British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 1501: Anglo-American Joint Declaration

No matter how the electoral system is designed, only one-tenth of the total population of whites cannot win. As for the top-level design, it is even more nonsense. In a certain sense, the top-level design is not as reliable as the bottom-level design.

Brzezinski believes that as long as the current situation is an election, it is unsolvable, and it is useless to design it. Alan Wilson also thinks deeply, "In fact, if you want to avoid war, it is not impossible to divide and conquer. We have all seen the results in a dominion. In order to prevent the war from continuing, we may have to carry out domestic results that no one wants to see."

"Really?" Brzezinski looked at the British playfully. He had previously thought that Britain would adopt a partition method, although the cabinet secretary in front of him had been denying it.

Up to now, the British are still showing their fox tails, and all the previous statements were just playful, "Secretary General, in fact, you have already been inclined, haven't you?"

"After all, it is white immigrants. We also hope to set an example for South Africa. Mr. Brzezinski, we all understand that the situation in South Africa is far worse than that in Rhodesia. All the rehearsals we are doing now are for the future of South Africa. peace." Alan Wilson said he was not completely shirking responsibility.

The situation in South Africa is indeed far more serious than that in Rhodesia, and it is more noticeable. Even Cuban military advisers have appeared on the battlefield in Angola. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?

South Africa is of course important. The Soviet Union's African strategy was aimed at South Africa. In the era when Australia's potential was not fully realized, South Africa represented the facade of a mineral country.

In the description of the Soviet Union, it has the reputation of the world's mines. The Soviet strategy in the Brezhnev era was to make progress in the two directions of energy in the Middle East and African mines, and finally forced the free world to surrender.

The strategy is a good strategy and has made great progress. However, the Soviet Union failed to take down its target countries, Saudi Arabia and South Africa, but it also greatly shocked the free world.

As for the five major mineral-producing countries in people's minds, they are actually talking about South Africa and Australia, because the other three do not rely on minerals for food in essence, and the other three are China, the United States and the Soviet Union.

That is to say, among the five major mining countries, two of each camp are very stable, and the only mineral country that can compete for it is South Africa, which is still a white regime. struggle for the apartheid regime.

Brzezinski is also well aware of the importance of South Africa, and knows that this is the core of the Soviet Union's African strategy. "What the Secretary-General said is also very reasonable. Once South Africa is threatened, the consequences will be too serious."

"The threat of the Soviet Union is huge. We must give South Africa a way to survive, and the moral burden is out of the question." Brzezinski pondered for a while, indicating that South Africa still wanted to support it.

"That's right." Alan Wilson actually felt that this sentence was very nonsense, and the promise was entirely because Brzezinski represented the Carter administration.

Because the threat of the Soviet Union is huge, so you want to support South Africa? Is there a necessary connection? It's almost the same logic as Guofan's praising Mr. Chang, because the opponent is an unborn powerful existence. So Chang Gong's talent must be there.

Just go up hard, in fact, the speed of Chang Gong's defeat made Nanyue sigh.

Perfunctory Brzezinski, Alan Wilson directly put forward the partition plan, and said that under the premise that the white people in Southern Rhodesia are determined not to live on the same land as the black people, partition is inevitable. Ren Wilson was candid.

"Sir, judging from the results of the partition of India and Pakistan, this is not a good solution. India and Pakistan have fought several wars." Callahan asked directly, "Can you tell me the benefits? If not, Maybe I won't agree with that decision."

"The benefits of partitioning are too many. It will help us intervene in the situation in the future without causing trouble to other countries." Alan Wilson replied with a smile, "It is good for everyone except themselves."

"The war caused millions of casualties." Callahan frowned. "And then you told me they didn't cause trouble for others."

"It's better to fight yourself than to fight other countries." Alan Wilson explained with a smile, "Pakistan and India are not obedient, and without Pakistan and India, can't even get involved in Malaya?"

British India also served as the management agency of the Straits Settlements. If the Indians really talk about it since ancient times, they can claim sovereignty over Singapore.

But when it comes to this issue, the India-Pakistan war has ended for more than five years. According to the previous statement, Britain should withdraw from Bangladesh this year to ensure that Bangladesh becomes a neutral country, but it can be slightly biased towards the free world.

As for the original role of Bangladesh in the Cold War? In fact, it is also a pro-Soviet country.

After India occupied East Pakistan, it still ruthlessly supported a group of people, which led to the fact that before the disintegration of the Soviet Union, Bangladesh and Bangladesh generally adopted a common policy with India.

After the independence of Bangladesh, the Soviet Union became one of the first countries to recognize Bangladesh and establish diplomatic relations with it, and played an important role in clearing landmines and rebuilding destroyed cities in Bangladesh after the war.

Of course, the benefits are mutual. Russia urgently needs Bangladesh's textile products and light industrial products. At the same time, Russia is also the main supplier of weapons and equipment for the Bangladesh Defense Forces, mainly anti-tank missiles, armored vehicles, fighter jets and helicopters.

Of course, Britain can't let Bangladesh become an inconspicuous one among the many small followers of the Soviet Union.

The five-year garrison period has come, and Britain does not need to find a way to stay in Bangladesh, because Malaya is not far from Bangladesh. The problem now is to expel the Indian army at the same time.

Of course, for this credit, Alan Wilson, through Brzezinski, said that President Carter can share a fortune. Good old Carter is suitable for this kind of thing. There is also peace in the Middle East. President Carter can do it in the next four years. What, the supreme authority has planned.

"At this time, the United States is not suitable for confronting the Soviet Union head-on. It is extremely important to establish the national prestige of maintaining world peace. The United Kingdom can help with things that damage the prestige of the United States." Alan Wilson said sincerely, and he had even deceived himself. In his heart, he made suggestions entirely from the perspective of his allies.

If Greta Garbo and other ladies of the same status as his wife were there, they would be deeply pleased with his performance. He deserves to be a man who has cooperated with movie queens many times and left classics handed down from generation to generation.

Brzezinski now understands what is the special relationship between Britain and the United States. The United Kingdom and the United States are in the same position on the matter of curbing India's influence. No matter whether many people thought that the United States was wrong to stand on Pakistan's side in the last India-Pakistan war, It is useless to regret the matter as a foregone conclusion. Locking India from the east and west and limiting India's influence within the scope of South Asia is the most important thing.

"Since Britain thinks partition is a good way, of course we, the United States, also need to support it. The prosperity of the free world needs our joint protection." Brzezinski's mouth was not right, and it may be the first time to personally practice the special relationship between Britain and the United States. , Brzezinski stuttered and was not quite used to this role.

That being the case, partition is Britain's final solution to Southern Rhodesia, fully taking care of the requirements of the two ethnic groups.

The only problem is the proportion. The land issue is often a disadvantage, especially Harare, the capital of Rhodesia. Which party does it belong to?

This is a very sensitive issue. Harare has a population of 300,000, and the vast majority of its residents are white. Of course Ian Smith hopes to keep it, but Alan Wilson shakes his head helplessly after calculating, "If Harare Lalei can still think of a way to distribute the land. According to the population ratio, the white people can get one-tenth of the land."

"It's too cheap for those black people. They will only destroy Rhodesia." Ian Smith was indignant. He really regarded Rhodesia as his home and loved this land deeply.

"Take everything you can and leave~ What else can you do? You have no idea how much I spent to get Grace to consider merging the two places." Alan Wilson sighed , The price he paid was quite high, and that was the orthodox heir of Pamela Mountbatten.

Instead of guarding Harare helplessly, it is better to exchange some land with Mugabe while the control of the capital is still there.

Instead of trying to find a way to immigrate at that time, it is better to talk about the conditions now and take the initiative to give up the capital.

The next stage of work is to persuade Mugabe to agree. This will definitely not be easy, but think about it, with South Africa in the south and Rhodesia royal territory in the north, it is not very beneficial to continue fighting.

The United Kingdom also stated that the white people are already psychologically prepared to destroy Harare. Once this happens, Mugabe can only get a country full of holes.

In the end, due to the excessive differences between the two sides, this round table meeting failed to produce results. Alan Wilson has already explained to the representatives of the two parties that partition is the final solution that the United Kingdom can come up with.

If both sides have no sincerity at all, the war can only continue more cruelly, and the hatred between the two ethnic groups will really be irresolvable.

Brzezinski's visit is not in vain, isn't it that the deadline for Bangladesh's troop withdrawal has arrived? At this time, the influence of the United States is needed as a supervision. Moreover, what Indira Gandhi has done in India in the past few years is completely in line with the opposite of Carter, a human rights fighter.

A few days later, the United Kingdom and the United States once again issued a declaration on ensuring peace and stability in South Asia, especially focusing on ensuring the sovereignty and integrity of the landlocked countries at the southern foot of the Himalayas, and preventing them from being violated by other hegemonic countries.


My heart hurts when I cough, but then again, what food is good for the heart?

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