British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1340: Iron Lady of India

"The death of Prime Minister Shastri is a sad day. The whole of India and even the world should remember the departure of such an outstanding leader. Shastri and I met in 1942." Marshal Mountbatten Man He started this speech with a mourning face.

The young couple in the VIP seat below were already tired of being together. Pamela Mountbatten turned a deaf ear to her father's words and asked about the ins and outs of the wounded soldier incident.

Alan Wilson put his arms around his wife's delicate body and whispered, "There are also Americans here, but they have not been announced, and the public opinion guidance before leaving was successful. We have also punished criminals, which is a very good one. Great shock, as for the victim's family, they also gave hush money. And the arrangement of treatment."

Malaya was used to replace British India, which cannot be taken lightly. If this colony is lost, the British can consider becoming a sidekick. Being a sidekick in this world may be even worse than the world in Alan Wilson's mind. France swallowed Algeria in one bite. Although the livable land is not large, in comparison, if the United Kingdom does not exercise the same control over a place, it will France will be stretched thin, which is also the consensus of Whitehall and the two governments.

"But I heard that the military operations of the U.S. military in South Vietnam were not very effective. Will it affect us?" Pamela Mountbatten was still a little worried. From the perspective of the United Kingdom, this is the case. Facing the United States' secret stumbling block, the United Kingdom is of course It's dissatisfaction, but what if the U.S. fails miserably?

"Don't worry. In terms of our homeland, the Soviet Union has always threatened us. It's already at this point, so what are you worried about?" Alan Wilson was very open. "The free world controls far more places than the Soviet Union, and only one threat is worth it. Pay attention, that is, the countries with the top three populations in the world are in one camp.”

Only in this way can the balance of power be changed, but this has never happened in history. Since India hit a mountain, this may not exist. Although the relations between the Soviet Union and China and India were very good for a certain period of time, they did not use this time to adjust the border issues between the two countries.

Then again, the Soviet Union may not be able to do it either. It is wrong to stand on the side of any country in such a bad thing as the border issue.

Even if Alan Wilson is from the Soviet Union, he may be on the side of India, because no one would have thought that countries of the same camp would turn against the tide, and even Tito's Yugoslavia did not achieve the level that a major country later did.

But this is the trouble of the Soviet Union. When a big country jumps off the boat, as a humble social tool in the free world, Alan Wilson will lend the Soviet Union's hegemony of public opinion to the Soviet Union. To speak for this enemy, you will fight against each other. See, is the UK still not allowed to sow discord? Strive to make these two countries no longer close in the future.

India is a powerful country. Although Indians have not reached the standard of an industrial power, they can only fight a wave of wars, but no one can deny that there are not many countries that can resist India's first wave. The problem is Because its two neighbors happen to be in this range.

If the country of India also sided with the undivided Soviet bloc, it would be enough to make the free world a big head.

Even if the United States is superior in strength and can withstand the enemy on both sides of the Eurasian continent, who will withstand India in the direction of the Indian Ocean? Don't count on Pakistan? Pakistan, which is not yet independent in East Pakistan, can stand it for a while. If Bangladesh is an independent Pakistan, it cannot stand up to India.

It is a top priority not to let India get too close to the Soviet Union. At least at this time, India still has the value of winning.

"A great country like India with a long history and strong genes should naturally become one of the permanent members of the United Nations." While the couple bit their ears, the last Governor of British India, Marshal Mountbatten, the representative of the British royal family, has waved With the air chips, draw a pie for the Indians.

The upper classes in India all know English. As soon as Mountbatten's air chips came out, they were most afraid of the sudden silence in the air, but immediately, the thunderous applause and cheers surrounded Marshal Mountbatten.

"Look, doesn't this work well?" Alan Wilson's expression has an advantage over me. His soul is a person from a big country who is often in power in India. Now his identity is a British citizen of India's former suzerain, and two major powers. Is it a small blessing to serve Indians from different angles?

In the future, at the United Nations, the British representative will use it to seduce India from time to time, without actually taking aid. Maybe this bait can also be used to make India benefit the United Kingdom from time to time, which can be called a win.

Shastri's funeral and Mountbatten's speech will occupy the center of Indian public opinion in the coming days.

Such an enthusiastic response also surprised Mountbatten and his daughter. They did not expect such a great effect. Pamela Mountbatten spoke for her husband in front of her father, "If he worked before the First World War, it would be really lucky for Britain. "

Yesterday, Alan Wilson just went from the embassy to explain the matter of air chips to China, saying that this statement is to fool the Indians. Although Marshal Mountbatten is very well-known, he does not belong to the current British government after all, so it is more appropriate to express it. I believe that the cabinet also understands how difficult it is for India to become a permanent member.

It is not difficult for India to become a permanent member and the return of a certain major country, and the time to catch up is quite good. Although a certain major country has already had a conflict with the Soviet Union, it has not officially revealed its opposition. There was no remarks against other Soviet allies at the time of Allende's death, and no large-scale war with Vietnam.

Otherwise, with the momentum of the Soviet Union in the 1970s, it would have surpassed the status of the United States. If there is a stumbling block, it may not be possible to stop it permanently, and it should not be a problem to delay it for a few years.

This is mainly due to the fact that neither of the two major groups has any major objections, rather than the result of some African brothers carrying it in. These are all conditions that India does not have.

There are still quite a few problems in India. India is a multi-ethnic and multi-ethnic country. Five years ago, 1,600 languages ​​were registered in the census, with 18 main languages. Hindi is the number one language, but it is spoken by only one-third of the country's population.

When British India was ruled, the provinces were divided without considering the language factor, and the same language area was fragmented. In order to facilitate the promotion of national autonomy, the Congress Party proposed the intention to demarcate states according to language before independence. After independence, considering the settlement of the ownership of the state, the state boundary should not change too much. The trauma of the partition of India and Pakistan, vigilance against localism has become a consensus.

Nehru Patel and Sitharamaya formed a language committee and decided that the work would be carried out at least ten years later. Many local leaders and people were dissatisfied with this and turned into mass movements.

Local and central confrontation. The government promulgated the Seventh Amendment to the Constitution, and the administrative regions of India were reorganized by language distribution into fourteen Madhya Pradesh and six Union Territories. Each state uses the prevailing main language as the official language of the state. The issue of the country's official language has been debated for a long time. Hindi was narrowly selected as the official language in the Constituent Assembly, while English was retained as the official language and continued to be used for fifteen years.

However, there was strong resistance in the southern states, and the masses protested the push of Hindi, and finally the exact time when Hindi was to be replaced by English was withdrawn.

In India now, with the death of Shastri, who will lead India next has become the most concerned issue. Alan Wilson therefore asked the Prime Minister, who had returned to London, to leave, saying that he would like to see the future of India Harold Wilson, who persuaded the truce to be unfavorable, agreed.

The time has been set for the internal election of the Indian National Congress. Just before the family left the stall in New Delhi, the major candidates are in full swing. Pamela Mountbatten took the opportunity to find Indira Gandhi. In fact, if Pamela Mountbatten was just the daughter of a retired marshal, it would be of little value.

But Pamela Mountbatten herself is a very rich man in Britain. Although her father has retired, her husband is still the supreme authority in the United Kingdom. Naturally, Indira Gandhi's attention has been paid to her.

"Indira didn't say anything useful." After Pamela Mountbatten came back, she said to her husband with a bad face, Alan Wilson works for the government, how to avoid the main problem, Pamela Mountbatten Patton knows all too well.

"If you believe me, she is the Prime Minister of India. Let's make a bet." Alan Wilson said and whispered in his wife's ear.

"What are you blowing?" Pamela Mountbatten blushed and patted her husband's chest, always trying to be the richest woman.

After Shastri's death, Desai, as the most senior elder, thought he had a role to But the Nehru family thought this was a good opportunity for Indira Gandhi to come to power. It was the Syndicate that played a decisive role. They fully support Indira Gandhi. In the caucus election, Indira Gandhi defeated Desai by an overwhelming margin. became the third prime minister.

The rise of Indira Gandhi made Alan Wilson a great prophet, but he muttered in his heart, "This Iron Lady is not an ordinary person."

Although Indira Gandhi and Margaret Thatcher were both Iron Maidens, what Indira Gandhi dismembered was the old enemy Pakistan, and what Margaret Thatcher killed was Argentina, which was ranked after Brazil and Mexico in Latin America. The higher gold content is obvious.

"The matter here is over, and it's time for me to go back to China." Alan Wilson stretched, now that the weather in London has turned colder, and the Mountbatten father and daughter are going back to Perth, so they said goodbye here.

After the incident in India, Alan Wilson will continue to return to China to be his loyal and reliable civil servant. Thinking about it carefully, it seems that the United Kingdom will enter a period of stability and concentrate on its own reforms.

The nationalization of the water supply system, the nationalization of steel, and the nationalization of coal. There is still a lot of work in Whitehall, and there is still a lot of cooperation and struggle with the cabinet. This must be the main theme of Harold Wilson's term.

------off topic-----

Yesterday I had enough burns, but today I'm fine, but I don't know if it's the sequelae of the fever. Today I have a tooth that hurts very much, but I don't delay the code.


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