British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1341: One and a half years in a hurry

For more than a year, Whitehall has been fighting wits and courage with the cabinet. The relationship between the two sides is by no means smooth sailing. It has spent more than a year revolving around the two cores of various nationalization campaigns and securing military spending.

Alan Wilson supported the nationalisation movement but opposed funding cuts, citing there were still numerous overseas interests to be defended by British troops.

In more than a year, several major events have also occurred. Tanganyika and the United Republic of Malawi have become independent, and Nyerere after independence has a tendency to move closer to the Soviet bloc.

The direct consequence is that the power of a certain power has already appeared in Africa, but Alan Wilson has already made plans for this result, leaving Zanzibar for offshore balance, and the post-independence United Republic did not have a sharp turn in the relationship with the United Kingdom. .

Now I hear that railway experts from a certain major country are investigating along the way to build a railway to the sea for Northern Rhodesia and the United Republic. The Slavs in Northern Rhodesia are still very concerned about this matter. Northern Rhodesia is not small in size and has good resource reserves. The only disadvantage is that it is inland.

Although it is possible to export minerals to the south, the situation in Southern Rhodesia is indeed not optimistic. Although the resistance of the local blacks has been compressed to a level that is not threatening with the support of Northern Rhodesia and South Africa, it has some influence.

Asia is still calm. Indira Gandhi has been in power for a year and a half and has now taken the position of Prime Minister of India, but the Congress Party's rule over the country has loosened. This can be seen from the most recent national elections, because Shastri died during his tenure, and Indira Gandhi was a successor, so after Shastri's term ends, India will still have a general election.

India's parliamentary elections began, the Congress party suffered a major setback, the total number of seats fell to 55%. The high status of the central still remains, but in the regional states, the monopoly has been broken.

This is the worst record of the Congress Party after independence from India. It can be seen that India's opposition parties have begun to challenge the Congress Party's dominance. It may not be able to break the Congress Party's dominance for a while, but the seeds have already begun. germination.

After the general election, the Congress Party formed a new federal government, with Gandhi Gandhi as the Prime Minister, and Seid as the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance. Gandhi Gandhi further strengthened his position within the Congress party and government.

After securing the throne of Prime Minister, the cooperation between the United Kingdom and India has continued as always. The United Kingdom is extremely supportive of India's agricultural modernization project and understands the devaluation of the rupee after Indira Gandhi came to power, but the rest is not I appreciate it very much. The Iron Lady was still greatly influenced by her father, Nehru, and expressed the idea of ​​nationalizing some industries.

This is also the reason why Alan Wilson has focused his efforts on securing military spending, rather than preventing Harold Wilson's nationalization campaign, because the current British Prime Minister used the Indian female prime minister's nationalization campaign as his own nationalization campaign. For one reason, he looks like he is crossing the river by touching India. Who dares to stop this?

Over the past year, Britain has expanded its trade with India, mainly from two aspects, the British mainland and the Malayan colony, mainly because the Indian rupee has depreciated by 36% after Indira Gandhi came to power. Point 5, which has greatly eased UK imports.

Borrowing from India's surge in exports, the United Kingdom has used this to increase the closeness of the Commonwealth of Nations. As for exports to India, for a long time, it was exported from British Kenya through South Sudan's oil, which helped India spend a tough time.

It has to be said that the oil embargo that lasted for a year because of the Indo-Pakistani war has had a great impact on India. Because of this incident, India has also begun to establish a national oil reserve. This is not an option but a must for India, which has few indigenous oil resources.

However, India is still wary of Britain's economic influence in its heart. For India, the experience learned from the history of colonization is to be wary of foreign capital. The colonization is all from mutual trade, and its economic colonization precedes political colonization. Political colonization is the result of economic colonization. Therefore, India's historical experience on colonial issues is exactly the opposite of that of a major country. A major country believes that closing the country is the cause of failure.

In the eyes of Indians, it is an advanced experience to be closed and closed to the country, but trade in mutual markets is a rudimentary rule of national subjugation. Because the Qing Dynasty was a sailing battleship that was defeated by the Royal Navy, so a certain big country thought that it should open up the market and actively learn the foreigners’ method of training troops and casting guns. India, on the other hand, was defeated by the British factories. They thought that as long as the door was closed and foreign goods could not come in, it would be over.

Gandhi's behavior when he led the Indians to engage in a non-violent and non-cooperative independence movement was a glimpse. He called on the Indians to weave home-made cloth and produce and sell it by themselves. Human modern industrial products.

Although the United Kingdom supports India's agricultural development, some things still cannot help India. Alan Wilson is well aware of many different ways of aid. It is as if the Soviet Union has assisted China and India, but the final results are completely different. It is also related to the fact that the Soviet Union learned to be smart after suffering a loss from a certain big country.

It can be said that the Soviet Union gave a big country a system, which may not be the most advanced, but it can support the development of a country.

The total amount of aid to India may be larger, but it has nothing to do with the system. Whether it is agriculture or animal husbandry, the United Kingdom is willing to help. However, when asked to build a fertilizer plant, Alan Wilson said that the United Kingdom is not an agricultural power. Refused.

Fertilizers are not what you want to produce. Nitrogen fertilizers and phosphate fertilizers require synthetic ammonia. The earliest purpose of clicking on the synthetic ammonia technology tree is not to make fertilizers, but to make explosives. The hardware needed to make fertilizers is similar to cannons. All are alloy steel seamless pipes. After entering the twentieth century, nuclear submarines have become a landmark dividing line between whether a country can manufacture chemical fertilizers.

Because the submarine has to withstand the static pressure generated by the water pressure when it is sailing in deep sea water, the submarine shell is also called the pressure shell. Corrosive, large-scale production must also have first-class welding capabilities.

The nuclear submarine's pressure hull manufacturing technology has the biggest role in the civilian field, which is to manufacture high-pressure spherical tanks that can produce synthetic ammonia! With this technology, a country can freely produce chemical fertilizers and increase grain output! So how could the UK give such a fertilizer factory that seems to have nothing to do with the military industry?

This is the current situation of overseas interests. For the United States in 1968, the biggest problem was the ongoing Vietnam War, and the domestic anti-war wave has already emerged.

This is not as good as South Korea at all. More than 20 million people in South Korea have sent 100,000 troops. There is no obvious anti-war wave in the country, but there are already protest demonstrations in the United States.

On the one hand, it shows that the United States is not very tolerant of war damage, and on the other hand, it also shows that South Korea is professional in being the second devil. When I was fighting with the imperial army, I worked hard without resentment. Once the Imperial Army was defeated, the Republic of Korea and Japanese imperialism would be inseparable...

Alan Wilson felt that the current problems in the United States should be attributed to Charles de Gaulle. After all, France has been running on gold this year. Although there are no countries in Europe that dare to take action with the French, financial institutions and Private funds, such as one of Britain's richest women, are mining gold mines in Australia and New Guinea, while following the French to harvest gold reserves in the United States.

When it comes to gold, I also have to mention the Republic of Yemen. Before independence, Alan Wilson pointed out the fact that there are gold mines in Yemen with great sincerity. This has aroused great interest in the Free Officers Organization, which sought the aid of the Soviet Union with the endorsement of the gold mine. Sure enough, the Soviet Union was generous in aid in the Brezhnev era, not to mention that Yemen also had the endorsement of the gold mine.

The large-scale assistance of the Soviet Union to Yemen began immediately. Along with the mining experts of the Soviet Union, they entered the territory of Yemen and searched for the Yemeni government to find where the gold mines pointed out by the British were.

In a short period of time, Yemen's military strength has become extremely inflated. The Soviet Union has an annual production capacity of 3,000 tanks, and the four major tank production plants can continue to increase this production capacity.

Arming a medium-sized country is extremely fast, so during the Cold War, allies of the Soviet Union could pull a decent army no matter where the country was.

During the Cold War, Cuba, as an island country, had thousands of tanks and 2,000 armored vehicles. It was the largest army in Latin America except Brazil. It has not been a few years since Yemen became independent. It has approached Syria, another Arab country supported by the Soviet Union, and has become another military power in the Arab world.

This also had to be forced, and the United Kingdom continued to carry out its arms sales to the Arab pro-British countries in a more conscientious manner.

During this period, the United Kingdom also had no less diplomatic dialogue with Israel. How about you, the United Kingdom and the Soviet Union, playing me in the Arab world?

One supports Syria and Yemen, and the other supports Iraq, Egypt and Jordan. Thousands of transport and air defense missile systems for a tank do not need money. Another force of the Navy and Air Force, catamaran missile boats sold 30 to Egypt at one time.

The rise of military power in the Arab world has put Israel on pins and needles. Instead, it is the history in Alan Wilson's mind. It has been a year since the end of the third Middle East war, but the war for the founding of Israel in this world has not built up confidence, and there is no training in the Suez Canal War. The combined military power of the Arab countries was inevitably apprehensive, and a hundred punches were drawn without a single punch.


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