British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1375: intervention plan

When a large family encounters a superior position, such as the possession of property, name, reinstatement, designated inheritance or reservation inheritance, when it cannot be spread on a growing child, there is a very common habit of sending He went to sea to make a living.

According to this wise and sensible convention, it is time for the supreme authority to worry about the family property.

However, he is a special case, not suitable for this practice, because Alan Wilson is doing this at any time. After arranging the future for his children, there is no need to go overseas, because he is already overseas.

In this Anglo-German confrontation, Alan Wilson's way of avoiding is to temporarily stay at the place where the American citizen lives, and at the same time come to see Marilyn Monroe's son, little Monroe.

This child was a premature baby and was taken out of Monroe's belly in advance. The caesarean section in this era was still relatively rough, so it left obvious marks on Monroe's belly. But it doesn't matter, Monroe is very happy with the arrival of this life, and regards this little life as a treasure.

Seeing the man holding the child, Monroe smiled brightly, the happiest since Ms Jacqueline arrived in London. Because Jacqueline now lives in England, Monroe even doubts Alan Wilson's character problems, and the supreme authority firmly refutes this. He has no intimate relationship with Kennedy's widow.

The reason is that he was still very young when the idea of ​​showing off his talents as a prime minister sprouted, and by the time Jacqueline dared not stay in the United States, he would no longer have so much energy.

Ellen Wilson can only explain that it was Jacqueline who was afraid of staying in the United States and might also be killed before trying to leave the United States, but she was looking at the protection of the Kennedy brothers, which made Monroe relieved. Not to mention that although the **** goddess is set, Monroe still maintains the kindness of the bottom.

"What have you been busy with recently?" Monroe grabbed a handful of wolfberry and threw it directly into the cup, then took out two bottles of water and twisted it open, ready to take a dip for the man.

She now fully accepts some of the problems in men who don't know where they come from, and she doesn't want to see her man with a bald head.

"There are a lot of busy things, such as decolonization." Alan Wilson looked at the busy Monroe and said, "Don't you ask about the situation in the United States? I can help you find out, I have a good relationship with California Governor Ronald Reagan. , she can help if you need anything."

"He?" Monroe curled her lips. If it wasn't for a man like the head of the family, she wouldn't even know that Reagan was a scab. "No, I don't want to have anything to do with him."

"Don't look at people with the old eyes? Maybe he can do some good things." Alan Wilson slapped a haha. In a few years, the president's actions to amnesty illegal immigrants and directly change the political map of the United States are enough to leave a name in history.

Without Reagan, how could the Hispanic rise to counterattack lost territory? Mexicans should always be grateful to Reagan.

Another reason why Monroe disliked Reagan was that Reagan supported the soldiers who shot at the University of Kent, and believed that the protesting students were instigated by the enemy to oppose the national interests of the United States. As the governor of California, Reagan's remarks can be described as very bold. Monroe does not understand. How could Reagan, who was the chairman of the labor union, become like this?

Alan Wilson was embarrassed to explain to Monroe that this was a kind of convert frenzy, and it was because Reagan was a union president that he only expressed a strong desire to be close to the ruling class after he entered politics. Now it's just soldiers who support the shooting. When he becomes president, he will fire all the participants in the American air traffic control strike.

After the strike started, Reagan initially ordered the strikers to go back to work within two days, but was rejected by the workers. The workers also put pressure on the U.S. government through the union and all sectors of society in order to achieve the purpose of raising wages. The Reagans didn't talk much, and directly fired 11,000 people who participated in the strike, and announced that they would never be hired. They also dispatched the Air Force to help restore flight operations. This move is equivalent to breaking the backbone of the union.

The difficulty in negotiating between the British and German financial circles is not about who has more and who has less. The key is who listens to who in action. This is the big problem. The Germans want to replace the dollar with the mark to a certain extent in Europe.

The UK absolutely cannot agree to this. Europe is also an important area for the circulation of sterling. If Mark wants to do this, it will only make the UK target Mark as if he stepped on the franc last time.

This is the reason why Pamela Mountbatten and Anna, the two major groups and even the two countries are interested in joining forces, but they refuse to give in to each other.

Germany's industry already has a scale advantage over Britain in traditional fields. Once the mark swells up, it will turn into a problem with the original franc. The dollar is far away, and the mark is close at hand.

This is obviously not what the UK wants to see. What the UK wants to see is that Germany turns to support the value of the pound. This issue is the biggest deadlock.

Alan Wilson has always sneered at this kind of consensus. Even if the Germans agreed, once the united front against the dollar ended, wouldn't they still be able to turn their backs on their faces?

"Even if it is negotiated, it is useless. The key is the influence on major energy and raw materials."

Alan Wilson said to his wife, "Germany's industry is extremely dependent on the input of raw materials from outside. This is Germany's weakness. The UK is different. Even if only domestic resources are counted, the UK is also above Germany. Germany is easy to deal with, Breton Once the forest system disintegrates, whoever controls the raw materials will have the advantage. We may not be able to compete with the United States, but Germany can easily deal with nothing in the mainland. The key is to bind the emirates in the Middle East, Qatar, Kuwait and the British army, we can admit that Keeping military bases independently, but also tying up interests, this is why you use food companies to negotiate conditions with the local royal family."

"It turns out that I have to convince others." Pamela Mountbatten nodded, but it was just that the United Kingdom was better than Germany when compared to some industrial indicators, and Malaya was not considered a British industry? It's the same!

"Europe is so poor in resources, and whoever controls the passage of raw materials into Europe, whose currency is the currency recognized by Europeans." Allen Wilson said, "This is the root of containing Mark, when the time comes the gold How much is not a decisive indicator."

Pamela Mountbatten understood the essence of the problem, and said that there would be communication with all parties. At the critical moment, Alan Wilson still stood by his wife. Of course, women of the same status as his wife did not suffer, and received enough gold affirmation. It will make Mark stronger and expand his influence.

"You can still see the essence of the problem." Pamela Mountbatten complimented her husband, as she has trusted over the years.

"It's just a matter of adaptability. Look at Ceausescu, isn't it Washington's guest now? Americans also have flexible moral bottom lines." Alan Wilson replied with a smile.

Ceausescu is really a guest of the United States now. The French and Americans in his own camp are definitely not happy, but when France appears in the Soviet camp, Nixon is very happy.

Ceausescu achieved a relatively independent status within the Warsaw Pact similar to that of France in NATO, known as the "Charles de Gaulleism" of Eastern Europe. Economically, Ceausescu also opposed the "integration" plan proposed by the Soviet Union.

Alan Wilson can't get involved in financial industry conversations and is still his own lowly social weapon in Whitehall, but Wick brought a piece of news that caught his attention," Yahya Khan in cross-party conversation ready to Pakistan opens elections."

"What a bold decision. Pakistan has been under the junta since the death of Ali Jinnah, and now it is a great progress." Alan Wilson indifferently expressed the political correctness, then got up and said, " I'm going to the Ministry of Defense."

The current Chief of Staff of the British Ministry of Defence is the Air Force Marshal Sir Charles. The Marshal's greatest contribution to the current British national defense is to support the new typhoon brought out by Pamela Mountbatten, thinking it will be an epoch-making model, Sir Charles He made no secret of his love for the Air Force. During the World War, he was the British representative of the British and American strategic bombing of Germany.

Markins accompanied Alan Wilson to the door. Alan Wilson went straight to the point and asked where the British army would come forward to maintain regional security, assuming the India-Pakistan war.

Prime Minister Harold Wilson did ask the Ministry of Defence to formulate it before, but Sir Charles did not show any surprise. He just said, "It is normal to have a plan. If we don't do it, we will be remiss. But it seems that the Secretary-General is very fancy about this plan, no Really have to implement it. UU Reading”

"My field marshal, Yahya Khan has just said that the general election will be opened. Pakistan is about to break away from the long-term military government control. There is a basic information to pay attention to. The Bangladeshis in East Pakistan account for 60% of the total population of Pakistan. Even if It was West Pakistan who voted for every vote for Yahya Khan, and he would also lose. We have to do a good job of documenting his defeat."

Yahya Khan may have played with the idea that the population of Bengalis is small and might divert votes, but Alan Wilson knew that the idea ultimately didn't come to fruition. The parties in East Pakistan won, and Yahya Khan turned the tables, backed by the military.

"So it is!" Sir Charles picked up the phone and said a few words, and soon an officer came in with a palm-sized battle plan. He handed the plan directly to Alan Wilson, and then said something impressive. "Actually, I'm looking forward to the British army playing an important role in some places."

"The most important thing is that the risk is low and the reward is high." Alan Wilson raised his hand and took the intervention plan to No. 10 Downing Street, ready to persuade the Prime Minister to make the necessary preparations, and the United Kingdom should shoulder international responsibilities to maintain regional stability.


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