British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1482: Come to the front line

"We put everything in front of the cannon, they put the cannon in front of the butter..." Holding the remote control to turn off the news of Mrs Thatcher's inauguration as Conservative leader, Alan Wilson crossed his fingers and dragged his chin, watching After a circle around, he said, "What do you think?"

"It's a bit unexpected. According to previous estimates, she is unlikely to become the party leader." John Hunt sighed and then commented, "But Mrs Thatcher is a very courageous MP. The inaugural speech is like an interview. Churchill in the United States also looks very fierce."

Alan Wilson raised his eyebrows, is he fierce? In fact, even if they were not the most beautiful ones when they were young, they looked good. He coughed softly and said, "We don't comment on the appearance of politicians. But it can be seen that women are often more willing to be tough when they govern, hoping that others will ignore her gender, such as Indira Gandhi, Mrs Meir."

"Then it's better for her to say a few words less, it is not wise to confront the Soviet Union now." Burke Trend said indifferently, "Looking at the situation in the past few years, it is embarrassing to compare the two. "

"When it comes to this issue, we must proceed from practical interests and recognize the independence of Angola. Portugal's situation is already like that, try to follow Chile's operation and understand Portugal." Alan Wilson pondered for a while, "a lot of money for Goa. Evacuation buys time, informs Lisbon of our proposal to speed up the transfer of wealth. Several UK banks will assist.”

Both of them nodded solemnly. In any case, since Portugal thought that it could no longer hold on, they could not return empty-handed.

Portugal is in chaos recently, and the cost of war in Africa has been transferred to the mainland. Although Alan Wilson tried his best to help, it only delayed the outbreak of the revolution by more than a year.

There is no doubt that both the United States and the Soviet Union are now doing everything they can to control the situation in Portugal. The Portuguese coup d'état and the attempted coup d'etat against Allende by Marshal Pi in this world are the best proofs of the US double standard.

Because Portugal is in Europe, even if there is a revolutionary coup d'état, the United States can hold its breath and continue to patiently win over, or benefit, hoping to pull Portugal on the right track for the United States.

As for the coup d'état in Chile, if it weren't for the fact that the authoritative person who did not want to give his name leaked the news, Allende would have been buried in the grave.

At the International Conference of the Socialist Party two years ago, he stated that he just wanted to lead Chile to develop the economy, and that he would never undermine the promise of the electoral system.

"It's just the leader of an opposition party. With the momentum of the current Soviet Union, Mrs Thatcher's remarks are just her personal remarks." Ellen Wilson reassured her with a smile, "When she arrives at No. 10 Downing Street, she will be treated. When the words are fulfilled.”

With the outbreak of the oil crisis, the Soviet Union's global offensive has made a lot of progress. Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Indonesia, which were originally French colonies, have almost divided the world with the free world in Southeast Asia. This does not include Myanmar, Thailand, the Philippines and other countries. of the armed guerrillas, of course, these armed guerrillas also have a part of the credit of a certain big country.

Now the United States will not say anything. When the Soviet Union is over one day, the city on a hill will definitely teach people how to behave.

These countries are also divided into two parts, one is the countries that directly use the Soviet system, and the other is the ruling parties or leaders who show affection to the Soviet Union. If you want to calculate the latter, Myanmar is not a very reliable country in a certain sense. Alan Wilson remembers that Myanmar was called the Socialist Republic of the Union of Burma for a while, and it was ready to jump ship when the opportunity went bad.

If it wasn't for the Indo-Pakistani war in this world, the United Kingdom played a one-handed landing in Bangladesh, maybe the name of Myanmar has been changed now.

In fact, the most obvious country in Myanmar is India. Although India has an electoral system, no one can deny that it is an ally of the Soviet Union. Even Liberia, a country founded by African-American immigrants, has been courting the Soviet Union frequently in the past two years.

Ethiopia, Somalia, Congo, DRC, Congo, Mozambique, Angola, Togo are countries whose systems all copy the Soviet Union, while Tanganyika, Liberia, and North Sudan are countries whose leaders or ruling coalitions maintain friendly relations with the Soviet Union.

It used to be said that half of Africa is French, but now half of Africa is pro-Soviet. Alan Wilson has also made a little contribution. Congo, a staunch ally of the United States in history, has become a close ally of the Soviet Union. The credit of this supreme authority, in fact, how could he only have these credits, Hokkaido, Indonesia.

In the past two years, the United States has been very supportive of Britain's African strategy. Except for the Kingdom of Egypt, it has been going straight down from the Red Sea to South Africa. Except for British Kenya, the entire east coast of Africa has been fully occupied by supporters of hostile camps in a broad sense. , but some are pro-Soviet, and some have good relations with China and the Soviet Union.

From a practical point of view, if the United States does not support the United Kingdom, it is considered that the kingdom of Uganda and British Kenya have also undergone regime changes. The African strategy of the British Empire, which once went from Cairo to Cape Town, will be realized by the Soviet Union. The United States began to support it through South Africa. The white armed forces of Southern Rhodesia, but with the successive independence of Angola in the west and Mozambique in the east, and only with the support of the Soviet Union, how long can Southern Rhodesia last?

Alan Wilson is very pessimistic anyway. The Labour government has distanced itself from Southern Rhodesia. If the white ethnic group does not agree to hand over power to the main black people, there is only one suggestion, divide and rule according to the population ratio, which also depends on the black people. Not agree.

Although the free world has been tortured enough by this oil crisis, everyone is equal, and even the United States has swallowed most of the consequences of currency over-issue, the status of the United States has declined, the economic gap between other countries and the United States has narrowed, and the economic structure has also changed from the United States’ dominance to that of the United States. The United States, Japan and Western Europe are three-legged and competing with each other.

After entering the stage of stagflation, with the deepening of contradictions, the degree of stagflation in each country's economy is different, and the development imbalance has changed.

The stagflation in the United States is earlier than that of European countries and Japan. Isn't the over-issue of currency the United States spending hundreds of billions of dollars in South Vietnam, but not all industries have been affected by the economic crisis.

Banks such as Chase Manhattan, Citi, Hanwha, Barclays, Lloyds, HSBC, Sarawak, Midland, etc., without exception, have made a lot of money in this economic storm, London and New York The growth of these two financial centers against the trend has become the biggest winner of this oil crisis.

After get off work, Radwich was already waiting in the Gintama. When Alan Wilson got in the car, "Secretary, where are you going, the leader of the Irish Republican Army wants to meet you."

"No problem, Donaldson, right. Thank him for his contribution to the British Empire." Alan Wilson nodded, "although sometimes we have to pay a certain price."

"It must have added a lot of trouble to the Secretary-General." Radwich expressed his apology, "We didn't expect that Congressman Churchill was listed as a target."

"The representative of British imperialism is not incomprehensible." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly and said, "In order to completely control the Irish Republican Army, no matter how high the price is, it is worth it."

There is more than one British undercover agent in the Irish Republican Army. To be honest, he is the one who has not had children with Irish women, but if there is one, he will be sent to the IRA as an undercover agent.

Donaldson joined the Irish Republican Army as a teenager and was involved in a series of violent terrorist attacks. In 1971, the 21-year-old Donaldson was sentenced to four years in prison, where he struck up a friendship with future Sinn Fein leader Gerry Adams. After serving his sentence, Donaldson became one of Adams' most trusted assistants.

There are more than one undercover agent like Donaldson. Some were sent by the British and some were recruited from the Irish. In order to make these hard-working people who are devoted to the United Kingdom quickly promoted, some sacrifices are inevitable.

In fact, Alan Wilson had already let go of Churchill's descendants, but after thinking about it, he still felt that it would be better for the Churchill family to contribute light and heat to the British Empire.

Alan Wilson's willingness to come forward to build an undercover agent is also to express his respect for the other party and to turn the Irish Republican Army into a reliable force from the perspective of encouragement.

Of course, some activity funds are Alan Wilson has invented a lot of things and ate a lot of patent fees. He is also a scholar who has written books and has a series of conspiracy theories such as the Soviet sleep experiment. It has been quite popular in recent years, especially in the North American market. It does not require private investment, nor does it need to pay attention to Pamela Mountbatten's request for money. It can be done with your own money.

What happened to the money? There's still such a thing as patriots in this world, isn't a controllable IRA more important than the lives of a few politicians?

"According to Marx's class theory, the British people are not the enemy of the Irish people, and all acts of imperialism are the responsibility of a small group of politicians. Military operations cannot target civilians." After talking for a while, Alan Wilson confronted the assassination of Churchill The culprit of the congressman encouraged, "I wonder if the respected Mr. Donaldson thinks so?"

"Secretary-General, you are absolutely right." Donaldson held the dollar to express his admiration. "The British people are by no means the enemy of the Irish people, and the knowledge of Sir is shocking."

"Of course, things are generally connected." Alan Wilson encouraged with a smile, "Radwich will arrange questions for your assistant, and at the same time, this is also to ensure your safety. It is not surveillance, in fact, it is not at all Need to monitor you, you are not without spies of the same level, on the contrary, there are quite a few. There is no need to do more."

Later in the day, Donaldson left first, and half an hour later, Alan Wilson left the meeting place. He came to the front line in a sense as a cabinet secretary. He needed comfort, especially from Hepburn.

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