British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1384: Strategic Transformation

"Secretary-General, Ireland is trying to join the EC." Wick said, "Ireland has been trying to join the EC in recent years, and it will definitely be discussed at the EC meeting."

"The more countries there are, the harder it is to control, and the Lisbon side will oppose it on the grounds that Northern Ireland's status is unclear." Alan Wilson explained, "Now the issue of Northern Ireland is an issue between us and Ireland, and it cannot become the UK and the European Community. If Ireland becomes a member of the European Community, France is likely to hold us down with this issue."

In history, Ireland joined the European Community, and Charles de Gaulle shut the UK out of the European Community. The United Kingdom drew Ireland and Denmark to join together, in order to improve the odds of winning against France. But apparently things didn't turn out according to the British idea.

The European Community in this world has a completely different origin, and there is no need for Britain to bring in the pesky Irish people. Charles de Gaulle once said in another time and space that he was alive and the United Kingdom would never want to join the European Community. Alan Wilson will also Treat Ireland like this.

Now that the real age of the Cabinet Secretary is known to be forty-three years old, when he retires in twenty-two years, Ireland may join the European Community.

"The Ministry of the Interior and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will go through all the local industries and British-owned enterprises in the Commonwealth, and report to me at that time. As for the European industrial investigation, I have already asked MI6 to do it in secret."

Alan Wilson said that he looked at Brest, the Permanent Secretary of the Home Office, who was assigned from the Prime Minister's Principal Private Secretary to the Home Office. "The pricing of the Bretton Woods system still has reference value for the time being, but we all know that this system has been It cannot be exchanged for gold, and domestic and overseas must make some necessary adjustments to adapt to new changes. According to Nixon's words, the new economic policy, I seem to remember, is also called Lenin's economic policy."

"The development should be shared and shared." Alan Wilson pondered for a while. "Call the permanent secretary of the Scottish Affairs Department, and I will talk to him."

The Permanent Secretary of the Scottish Affairs Department is an old acquaintance. The last Malaya High Commissioner Richard, in fact, after Richard's term expired, Alan Wilson wanted to switch the positions of the Persian Gulf High Commissioner and the Malayan High Commissioner. Because they are all acquaintances.

To a certain extent, Alan Wilson is also nostalgic. In fact, he is similar to the current Soviet leader Brezhnev. He likes stable familiar faces and dislikes raw faces.

The current Malayan High Commissioner is a hero in the civil service system, and she firmly supports the supreme authority of Alyssa. Considering the distance factor, Alan Wilson does not want to let people come back all the way.

Richard also knew Malaya like the back of his hand, and it was the same with him, by the way, about the Scottish issues that had nothing to do with this time period.

Strictly speaking, the United Kingdom did not carry out industrial transfer, but only carried out industrial division of labor within the British Empire, so Malaya was chosen. The Malayan industry is the British industry, but it will be separated in the statistical data. When to calculate the Malayan industry and the local industry, and when not to calculate it, it depends on what is faced, and different problems are different. statistical standard.

At present, the per capita output value of Malaya is roughly the same as that of Japan, which is two thousand US dollars. Of course, Malaya is calculated in British pounds, which is more than seven hundred pounds.

The per capita output value of the British mainland is also 2,000, but it is only 2,000 pounds. The gap between Malaya and the British mainland is about 2.6 times. In fact, the gap is just right.

If the difference is too far, the residents of Malaya are likely to think that they want to live in the UK. The relationship between the UK and Malaya is not a division of labor and cooperation, but there is a risk of impacting the UK.

"Adding some additional factors, such as the livability of the homeland, and the comparative advantage of the region, the Malayan locals almost only regard the UK as a place to visit. There will be no urge to leave their hometown and smuggle it, which is very important for us. All good." Alan Wilson asked back after listening, "I think the surrounding countries have the urge to smuggle to Malaya."

"Secretary-General, you are right. Before I left office, the problem of smuggling was very serious. It was everywhere, especially after the independence of Dutch Kalimantan. The pressure of smuggling in East Malaysia is very high." Richard admitted happily. In fact, the gap in Kalimantan is relatively small.

Now countries have generally accepted the calculation of gdp, but the calculation method is different according to the currency value. The pound area is calculated in sterling, and other countries are calculated in US dollars. In US dollars, the Philippines is 200 per capita, Thailand is 200 per capita, Indonesia is 100 in rubles, and Myanmar is less than 100 pounds.

The gap between Malaya and the British mainland is less than three times, and the gap between Malaya and the surrounding countries has already opened five to ten times. Yarun's, there is a threat of foreign immigrants, which is also the reason why the British army can gain a firm foothold. When opening a specific news, every day is how many illegal immigrants the British army has caught.

"So people in Malaya want to experience the life of a superior man after working hard, just go to Thailand and the Philippines next door. They will come back after a while." Alan Wilson nodded with satisfaction, "That's good. , if it floods into the mainland, it may bring unnecessary conflicts. Of course, we should also treat neighboring countries with courtesy."

"The Secretary-General is assured of this. Even if the fishermen of a certain big country are captured, we will treat them well and give them enough food before putting them back." Richard said this and added, "The main reason is that we can't mess with it. There are too many fishing boats, and they all carry guns.”

"The militia at sea, they are all small boats anyway. How much can they fish? If something goes wrong, we can't afford to spend it with them and pull the battleship out to chase the fishing boat?" Allen Wilson nodded, "It's the right thing to do, today Our friends may be tomorrow's enemies. Who says that the relationship between the two countries cannot be improved? African countries have been calling for them to return to the United Nations in recent years. Who is right."

Those battleships that are bigger than his father, should be honest and follow the minimum sailing standards. Even if the logistics are contracted to the Chinese, they will be cleaned very well. Who knows if they will overturn halfway when they are put into battle? Putting it in a bubble bath, maybe it can scare others.

Richard has a say in the income comparison. In fact, the per capita income of Malaya is a little lower than that of Japan, but if the Malays are excluded, the income of the Chinese is a little higher than that of the Japanese, but In any case, it is much higher than the neighboring countries.

You are an independent country, Malaya is a colony, is it useful? You listen to the radio, I watch TV, you ride a bike and I drive, everyone has a bright future for each other.

"Pamela will invite some emirs to be guests in a while, and you will invite the sultans of Malaya on my behalf." Alan Wilson ordered softly, "There are some things to talk about, no problem?"

"Leave it to my secretary-general!" Richard immediately said no problem. As for what he was going to talk about, he didn't care, and he didn't ask if he shouldn't.

In fact, there are also people from the four major families of Xiangjiang. These people, Pamela Mountbatten, have notified them themselves, and they don't need to worry about him as a civil servant.

When the Breston system is about to disintegrate, it is very normal for stakeholders to want to sit and talk and deal with the turbulent situation in the future. Be prepared early.

Many people are powerful. Although they come from different countries and have different beliefs, in the face of interests, they can definitely put aside their prejudices and create a better future together.

Before this private business meeting, the Japanese oil tanker ran aground in the Suez Canal and blocked the waterway, which became the origin of accusations and abuses between Egypt and Japan. Japan claimed that it was the guidance problem from Egypt. Egypt refuted this accusation and claimed compensation from Japan, otherwise it would not rule out the differential treatment of Japanese ships in the future.

This kind of dispute between Egypt and Japan naturally has nothing to do with Britain, but to say the source of this incident, it is of course my British.

When Prince Moonam arrived in London, he was still chattering about the rudeness of the Japanese, and Alan Wilson immediately assured that Britain would stand on Egypt's side, "must make a claim to Japan. How many such things have happened in Japan in the past few years. Now, I think there is something wrong with the Japanese shipbuilding process."

Not to mention anything else, last year the Japanese ocean-going fishing vessel sank in the North Atlantic, and the Royal Navy had to work hard enough to launch an emergency rescue and have yet to find it. Although it was sunk by a fishing boat over Newfoundland, Alan Wilson covered it up, who knows? Since no one knows, UU reading is a natural sinking.

"Princess Badia, you are so beautiful." Alan Wilson greeted politely, telling lies against his heart. Although the other party is the princess, but he is no longer with the same youth as Heidi Rama and Ying. Gerry Bergman still can't compare.

"Secretary-General is really good at talking, and Pamela is the most beautiful." Princess Badia accepted the promise with a smile, then looked at some of the Emirs and Sultans of Hoxon Manor, and nodded secretly in her heart.

Pamela Mountbatten is introducing the Emerald House of the manor. It is well known that pacifists prefer green things for religious and living environment reasons. Several emirs showed very interested expressions and commented on the Emerald House.

Not long after, a group of people and their sister-in-law entered the manor, ready to talk about the development of the community of interests, which did not need to be known to the British government. When a good friend comes to the UK as a guest, do you still need to report to Whitehall? When it comes time for these protectorates to become independent, it is not too late for the government to come forward.

Bah... Alan Wilson lit a cigar and spit out a long smoke ring. Qatar, Bahrain, Dubai and these emirates, all of them in future generations are the existence of a piece of cloth on their heads.



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