British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1376: India for justice

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India is located in the middle of the British Far East Joint Operations Command and the Middle East Operations Command. The current British military forces east of the Suyens Canal include four heavy aircraft carriers, three light aircraft carriers, and four squadrons of strategic bombers. 80,000 garrisoned troops.

If you count the soldiers conscripted by Malaya, this is an armed force of more than 120,000.

These armies start from Zanzibar in the west, reach Hong Kong and Perth in the east, and cover almost the entire Indian Ocean and the South Pacific. There are 30,000 British troops and Malayan troops near the Persian Gulf. The armed forces in the Far East Combat Command area are larger, and the Andaman Islands also have a force of less than a thousand people stationed, of course, mainly Malays.

It is easy to form a landing force, which can be done without any mobilization and reinforcement.

Of course, this is not to say that the Indian army is swayed by the Indian army. In fact, India is similar to a certain major country, that is, the army is huge. In this era, Alan Wilson remembers that a certain major country seems to have a standing army of nearly 7 million.

Similar to a big country, the Indian army is also very large. The specific situation is different from the first-line troops and the second-line troops, but most of an army is in the scale of 50,000 to 100,000. When India attacked East Pakistan, it started the dismemberment operation with the strength of three armies.

In fact, if there is a scale, it is not worthy of special attention. In fact, the United Kingdom has other forces that can be used, such as the Portuguese army of Joao who can use it to bluff.

With a plan to maintain regional security, Alan Wilson came to No. 10 Downing Street. The Prime Minister has a lot of time now. Before entering the official residence, he met Maria Falkender, the Prime Minister's personal political secretary, and sometimes he suspected , did the Prime Minister ask this lady to take a rocket in the name of talking about work?

"Sir Wilson." Maria Falkender glanced at the document in the other party's hand and greeted, "It seems that there is something important to talk to the Prime Minister."

"Ms. Maria, you are still so energetic." Alan Wilson raised the battle plan in his hand, "There is a plan that the Prime Minister has to do before, and I specially sent it here."

Although the relationship between this lady and Whitehall is quite complicated, Alan Wilson still respects each other very much, and the political secretary is naturally correct from his standpoint. I am also right, the influence on the Prime Minister is inevitable, but it can also be made up for in other directions.

For example, Harold Wilson's just-completed book, The Labour Government, has sold well and is extremely popular. Who is to blame for this? Wasn't it ordered by the assigned tasks in Malaya?

Would the Prime Minister be a best-selling author without him as a cabinet secretary? Not at all, unless writing a double-sided life of Harold Wilson.

Wasn't the Prime Minister's part-time headmaster of Bradford University arranged by this humble social apparatus? Anyway, Maria Falkend doesn't have this ability.

Various actions have maintained the unity of the dual Wilson group, not to mention that Alan Wilson defends the Prime Minister's decision-making in different fields, and he went to the BBC some time ago.

"Oh, Alan." Harold Wilson greeted happily, and waited until the cabinet secretary sat down before taking over the regional security plan and looking at it, saying, "Actually, this plan, Alan, you You know, the UK hasn't had a military operation for a long time. I'm also a little worried."

"Dear Prime Minister, the vast majority of countries in the world have no military operations, except for the United States, which is playing hide-and-seek in the woods."

Alan Wilson said with a smile, "My judgment is still very optimistic, and it may boost the approval rate of this government. For the Prime Minister personally, there has always been a so-called pro-Soviet argument, which is always refuted and annoying. If Being able to safeguard the interests of the UK and create an image of the Prime Minister as neither humble nor arrogant through one action, I think it can silence some unexplained accusers."

"We all know that the relationship between India and the Soviet Union has heated up sharply in recent years. The Soviet Union has become India's main supporter, while Pakistan's supporter is the United States. When it comes to war, the United States and the Soviet Union must end first, and we can Don’t play for the first time, just wait and see.”

If India were to choose one between the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom, it would definitely choose the Soviet Union. There is no doubt about it. Who let Brezhnev, who is currently leading the Soviet Union, really benefit. The United Kingdom was no match for the Soviet Union, and could only accept the fact that the Soviet Union's influence in India was greater than that of the United Kingdom.

Alan Wilson remembers that because of the third Indo-Pakistani war, the United States once sent the Enterprise to the Bay of Bengal. In the end, it was the Soviet Red Navy who arrived and formed a confrontation with the U.S. Navy, which allowed India to digest the fruits of victory. Talking about the period of Russia's special military operations, it can be seen how clearly the Indians remember the fact that the United States stood in India's hostile position.

Harold Wilson also did not want to stand on the opposite side of India, and asked his cabinet secretary if he would advocate India's anti-British ideology. "Direct interference will destroy the diplomatic relationship between Britain and India."

"So the UK will never interfere directly, we will be invited to maintain regional peace and stability. I believe that the political parties in East Pakistan will definitely welcome it, and there are still ways to intervene at the beginning. Prime Minister, we can think from the attitude of Myanmar. To find ways to."

Alan Wilson had a plan for how to intervene in India's military operations in East Pakistan, but it is only now spoken in front of the Prime Minister.

If it weren't for his good deeds, there are still Rohingya people in Myanmar today. Of course, relying on the friendship more than ten years ago, it is of course impossible for the Myanmar government to ask for help from the former colonizers.

However, once the India-Pakistan war broke out, the refugee issue would be the first to bear the brunt. You must know that Bangladesh is known for its high population density. Once the war breaks out, Bangladeshis will definitely flee to the surrounding areas under threat of death. Myanmar and East Pakistan are also bordered, although the border is not long.

Once Bangladeshi refugees appear, Myanmar will immediately recall the memory of the Rohingya. It has only been more than ten years since the problem was solved. The Myanmar government should not be so forgetful. Myanmar will certainly intercept the refugees, but with such a high population density in Bangladesh, it is impossible to intercept all of them.

Once Myanmar is under pressure from refugees, the United Kingdom will have an environment to intervene. Once the attitude of Myanmar is settled, the United Kingdom can intervene in the name of stopping war crimes if it expresses its ambiguous attitude.

Harold Wilson listened to the confident deduction of the cabinet secretary, and said sincerely, "It's as if you had foreseen this day."

"Of course not, Prime Minister. But Marshal Mountbatten once said that East Pakistan is bound to be independent. As for why I seem to have a way to deal with it?" Alan Wilson explained, "I used to be the High Commissioner of British India. Assistant, I have some understanding of the local situation."

Using the refugee problem led the Myanmar government to ask the UK for help. As long as this is done, it will be much simpler to upgrade the scope of help step by step.

Although Bangladesh after independence will inevitably suffer economic regression, how can 60 million people who want to eat can provide a little productivity.

If you really can't do it, just do your own business. The Calcutta Industrial Zone used to be the textile center of British India. Now that the family has been wiped out, the Bangladeshis can continue to contribute to the textile factory.

In this world, there are not many countries that work hard because of the dream of a great power, but there are still many ethnic groups who work hard to avoid starvation, so low-end industries are easily transferred to different countries. A broken country is also a good bargain hunter.

When it comes to industrial matters, the Prime Minister naturally does not need to know. As long as the Prime Minister knows that the risk of intervention is low but the rewards are huge, it can also boost the approval rate.

Of course, the premise is that the Indo-Pakistani war will really break out because of the independence of East Pakistan. Alan Wilson came here this time to give the Prime Minister a mental preparation, and it would be easier to make decisions when things came to an end.

Judging from Harold Wilson's response, the effect was not bad. The two also made various assumptions about what benefits the UK could get in this matter. It turns out that the Prime Minister is also a key person, or someone who has already achieved For the key channel of the place.

"Now we need to use India to help justice." Alan Wilson was still so much on the way home from get off work, ready to discuss with his heart, Ms. Pamela Mountbatten.

"Manipulating public opinion, like after Kissinger came to power?" Pamela Mountbatten heard her husband say manipulating public opinion, and pointed out the operation after the Nixon administration came to power.

"No, it is really necessary for India to play a prominent role as a great power in the world." Alan Wilson shook his head, this time India needed to play a positive role.

Instead of being widely circulated in the Arab countries of the Middle East after Kissinger became Secretary of State, this Jew's favoritism towards Israel will reach its peak.

While that's true, Kissinger, as secretary of state, certainly doesn't want Arabs staring at his ancestry.

But Alan Wilson has no other way. For the general public, the issue of bloodline mixed with the issue of Palestine and Israel is the easiest to spread, and this has been proven to be the case. Kissinger has been firmly bound to Israel and has become the first impression of Arab countries in the Middle East.

"Wait for me for a few days." Pamela Mountbatten helped her husband as always, and said that she would be given a few days to manage the relationship. Alan Wilson was not in a hurry, and it would take time to hand over the evidence.

In the hot summer, The Hindu and the Times of India published at the same time about the use of chemical defoliants by the US military in Southeast Asia, which led to the birth of a large number of deformed children in the local country. Zhong Wei said that European countries had known this for a long time, but they were afraid that the United States would not report it, and pretended to be deaf and dumb.

This report caused huge repercussions all over the world.

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