British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1392: India and the Soviet Union

Marlow came to East Pakistan, of course, for money, that's for sure, but to say that he has no sympathy, it is only one aspect of wealth and danger, and the other aspect is that when he sees these yellow-faced and skinny refugees, he can't Avoidance raises compassion. This sympathy was expressed in the messages sent back to China.

At this time, deafening slogans sounded on the streets of Dhaka, and thousands of Bangladeshis poured into the streets to start demonstrations. They chanted slogans of peace, support for Rahman and autonomy, and at the front of the line was a large portrait of Rahman.

Here, 200,000 people gathered in a huge parade! Parades of this size are regular. The parade is mighty, and people in the refugee camp can faintly feel the slow march of the march in the distance.

"Great!" Alan Wilson took the call back and expressed his satisfaction with this kind of sympathy. A foreign correspondent is full of sympathy, so the British citizens who see the report will also have sympathy.

Vivien Leigh was still stuffing the change of clothes in the suitcase, especially a few more panties, and then said, "Go out and pay attention to your body, I will arrange the film production."

"Okay!" Alan Wilson replied with a smile. He has not fulfilled his diplomatic duties for a long time. This trip is to fulfill his obligations for the country, especially after the Bretton Woods system papermakers meeting. Take a trip out in person.

At the same time, it is also a trip to the Far East. On the one hand, it is to really check the preparations of the British army. On the other hand, it is too obvious to go to the Middle East or not to the Far East.

He mainly went to see the combat readiness of Arab countries. Of course, he mainly wanted to know the situation of the fortified towns along the Israeli-controlled area. Don't look at this world and fight a Middle East war, maybe it will be made up in two years. This kind of thing Who can tell.

The U.S. financial summit has not actually solved any problems. The U.S. has over-issued hundreds of billions of dollars in the international market for so many years. If Alan Wilson faced this situation, he would definitely choose to start a war, and start a war where it would not affect the United States.

The European side is definitely not good. The United States just wants to use the war for profit, not to die. In the hands of the United States in later generations, in addition to Ukraine, there are also Lithuania, Estonia, Latvia, Poland and other countries lined up for death ghosts who can use it , but there were hardly any countries in Europe during the Cold War that the United States could sacrifice without considering.

The front line is so close, if you really use the Federal Republic of Germany to die, what if a European country votes? As for the Asian direction, isn't the Vietnam War not over yet, and the earlier Korean War has proved that the United States does not have the power to overwhelm everything on land.

In later generations, the Middle East has always been the first choice for the United States to recuperate Europe. Once a war begins, energy prices will rise, and the refugees created will also flee to Europe to create social problems.

At present, the possibility of the refugee problem is unlikely, because NATO is not a unity, Greece and Turkey and Western Europe are not connected by land. The Warsaw Pact countries that want to create refugees will not cooperate with the United States, and no one will be able to cross the border if they are locked.

However, if the war in the Middle East starts, it will drive the rise of energy, and it may digest this round of over-issued currency in the United States.

This is something that cannot be avoided. It is not that the United States has no grasp in the Middle East. Otherwise, what has it been doing to protect Israel? Isn't it just to serve the United States at a critical moment?

In recent years, although the United Kingdom has been pulling Egypt and Jordan to establish a defense line, it does not mean that the Arab countries and Israel are calm, and exchanges of fire on the confrontation line have occurred from time to time.

It may be that Israel did not build up self-confidence in the battle for the founding of the country, and the two sides have been holding back and did not lead to a war.

However, after the appearance of Fatah, this situation is changing. Although there are not many reports in the UK, the shelling of each other has become more frequent. Israel has not made a big move. It is estimated that the Soviet Union and the United Kingdom are the backers of different Arab countries, while the United States is accumulating jungle combat experience in Southeast Asia.

This kind of low-intensity exchange of fire also accelerated the fortification of the confrontation line. This may be the case for fortunes and misfortunes, and for misfortunes. The trench fortress behavior doesn't seem to care.

The Arab countries supported by the United Kingdom are divided into two parts, one is Israel's neighbors such as Egypt and Jordan, and the other is a small country in the Persian Gulf.

This visit is naturally important for two types of countries. Xia Meng is responsible for logistical support this time, and she also brings the two children, which is regarded as an on-the-spot education.

"When the time comes, I will find a way to promote a group of people from the military and police in Xiangjiang, who will be social pillars of the right age. It will be much easier to do things at that time." After completing today's itinerary in Cairo, Alan Wilson has a golden sword sat down and talked about the future plan for the child.

"Like those detectives?" Xia Meng asked in a low voice, how a man of the same status as his husband was going to help his children, in his opinion, the detective Zonghua was enough.

"That's enough for what? If you can't be the chief of security, you have to be the police chief." Alan Wilson chuckled, "The commander-in-chief of the British army is also the governor of Hong Kong, but I can think of a way for the commander below. Xiangjiang will be returned sooner or later. At that time, I will arrange for the local British or mixed-race, or not the son's Chinese contacts in Xiangjiang to go back together. This is a small problem. At that time, he will also represent a lot of contacts and communicate with the other side. At times, it is also easy to exert one’s own value.”

Although he is in Cairo, and there are still more than 20 years before the handover from the United Kingdom, Alan Wilson has worked hard to improve the value of his son's United Front.

He felt that this kind of thing could be discussed. When the time comes, he will return with Xiangjiang. Why can't the appointed military and political personnel be promoted? The promotion of colonel to major general can be expected, it is nothing more than a change of nationality.

"You are so kind to your son." Xia Meng felt even more tender and sweet. Although there was no formal marriage, the other party still thought of her.

"You're not the first to say that." Alan Wilson accepted Xia Meng's compliments, "British immigrants born in Xiangjiang are of course legal citizens of Xiangjiang, and the races are equal."

If you want to play a bigger role, then it is enough to arrange a few Chief Chinese Inspectors. If you make such an arrangement, don't you look down on my supreme authority, Daying.

After communicating with the Egyptian military, Alan Wilson went to Dubai. Now Dubai has a lot of traffic in the future. This has nothing to do with the millions of workers in South Korea. From this point of view, the Koreans should thank him. Don't Koreans suffer without him?

Now you only need to be a mercenary with your life, and you can make money by bleeding in the Vietnam War. How wonderful.

Reiterating the Labour government's pro-independence principles to reassure these emirs, Alan Wilson surveyed a circle of British-backed economic construction, as well as British-built oil facilities.

He was still thinking about the oil crisis. If there were no accidents, it should break out. He thought that the oil crisis was very strange. Historically, it was a means for the United States to support Saudi Arabia to seize power from Egypt and replace the Egyptian Arab The position of world leader, but the oil crisis caused by the overthrow of the Pahlavi dynasty should not have been designed by the United States.

Alan Wilson certainly doesn't believe in the integrity of the United States, but he believes in President Carter during the Iranian Revolution. Carter's tenure has proved that he is really a naive and good person, and he also told later American voters, don't judge his reputation as impeccable. A good man is on the presidency, and he really may ask the United States to abide by his own moral standards without discrimination.

Alan Wilson's destination is Kuala Lumpur, and Xia Meng and his son are going back to Hong Kong. After seeing a circle of the combat readiness of the British troops stationed in Malaysia, he returned to London alone and appeared in front of Prime Minister Harold Wilson. .

I relayed some stories I heard to the Prime Minister. Refugees were sitting outside the airport and train station. A group of refugees living in a refugee camp has once again fled the site of the conflict.

The British reporter there couldn't help but picked up the lycra and pressed two. Just as I was about to change the angle, a policeman in a dark gray uniform came over to say hello. The British reporter was about to answer, but he unexpectedly grabbed the camera around my neck.

Any explanation, to no avail. Facing his naked eyes that looked like those of an attempted **** and the refugees who were doing nothing around him, he was so angry that his hands were trembling, and he didn't explain anymore. He just wanted to end it as soon as possible.

"Independent armed forces have emerged in Bangladesh with the purpose of rescuing the imprisoned Rahman. This is what we currently know. Of course, many developments are reported by the Indian side." Alan Wilson said that he was not going out in vain. On a trip, I learned a lot.

"The local soldiers in the local Pakistani garrison have appeared in a large number of defectors and joined the ranks of resistance. What we can see is that India has expressed extraordinary concern for this situation. In order to deal with this situation, Pakistan has Two divisions of troops have been airlifted from the west into the east to stabilize the situation."

It is of course understandable that India pays attention to the situation in East Pakistan. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the situation of being attacked by Pakistan from the east and west is imminent.

While Alan Wilson was reporting to the Prime Minister, Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi sent the Minister of Foreign Affairs to visit Moscow. In the eyes of India at this time, only the Soviet Union could protect India in action, and the United States was the backing of Pakistan. Britain's attitude is ambiguous and untrustworthy, not to mention that Britain is a colonizer.

Moscow's support will be India's courage to deal with the next international situation.


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