British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1337: deep love

Walking out of the airport side by side, Richard did not forget to introduce, "The Sudanese and the Justices of the Peace are already waiting for the Secretary-General."

"There's nothing to wait for." In front of Richard's Rolls-Royce back door, letting the Malayan High Commissioner open the door, Alan Wilson said easily, "You are the High Commissioner here, you said everything here. Forget it, Whitehall trusts you, and I also heard that you have also invested in a shipyard in Penang, isn’t it good, the High Commissioner has taken practical actions to develop the local industry.”

"Secretary-General." Richard wanted to explain, but Alan Wilson had already waved his hand first, "Actually, you have many ways to get your share, but you have chosen to develop the industry, which is worthy of appreciation. There is a little left here, not only should not be criticized, but also encouraged. But I have one suggestion, you should leave some industry for the next high commissioner, and don't expand into too many industries."

Richard nodded and thanked, "Actually, my fundamental purpose has always been to benefit Malayan society. I love this land deeply."

"The residents here should thank you. This is the pearl of the British Empire, and you also have a share of the credit. Hong Kong and Malaya have frequent exchanges. Compared with Hong Kong, isn't this a good place?"

At this time, Xiangjiang was the most powerful era for the Four Inspectors. Richard also knew the situation there. "Chief Superintendent Mo Lixin will also come here for vacation and also came to visit me."

"He's also been to Perth, and Pamela doesn't appreciate his style very much." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly, "The number one person in the police world is just as corrupt as the next Inspector General Hua? The cultivation of the empire, but it can be considered to have made some contributions, so don’t worry about him for now.”

Arriving at the Administrative Office Building, Alan Wilson and Richard got off the car together, causing a burst of glances from the Administrative Office, "Secretary..."

Hearing the shouts one after another, Alan Wilson turned his head and glanced at Richard, "I've been out of office for a long time. You didn't arrange this, right?"

However, seeing such a scene bathed in the light of supreme authority, Alan Wilson was unavoidable, waving at the head sticking out of the window. Power is really a good thing.

In fact, he just came for a walk. He just got off the plane and ostensibly did inspection work. In private, he really wanted to rest. He sat in the High Commissioner's office and chatted with Richard, exchanging the latest trends in the two places. Of course, after a while, Alyssa also came, they were all acquaintances, and they didn't see each other.

"The purpose of the Prime Minister's visit to Washington this time is to persuade the United States to stop the war. This purpose is impossible to achieve." Alan Wilson said lazily, "A world hegemon is going to war, but if there is any hope, he will definitely persevere to the end, once it fails The impact is too bad. It's not the 1950s anymore, and the United States is not as aloof as it used to be."

After losing the Vietnam War, the United States has not dared to act rashly for a long time, and it has also been much more cautious in external interference. How cautious is it? To fight Grenada, the commander of the U.S. Atlantic Fleet will be in charge. Heavy aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships are readily available. 7,000 troops are directly dispatched, and 20,000 soldiers are on standby. Once the intervention fails, they will come to help immediately. Ten thousand.

At that time, Grenada had a population of 90,000 people and 2,000 people in the country who had received military training. The military preparations of the United States were more exaggerated than cannons to fight mosquitoes, which shows how cautious they were.

"Mediating with Kosygin, Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union? Will Americans think that the Prime Minister is humiliating the United States?" Richard learned the inside story of the Prime Minister's visit to Washington this time, and couldn't help shaking his head.

"Whatever, if the Americans think so, it's better, isn't Malaya's development very dependent on war needs?" Alan Wilson smiled, "After the ground military operations began, exports grew explosively, and Malaya even more The driving force for development, but the influx of hot money still needs to be controlled. Seize the opportunity of the influx of hot money and establish several industries.”

The officials of the two colonies agreed, and Alan Wilson was reluctant to say more. He came here this time to provide Richard with a backing and make him more confident to deal with difficult issues.

He didn't come to point fingers. He was thinking about going on vacation. He stopped by to see my baiji dolphin.

Isn’t Malaya developing very well, and even some products are better than those in the UK, such as air conditioners, which are cheaper and better than those in the UK, and have a very good market. Compared with Italy, Italian air-conditioning brands are the dominant players in the European market.

Alyssa obviously has some personal matters to communicate with the secretary-general. Not long after Alan Wilson left, he also left the Office of the Executive Office. How could the supreme authority refuse subordinates who want to make progress, but it is disrespectful.

"But if the Vietnam War doesn't go well, will it spread to Malaya? What if the country behind North Vietnam wants to go south?" Alyssa's face still had a red tide, and she asked Alan Wilson's neck, "So good place, London can't let it go."

"The countries of the Soviet system are all nationalists. Le Duan is not someone who follows the baton. Even if this happens, Thailand must be knocked down before entering West Malaysia. East Malaysia is an island, and if the Royal Navy faces an attack, it can be attacked. I'm so happy, such a weak opponent must be beaten to death."

Alan Wilson whistled lightly. Vietnam does not trust a certain power. There have always been opinions within the Communist Party of Vietnam about the suspicion that a certain power is betraying Vietnam in Geneva. Now there is another Soviet Union. If you have to be a follower, then of course you will follow the boss. Who will follow a country that is weak in every aspect except for its strategic determination.

This kind of thing is from the perspective of the United Kingdom, just wait and see what happens. There is no reason why a big country can backstab the Soviet Union, and Vietnam cannot backstab a big country.

This is not just happening in Asia. Poland dares to grin at the Soviet Union. As long as you are ready to pay the price, then do it boldly.

"It's really admirable that the Secretary-General is full of confidence." Alyssa's eyes flashed, "This confidence is even stronger than when you take off your clothes."

"With the current mode of confrontation, even if the United States loses the war in Vietnam, we will still win. Don't worry!" Alan Wilson showed his talent as a prime minister dishonestly with one hand, "The iron curtain will rust, not to mention the bamboo curtain. We don't do anything, just wait and see."

As long as it enters the mode of the Cold War, whether it is the one in which the Soviet Union is the protagonist now, or the one in the next few decades, the free world will surely win. The only difference is the one decades later, as if the political system on this side of the free world has ossified and could suffer. However, the basic game is several times higher than that of the opponent, and it is easier to trap the opponent than the Soviet Union in this Cold War.

I am afraid that the United States has panicked and made a wrong move. Although there are several candidates for the dead in East Asia, ASEAN countries are obviously not included in this list. It would be good if Japan, South Korea and Taiwan were detonated and exploded to a certain major power. If there is no damage to a major country , ASEAN countries will not really.

A long history is also beneficial. Russia was burned by Poland hundreds of years ago in Moscow. A certain major country has been the leader of the alliance for thousands of years in East Asia. This time has come, and Southeast Asia is used to it.

Poland may also recall the glorious days of the Spear of God, a glorious history that no Southeast Asian country can find.

Just like in recorded history, there has never been a Southeast Asian country with the economic status of Malaya, although Malaya was a British colony.

Before the day of the canon punishment in the Ming Dynasty, Alan Wilson took Xia Meng's mother and son to see the baiji dolphins he raised. For the sake of these baiji dolphins, he ordered all the crooked crocodiles in the river basin to be beheaded and killed.

It took a few years to become a crocodile leather bag in the European market, and it has become the spectacular scene it is today.

"Pamela also likes the baiji dolphin, but there is no perennial river in Australia, so I can't send it there." Alan Wilson stood on the edge of the boat, watching the flashing white dorsal fins in the reserve, very proud, and found There is a sense of protecting the ecological environment of Africa, and at the same time letting the locals die quickly.

Now of course no one knows the exact number of baiji dolphins in this river, but there are only one or two hundred. The local British armbands have been changed in the past two years. The logo of the Baiji Dolphin Camp shows that the local British army also likes this kind of Is there anything else your daughter can't get? "Xia Meng leaned next to Alan Wilson, muttering slightly pantothenic acid.

"She knew that the baiji can't be sent to Australia, and her interest has shifted to killer whales. Her mother is going to find a piece of coastline to enclose that sea area." Ellen Wilson said helplessly, "This can also create employment, I It's not easy to object, but in fact, one aquarium is enough."

After staying in East Malaysia for a few days, Alan Wilson arrived in Kuala Lumpur before Ming Zheng was sentenced. For this moment, a stadium was specially vacated. Those who came to the stadium after hearing the news had to bring their own stones on the same day. After the communication between the office and the sultans, it was finally agreed to adopt the stoning of the peaceful religious law to replace the beheading of the Qing Dynasty.

The wounded soldiers in the major hospitals in Singapore were required to come to the stadium for education on the same day. Richard pushed the nine sultans to the front and let these local feudal monarchs gain prestige.

The news of the stoning has reached Seoul, and Richard is dealing with South Korea's diplomatic efforts that we are all part of the free world, and his way of doing it is to take sick leave.

"Bai Shanye protested? This old guy couldn't beat Park Chung-hee, and was sent abroad to be an ambassador." Alan Wilson, who received a domestic call, gave his own judgment, "It's the one who took him out to face the thunder, Park Chung-hee. It's a young army officer, and his status in the army is far from his previous position, so he wants to suppress him if he has the chance."


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