British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1377: The role of neutral countries

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British Civil Servant Text Volume 1377 The Role of Neutral States After India reported on the danger of Agent Orange, the Soviet camp immediately reprinted it, and then this storm of public opinion crossed national borders and spread throughout the world. Including the United States.

The hegemony of public opinion that the United States is even stronger than the United Kingdom is useless in this Agent Orange report. It is worthy of the word hegemony of public opinion.

But if you think about it, it makes sense, because the outbreak of the incident was the Vietnam battlefield. In the world in 1970, anti-war has almost become the consensus of all countries. Even in the United States, there has been a sharp public opposition. To the airtight public opinion defense, the Agent Orange report is like a knife cutting through butter, showing the **** side of the Vietnam War.

"Neutrality status, that's what it's used for." Now the UK is also full of reports of Agent Orange. Of course, Alan Wilson didn't buy any newspapers, because the pictures were so disgusting.

He was just talking about the matter, emphasizing the reason for choosing the location of the revelations in India, because India is a neutral country, even if it is a neutral country that is pro-Soviet, it is a neutral country. This is why India has been chosen as the country for justice this time. It is absolutely impossible to choose a certain major country, and the state system of a certain major country is destined to not be trusted.

"This time you must have made Washington very uncomfortable." Pamela Mountbatten sighed, I believe Nixon will be very uncomfortable now.

"It's definitely more powerful than the germ warfare of the Korean War." Alan Wilson was also quite content with the ruthlessness of this shot, using the germ warfare of the Korean War as a comparison.

The impact of the Korean War's germ warfare on the free world? It can't be said that there is absolutely no, it can only be said that there is no. In fact, almost all countries in the free world believe that a great power planted theft.

This is about the issue of national attributes. The system of a major country is destined to be the identity of the enemy. You say that the city on the top of the mountain launches germ warfare, and if you say that it is planted, it is planted.

Even the UK, led by the Attlee government, thought it was a propaganda offensive and the evidence was insufficient to prove anything.

The Agent Orange report this time is completely different. Alan Wilson chose India as the reporting country, borrowing from the Soviet Union's manipulation of AIDS public opinion. After the emergence of AIDS, the Soviet Union began to attack the United States from the laboratory leak, but the Soviet Union knew Even if it is reported as its own enemy, it will be considered to be framed. The Soviet Union finally chose India as the reporter.

In fact, the public opinion attack that time was very successful. Many countries in the world believe that the leak of the US virus laboratory caused the spread of AIDS. But in fact, the decryption after the disintegration of the Soviet Union showed that the Soviet Union did not know the origin of AIDS, and instinctively chose to use this disease to attack the United States.

Another reason is that the United States cannot deny the harm of Agent Orange, because there are too many victims, and the area where the United States uses Agent Orange is too extensive. Compared with the bacteriological warfare of the Korean War, it is more difficult to cover up the past with public opinion manipulation. thousands of times.

When hundreds of thousands of victims can be found casually, the hegemony of public opinion is useless. Once this **** pot is detained, the United States will not be able to remove it if it wants to.

For the Indian media to tease European countries for not daring to report on this, there is no need for Foreign Secretary Patrick Gordon Walker to respond.

Alan Wilson asked the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to send a protest to New Delhi, "It's not that the UK didn't report it, and the UK didn't know about it before. If it was discovered, it would definitely be reported. The British media has the determination not to fear the power..."

When the Ministry of Foreign Affairs refuted India's shameless attack on the United Kingdom, major British newspapers also followed the pace of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, criticizing India's accusations in a row, and British public opinion was sublimated for a while, expressing their views on India from multiple levels and angles. dissatisfaction, but this rebuttal also confirms that the harm of Agent Orange is real.

There are those who curse like the United Kingdom, and there are those who express their gratitude to India for its righteous actions like the Soviet Union.

Facts have once again proved that although India cannot support its status as a world power, it can make many countries very embarrassed.

But this time, the embarrassment is mainly for the United States. The public opinion war between the United Kingdom and India is nothing more than speaking up and defending the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

Without subscribing to American newspapers, Alan Wilson could have guessed that the United States was hard, and even expressed sympathy for the United States when discussing the sterling area and the Imperial Preferential System with Commonwealth Secretary John Hunter, if the United States was allowed to choose again In the Vietnam War, the United States may still choose to go to war. After all, the interests of the military are there, but it will definitely improve a lot.

"It turns out that the United States is still unwilling to take the risk of a land war with China, which is very uncomfortable. I have to say that when the Soviet Union and China are in one camp, it is really difficult to deal with." John Hunter felt this way. When the United States was in high spirits, it must have never imagined the current embarrassment.

"It is even more difficult to deal with the fact that the Soviet Union and China are in the same camp, but their national power is reversed." Alan Wilson corrected John Hunter's view, "It is not yet the most difficult time."

Isn't that the case decades later? Russia can't say that its ability to smash the pot is stronger than that of a major country in the 1970s, but its courage to smash the pot is definitely greater than that of a certain major country. The nickname of the so-called fighting nation is nothing more than poverty.

The Soviet Union is an industrial country with rich resources, and Russia is a resource country with a strong industry. Once he finds his own position, Lao Maozi is still a very difficult opponent.

The most important thing is that the imperialist powers of the 21st century cannot compare with the imperialist powers of the Cold War period.

Russia has fallen, and European powers other than the United States have also fallen. Russia still has the ability to clean up any country except the United States. As for the United States, it is competing for strategic strength in East Asia.

Of course, he also knew that Nixon would soon start from reality, bow his head and give up some unrealistic hostility, and buy time for the United States to reverse its disadvantage. This is stronger than those of the Democrats. The Republican Party has always been far more realistic than the Democrats, throughout the ages.

"I think in a few years, the situation in Malaya will enter a turning point. Maybe we can stop worrying about local independence and give it the status of a royal domain." Alan Wilson has now begun to consider the United States' insistence in Vietnam An immortal future, of course, is based on the premise that a certain major power is taken care of before the United States withdraws from Vietnam.

John Hunter frowned, "Of course I hope this possibility becomes a reality, but how do we arrange the role of Malaya?"

"In the entire Commonwealth of Nations, we and Malaya take responsibility for each other, the mainland is responsible for communicating with Australia, New Zealand and Canada, and Malaya manages other non-white countries. After all, it is a non-European non-white place, and it is easier than us to manage other countries." Ren Wilson envisages, "In fact, compared with the economic industry of Malaya and neighboring countries, the trend is already obvious."

A manufacturing base naturally has special advantages. In fact, you can see that the three East Asian countries that also follow a similar route can at least guarantee that they can enjoy the same hardware facilities as those in Europe and the United States. In fact, the hardware facilities of a large country are also developed countries. level, which is completely different from countries with similar statistics.

The statistics of Mexico and Turkey are also similar to those of a certain big country, but at a glance it can be seen that these two TV drama powerhouses are definitely not as glamorous as those in the TV series.

In fact, the current Japan has also entered the level of hardware and Europe and the United States on an equal footing. Although Alan Wilson has taken advantage of Malaya's fixed-point sniping against Japan and the overwhelming advantage of Japan's population size, it is not that he and others are afraid of me and greedy. operation can be cancelled.

It is nothing more than that Japan's lack of resources is more obvious. When the United States wants to kill and eat meat, there is no room for resistance.

As the Secretary-General of the Commonwealth of Nations, John Hunter, of course, is also well aware of Malaya's benchmark against Japan, and asked, "Secretary-General, you have always paid attention to East Asia."

"Don't pay attention. Pamela is still fighting a rice paper lawsuit with Japan." Alan Wilson shrugged. The legal department of the Mountbatten Group and Japan account for a large proportion of the lawsuit.

The United Kingdom is working with the European Union countries to chase Japanese ships that catch bluefin tuna in the North Atlantic. It has also launched an initiative to sign that whales are good friends of mankind, and to promote a ban on whale hunting.

Not to mention that in semiconductors, the UK and Japan are also competitors. The UK is the high-end, and Malaya is the middle and low-end. Together, they compete in automobiles and shipbuilding. The steel industry in Malaya is also competing with the Japanese steel industry for the market. , borrowing the geographical location of Malaya to prevent Japanese companies from going south to attack Southeast Asia.

" Don't talk about that." Alan Wilson raised his wrist and said, "Pay more attention to South Asia. I have a ball game with the people from the Soviet embassy to watch."

The waves caused by the Agent Orange report in the United States are not over yet. The victims of the Agent Orange incident are not only Vietnamese, but many American soldiers who are often in contact with them are also victims. After a large number of pictures of deformed children were reported by American newspapers, many American soldiers who participated in the Vietnam War also launched a protest, because they were frequently exposed to chemical substances, and their bodies were also affected to varying degrees.

Alan Wilson is not surprised at all. The United States has always treated equally in this regard, and it will not change what it does not change. Depleted uranium bombs will still be used decades later, which will also attract many domestic soldiers.

"I have basically talked with the Germans, and the Germans agreed to finish this first, and then talk about the future cooperation between Britain and Germany in the financial field." Pamela Mountbatten finally showed a relieved expression to the The husband informed the news that this time Britain and Germany will join forces to bring back the rich gold reserves in the United States.


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