Wilson ended his work today and went home to show a flexible moral bottom line in front of Pamela Mountbatten. It is still necessary to attack the dollar.

"I thought that Whitehall really wanted to protect the dollar by bringing out the summit." Pamela Mountbatten sighed at her husband's acting skills and almost deceived herself.

"The dollar is to be maintained, but you have to maintain the gold." Alan Wilson grabbed his wife's small hand and said like a dog, "We have always taken the maintenance of national interests as the criterion, but we must make money when we need to make money. We can't let France People take all the benefits, right? We should also get some necessary, reasonable, and insignificant benefits to the U.S. gold reserves, such as a few hundred tons of gold. Anyway, there are French people in the front to attract hatred, why not do it?”

"Now that this summit comes out, France can do it by itself. Will the French hold back?" Pamela Mountbatten asked her husband, whether this would scare the French and lead to This time the slamming thunder is heavy and the rain is small?

"No, don't underestimate the determination of the French. Especially President Charles de Gaulle, we just have different positions. Excluding the factor of different countries, he is no worse than our prime minister, especially better than Churchill." Alan Wilson signaled his wife to relax, Bray The Don Woods system has structural contradictions, and crises can be delayed but not resolved.

Even in the 21st century, France is still the top gold reserve country. The largest gold reserve country in Europe is Germany, France and Italy. These countries do not believe in any credit currency. Gold is more valuable than printed paper. , the gold reserves of the three countries combined are no smaller than the gold reserves of the United States.

This UK-Germany Financial Summit includes all of the UK's five largest banks, as well as representatives of German banks including Deutsche Bank. The main discussion is, as mentioned before, maintaining the stability of the Bretton Woods system and resolutely curbing the French's attempts to disrupt the international financial market.

In fact, Alan Wilson didn't expect to talk about anything, mainly for the Americans to see. At critical times, blood is thicker than water, which is more effective, so that Americans can fight in Southeast Asia with peace of mind.

There are people on both sides of the financial summit who can give him the latest progress, Pamela Mountbatten representing the Sarawak Development Bank on the UK side, and Pokina from the Deutsche Regional Bank on the German side, which can let Whitehall know The latest progress of this British-German summit.

Alan Wilson told Washington that it would be better to leave this matter to the United Kingdom, and the good days of the United States are still to come.

The basic condition for Britain to win over Germany is that the Deutsche Bundesbank holds a large amount of US dollar reserves. Since the 1950s, it has been one of the world's most important holders of gold reserves, second only to the United Kingdom and the United States.

The Cold War alliance with the United States is the most important international relationship of the Federal Republic of Germany The Federal Republic of Germany pays billions of marks every year to maintain US troops and military installations. Core national interests dictate that it cannot do anything to jeopardize U.S. dominance of the global monetary system.

This is different from France. The Federal Republic of Germany is on the front line of confrontation. Once the United States itself encounters major problems, it will directly affect the national security of the Federal Republic of Germany.

Of course, none of these reasons really matter. Once the Germans discovered the benefits of attacking the dollar, it would naturally attack. The key is not to be the first bird.

Alan Wilson actually felt that France's ally in attacking the dollar should actually be the Soviet Union, not either Britain or Germany. Making the first bird is obviously not a good solution for this Franco-US gold dispute. The British-German financial summit lasted three days, and finally the German banking industry agreed that the British had a point.


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