British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1483: new system

Hepburn opened the door and put on a pair of slippers with his other hand, putting them on for the man in front of him, "Didn't you say you've been busy recently? What meeting materials are you preparing for?"

"No matter how busy I am, I will come to see you." Alan Wilson changed his appearance of supreme authority, just like a big licking dog, and licked directly in front of the ball flower, "That kind of thing, how can it be important to accompany you."

"I knew it sounded good." Hepburn tried his best to manage his expression to prevent a smile from appearing to sweeten the man, "I really don't know how much ecstasy soup you poured into me at that time, and you have been successful for a lifetime."

"Actually, it's not difficult. If there is someone like me who values ​​you even 1%, it's me who thinks wildly."

Alan Wilson laughed, "God loves me so much, if I didn't want to benefit the society, I would want to apply for a test sample for nuclear testing."

"The more you talk about it, the more outrageous it is." Hepburn shook his head with a look of reproach, then jumped lightly and was firmly held in his arms by the man who entered the door, and the two entered Hepburn's boudoir.

Hepburn could see that the man was troubled, and when he came in from Alan Wilson, he was extremely gentle, hoping to resolve the stagnation, "Is it difficult for Whitehall to work."

"The difficulty is not in London, but in Washington. In fact, I have never understood the very silent tolerance of the Americans towards Japan. They are not a continental country, so can't they be as realistic as a maritime country?" Ai Ren Wilson began to babble, dissatisfied with this country of British immigrants.

A trade war can drag on for two years. During the period, the auto industry is also exempted, and only steel and electrical appliances are curbed. This is because the United Kingdom has tried its best to persuade the United States to start earlier.

Otherwise, the U.S. would treat Japan as its own father. From the 1950s, Japanese textiles were imported into the U.S. market, and it was not until 1972 that Japan was forced to compromise. After more than ten years of tug of war on a textile alone, I really don't know what policy makers in Washington are thinking?

As early as two years ago, when the oil crisis broke out, it was clear that they had already agreed to take the opportunity to cut off Japan's future development. Talk to Japan.

But compared to twenty years of textile sawing, it seems that Alan Wilson should also be satisfied with this.

But what he wants to kill most is Japan's chips and cars. These are areas that the United Kingdom focuses on developing. The United States has let Japan go, which makes him think more. The United States still wants to use Japan to contain the United Kingdom.

In the shipbuilding industry, the United States has never attacked Japan, not even mentioning it, because the United States has no shipbuilding industry at all, and the tonnage of the civil shipbuilding industry is not as large as the tonnage of the warships launched by the United States.

The Japanese shipbuilding industry will only threaten the United Kingdom, which is also proud of the shipbuilding industry. Therefore, the United States has always acquiesced to Japan to form competition with the United Kingdom. Anyway, the United States does not care about this industry without this industry.

Especially the car, Alan Wilson especially wants to kill the Japanese auto industry. The value of the car is far from being comparable to other industries. From another point of view, this is a mobile real estate industry, and the garage is a big part of life. Pieces, these two things go hand in hand for many people.

If the auto industry can support Germany and Japan, you know how outrageous this industry is. Unfortunately, he has been communicating with Washington, but the United States has still removed the automobile from the field that should be curbed. Now he doesn't understand very much. Could it be that the United States was the defeated country in the Pacific War?

Hepburn brewed a cup of black tea and listened patiently to the man's complaints. Although it was very childish at times, it was very satisfying for Hepburn to be able to come to her to be sullen when an official had reached the top.

"Although I don't think it's good to contain other countries, I still hope you can succeed. It's actually good to see more progress." Hepburn whispered softly, comforting the head of Whitehall.

"That's the truth." Alan Wilson sighed, "Many traditional industries are no longer enough to support the country's development at this time. There are only a few emerging industries, and there are so many competitors. When it comes to emerging industries, My favorite chip, Japan is also a strong contender.”

In the final analysis, the United States still thinks that it is enough to control Japan, and this cannot be said to be wrong. In later generations, the United States still thinks that it has the experience of successfully dealing with Japan, and it can control the other one as well.

He just didn't expect that, with his own reminder, Washington still can't break the ideological steel seal of setting a benchmark country for the wider world, and is unwilling to use ruthless measures to abolish Japan. It is to let Japan retreat in some industries that are already low-profit.

If this was replaced by the United Kingdom, and it had not successfully entered the protective shell of the European Community, it would have been targeted by the United States long ago.

After receiving comfort from Hepburn, Alan Wilson adjusted his mood and went to No. 10 Downing Street to report the work the next day. Hepburn was right, the UK was not without gains. Steel's investigation was launched several years earlier than in history.

The most critical battlefield is the international financial conference after the Bretton Woods system. This time it will be held soon. In the past two years, the United Kingdom has been attracting Germany and France to stand on its side, forming a separate policy for the yen. Alliance, this alliance cannot be said to be firm, because it is only against the yen, and they are also competitors with each other.

For this, Whitehall has been preparing for a long time, and there are countless reports involving macro and micro. Anyway, as Prime Minister, Harold Wilson can never understand it.

Harold Wilson took over the Whitehall report, and immediately looked tired, "The decline of a large number of traditional industrial sectors, the stagnation of production, and the mass unemployment are a structural crisis caused by an imbalance in the industrial structure; Inflation and credit inflation are also structural crises, which are caused by the imbalance between the money supply and the actual demand for commodity circulation, and the imbalance between the scale of credit and the scale of social reproduction."

"So what's Whitehall's suggestion?" Harold Wilson put down the report and asked. Seeing this kind of report like a book from heaven, it would be better to ask directly.

"To tell the truth, coal and steel can no longer support the current added value. We do everything we can to improve efficiency, but we still have to face the fact that these two industries will gradually become negative assets and become a burden on the British economy. It should be tried Downsize. Or make industry adjustments to replace some industries that use coal." Alan Wilson organized the words, because these words the Prime Minister certainly did not want to hear.

At this stage of development, can Britain be engaged in the textile industry as if it were in the 19th century? Obviously not, how much does a shirt cost? Not French. Coal and steel also fall into this category, and the added value is already a negative asset compared to the cost of expenditure.

That is to say, after the oil crisis in the past two years, the United Kingdom relied on the influence of North Sea oil and the Middle East to let Harold Wilson be re-elected again.

This is not how fast the UK is running. The development of the UK is not as good as before, but other European countries are in decline. In comparison, the performance of the UK is very bright.

"Alan, this involves the livelihood of many citizens." Harold Wilson wondered, he understood what Alan Wilson meant, but he had just been re-elected. While the new leader of the Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher, did say she wanted to be more competitive, he is Labour's prime minister and when it comes to the issue, "Whitehall has always been neutral."

"Of course, Prime Minister, Whitehall will strictly adhere to neutrality." Alan Wilson sighed in his heart and made a solemn promise. It seems that Coal Steel can only look forward to the wisdom of future generations.

Since the nationalized coal and steel cannot be discussed, there is another problem left. If there was a 1% possibility that they would not make efforts for this before, the goal of the United Kingdom must now be achieved. It is the upcoming Jamaica meeting. After the oil crisis, countries have just recovered and have basically grown steadily. This is the most appropriate time, especially since the UK has escaped the oil crisis to a certain extent. This meeting is held at the right time. .

Harold Wilson knew that the head of the civil service would not talk about it in vain, so he stopped playing hide-and-seek, "Let's talk about it, do you want to participate in this meeting?"

Alan Wilson nodded, and the Prime Minister of UU Reading nodded and said, "But then I hope you can promise me one thing."

"What's the matter?" Alan Wilson frowned slightly, feeling that things were not so simple, otherwise there was something that couldn't be said directly?

"I can't say it now. But you should agree first." Harold Wilson pretended to be mysterious, and then saw the other side nod before he said, "As the head of the civil service, you should have the qualifications to participate in this meeting, and Callahan, as the chancellor of the exchequer, should also go together."

"We will definitely be able to get the benefits that Britain deserves." Alan Wilson is full of confidence. Whether the future international financial order can have a place for the United Kingdom depends on this meeting.

Stagflation is caused by the imbalance between the money supply and the actual demand for commodity circulation and the imbalance between the scale of credit and the scale of social reproduction. Due to the intensification of unbalanced development in the world economy, the disintegration of the international monetary system has resulted.

The establishment of a new international monetary system is imminent, and it is no longer possible to continue to deal with the old system. The Bretton Woods system should also have a formal international conference to draw a successful conclusion.

The venue of the meeting was chosen in Jamaica, which is the country where children never know who their father is after decades. Jamaica is also a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, and London also recognizes this venue.

London is still shrouded in cold air. The group has boarded a special plane and headed to the warm beaches of Jamaica. Almost all the dignitaries who participated have also set off to fight for their country's role in the international monetary system for the next few decades.

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