British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1494: balance in politics

"Have you finished talking?" Pamela Mountbatten, who had already gone upstairs, came down again, and asked the siblings enthusiastically. Obviously, the strategic policy of using barbarians to control barbarians was also expected by the richest woman.

"Mother, you should be on my side. I'm your own daughter. They are all men." When Pamela saw her mother, the old woman punched her as soon as she opened her mouth. Unfavorable strategic situation, "Where is the father, he has already rested."

"If nothing else happens, I should be watching a Hong Kong drama." Arnold shyly put away the diary, obviously understanding the eccentricity of the supreme authority, "Father has always been very dissatisfied with the British TV broadcasting system, and appreciates Hong Kong's The simulcast of TV series can quickly see the end of the TV series. But to be honest, Hong Kong TV series are very stupid in my opinion.”

What Arnold said is true. Alan Wilson is indeed watching Hong Kong dramas, not that she is a senior Hong Kong drama fan. The low-cost production of Hong Kong dramas is indeed quite nonsense in some plots.

In the 21st century, Hong Kong TV dramas have become obsolete in various major TV shows due to various reasons such as too many repetitive plots, costume props that are almost ancestral, actors with exaggerated expressions, and a lack of big scenes.

Of course, part of the reason for this staleness is invisible hand factors. To be exact, Hong Kong dramas suddenly couldn’t be broadcast in the prime time at 8 pm in a certain year, and Hong Kong dramas suddenly became stale.

Even without this factor, Hong Kong dramas are too stingy with actors, and sooner or later they will decline. Most of the actors in Hong Kong dramas don’t really know how to act. Come out, because the actors in Hong Kong dramas have too many micro-expressions and are too exaggerated, which is very inconsistent in many TV dramas, especially historical dramas.

He is a British supreme authority watching Hong Kong dramas, and he can't stand the British TV broadcasting system at all. He has long been used to the rhythm of two episodes of simultaneous broadcasts every day in a big country. The rhythm of the department is very to his liking.

Although a certain big country can't avoid flooding in this way, in a few years, TV dramas have become longer and longer, and dozens of episodes are used as the basis for any subject matter, just like the writers who write are getting longer and longer.

But there are advantages too. The quantity is large enough to be full. I feel that the quality is not a big deal. I will not watch it in the future. A TV series in the UK shoots so many episodes a year. After the weekly update is over and then waits for the rhythm of next year, he is really not used to it. There is no such thing. Time to be a drama star, variety show is okay.

When she was yawning again and again and was about to fall asleep, Pamela Mountbatten had comforted her children and came up to get ready to rest, "The Supreme Court said that a trial will be held about the damage to the group's reputation caused by Ogaden's controversial remarks , I need you to worry more."

"The Swedes will definitely not win, and the British trial can make you lose. Let me see who dares to judge?" Alan Wilson promised wearily, "It's a bad place. Not only do the Swedes need to apologize, but also In order to compensate, the group’s exploration data in Ogaden can be used as evidence. This is simply questioning the professionalism of the most successful oil company after the war in exploration, which cannot be tolerated.”

Alan Wilson didn't know that there was no hair in the Ogaden area. The Swedes were lying, which led to a fight between two African countries. In this regard, Sweden deserves to be a small Nordic UK, another offshore balancer in the European continent, but this time it is destined to be taught by the UK, a genuine offshore balance expert.

The Mountbatten Group really sent an exploration team to Ogaden at the beginning, pretending to conduct an exploration, but naturally there was no hair. From this point of view, Alan Wilson can be said to have saved countless lives in the two countries, and it will be more confident to use offshore balance in the future.

There is no doubt that the Ogaden War allowed the Soviet Union to put on a strong show in front of the world, showing the unprecedented national strength of the Soviet Union at its peak. Don’t give the Soviet Union this opportunity to pretend. The Soviet Union should have bigger and more important things. Don’t waste time in places that don’t shit.

Moreover, Ogaden is still close to the Soviet Union. It is not ten years ago that the Soviet Union struggled to touch the edge of Africa. The Soviet Union at its peak should have greater ideals, such as concentrating on southern Africa, Mozambique and Angola. It is a place that the Soviet Union should pay attention to. Angola really has oil.

Without the Ogaden War, the Soviet Union would spend money at a faster rate, but it would optimize the way it spent money, forcing the United States to spend more energy to deal with it.

Take Allende in Chile as an example. The Soviet Union helped smash the military coup in Chile. On the surface, Allende did not do anything to Marshal Pi who wanted the coup, but just expelled him from the country. It can be said that he is benevolent and righteous in his hands. But Marshal Pi was abandoned by Washington as early as the beginning of the failed coup.

With the acknowledgment of mistakes by the United States and the assistance of the Soviet Union, the Allende regime has stabilized the situation in Chile. Even if Allende steps down in a few years, Chile's Socialist Party has become a big deal.

The United States will not say anything on the surface, but it will definitely prevent the recurrence of Allende's situation in other Latin American countries, and it will be more resolute in dealing with it. Doesn't this increase the cost of US operations in Latin America?

This is the meaning of offshore balance. A place like Ogaden is worthless in other respects except for allowing Brezhnev to install it. The Soviet Union wants to attack globally.

Allen Wilson sees that the banana republics in Central America are very suitable for flexing their muscles. They are close enough to the United States, and messing up will help these Latin Americans go to the city on the top of the hill. Moreover, the Soviet Union can use Cuba as a stronghold, which is not completely local. There is no sense of presence, which is very suitable for big fights.

To do things in Central America, the Soviet Union must spend a lot of time and money in terms of distance. If this continues for a long time, it will definitely consume the national power of the Soviet Union. Negative effects.

Alan Wilson really feels excited just thinking about it. I don’t know if the Soviet Union has gotten any inspiration from the Cuban smuggling incident. If there is any inspiration, it should concentrate on attacking the Banana Republic in Central America and go to sleep to have a good dream. Of course, the supreme authority I don't know, the plan is locked in the safe of the consulting department.

The KGB itself is a security department, so it should not lead the FBI to open the safe...

"I know how to play with your balance theory every day." Early the next morning, Pamela Mountbatten felt that her husband was in a good mood after the rest. After asking and hearing this offshore balance vocabulary, she couldn't help curling her lips, "You are a cabinet secretary. , always every day?"

"We are neutral among the parties, so why not balance offshore?" Arnold, with a big appetite, said vaguely as a young man who turned into an outsider, "Mother, do you think so?"

"That's right, don't think that domestic offshore balance is not important. In fact, domestic balance is the most skill-testing thing." Alan Wilson hiccupped, "The difficulty now is that the UK needs an industry to reshape the Labor Party. support the mirror image, otherwise, the political arena may be out of balance."

"Is it so serious?" Pamela Mountbatten was surprised. "It sounds like the Labor Party is in a weak position, but since the war, the Labor Party has been in power for a long time under Prime Ministers Attlee and Wilson."

"It's better to say that Attlee's sincerity and Harold's skills bridged the Labor Party's support group." Alan Wilson took a sip of morning tea and said, "Labor Party supporters are more likely to split than Conservative Party supporters."

The British middle class is divided into old middle class and emerging middle class. The old middle class mainly refers to small shopkeepers, small handicraftsmen and rich peasants. In essence, the old middle class is actually the petty bourgeoisie, but the scale of assets is relatively small.

The old middle class is one of the main supporters of the Conservative Party. The new middle class mainly consists of well-educated professional managers.

Many people in the emerging middle class were relatively poor before. They changed their destiny through reading, and they also wanted to improve British society through their own knowledge. In the process of nationalization of enterprises led by the Labor Party cabinet the new middle class as professional managers has gradually become the leader of the national plan, and has mastered the right to allocate resources to a certain extent. The new middle class is essentially Say proletariat.

Although both the old and new middle classes are referred to as the middle class, they are actually two opposing classes.

Once the UK continues to fill in the bottomless pit of low value-added industries such as coal and steel due to excessive labor costs, the burden will only increase. This led the Conservative Party to come to power and want to get rid of the burden. The easiest way is to outsource the industries of these workers to third world countries.

The number of traditional industrial workers is gradually decreasing, and trade union membership is also declining with the decrease of industrial workers. At the same time, more industrial workers began to switch to the service industry and other tertiary industries or non-standard employment. Due to the increasingly dispersed employment of workers, the ability of trade unions to organize and coordinate will become weaker than before.

If the UK is transformed into a financial nation, and even the British working class is gone, how can the Labor Party still have supporters? After Callaghan, the Labor Party has been in opposition for a long time, isn't it because the Labor Party has fewer and fewer supporters, and the trade unions, which were once an important supporter of the Labor Party, have fundamentally collapsed?

One-party dominance is definitely what Whitehall wants to avoid. In fact, Whitehall is not without complaints about the long-term ruling of the Labor Party, but no one can see the future, and they don’t know that the policies of the Conservative Party may destroy the relationship between the two parties in the political arena. Balance, of course, Alan Wilson is trying to maintain this balance, the Labor Party will not really vote for the Soviet Union, the Conservative Party may indeed vote for the United States.

Dressed up, Alan Wilson went out and got in the car. Today there is a news that the Soviet Air Force invaded Japanese airspace over Honshu Island in the Far East. Japan issued a strong protest to the Soviet Union. took this fighter.

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