British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1329: soviet trade fair

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The war of words between Britain and France, because of the recent attacks on the dollar by France, is particularly striking in Europe at this time.

Washington has also noticed the recent war of words. While thanking Britain for its help, it also said that the free world cannot give up France until the last minute.

Regarding the fact that the French de Gaulle government wants to drive out NATO, the United States has prepared to form a negotiating team to have a good talk with the de Gaulle government on this matter. Didn't de Gaulle give a deadline before the end of the year, when the United States will come specifically to fight for France by the end of the year.

"It's nothing more than procrastination." After listening to MI6's report, Alan Wilson said indifferently, "Maybe the Americans think that they must have more face than the United Kingdom. Our persuasion failed, it does not mean that the United States will also Failure, I really don’t know where the confidence comes from.”

Richard White didn't say anything. Although he was the head of MI6, he should not speak subjectively in this situation.

"The mitigation strategy is still when the United States is currently being held back by Southeast Asia. The government should throw an olive branch to the Soviet Union for the stable development of the situation in Europe. MI5 may be busy recently, and the opening of the Soviet product exhibition does not mean that we want to Put the KGB in, Philby, and you'll do the job."

Alan Wilson told the head of MI5 that the response to the mitigation strategy was a prerequisite for this Soviet product exhibition. One of the Cambridge Five just needs to know about it.

The deeper purpose is to use this exhibition to judge the technical level of the Soviet Union's industrial products, so as to judge the level of Soviet industry. If the results are optimistic, the United Kingdom will export some civilian technologies. Also more confident.

Of course, Philby still doesn't need to know this kind of deep purpose. The United Kingdom has to take into account the ideas of the United States, otherwise why has it been scolding France and Italy recently? In the tone of the United States' spokesperson in Europe, pointing the way to these loyal and not absolute allies?

As for the holding of Soviet commodity exhibitions, it is not surprising at all. It is a routine operation. After instructing the two intelligence heads, Alan Wilson raised his wrist to check the time, "It's half past five, off work, another full day."

After get off work, Radwich sent Alan Wilson to the Windsor Castle Hotel, where he was going to take a rest. In the presidential suite on the top floor, the supreme authority stood motionless from the window overlooking the magnificent mountains and rivers below, and his heart was full of pride. , Ms. Ingrid Bergman, the female president who came to the UK for a shopping event, turned around and kissed the man behind her.

Alan Wilson's life is always full and busy. He lit a cigar and leaned on the bed, staring directly at the warm-up effect of the Swedish luxury car, and the proud expression has not completely faded away.

Ingrid Bergman is no stranger to this complacent appearance. This man is a moral depression. What can she do? With the red mark on her chest, the queen of luxury fell next to the man, "The growth of my two daughters is what makes me happiest now. The melody you brought over, many musicians said yes, my thoughts are , first to push them to the catwalk stage, there are indeed many brands that value their two temperaments."

"When it comes to temperament, the daughters must inherit you, and it has nothing to do with me. I am just a person in the sea and no one will pay attention to existence. Yin Sabella and Yin Star are so young, they have already attracted attention from all parties. I can only give me the melody for two songs. Nothing else can help."

The two daughters are very good, but Alan Wilson is very modest, which is caused by Ingrid Bergman's own excellent genes. The actress is famous for her good genes, which has continued until her granddaughter can rely on it. It is completely different from the mediocre offspring of many amazing stars.

The two daughters are only fourteen years old this year, but they already have the same trajectory and trend as their mother. What's wrong with the catwalk show, they are born to eat this bowl of rice. He had several songs ready to release for his two daughters when they were adults, including hallommig, which was originally a Swedish song.

"The French public opinion has been very unfriendly to you in the UK recently." Ingrid Bergman said with a smile, "I haven't felt the outbreak of anti-British sentiment for a long time."

"To say that the United Kingdom is the spokesperson of the United States in Europe? It's not wrong to say that, and now the United Kingdom is indeed acting like this." Alan Wilson stretched his back and said indifferently, "France considers itself the leader of Europe, and it is very important to the United Kingdom. Some are dissatisfied with their non-cooperation on the issue of the European Community. But we also have our own difficulties. To be honest, there is not much space under the two-power structure. If there is such a commotion in France, the UK needs to be pulled by the side. , France is not strong enough to put Britain on the side of France."

Even if France's strength is a quarter of that of the United States, even if it is only a quarter, and the United Kingdom is slightly less than one-third of the strength of the United States, it is not unreasonable to make trouble. But France's economic aggregate is only 17% of that of the United States, in fact it is 16.7%, and the United Kingdom is just over 40%, so what's the point?

That is to say, while the United States is fighting in Southeast Asia, France will have room to make trouble. If the United Kingdom and France make trouble together, maybe the Americans will not fight directly after weighing it, and first turn around and settle the two internal thorns.

What will France do then? Can it withstand the counterattack of the United States? Therefore, the United Kingdom does not stand with the French, on the contrary, it stands on the side of the United States, and is also fighting against the United States. Alan Wilson felt that the Vietnam War was more likely to hurt the United States than France's run on gold.

The Vietnam War can make the American social atmosphere turn down, can France do it? No, the UK did not really target France, it was just a scolding.

Before the opening of the Soviet Commodities Fair, Alan Wilson has two more meetings to discuss with the two departments of the British Grain Reserve Committee. The theme of the first day's work meeting is to strengthen the security of British food, and the second At the heart of the day's meeting was a number of ways to destroy food.

One of the departments is responsible for storing food, and the other is responsible for destroying food. Both departments are very important. After all, food has a shelf life. What should I do with expired food?

For example, a drought is breaking out in India, and the United Kingdom, as a former suzerain, should provide appropriate assistance. India's staple food is rice, but that doesn't mean you don't eat wheat.

Keeping fresh reserves for yourself, and sending expired or about to expired food to countries in need are the core of these two meetings. This is not considered morally low, and a group of stinky beggars jumped on it? It would be nice to give them, and use this grain to make ethanol in Bibi.

From a macro perspective, there is no shortage of food in the world, but like all things, there are some people and some people don’t, and food is no exception. So theoretically there is no shortage of food in modern society, but no matter what year it is, there are many people all over the world who cannot eat.

"This time at the Soviet Commodity Fair, all products must be bought." Before the Soviet Commodity Fair, Pamela Mountbatten, who went to Zurich, returned to London, and the couple had this conversation when they were walking together.

"Everything, it's not that I can't afford it, but I need to find more agents, otherwise it may cause suspicion." Pamela Mountbatten agreed directly without asking deeply.

"What cabinet secretary, the hundreds of thousands of civil servants under his command, have not played as much role as my wife." Alan Wilson immediately complimented him.

Naturally, this was done to determine where the industrial level of the Soviet Union was and to have a low mind, so as to convince the Prime Minister to develop economic and trade relations with the Soviet Union.

The country of the Soviet system is not perfect. The planned economy is a planned economy. Every product produced has a purpose. There is no need to consider sales in the free world. Application, many products of the Soviet Union are proof that I can do it, but do you say it is done well? Can't say there aren't any such products, but most certainly aren't.

Alan Wilson's judgment is not entirely correct. In a country as powerful as the Soviet Union, there must be some products that are very competitive. The benchmark for the verification of supersonic passenger aircraft in the United States in later generations is the Soviet Union's Figure 144, not the Concorde of Britain and France. The vertical take-off and landing technology used was inspired by the Yak 141, not the British Harrier.

Later generations put the most energy into the study of controllable nuclear fusion. A certain big But the first one who proposed controllable nuclear fusion and began to manufacture it was the Soviet Union in 1954, called the tokamak device .

The United Kingdom has shown great sincerity for this Soviet commodity exhibition, which is a good thing for the Soviet Union, which is promoting relaxation and reform. After communicating with Moscow, the other party immediately expressed that it attaches great importance to this exhibition and will definitely take it. Come out with the best merchandise on display.

This point may have to praise the current Prime Minister Harold Wilson. The Prime Minister of the Labour Party came to power, which made the Soviet Union have some expectations for the United Kingdom, and naturally attached great importance to this exhibition.

While the U.S. military was commanding the Korean Army and the South Vietnamese Army to carry out a sweeping operation, this time the Soviet goods exhibition in London opened. Countless plainclothes followed the visitors to the venue, and many people felt that the people on the other side of the Iron Curtain usually used any goods. very curious.

The Soviets were happy to show this, too, and they might recall the Moscow kitchen debate years ago, which was right in the hands of Alan Wilson, who wanted to know what stage Soviet technology was at.

He will let his wife buy these exhibits, and then he will look for similar products in Western Europe for comparison. At that time, a report will be made to the Prime Minister to judge the scale of doing business with the Soviet Union.

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