British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1495: Meirenzong

Later, the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Affairs expressed apology to the Japanese side on the grounds of a signal failure, and briefly brushed off the fact that the fighter jets broke into Japanese airspace this time.

The executive vice-minister of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs passed on this information. Allen Wilson thought it was a trivial matter, but suddenly found out that the aircraft involved was a MiG-25, which had shocked the United States during the Middle East war. There are some black-tech fighter jets, which can't help but make people think deeply, and whispered, "It can't be the Belenko incident, right?"

During the Cold War, there was a Belenko incident in the Soviet Union. The Soviet pilot defected to the United States and flew a MiG-25 fighter jet, which also used Japan as a breakthrough and landed in Hokkaido.

But in this world, Hokkaido has been occupied by the Soviet Union. Because Honshu Island and Hokkaido are too close, the Japanese are afraid that the Soviet Union will touch it without anyone noticing.

The air defense force of Honshu Island far exceeds that of Japan in Alan Wilson's mind. After all, Japan's value is still very high, and it is impossible for the United States to really make Japan seem like nothing.

Alan Wilson speculated that it should be Japan's stress response, which caused Belenko to fail to land successfully. The situation is unclear now, and no more news has come.

"But is it heaven in the United States? Is it worth it to abandon your wife and children?" Alan Wilson remembered that Belenko was already a captain before he was thirty, and was the deputy captain of the fighter squadron. Even if he didn't have any bright future, But at least it wasn't too bad.

If he ran away by himself, he ruined his wife and children. If it is really valuable, it’s fine, but it’s not worth much if he defected. What kind of treatment can the United States give such a low-ranking officer? At that time, he will not be an ordinary person?

It's not that Europe has never received defectors from the Soviet Union, but they are mainly writers and ballet dancers, and it is undeniable that they were all Soviet heroes before. Two years ago the dancer Baryshnikov sought political asylum in London.

These actors and writers must have had a better life than in the Soviet Union, because they were the pillars of the Soviet Union in their respective fields before, and whether it was ballet or writers, these industries were easily manipulated, and their own abilities exceeded the standard of living in the Soviet Union Very easy.

But this kind of thing is rare and expensive. If the Soviet Union defected and came to a whole ballet troupe, the ballet dancers who came here must find that life is not much different from life in the Soviet Union. If there are more people, the cake will not be enough, but Belenko? what will he do

When he arrived in the United States, why did the United States let him fly the most advanced fighter jet? Or arrange for him to be a civil aviation captain? Both of these are impossible. It's not worth it to abandon your wife and children like this.

While Alan Wilson sneered, the Soviet Far East Military District was already in turmoil. When the Il-62 passenger plane landed at the airport, the commanders of the Far East Air Force who came to contact were very nervous.

The hatch opened, and Alekseev walked out of the hatch, accompanied by security officials from the General Administration of Military Management, and behind him were officers from the Alpha Special Forces, which had just been established less than two years ago.

This special force was ordered by Yuri Andropov, chairman of the Soviet National Security Council, to form a special special unit within the KGB system, whose main task was to fight terrorism. this

A counter-terrorist commando was originally named the team, which is the predecessor of what is commonly known as the "Alpha team".

At the beginning of its establishment, the Alpha Group has already shouldered heavy responsibilities, so the group's selected members can be described as "one in a million". There were no more than thirty members in the first batch of the Alpha team, all of them were young KGB officers with extraordinary skills, and all of them passed the rigorous examination before they were able to join the most elite special commando team.

Therefore, there are no soldiers behind Alexeyev, and the worst are non-commissioned officers, each of whom is composed of carefully selected and reliable officers from various units. He has just entered the Military Management Bureau for the Soviet armed forces. Just when I was talking with Lieutenant General Yesov, the director of the General Administration, he said that he wanted to visit this special force that was still in training, and then he received an order at the training ground and went directly to the Far East.

When everyone got off the passenger plane, the person in charge who came to greet them was apologetic. It is impossible to hide the matter until now, so they can only avoid serious problems and strive for less severe punishment.

"Belenko himself is weak in thinking and was bewitched by the enemy's propaganda. This is a solid fact. As for whether he was instigated by CIA agents, we have to investigate before we can draw a conclusion."

Alexeyev spoke directly with no expression on his face, expressing a business-like attitude, and then said, "As for Belenko himself, he wants to see the dead and the dead, and he needs to find the plane to kill him if he drains the Sea of ​​Japan. The impact of this incident on the great motherland is very bad."

"We all understand!" Kolev, the commander of Belenko's unit, opened his mouth. "The military command also understands the seriousness of the matter and will definitely cooperate fully."

"Respect bsp;" Dear Colonel, I hope so. "Alexeyev glanced at the other party's military rank and said, then turned his head and said to the person who followed him to the Far East, "Go to the station of the Eighth Bureau and see if there is any way from the communication. "

The Eighth General Directorate, the General Administration of Communication Technology, specializes in communication technology and code-breaking, as well as space reconnaissance activities of artificial satellites. Electronic reconnaissance ships, and even Soviet ocean-going fishing trawlers.

As the largest fishing country in the world, it would be a pity if the ocean-going fleets all over the oceans are not utilized.

As for land, the Soviet embassies of various countries can also contact the General Administration of Communications Management Technology at any time. At sea, the Soviet ocean-going fleet has been haunting the nuclear test sites of various countries for a long time to collect information.

Now that the MiG-25 fighter jet and its pilot are missing, it is time to think of a solution from the Eighth Headquarters station in the Far East. Of course, there is another reason, to see if there is really a spy network developed by imperialism in the Far East Army.

Alekseev actually understands very well that these soldiers don't like to see him appear. Although he is also a soldier and has a military rank in name, the general Soviet people may not be able to distinguish it, but how could these military personnel not know? The difference between soldiers and themselves.

As a violent institution with a long history, the military is definitely unwilling to have an intelligence department appear on its own territory, but not only did the KGB do it, but also set up a special headquarters to deal with military intelligence, whether it is land, sea, air, homeland defense, air force or strategic Rocket Army, without a single exception.

To drain the Sea of ​​Japan and find MiG-25 fighter jets is actually just a joke. He knows that it is not so easy. Even if he does find it, he does not need to fish it up. He just needs to confirm the damage and blast it.

The military is definitely unwilling to expand the situation, but if the situation does not expand, what is the significance of the existence of the National Security Council?

Although Alexeyev didn't want to think about it, the security and intelligence department hoped that the bigger the better, the so-called heterosexual repulsion, the KGB is also a violent organization, and the military is a violent organization that has such a different meaning.

From this moment on, the entire Sea of ​​Japan was flooded with Soviet electronic reconnaissance ships, and they began to conduct dragnet searches. Even if they couldn't find them, this step had to be done.

The Far Eastern Military Region has also welcomed the care of the KGB this time. Forty-six commanders at all levels, including the three major generals Grilelov, Balamonov, and Kosailev, were transferred away and ordered to retire, And Belenko's comrades-in-arms were the hardest-hit areas affected, and faced interrogation by the General Administration of Military Affairs for the reason of losing vigilance.

"It is necessary to clarify the responsibilities and obligations to the motherland and the family. Even the army defending the motherland should focus on strengthening education in this area."

Lubyanka No. 11, KGB headquarters, Lieutenant General Yesov, the director of the General Administration of Military Management, faced Andropov's repeated orders, and kept nodding to express that he would definitely carry out the instructions.

At this moment, the phone on the table came to mind, and Andropov picked up the phone directly, "I'm Andropov."

"Comrade want to talk about the Far East." Ustinov came after a while, "Lubyanka strictly abides by his responsibilities, and I don't want to criticize it , but? It is inevitable that there will be omissions in the frontline troops, Belenko’s comrades did make mistakes, but the military court?”

Andropov looked at Lieutenant General Yesov, who nodded and replied, "Comrade Ustinov, the Ministry of Defense must have misunderstood something. We are extremely distressed when this happens, but we will do it." If it doesn’t spread widely, I will definitely not send Belenko’s comrades-in-arms to prison, mainly for criticism and education, but if they continue to serve? Right!”

Alan Wilson, who is far away in London, does not know the internal situation of the Soviet Union, but the search by the Soviets on the Japanese sea is not a secret. The man with the plane is now missing, that's pretty much the truth.

Japan in the Far East was tense for several months and spent the rest of 1976 because of the actions of the Soviet Union.

The results of the U.S. general election in November came out. Carter, who was supposed to beat Rockefeller upside down, ended up with nothing to show for it except his image as a morally perfect man, that is, he narrowly defeated the incumbent President Rockefeller.

"I really want to see how the world will change if Rockefeller becomes president." Allen Wilson sighed. If Rockefeller is re-elected, his friend Reagan, who has been writing letters, probably won't be able to sit in the next presidential election. The president of the United States is already a version of the Sleeping King in the 1980s. He was quite old when he came to power.

Callahan, who also just became prime minister this year, congratulated Carter on his victory out of the special relationship between Britain and the United States, and immediately received a warm response.

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