British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1386: what did rockefeller want

The necessary preparations can start now. If there is an accident, there will be no loss if you strengthen your combat readiness, not to mention that the possibility of an accident is really low.

The advantage of preparing in advance is that you can enter a state of war with a single order, and you can also show the military might of the United Kingdom. To be honest, the United Kingdom really needs a smart military operation, and it is suitable for the former colony of South Asia. object.

The United Kingdom understands these independent countries from British India. Both sides know the bottom line. Combat in the comfort zone always has a certain success rate.

"I understand, Secretary-General." Wick got up and left immediately. He wanted to get in touch with Kuala Lumpur through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. As for the Ministry of Defense, he didn't need to worry about it.

Alan Wilson turned around and went to No. 10 Downing Street to tell the Prime Minister about this, which was also his job as the Cabinet Secretary.

"Is Pakistan really going to have an election?" Harold Wilson shook his head slightly. Although he had talked about this before, he was always a little apprehensive when it really came to an end. "I hope it doesn't turn into a war."

"Of course we don't want it." Alan Wilson agreed with the Prime Minister's sympathetic high profile, and then the conversation changed, "But if the UK needs to stand up to defend peace, we may not be able to evade responsibility, but fortunately for the South Asian front The understanding of the colonies is still enough for us to come up with appropriate countermeasures. The border of the British Empire is in the Himalayas.”

The border of the British Empire is in the Himalayas. The last time Harold Wilson asked about national security, he gave the answer. Although several years have passed, the Prime Minister has not forgotten it so quickly.

"Indeed, maintaining peace is the pursuit of this government." Although Harold Wilson's answer was not definitive, he finally gave a positive answer.

Alan Wilson nodded and then left No. 10 Downing Street. In the blink of an eye, it was time for get off work, and Radwich went home with supreme authority. As a full-time driver and bodyguard, Radwich was indeed a little older, but he has been running in for many years. Come down, the two get along very well.

"Sir, where are you going?" Radwich asked, staring straight ahead. Pamela Mountbatten and representatives of the four feudal lords, justices of the peace, compradors, and Hong Kong families went to Rhodesia, Grace that Jiedushi's site, based on his knowledge of the boss, the boss should not go home today.

"Go to Viviana, by the way, help me contact the publisher, print this book, and put it on the North American market."

After getting out of the car, Alan Wilson handed Radwich an annual book, "The Ugly Japanese" by the Japanese writer Takahashiki, and said solemnly, "It will be very popular, especially in the United States. market."

The author uses his personal experience as a clue and uses a strong contrast method to reveal the various drawbacks of the Japanese in terms of ideology, social etiquette, food, clothing, housing, personality, temperament, work attitude, and sexual awareness. It caused a sensation in the country, but it was also criticized and went into incognito several times.

Such a good work has just been published, but it is a pity that it is famous in Japan. The real market should be in the United States.

In 1970, the Japanese should be at the stage when their self-confidence was the most inflated since Japan had a history. Although the US-Japan trade war fought once in the textile field, the US has not really made Japan realize what a father is. Love.

The appearance of "Ugly Japanese" is naturally unacceptable to the Japanese. In fact, Alan Wilson is more looking forward to another "Japan Can Say No", but unfortunately it has not been published yet, otherwise Americans can pay attention to what they think they control country, what do you think?

He still remembers that a certain big country also made a copy of the book based on "The Ugly Japanese", but to be honest, "The Ugly Japanese"'s pessimism about Japan came true after the Plaza Accord. That follow-up work has not yet been fulfilled.

In the final analysis, the foundations of the two countries are completely different. Without talking about nationality, territory, or population comparison, the US military stationed in Japan can answer the question "Japan can say no", but Japan really cannot.

Returning to the most essential, the United States alone can make Japan face the reality without any help from any country. From this point of view, the United Kingdom, which is also an island country, has a better foundation than Japan. It is really impossible for the United Kingdom to hide in the European Community. However, after the war, Britain felt good about itself for a while and missed the opportunity, resulting in being locked out of the European Community by Charles de Gaulle and hammered by the United States.

In this time and space, Alan Wilson changed the skin of the European Community and put it on a collective of colonial powers to hide in. There is half of South Korea next to Japan. How can I report to the group to keep warm?

The United Kingdom has a choice, but it has not been chosen in history. It is too late to choose. Otherwise, there is a book "Superpowers" published after the war, which tells the analysis of the three countries of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Soviet Union. No one will know It was unimaginable in those days to think that the United Kingdom broke away from the collective within a few years.

"I thought you thought I was getting old." Vivien Leigh looked at the man in surprise after opening the door, and then said resentful words.

"How come, I'm not that kind of person." Alan Wilson directly denied that who could be young forever, not all that day.

"You saw me before as a tribute to me, and then you have to blow it, and then give it to you..." Vivien Leigh was still talking about her feelings.

"Go in and talk about it!" Alan Wilson hurriedly squeezed in. The more he said it, the more outrageous he became. Although it was all true, why did he say it at the gate, and he said such a thing when he entered the room.

Vivien Leigh is the chairman of the British-India Film Association. At this time, in the face of the impending sudden change of the situation between India and Pakistan, the United Kingdom cannot fight a battle without certainty. The election of a country always takes into account public opinion, although sometimes it is not necessary to follow the United States to fight the Iraq War.

But to intervene in the India-Pakistan war, it is still better to have public support. At this moment, the United Kingdom needs a white helmet, with women and children as the starting point, to shape the public opinion to send troops at that time. When Harold Wilson makes a decision to intervene, it is very important easy.

"Who actually treated you like this?" Vivien Leigh asked vaguely with a toothbrush.

"Only you!" Alan Wilson is decisive, that's a lot. Women of the same status as wives have given him this kind of treatment. If you ask the other way around, it's better to answer. He only did this to Hepburn, or he was deceived. .

But there is no need for Vivien Leigh to know about this. It's time for Alan Wilson to show his general style, and he didn't let the old national treasure see the clue, "The general reserve team, don't move!"

Referring to history, the Indo-Pakistani war first aroused the reaction of the two contemporary emperors. A self-killing supreme such as Daying did not have to go on stage at first, and a more suitable role was to wait and see in the dark.

The time to watch in secret can allow British film and television colleagues to shoot some films that are easy to arouse sympathy to shape the public opinion that is out of the restricted area.

This kind of operation will have time to wait until the Pakistani elections start to be carried out. Shoot some clips of Pakistan's suppression of Bangladeshis, focusing on women and children, and then India finds an opportunity to intervene to start the India-Pakistan war. Why don't it take a few months, enough for the UK to do well Public opinion has set the stage.

"I don't know what your purpose is, but I will listen to you." Vivien Leigh agreed obediently. The child is so old, what else can she do.

In fact, Alan Wilson doesn't want to talk about the issue of children. Can't Vivien Leigh see who Monroe's child is?

The two live so close together! It's just that I can't say anything about the stealing actions of the supreme authority. This man has this virtue, and he is the same kind of person as the prime minister of the big Han.

Although Nelson Rockefeller is the governor of New York State, he does not like to talk about things seriously in formal occasions. In his spare time, he still likes to sit in the office reserved for him in the Rockefeller Center, overlooking the beautiful scenery of the most prosperous neighborhoods in New York, Rockefeller The center is a symbol of the Rockefeller family's glory, but this symbol has become an obstacle on his way to the presidency, and it seems that he is destined to end his life with the regret of not being a president.

Nostalgically looking back, Nelson Rockefeller came back to face Kissinger, who didn't say a word, "I talked to David, Winthrop and a few of USD It has been decoupled from gold. If the European countries such as Britain, France, Germany and Italy are combined, the gold in their hands has surpassed that of the Federal Reserve, and their industrial strength is also superior to that of the United States. Now there are two steps to be done, to differentiate these countries, and to find a Something that binds the value of the dollar, but every country cannot live without it.”

"Oil!" Kissinger asked uncertainly. He was not so polite in front of Nixon, but in front of Rockefeller, it was a different face.

"Of course, the blood of modern industry." Nelson Rockefeller nodded with a smile, "European industry is strong, but it cannot compare with the United States in terms of resources, not to mention the overwhelming military power of the United States. But now the progress of the United States in the Middle East is unqualified. Yes, it can only be said that it is barely enough. Finding a way to pegg oil to the dollar is the way forward. Before that, we have to weaken Britain and France. It is basically such a step. You go back and have a good talk with Nixon.”

"By the way, my brother David, he was reluctant to make him Treasury Secretary before, and prefers diplomatic work. He should have a seat on the Foreign Policy Committee that was established. Winthrop's career as governor in Arkansas was not very smooth. Besides, he is not in good health, and I also need David's help, so please help me."

Nelson Rockefeller, with a worried expression, told Kissinger what he hoped for now. The oil industry is the Rockefeller family's old business. Once the US dollar and oil are bound, it will be of great benefit to the Rockefeller family. The Rockefellers needed another politically influential person to help him.

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