British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1496: salary increase plan

America was about to enter a presidency that was strict with self-interest, and just after Rockefeller had spent the rest of his time, Carter's era would come. In the congratulatory letter to Carter, Alan Wilson asked people to make some revisions and put a lot of ink into the field of human rights. This can't be helped. Carter likes to hear this.

And different from the loud slogans of previous U.S. presidents, Carter really did this to a certain extent. If Carter hadn’t been re-elected in the last year, it is reasonable to infer that Quan Xiaojiang will become that unlucky guy, maybe He would have been taken down by Carter. Fortunately, Junior Quan persisted until Reagan came to power, otherwise we would have seen each other long ago.

The political ecology of South Korea is very interesting. It can be summed up by a saying that I can be pro-a certain country because I oppose a certain country. When left-wing parties are in power, they dare not be too alienated from the United States. Although anti-Americanism is often put on the sidelines, there are not many actual actions.

Pro-American slogans of right-wing political parties are resounding, and they do what they should do in actual actions.

This is very similar to the British Labor Party and the Conservative Party. When the Conservative Party was in opposition, they doubted the Labor Party's loyalty to Britain as soon as they saw what the Labor Party government was talking about with the Soviet Union.

If the Conservative Party signed any agreement with the Soviet Union when it was in power, it would be a confident statement that it was all based on national interests, and the label of pro-Soviet cannot be pinned on the Conservative Party.

Conversely, is it okay for the Labor Party to question the Conservative Party as being too pro-American? At least not in the context of the Cold War. The Soviet Union is an enemy in a relative sense, and the relative meaning is entirely because the Soviet Union is too strong.

Relatively enemies are also enemies, and relative allies are also allies. Labour's accusations would only be useful if the Soviet Union was clearly stronger than the United States.

Praising Carter personally helps to build a close relationship. After all, Carter has not yet come to power, so it is not possible to praise his leadership for the time being. Wick, the executive undersecretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, is not without doubts, "Is it too focused on Mr. Carter personally? "

"That's right, just send it to Washington. Mr. Carter is a respectable person." Alan Wilson nodded, "I believe that under the leadership of Mr. Carter, the United States' leadership in defending world peace will be significantly improved. growth. It is easy for the two countries to work together on some things.”

Carter should belong to a president who has never waged a war, and small-scale military operations should not be counted, otherwise the Tehran hostage incident would not be counted. Decades later, only the king of knowledge can compare.

Wick left, but he didn't know what the supreme authority said was easy to cooperate. Alan Wilson was actually referring to the ownership of the Falkland Islands. President Carter protects human rights and opposes dictatorship. Doesn't he oppose colonialism?

President Carter had four years to convince Argentina that the British Empire would collapse without a fight as the United States looked on, if only Argentina had the courage to march forward with a straight chest.

Using the only model president in the United States may make Alan Wilson feel a little ashamed. If he had a choice, he would not do it, but it would be a pity not to do so.

President Carter has never waged a war. The bottom line is clear. Even if it does so, the United States will not threaten the United Kingdom with force. The United Kingdom only needs to wait for the end of Carter's term. This poses little risk, as for the next step? Use judgment on a case-by-case basis.

It is impossible for a president not to have made decisions that are beneficial to the country, even Carter, who was regarded as a negative example by American hardliners decades later. Carter was the first U.S. president to recognize the sole legitimate government of a major country.

Carter certainly has his merits. Of course, after Reagan came to power, he passed the law on relations with Deception Island, which is tantamount to playing tricks on a certain big country.

When Carter was sworn in, the Callahan government was waging a game with Whitehall on the issue of salary increases. This was the previous salary increase plan for the next three years, and it was time to implement it again.

The Trade Union Confederation once again accepted the second-stage plan in 1976, which limited salary increases to £2.50 to £4 per week. The salary range, and promise not to re-propose the salary agreement under the existing policy, and the government promises not to interfere with the labor negotiations of the labor union.

Callahan hopes that unions will support a voluntary personal income tax plan introduced by the current government, stipulating that workers' wages cannot be raised above a cap set by the government. The Labor Party hopes that through this plan, trade unions and labor will maintain restraint on wage increases and tide over the difficulties with the government, thereby suppressing inflation by limiting wage increases.

"Secretary-General, isn't this very good?" Callahan said calmly, "I don't understand why Whitehall has doubts about this."

"Prime Minister, there are two main reasons for doubts. The first one is the insatiable greed of the trade unions, which repeatedly ask for salary increases. Even if it is a salary increase, it must be enough. I don't want a salary and inflation race in the UK. The result of this is the first point."

Alan Wilson also spoke sincerely, "If the workers get a raise, will the civil servants also get a raise? If only the workers are given a raise, but the civil servants' pockets are empty, isn't that true? As for the salary increase The situation of racing against inflation, many military plans will be greatly reduced because of this situation.”

"To ensure the living standards of the workers, don't you, as the cabinet secretary of Whitehall, know how powerful the Soviet Union is now?" Callahan frowned, hoping that Alan Wilson would understand the seriousness.

"I know, tanks cost tens of thousands, and nuclear submarines cost hundreds. Doesn't this mean that the advancement of military plans is far more important than other things? Dear Prime Minister, the UK may have to consider the issue of industrial upgrading. Coal workers and The value created by steelworkers is not enough to keep up with rising wages."

Alan Wilson took Germany as an example and said, "The Federal Republic of Germany has gradually phased out the coal industry. Even if it is only a single action, Bonn can be regarded as an action, but our government has not taken any action, and continues to do so in order not to be more expensive than coal workers in other countries. The able workers retain unprofitable jobs."

The Secretary-General of the Cabinet, who is deeply concerned about the future of the country, blocked the peace talks between the trade unions and the Labor Party from the military and industrial perspectives. Of course, these are not the main reasons.

The main reason is that civil servants also need to raise their salaries. When necessary, they can also bring members of the House of Commons. If civil servants cannot raise their salaries, neither can workers.

At the critical moment, Alan Wilson must defend the collective interests, otherwise, who will listen to what he, the cabinet secretary, will say in the future?

Fifty million British citizens need management, who will serve them? Is it the prime minister or the cabinet secretary? It's not that these civil servants, large and small, are needed. They will only work hard if they are fed.

If he, the secretary-general of the cabinet, is not supported by these civil servants all over the country, he will be a fart.

After Alan Wilson left from the prime minister, he immediately met Frank, the permanent undersecretary of the Ministry of Finance, and asked Dennis Healey, the minister of the exchequer after Callahan, who was also the former secretary of defense.

"The minister is adapting to the new world." Frank said with a fox-like smile. "When he was in the Ministry of Defense, Makins said that the minister tried his best to save money. Now that he is the chancellor of the exchequer, he should understand that spending money is like water." Feel."

"Have you made a salary increase plan?" Alan Wilson stretched out his hand directly, not forgetting to ask, "Idiot version."

"How can I give you something that I can't understand myself." Frank laughed at himself, "But is it really okay to tie it up with workers' salary increases? In principle, we should handle it ourselves."

"Callaghan dare not refuse the union's request for a salary increase. That is the main supporter of the Labor Party." Alan Wilson looked at the salary increase plan and said, "It's a rare opportunity, just this once."

"That's no problem. I'm mainly afraid that politicians will trouble us with the excuse of incompetence. This may be a Frank let go of his worries, and then glanced at Alan Wilson, "Once When this happens, Alan, you know it, and it will shake your position. "

"The comparison of general high-paying jobs in industry is obviously inappropriate." Alan Wilson looked at the salary increase plan of the Ministry of Finance and shook his head, "especially when comparing the salary increase requests of labor unions. It seems very excessive. This method is not appropriate."

"Then what do you think should be done?" Frank also felt that it seemed a little inappropriate, but if he didn't resolve it together with the union's request, the resistance would increase if he pushed it himself.

"Compare it with the requirements of the trade union, and add specific requirements based on this." Alan Wilson said while thinking, "The salary increase of most civil servants in the country is also consistent with the demands of the workers. As for us? Since the relevant personnel are all If you work in London, start by increasing the London allowance, which is an expense. It is not included in the salary increase, and then you can use the special degree allowance to give first-class and second-class first-class degrees to recruit new people.”

"Oxford doesn't have a second class." Frank looked at Alan Wilson and asked, knowing the proportion of Oxford graduates in Whitehall.

"Oxford's second class is at least second class first class." Alan Wilson counted with his forehead, "Double the outstanding performance award, and colleagues in Whitehall have this award. It will be included in the deduction of inflation."

"Indeed." Frank was obviously calculating one by one in his mind, "Then what are the responsibilities of the congressmen?"

"It is to increase the salary with Whitehall." Alan Wilson put down the pen, "If it is too obvious, it is recommended to increase the fuel and medical subsidies. The MPs are working hard for the country. If travel and physical and mental health are not enough to make ends meet? This is very difficult. Makes sense."

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