British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1500: like america

The situation in Rhodesia will also affect the civil war in Angola that has already started. Angola and Mozambique have been independent for two years, and the central government has declared that they will follow the Soviet Union. Compared with Mozambique, Angola, which has oil resources, is obviously guilty and has become a The arena where all sides wrestle.

Of course, Alan Wilson knew in his heart that the Angola civil war and the Soviet Union won a big victory in the end. In order to prevent South Africa from facing the situation of being an enemy country in the future, it is necessary to talk to the black leader Mugabe sincerely.

Otherwise, South Rhodesia will fall to the Soviet Union after independence, and South Africa will face unprecedented danger.

Before Ian Smith and Mugabe arrived in London, U.S. national security adviser Brzezinski had already arrived in London first, and Brzezinski had only childhood memories of London.

At that time, Britain was still the center of the world in the eyes of the public, and Britain was still an empire on which the sun never sets.

Things are different and people are different. Although Britain still has considerable strength, there is no doubt that the United States and the Soviet Union are the countries that determine the direction of the world.

The sentimental Brzezinski didn't know that he was once on Alan Wilson's must-kill list because of the betrayal of the Polish government-in-exile. Facing the smiling cabinet secretary, he still felt that the person in front of him was good. It just added a touch of goodwill.

After all, he can be regarded as a famous figure. Although Alan Wilson is used to seeing historical celebrities, he is no longer surprised, but there are still benefits to being famous, and he treats Brzezinski very politely.

Brzezinski's opposition to the Soviet Union is genuine, but he is by no means brainless. He knows that the United States is already a little bit unable to deal with the Soviet Union with its own strength. The balance of victory depends on the allies of the United States, Britain, France, Germany, Italy and Japan. Romania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Albania, Hungary on the Soviet side.

As long as the Soviet Union can be solved, all the current problems in the United States will no longer be problems. In order to solve the Soviet Union, Brzezinski is willing to be friendly with all countries, even countries that are also under the Soviet system. Anyway, as long as the Soviet Union is finished in the end, these little guys Hey, it's not just how the United States handles it.

They are all willing to have a good talk with the countries of the Soviet system, not to mention that the United Kingdom is still an important ally of the United States. The British betrayed the Polish government-in-exile before, and Brzezinski suppressed it.

Even if Brzezinski mentioned the government-in-exile, Alan Wilson has something to say, who can't make mistakes? Can't Britain be deceived by the Soviet Union?

And this is also a good thing. It is better to organize the anti-Soviet work after returning to Poland. It is nothing more than the suppression that they face is also extremely strong. After all, forces are mutual, and no one can do anything about it.

The two sat down directly to talk about each other's situation. It is normal for Alan Wilson to be willing to come forward to receive Brzezinski. It is impossible for the US National Security Affairs Assistant to let the Prime Minister greet him in person, right?

Brzezinski didn't pick on the etiquette, and he couldn't pick it out. He directly asked what the UK's position is, "is it going to be partitioned?"

"Uh!" Alan Wilson was a little embarrassed when he heard this sentence. It seems that Britain has also carried out the Partition of India and Pakistan once, right? What does Brzezinski mean, it seems that the UK always does this? So he shook his head resolutely and said, "Of course we hope that the people of Southern Rhodesia, regardless of race, will live in one country in unity, just like the United States. Of course we will try our best to do this, but in the end we still have to look at the positions of both sides , if Ali Jinnah is as determined and independent as he was back then, no one can do anything about it.”

"I thought the UK already had a solution." Brzezinski said dubiously, and could only maintain a limited amount of trust in this set of rhetoric.

"A solution is not necessarily good or bad until there is no result." Alan Wilson replied with a smile. In fact, most of the conversation with Brzezinski went very smoothly.

This may be the benefit of realists, as someone said, prefer to deal with Republicans...

Of course, it is not the style of supreme authority to blindly maintain peace and harmony. At critical moments, cards must be made out of thin air. Facing Alan Wilson's inquiry, some voices said that the United States and the Soviet Union wanted to divide the world into two to fix the world structure.

Brzezinski said that there is absolutely no such thing, "Of course we still aim to defeat the Soviet Union, but now we should establish a broader alliance, and may not be willing to conflict with the Soviet Union in a short period of time, but the United States is absolutely not like What the Sir said meant dividing the sphere of influence with the Soviet Union."

"That's good. If you believe this, the allies are relieved." Alan Wilson said that it is not the United Kingdom that thinks so, but other European countries have such doubts. The boss who has always been very reliable has now become uneasy. so reliable.

Now every country knows that the Soviet Union is attacking the U.S., and the U.S. does not need to comfort itself that business as usual will not take the initiative to show favor to a certain big country. It was as if the Korean War had never been fought.

The United States can still bow its head when it needs to? Thinking of this, Alan Wilson still had some reservations about this evaluation, this time it was okay. Decades later, it seemed that the Sleeping King and the Democratic Party felt that the United States still had the national strength to handle two opponents at the same time.

Having reached a consensus on behalf of their respective countries, Britain and the United States, a pair of countries with special relations, began to solve the problems in southern Africa, which inevitably aroused complaints from France.

France does not have prejudices against the United States. In fact, France has prejudices against any major power outside the region expanding its influence in Africa.

In the eyes of the French, Britain and the United States are undoubtedly leading the wolf into the house together to solve the problems in southern Africa. However, such complaints are easy to deal with, as long as you don't hear them.

The Southern Rhodesian Roundtable finally convened on time, although in theory Britain and the United States would no longer be confused about courting the majority of blacks and treating white demands as if they didn't exist. However, Ian Smith's activities for many years have always had some support in both the UK and the US.

Among them, the Conservative Party launched several pro-Rhodecia actions on Monday and went to Downing Street to demonstrate.

In addition, U.S. Senator Bailey Goldwater once said bluntly, "We need more people like Ian Smith. I think that in today's world, we have too few leaders. I hope his actions can multiply. Spread it around."

However, these voices are still too thin compared with mainstream opinions, and they are not enough for white people to protect their own goals.

Alan Wilson also pointed this out in front of Ian Smith, letting him understand that if he wants to save himself, he can only achieve as fair a partition as possible, and the whites will definitely get a small part of the land in the end.

Ian Smith's opponent is Mugabe, the chairman and first secretary of the African National Union of Zimbabwe. Alan Wilson can't say that the countless zeros on Zimbabwe's face paper in later generations are related to this leader. Because once the country encounters the economic situation of sanctions, it will definitely be distorted.

Even the sanction of a big country like Russia cannot be said to have no effect, it can only be said that the vast land and resources can survive, not to mention Zimbabwe, whose conditions are countless times worse.

Ian Smith's current role is very similar to Ali Jinnah, the leader of the Muslim League 30 years ago. Gabe pretended to be tolerant. The white people must be independent. No matter how much land they have in the end, they will not regret it.

The headline on the front page of The Times on this day was "Ari Jinnah in this era!", which elaborated on the dilemma faced by Ian Smith in detail.

Alan Wilson also pretended to be on Mugabe's side with Brzezinski, expressing that he would slowly persuade Ian Smith.

Of course, Mugabe is not easy to fool. He always feels that the United Kingdom and the United States will eventually stand on the side of the white people.

This must be slandering the United Kingdom and the United States. Compared with the likes and dislikes of hundreds of millions of African blacks, what are the hundreds of thousands of so-called white compatriots? Regression is essentially This attitude is not about how impartial Britain is, it can only be said that blacks have the value of united front, but local whites do not. If whites were not only one-tenth of the total population, Britain would definitely change its attitude.

Of course, Ian Smith has already got a confession here. Facing Mugabe’s overtures, he pretended not to see it. He kept saying that he wanted to shoot the last bullet and fight to the last soldier. The biggest concession can be offered, and if some people side with the so-called natives for all values, we have no choice but to fight to the end. Destroy all modern traces of Rhodesia, and return the entire region to the barbaric era."

"Ian, why do you need to learn from the French?" Alan Wilson said as a peacemaker, still doing his last bit for the unity of all forces in Rhodesia.

The UK is of course on the side of the majority, but if a group strongly disagrees, then what? If the UK ignores it, the situation in Rhodesia may turn into a tyranny of the majority in the future, which is not the future that the UK wants to happen.

The Southern Rhodesia Round Table Conference is competing for space almost every day, hoping to shape the public opinion that Whitehall wants to see. Although it is in the principle of majority, it should support black people, but it cannot ignore the interests of white people. This will lead to civil war extend.

"Mr. Brzezinski, can the electoral college system in the United States be applied to Rhodesia?" Alan Wilson asked maliciously. The electoral system in the United States is very democratic, but not so democratic.

"Ian Smith's number of supporters is too low, and any election design is useless. We can't be like the beginning of the century, where only black college students have the right to vote?"

-----Off Topic-----

I have a cold and a fever

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