British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1499: Brzezinski made the assist

Diplomatic letters were issued, and although Southern Rhodesia was a British colony, Callahan did not exclude the United States.

Although Britain and the United States have struggled a lot on the colonial issue, and it can even be said that the struggle is quite fierce, but this time we can expect the United States to play a positive role.

The reason given by Alan Wilson is also irresistible. After the United States found out in Vietnam, the Soviet Union became aggressive all over the world. Even the veteran anti-Soviet politician Nixon took an evasive posture.

Of course, the U.S. needs to make progress in another area. The U.S. was calm when the Soviet Union was aggressive. The U.S. could only rely on human rights over sovereignty when the Soviet Union was aggressive.

According to Shuangwen's model, without the forbearance of Carter's period, how could there be the pleasure of looking at the world with Reagan's great success in the Seven Kills, and gave out a fierce pleasure.

Alan Wilson also likes the role of the United States as a defender of human rights in the world. This kind of chronic poison will only have negative effects after a long time. Anyway, it is difficult for the United States in the 21st century to fall back into the category of a nation-state.

The birth ratio of white Americans is infinitely close to that of Russians in the Soviet Union.

If you count the overall Slavs, the Slavs in the Soviet Union accounted for 80%, the traditional whites in the United States did not have this proportion, and the Latins and blacks alone accounted for more than one-third.

The foundation of the United States is actually worse than that of the Soviet Union, not better. The United States must be a city on a hill. If it cannot be a city on a hill, it will be a problem to unite the hearts of the people. The Soviet Union can regress to Great Slavism. The United States does not even have this condition No.

If the United States can replicate the great victory of the disintegration of the Soviet Union, of course nothing will happen. I am afraid that a certain big country's attainments in Guixi Dafa are far superior to the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union, which believed in the idea of ​​thickening iron rods, is still a bit worse. Just like the characteristics of the Soviet Union, the fields of humanities and military are both developing very well, and it is easy to go to extremes.

Carter, who had just taken office, came to work, and it was the work offered by the former world overlord, the British Empire.

In the eyes of the United States, the United Kingdom is of course a country that has retreated step by step after the war. It is gradually falling from the position of a world power, but the speed is a bit slower, and the United Kingdom insists on following its own rhythm.

It is not that the United States has used means to squeeze it out, but the resistance it has encountered is far beyond imagination. It has been dragged back and forth for more than ten years, and it has to fight the Vietnam War. It also tacitly accepts that the United States can accept everything from the United Kingdom under the cover of time.

Since the Suez Canal War did not happen, how did the United States know that Britain raised its hand and surrendered ten years after the war? Washington can only see the United Kingdom, which is still sitting firmly at the second place in the free world and retains considerable strength.

Now that the United Kingdom is asking for it, it is of course worthy of Carter's happiness when he just took office. What about the former world hegemony? In the end, it was impossible to reverse the historical trend and asked the United States?

In the Carter administration, there was a person on Allen Wilson's kill list, that is, Brzezinski who had lived in the UK. The reason why he wanted to kill Brzezinski at the beginning was because the UK eventually betrayed the Polish government-in-exile. .

Should a Polish immigrant become extremely influential in the United States, it could wreak havoc on the special Anglo-American relationship.

In the end, Alan Wilson also felt that one person's role was limited. This Polish Jew who hated the Soviet Union extremely, has now become the National Security Affairs Assistant of the Carter Administration. Determined to build a broader alliance against the Soviet Union.

The fundamental reason why he was let go is that although Brzezinski is well-known in the Chinese world, his power is far less than his fame.

The assistant for national security affairs is already the time when Brzezinski has the greatest power. He himself has nothing to do with the Reagan administration. After the fall of the Carter administration, Brzezinski never returned to politics because of his reputation. Belonging is an existence that was swept out like Kissinger.

He has been a teacher for a long time, but just like famous generals emerged after Lu Bu's death, the Soviet Union disintegrated, and a group of so-called cold war heroes emerged one after another in various countries. But in fact, they really didn't play a role when they were in power.

After Margaret Thatcher was released, she also wrote a book about how she claimed to have defeated the Soviet Union. These people basically came out of nothing.

I don’t know if Brzezinski, who knew that he was going to leave this world, also agrees that President Carter should use the influence of the United States, “Britain’s influence in Africa should not be underestimated. In terms of African strategy, if it can help , through the confrontation between Britain and France and the Soviet Union, it can provide assistance to the US strategy, and it is easy to establish a broader alliance."

Carter also relies heavily on Brzezinski. Although this person has a bad reputation, he did help Carter's campaign in this general election.

Soon, London received a positive response from President Carter. The United States is willing to help Britain solve the very difficult African problem in Africa and play a role in restoring regional peace.

"Let the United States take this opportunity to extend its hand to Africa. You were quite wary of such things before." Pamela Mountbatten waited until her husband came home and learned the news, and directly expressed her concerns.

"Of course I don't trust the U.S. government, but President Carter is trustworthy." Alan Wilson said something that puzzled his wife, and then explained, "And the African issue is very low in the strategic considerations of the United States. Just be careful. Some are not impossible to work with."

The strategic position of Africa in the eyes of the United States should be only one level higher than that of Antarctica. The strategic importance of the United States is nothing more than Europe and then Asia, followed by Oceania and America, and then Africa.

Decades later in Africa, it is France that can really be called the emperor, followed by a certain big country. As for the three countries of Britain, the United States and Russia, they can be classified as the superpower France and the other sub-superpowers after a certain big country.

"It seems that the original plan to rebuild British India in British Africa is not unreasonable." Pamela Mountbatten muttered, and then seemed to remember something, "Of course, this plan can be abolished."

Resolutely oppose this plan, and hope that the person who looks at Asia is her husband. He said that the plan of British Africa is okay, isn't it the head of the inner family.

Even if he knew the mistake and could correct it, Pamela Mountbatten still got a solid slap on the buttocks. Alan Wilson used this to establish the authority of the head of the family, and there was another round of slapstick. Pamela Mountbatten told himself Her husband, Grace, was open about post-partition white land, "and he wanted the wedding to happen before that."

"Wealth touches people's hearts. Faced with astronomical wealth, Grace can't avoid being greedy." Alan Wilson shook his head in amazement. Didn't it mean that Pamela Mountbatten had almost **** the United Kingdom? The nobles and even the Queen's Concern Group?

If Albert's wedding is held, do you need to know other people from the British high society? You can reach the sky in one step, and you don't need to be bullied by the rich and powerful.

"As long as Albert thinks it's good, I won't object." Pamela Mountbatten herself married a man who was not from a noble family, and her father married a daughter of a wealthy man. It's nothing, after expressing her approval Asked, "How is the Prime Minister, have you agreed to your salary increase plan?"

"Basically, it's almost the same, but one of the reasons from the trade union almost didn't kill me. Compare your salary with London housing prices? What do you think London housing prices have to do with them? Who let them live in London, why don't they live in London? Scotland?"

Alan Wilson said without hesitation, "London is the capital of the British Empire and serves the extensive Commonwealth to absorb overseas wealth. But many people have the illusion that London's house prices should be affordable for the working class? Those fifty million citizens will all live in London."

"This truth cannot be explained clearly, otherwise it will stimulate their fragile self-esteem." Pamela Mountbatten nodded in agreement, "Our country is like this, although it is a fact."

"Well, we have to take care that they don't deserve a penny. That's the problem. UUReading Books www.uukanshu.comThey always think they are important. Don't worry, this problem will be solved sooner or later. The momentum of the Conservative Party seems to be getting stronger. Big." Alan Wilson still expressed his optimism about the future, someone will take care of these lazy workers.

There was a scene in both the Nixon period and the Carter period, that is, the real secretary of state faced the power struggle of the president's cronies, Kissinger in the Nixon period, and Brzezinski in the Carter period.

When he knew that Brzezinski would represent Carter at the roundtable meeting of all parties in the Southern Rhodesian colony, Alan Wilson was not moved by the reappearance of the must-kill list. Because the wage increase plan has been passed along with the union's fight money.

The leader of the Conservative Party, Margaret Thatcher, severely criticized the insatiable greed of trade unions in the House of Commons, and pointed the finger at the Callaghan government. She believed that the weak Labor Party government was the culprit for the delay in solving the current inflation problem. Inflation race situation.

"Gentlemen, do you have a feeling that consensus politics seems to be coming to an end. Since Mrs Thatcher became the leader of the Conservative Party, the atmosphere in the House of Commons seems to have become a lot more intense." Alan Wilson asked several heads of civil servants, John Heng Te and Berktrund also nodded in approval.

While several people were happily watching TV, Wick walked in, "Ian Smith and the leader of the black political party, Mugabe, both agreed to participate in the roundtable meeting."

"Tell the good news to the prime minister. The prime minister needs good news right now." Alan Wilson reluctantly looked away from Mrs. Thatcher's accusation screen and ordered.

Now it is time to prepare for the round table meeting. With the joint efforts of the United Kingdom and the United States, the conflict in Southern Rhodesia will be resolved from the perspective of not allowing the Soviet Union to take advantage of it.


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