British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1391: refugee camp

Latest website: Trade protectionism, disregarding and supporting property rights, currency manipulation and slave labor are all very familiar charges. Except for slave labor, it can be said that Japan can be accused of it. Can Japan deny it?

Japan is indeed implementing a trade protection policy, and at the same time, it also largely ignores the support of property rights to prevent and control products in Europe and the United States. As for currency manipulation, both Japan and Germany have long lowered their exchange rates to promote exports under the tacit approval of the United States.

As for slave labor, it may be more accurate to replace it with forced labor. These so-called crimes are not limited to Japan, and late-developing countries have similar problems to varying degrees. However, it has been 25 years since the end of the World War, and Japan is no longer as devastated as it used to be.

On TV, Wick has produced a series of evidences. Food and clothing are trivial, but car electrical appliances are worth mentioning. Many classic models can find twin brothers in Japanese cars. Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Porsche are all no exceptions, and there are even Land Rover models, all of which were brought out by Wick for comparison.

Every time Wick paused in his speech, thunderous applause erupted from the venue. Of course, Alan Wilson believed that American television would definitely focus on the fake American brands.

"It can't go on like this. We have tolerated Japan's bow and apology for many years, but this is not a problem that can be solved by bowing and apology. The patience of the United Kingdom and other countries is limited."

Wick sternly attacked, "Today, Japan has participated in the summit of the ten countries, and as a country with strong economic strength, it has participated in the financial summit. It can no longer continue to base itself on the world with these negative impressions."

"Not bad!" Alan Wilson nodded with satisfaction. In a few days, he can hand over the position of permanent secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In a few years, there will be no colonies on the British books, and diplomatic work does not need to be held in his hands at all times. Xia Meng said, "What do you think of my subordinates?"

"Not as good as you." Xia Meng said obediently, satisfying the vanity of the supreme authority, "Why do you have to spend so much effort against Japan?"

"The world's resources are limited, and countries are winner-take-all. Japan's development and growth will only increase the power of the United States. Japan is not qualified to make conditions." Alan Wilson explained indifferently, "Then In ten years, let’s see what happens to Japan.”

He does not have any prejudice against Japan. Although the Japanese army went south in World War II did make Britain lose adults, but that is all in the past. Alan Wilson is definitely not targeting Japan. If it weren't for the national strength, he would even want to do it with the United States and the Soviet Union.

However, Japan's good days are not long. As long as Japan makes the United States feel pain in semiconductors, it is time for the United States to really start to deal with Japan seriously.

Considering that the forces retained by Britain and France are far greater than in history, and the threat of the Soviet Union in Europe has led the United States to dare not move Europe casually, the Plaza Accord will only come sooner rather than later.

In Alan Wilson's time, many people didn't know how strong Japan's economy used to be. He still remembers the Japanese Isuzu run by the Forestry Bureau, and the four Sino-Japanese joint ventures attached to the exterior wall of the latest processing factory office building. Word, in retrospect, that Sino-Japanese joint venture processing plant has been bankrupt for 20 years, and I don’t know how many times it has changed hands.

The Plaza Accord is the most powerful blow from the United States in the era of peace, and it almost shattered the ambitions of the entire Japanese economic circle. Without this agreement, what would have been lost for 30 years?

The TV screen switched to the expression of the Japanese Foreign Minister, Alan Wilson put his arms around Xia Meng and smiled, "Look, the Japanese are embarrassed sometimes, but don't be deceived by their superficial skills, I tell you, the world's most The country that wants your country to die is them."

"Are you very happy about the internal struggle of the yellow race?" Xia Meng pinched the man's arm. If it was before, she would never have dared, but now, Xia Meng has recognized her value of uniting the front.

"A country with nearly 10 million square kilometers and a population of 800 million, can you have any prospects? Huh?" Alan Wilson squeezed Xia Meng's chin and shook his head slightly, "You have been abroad for too long, and you may have lost a little energy. Annoyed, with the US military stationed in Japan and South Korea, what you said would be impossible without infighting."

In terms of industrial niche, if a major country cannot crush Japan and South Korea, how can it threaten Europe and the United States? But if Japan and South Korea are to be crushed, Japan and South Korea will of course hug the American thigh. How can this logical closed loop be broken?

At this meeting, Wick, who represented himself, had to work behind the scenes with the Americans in order to make the United States aware of the threat from Japan. The theoretical basis is naturally Alan Wilson himself, and Wick is just the executor. This basis is that Japan is pulling down the profits of European and American countries. Because Japan is there, everyone's life is not good.

The Japanese economic threat theory has appeared in the United States in this era, but Alan Wilson has a more specific vocabulary for Japan, such as the developed country shredder.

After half a month, the G-10 signed the Smithsonian Agreement, a full year earlier than in history, and among the proposals backed by France in the UK, also adopted condemnation of trade protectionism, disregard for property rights, currency manipulation and The content of slave labor.

Maybe these contents are useless for the time being, but as long as the United States one day feels that it needs Japan to make sacrifices, these are all excuses that can be used at any time. This can also be regarded as Britain's help to the United States from the standpoint of the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States.

The countries who signed the agreement were relieved. Although it was only a few months, from Nixon's announcement that he would no longer exchange gold to the end of the year, there was a lot of confusion in the import and export of various countries.

It can be expected that this year's economic growth will not be very good, but since there is a reason for the incident, the responsibility can be shifted to the United States. Whitehall gave professional advice, and Harold Wilson directly adopted it. In the question of the House of Commons, vague It is pointed out that the economic growth is not as good as expected, which is completely the fault of the United States, and the government is already trying to find a way.

What a good thing the Prime Minister said, that is the problem of the United States. If the United States is not able to hold back its default, the economic growth of the United Kingdom must be very good this year. What if the economic growth of the next year is not good?

It will depend on what happens in the world next year to allow the UK to shirk its responsibility.

Alan Wilson went to accompany the Secretary of Defense to see the Typhoon fighter again, and Dennis Healey also got into the cockpit. After all, the arc-shaped canopy can cause distortion of the image, which is similar to the effect of a convex lens. The fighter planes of the fighter planes rely on cannons to fight. If the field of view is deformed, it will be very troublesome to fight. Therefore, the mirror in front of the cabin must be flat, and to merge with the curved cockpit cover at the back, both sides have to be There are transitions, so that a three-piece windshield is formed.

The Spey engine is no longer a problem. Since it is a new fighter, some things that are not as expected are forgivable. I believe no one will think that the first generation of the f15 in the 1970s is the same as the f15 in 2020, even if They are both called f15.

In fact, many weapons that have not changed much in appearance are just the same in appearance, but the inside has been turned upside down. All weapons have been continuously modified to achieve the standard of maximum design.

Judging from Dennis Healy's reaction, Alan Wilson feels that the new members of the Royal Air Force will soon usher in a surprising order.

While here and the Minister of Defense made contributions to the British defense, the situation in far-off South Asia has changed again. For the military to overturn the results of the general election, the Bangladeshis are unacceptable. They are the largest ethnic group in Pakistan. Always accept the status of being exploited, even if it is the pretext of taking care of the overall situation and the same religion.

It has been more than 20 years since independence, and even religious fanaticism has a time of ebb. If you can endure it to this day, Bangladeshis are worthy of the country of Pakistan.

The slogan of East Pakistan's autonomy appeared for the first time in the center of Dhaka. Bangladeshis believed that their demands were reasonable, and they did not want independence, but hoped that West Pakistan would face up to their demands.

The Pakistani military did face up to this demand, and Yahya Khan immediately ordered the Bihar military police in Dhaka to suppress the Bangladeshis who knew nothing about their power, and at the same time used the air force to transport troops to East Pakistan, the conflict broke out, and extremely bloody.

As for the leader of the Pakistan People's Alliance, the largest party in East Pakistan, Rahman was naturally broken into by the government forces, and then thrown directly into the prison. Immediately, Yahya Khan declared his party illegal and banned its activities from now on.

As a journalist, and one who loves money and is adventurous, Marlowe is also committed to the spirit of the contract. He knows what employers want to see and works for it.

After the military started he knew that this was the big news that the country needed, so he took action. The refugee camp is located 50 kilometers west of Dhaka. There are three large temporary camps along the road. Each camp has 20 or 30 tents with an area of ​​nearly 100 square meters, and hundreds of refugees are lined up to go through the registration procedures.

Several Bangladeshis were washing their feet around a makeshift tap. At the entrance of a grass-green tent, four children are eating a pancake made of white flour. The women were tightly wrapped in black gauze, and reporters were not allowed to approach their tents.

Marlowe respectfully walked over to a police car, pulled out a pound sterling and asked an officer what he could photograph. The other said in slow English: "Refugees in the camp. But don't shoot the police inside!"

When told that the refugees refused to take pictures and what to do if they attacked themselves, the officer said blankly, "I think you know what to do."

He immediately took the time to take pictures carefully, trying not to get into the police or anger the neurotic refugees. Try to smile at everyone and quickly determine whether the subject will allow the shutter to be pressed.


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