British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1385: source of war

69net69, the fastest update of British civil servants! Alan Wilson also has his own guests. Grace, who came from the Rhodesian royal domain, doesn't need to talk to those emirs and sultans, and his share has been reserved.

The husband and wife both understood that the purpose of this meeting was to prepare for the upcoming New Economic Policy and to prepare for the independence of the British Protectorate in the Persian Gulf. If Britain's own strength is not enough, it must bind a wide enough interest group to act together. The most fundamental premise is that the British troops stationed in the Persian Gulf will not retreat, no matter what they will face.

"Sir, the United States and gold have been decoupled, what will we do in the future?" Grace, a military leader in the interior of Africa, usually does nothing more than grow fields, sell and sell poppies, and mine mining. His understanding of finance is not as good as before. Supreme authority, but he knew it was important.

"Right now we're in a strain, and I don't seem like an economist who understands so many high-end operations, but I know the value of money is in shopping, and money that can't buy things is just paper." Alan Wilson handed Grace a stick Cigar, "You need money to import gasoline. If you can't buy gasoline with your money, your farm equipment won't work, and you won't be able to farm or mine, and Rhodesia will be over? Rael also issued currency after independence, do you?"

"So who doesn't understand?" Grace suddenly realized, "If you look at it this way, of course, it is more convenient to use British pounds."

Nyerere's currency is called the shilling, which is used to replace the original East African shilling. Of course, the East African shilling was also issued before the United Kingdom, and the new shilling is now printed by the British factory, with the British pound as the anchor.

The East African shilling has not stopped circulating, and Kenya still uses the East African shilling. These currencies are essentially the British pound's subsidiary currency to build a monetary system.

The Asian pound used in Malaya and the Hong Kong dollar used in Hong Kong also have this effect. The Asian pound has a line behind the same as the Hong Kong dollar. The Asian pound is marked in Chinese and Malay as pay on demand, and the exchange rate is exchanged for sterling.

The reason why Alan Wilson orders Hong Kong to smuggle from time to time is because he knows in his heart that although the currency is printed in the UK, the endorsement of its value still requires a big country. If a big country recognizes the Hong Kong dollar, it also recognizes the British pound.

As the only import and export channel in Hong Kong today, if the currency used can be endorsed by a major country, it will also help the pound.

The United States is in a hurry, and Xiangjiang pretends to crack down on smuggling. The United States is busy, and the normal import and export of Xiangjiang and smuggling go hand in hand.

After so many years, Alan Wilson doesn't know how much pounds a certain big country has. However, it seems that a certain big country has a strong trade with Africa. There should be no shortage of pounds for the time being if there is still time to order Comet Passengers to operate the airline.

The world's largest country with the largest population is using it for trade, and the sterling's liquidity in Africa has at least gained a lot of benefits. Besides, India also recognizes the pound. This is the role of relying on Southeast Asia.

Alan Wilson used the purchase of gasoline as an example in front of Grace. This is the painful experience of the European Union. Why is the European Union the most urgent political entity to promote trams in terms of policy, despite the fact that the European Union has the signature German cars of the world's high-end cars? Isn't it unbearable to be cut by leeks twice?

Once Europe gets rid of oil and turns to clean energy, it is definitely not against Russia. Russia only controls the oil closest to Europe, but the world's oil is controlled by the United States.

If Saddam is not killed because he can accept euros to settle oil, the EU may not be so focused on promoting clean energy. Either the U.S. will use oil to engage Europe, or Russia will use oil to engage Europe, and the EU, which is in the midst of it, will only be exposed to splint gas.

Don't the Germans with the strongest economic strength in the EU know that bba, which was at the top of the ecological chain in the era of petrol cars, might go down the altar in the era of trams? It's not that I can't bear to be played by two big guys.

Once the EU turns to clean energy, Russia will be very uncomfortable, and the United States will also be very uncomfortable. Russia cannot put shackles on the EU in the field of patents, but the United States obviously does not want to lose Europe, and also wants to follow clean energy and continue to be Europe in the era of trams. However, the American oil group is also very powerful, which is holding back to some extent.

The fact that the British pound can buy oil is purely a historical issue. At this time, the British troops in the Persian Gulf have withdrawn, and the British protectorate in the Persian Gulf has become independent. The petrodollar should be the logical launch, but now? The United States should not try to swallow all the benefits.

After talking for a day and arranging the guests to stay at night, Alan Wilson asked his wife, "Honey, how's it going?"

"Not bad, they are very interested." Pamela Mountbatten nodded, "Food security is their biggest concern, of course, there are other aspects, the desalination plant in my house, the automobile industry, and the investment field."

Seeing that Alan Wilson's face had changed, Pamela Mountbatten added, "It's just that I'm happy, not that I've made a request."

"I almost thought the Eastern Joint Operations Command had been revoked." Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief, and then slapped the richest woman on the buttocks, "Can I teach you what to say without focusing on the key points."

"You can obviously talk for half an hour without talking about the main point." Pamela Mountbatten covered her buttocks with tears in her eyes, and angrily scolded her husband for his hypocrisy.

"I was in Whitehall, I don't talk like that at home." Alan Wilson changed his face very quickly, and stretched out to rub his wife again,

Dear, this chapter is not over, and there is another page ^0^ I rubbed it and stretched it in, "If this matter is not settled, they don't want to be independent, even if they are independent, the garrison must be retained, this is all for them. Well, a small country with few people is very dangerous in this world."

"When will these emirates become independent?" Pamela Mountbatten clenched her legs and asked with a wink.

"After the negotiation, not necessarily when." Alan Wilson's answer was ambiguous, when is it independent? Of course, after agreeing to all the conditions of the United Kingdom.

For so many years, the pocket emirate that mobilized the human and material resources of the Commonwealth to build, let the United Kingdom get out of it if you want independence? There is nothing so cheap.

For this reason, Alan Wilson even directly took away the work meeting of millions of South Korean workers who were fighting in the east next door, so that South Korea could only be a servant army to earn foreign exchange. Although no one in this world knows about this except him, after all, no one knows what has not happened, but he himself knows it.

If you work hard, you should reap the rewards. One of these emirates counts as one, and they all owe him.

It's like how the UK should treat Indonesia now, because Alan Wilson, who has saved millions of lives, feels justified in how he treats Indonesia.

"But then again, how is the United States going to explain to European countries that cannot exchange gold?" Pamela Mountbatten sighed softly. There is no shadow of this, and the United States just pretended that it never happened.

"The authority of other countries may be increased, but it will definitely not include the United Kingdom. Elevating the authority of the United Kingdom will represent the expansion of the pound area. The United States will definitely choose a country that can be fully controlled. There are two countries with strong economic strength that can be exchanged. The two defeated nations."

Alan Wilson's mouth twitched, "Put Germany and Japan on their own side, and continue to suppress us and the French. The problem with Germany is not big, we and the French have garrisoned troops, and Japan is a country where the United States has a separate garrison, and can do To complete control is beyond our reach."

"Didn't you use Malaya to snipe at a fixed point?" Pamela Mountbatten was really worried when she heard that, her husband has been busy for almost 20 years.

"There may be 20 million people in Malaya next year, and 100 million people in Japan a year ago. Even if you add the connections and connections of the justices of the peace in Southeast Asia, it will only make Japan not so aggressive. But the US opens its market to feed Japan. , what can I do. The share of Japanese cars in Latin America has risen."

The automobile industry is the industry he focuses on. This industry chain is very long and the output value is huge. Otherwise, the United States will not be eyeing at the same time in the process of the transformation from oil trucks to trams. To say that the sniping was successful, the East and North Africa are considered successful, but in Southeast Asia, it can only be said that the sniping is a half-pound, and Japanese cars are developing very well in the Americas.

This is related to the distribution of British heritage. Britain still has a sense of presence in East and Although it also exists in Southeast Asia, Japan is a country with five times the population of Malaya after all. Being able to fight for half a catty through Malaya and Japan is already a great achievement.

"Have a good talk, let the emirs see the strength of the ten billion-pound female president. She will go to work tomorrow." Alan Wilson said that he apologized for the reckless act just now, "Let me see if the slap is broken. ."

Pamela Mountbatten hadn't recovered, her **** had been ripped off, and she muttered angrily, "It's not for this purpose, as if you care more about me."

"Nonsense, that's my purpose, let me take a closer look." Alan Wilson made a profound reflection on domestic violence and refuted the shameless frame of the female CEO.

"South Asia news, the Pakistani army chief announced that general elections will be held in two months' time to end martial law."

The supreme authority, who was yawning, heard the news in his office, and immediately receded from tiredness, scratching his head and said, "Huh? In two months, the power generation will ask about the combat readiness of the Royal Pacific Fleet. The Ministry of Defense should pay attention to Anda. The material reserve of the military base in the Isles of Man, let Markins do this, the ability of High Commissioner Alyssa in Kuala Lumpur is no problem, but the same needs to be notified."

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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