British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1497: cause of peace

Alan Wilson, who was struggling for a better future for the family of civil servants, was a little surprised when the head of MI6 Oldfield came to his door, and then motioned to sit down, "What's the matter."

"A machine tool export transaction in foreign trade may have violated the ban of the Paris Coordinating Committee, in order to avoid trouble."

Before Oldfield finished speaking, Alan Wilson had already stretched out his hand and swayed, "Oldfield, to be honest, considering the environment faced by British machine tools today, you can't make such a move to break your own leg and watch others rush towards you. The move at the end, understand?"

The glory days of British machine tools are too far away, and the high-gloss period was almost a hundred years ago, but it is undeniable that there are still machine tool companies in the UK.

Machine tool is a big concept. After all, there are quite a few categories of industries, so each country has its own strengths. Britain has not yet de-industrialized, and of course it has its own machine tool company.

Of course, it is true that it is not outstanding in this world. It can only be regarded as a member of the crowd. Britain itself imports a lot of German machine tools for use, but it is by no means unavailable.

Fifteen years ago, Bendix Corporation in the United States first realized optimal adaptive control on a CNC milling machine. Ten years ago, Fox in the United States first proposed the concept of institutional optimization. British Molins company developed "System 24" according to the basic concept of flexible manufacturing system proposed by Williamson.

It's not very competitive in the first place, not to mention facing Germany, even countries like France are very troublesome. Finally, someone is interested, so MI6 should not come out to make trouble. I don't know that Whitehall is now because of a salary increase. Are you busy with plans?

Oldfield remained silent, and Alan Wilson said with a tone of traitors among us, "Actually, as an intelligence chief, you understand quite well how many things that European countries secretly exported to the Soviet Union that are on the embargo list of the Paris Coordinating Committee? It’s not small, a little bit of export is a little bit. Nothing will happen, will the United States really cause trouble for this?”

Except Japan! There is no need for Oldfield to know this supplement in his heart. The situation in Japan is quite special, and it is essentially being used by the United States to make a big deal out of it.

First of all, there is a premise that the Soviet Union's machine tools are not backward, and they are also very capable in some specific fields of machine tools. Most of the Soviet machine tools are for their own use, but they are also exported to the world.

European countries exported a large number of machine tools to the Soviet Union, and at the same time imported Soviet electrolytic processing machine tools and electrochemical polishing machine tools. No one was punished for this.

Japan's machine tools are not advanced enough to be stronger than Europe's. You must know that Germany and Switzerland are the industry benchmarks in this regard. Japan has never had an impact on Europe in the high-end industrial field.

When the Toshiba incident broke out, the general environment was that Japan and the United States broke out in the most intense trade war in the past, the automobile trade war. The importance of the automobile industry can be seen by considering that people juxtapose houses with cars. The automobile industry can be said to be real estate for the whole world.

In the trade war between Japan and the United States, the previous trade wars in textiles, steel, electronics, and automobiles were not as fierce as the previous trade wars. Japan does not want to capture real estate that is open to the world, but the United States cannot stand being invaded by Nissan for a long time. The determination is also unprecedented in what has been the most intense trade war between the two countries.

The Toshiba incident not only has the role of Japan, but also the role of Norway. Norway has long provided the Soviet Union with automatic artillery aiming computers, and this kind of computer is strictly prohibited from being exported to the Soviet Union by the Paris Coordinating Committee.

It can be seen that a secret channel for delivering special goods has long been established between the Soviet Union and Norway.

Norway has nothing to do with it, and Japan has been put to death by the Toshiba incident, so there is no need to worry about the ban. The ban is only valid for specific countries, such as Japan, which has a high status in the free world.

This is just an episode. Alan Wilson turned around and went back to work on the wage increase negotiations with the union. Of course, he must do his best to prevent the union from achieving its goal. This is the responsibility. There is no free lunch in the world. Although after years of hard work, The pound is in a much better position than it has been in history, but it must be admitted that the mainstream international settlement currency is the US dollar.

It is no longer like before World War II, when the UK could use the pound to buy the goods it needs from all over the world at will, and the threat of inflation caused by printing money also exists in the UK.

Once the pound is under pressure and depreciates, the effect of salary increases will be diluted. The Ministry of Finance has issued multiple warnings on this point, hoping that the trade unions will understand the danger.

Whitehall hopes to add a framework, which is to increase the weekly salary increase limit of 5% in each stage of the three-year period, and make it clear that the trade union cannot continue to threaten the government with the threat of strike.

"I didn't expect the Secretary-General to think that the trade union's fight for legitimate rights and interests is blackmailing the government." Goodman, the leader of the trade union, was almost furious.

"Mr. Goodman, don't be angry, it's just a difference in perspective." Alan Wilson waved his hand, "It's good to have ideals, but reality often doesn't allow too many ideals."

At this time, he suddenly remembered a line from a movie, you are still young, it is right to have ideals, but when you are my age and your family needs money, and I don’t have anything, you will know how important money is.

When I was negotiating with trade union representatives, I thought of such a sentence. It may not be suitable for the situation, but it is indeed a sincere statement. If the trade union does not demand a salary increase, civil servants’ salary increase demands can be suppressed. If the trade union does not compromise, regardless of the increase In the end, the civil servants will have to pay even more.

But Goodman obviously did not have this consideration. He showed the fearless attitude of the working class and told the Whitehall bureaucrats that death does not belong to the working class.

"Sometimes, I have to admire people's blindness. They don't know the problem at all." Walking out of the negotiation site, Alan Wilson said to Frank, "No matter what kind of demands they make, the ultimate beneficiaries must have Our part, that's why it's important to establish rules."

Obviously, the union will not sit still. Goodman then held a protest from Glenwick in London, and Whitehall responded with surveillance by the RCMP.

"Oh, woman!" Alan Wilson, in the Cabinet Secretary's Office, held the photo taken with a grimace on his face, "Frank, what do you feel when you see this photo?"

"Women, the proportion of ethnic minorities is so high." Frank took the photo and saw the clues at a glance, "But according to our understanding, immigrants and women are extremely enthusiastic about trade union affairs, surpassing native-born citizens. .”

"Of course I'm not hiding anything. The average weekly salary of these ethnic minorities and women is 28 pounds, which is only a fraction of the average weekly salary of 72 pounds, which is not even the standard of the average weekly salary of women."

"Women's average weekly salary is 48 pounds. This is indeed a little less. No wonder they are so keen on participating in trade union affairs. Goodman is also trying to use immigrants to put pressure on us." Alan Wilson sighed To be honest, if Mrs. Thatcher is in power now, he will definitely give advice to the army to take to the streets.

And just now a thought flashed in his mind, wanting to leave the other party to Grace, but after much deliberation, the decision was still in Callahan's hands.

Within trade unions, decentralization has also been going on. As time went on in the late 1960s, and the postwar generation grew up to bring industrial democracy to the fore, union members felt they should be involved in decisions about when, where and whether to strike, which were traditionally made by union leaders.

"Can we start with public officials?" Frank put forward his own suggestion. The trade unions are not without people who work for the government. The simplest example is firefighters.

"We can't hurt our own people." Alan Wilson shook his head slowly but firmly. He is the secretary general of the cabinet. He wants to protect the overall interests of civil servants. He cannot sacrifice the government employees within the union to fight the union. This will not work. It will only make this group suffer from splints.

"What should be done has been done, and we have done what we should The cabinet still has the right to decide, and the prime minister is to be precise. The prime minister can think about it himself."

Alan Wilson has been blocking it for three months, and it has played the role that Whitehall should have. The remaining matters will naturally be resolved by the Prime Minister himself, and he is still unwilling to care about these **** things.

After more than half a year of appeals, and the white armed forces in Southern Rhodesia have increasingly broken through the lower limit and began to suppress with heavy hands, the two opposing sides in Southern Rhodesia finally took London's appeal seriously, and had a little idea to talk, Wick Informed the news to Alan Wilson, who had just been freed from negotiating with the union.

After Ian Smith returned to Southern Rhodesia last time, he took seriously the advice given by Alan Wilson to reduce the worries of the black armed forces serving the current government. It has indeed started a series of work to unite people's hearts, provided material security for the families of black soldiers, and promised that even if it failed, they could be arranged to live in British Kenya to avoid future retaliation.

The battle situation in Southern Rhodesia suddenly became bloody. Although the white armed forces were elite enough, their population base was so small that they did not have the power to counter guerrilla warfare. The battle situation depended on the combat effectiveness of the black armed forces.

However, although Ian Smith has united the hearts of the people, after the independence of Angola and Mozambique, the pressure on Southern Rhodesia has been unprecedented, and Ian Smith does not have the ability to successfully suppress it.

On the one hand, Ian Smith did not dare to relax the suppression, on the other hand he began to publicly threaten to completely destroy the modern traces of Southern Rhodesia and force a temporary ceasefire of resistance.

"What kind of French behavior." Alan Wilson sighed, "Let both parties come to London, and the door of the round table conference is open to all peace-loving people. By the way, you can ask President Carter if he should play a leadership role."

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