British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 803: Enemy on Capitol Hill

"In short, this is a threat to the free world." General Mountbatten found a place to sit down, ready to chat with his old friend.

The Nautilus nuclear submarine pioneered the application of nuclear power, and the submarine has entered a new era. It has inestimable great value. Its political and military significance is far-reaching, so it is considered to be one of the important milestones in the development of modern submarine technology. one.

But in any case, the Nautilus, as a pioneer, is much larger than the average submarine, but it only has a full-load displacement of 4,000 tons. With the size of the Nautilus and the internal nuclear reactor, the internal space is actually relatively limited.

This is especially true for the tall Mountbatten. It was just a rare opportunity that Mountbatten disregarded the small space inside the submarine and wanted to come in for a visit and get first-hand information.

According to the original division of the four countries occupied Germany, the Ruhr area, the essence of Germany, was the British occupation area. Alan Wilson focused on scavenging in the British-occupied area, and packaged the submarines and talents completed by the German shipyard to the United Kingdom.

It's just that Alan Wilson was quiet at that time. He didn't know where the German submarine experts were going. He only knew that the British had arranged for these people. Mountbatten is now the First Sea Secretary, and of course he knew where these people were.

With the existence of these German experts, the ideas and designs on some submarines are not difficult for the UK, but the difference between nuclear submarines and conventional submarines is the nuclear reactor, which the Germans can't help, and the Germans are wrong on nuclear weapons. On the road, this aspect is not as good as the UK.

As a matter of fact, the nuclear reactors in the UK have certainly made progress, but now that the news from the Soviet Union has made London want to speed up the progress, Mountbatten turned his attention to the United States.

The United States went back on its word and tore up the nuclear agreement between the United States and the United States. Of course Mountbatten knew about it, but it did not delay his efforts to this end. Now the United Kingdom must learn to plan carefully. If not, do your own research.

An old acquaintance, Hyman Rickover, who happens to be a friend of Mountbatten, decided to open a gap in the father of American nuclear power.

The two sat in the crew's room and looked at each other, because they were welcoming the visit, and the crew of the entire nuclear submarine were not there. Mountbatten saw that a few of Hyman Rickover's entourage did not follow him, and said directly, "Actually now The problems the UK faces in the navy are exactly the same as those of the US, and you know, the Warsaw Pact countries chose to confront them, and the situation in Europe is not very reassuring now.”

Alan Wilson can see what the Warsaw Pact pair from Yugoslavia brought, and Mountbatten has been in the political center of London for many years, and of course he can see that this Warsaw Pact can enter the Mediterranean at any time.

The U.S. Sixth Fleet in Italy is the first to bear the brunt, but at the same time, it does not mean that the United Kingdom is all right. The Mediterranean Fleet where Mountbatten was before will definitely be under pressure.

Mountbatten was a politician general, and when he asked for help, Hyman Rickover was taken aback, and he hoped that the other party would help the United Kingdom and build the Royal Navy's full nuclear fleet.

Hyman Rickover was deeply shocked. This was a discussion within the U.S. Navy, but when he thought that Mountbatten was the highest commander of the British Navy, it was not surprising to have such an idea, but how could he agree? Even if the United Kingdom and the United States are in an alliance and in a military bloc, it is impossible to help the United Kingdom build a full nuclear fleet.

Mountbatten had a panoramic view of Hyman Rickover's reaction. Of course, he knew that it was impossible. Americans would never do this, not even close allies. From the Manhattan Project's breach of contract, it's good that Americans don't stumble.

He was completely open-minded, using the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States to make a huge request to cover up his real purpose.

Alan Wilson once gave his father-in-law a move to get assistance in nuclear submarines through a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier. Mountbatten went straight to one step, and came up with the concept of a full nuclear fleet, which can play a more protective role than any nuclear-powered submarine.

Right now, the U.S. Navy is indeed discussing the concept of an all-nuclear fleet. Nuclear-powered ships that can run for more than ten years or even decades without refueling are extremely enviable. Of course, Hyman Rickover also knew that the only obstacle, in a word, was on Capitol Hill.

"Dicky, you know, this is a big deal." Hyman Rickover expressed his refusal in a roundabout way.

"Hyman, I know you're an expert in nuclear power, and the Royal Navy now wants to adapt to the pace of the new era. Our purpose is to downsize. Convert the now huge conventional fleet to a smaller one that saves The cost of an all-nuclear fleet, from that point on, our proposition is consistent."

The sincerity on General Mountbatten's face deceived Hyman Rickover's eyes. The Royal Navy and the United States Navy had the same idea of ​​​​founding the army. Before the war, the Royal Navy was an enlarged version of the United States Navy, and after the war, it was a reduced version. of the US Navy.

So it is not surprising to have the same thinking. Mountbatten knew this, so he proposed a military building idea similar to that of the US Navy to cover up his true purpose. He had discussed similar things with his son-in-law, and was not optimistic about the concept of an all-nuclear fleet.

Moreover, the cabinet will not support the Royal Navy's nuclear power change. Today's UK is not the same as it used to be, and the money is much tighter, but nuclear submarines are different, and this is still something to strive for.

It is impossible for Hyman Rickover to agree. He does not have this power, and even if he does, there is no reason to do so.

But Mountbatten immediately gave Hyman Rickover a reason, "Hyman, in fact, the US Navy should help me. Our interests are the same, from the perspective of an old navy."

"How do you say that?" Hyman Rickover asked suspiciously. He was fine from a personal point of view, but how could the federal government agree to a matter as big as an all-nuclear fleet?

"Well, I don't expect to get everything, but from the perspective of some small nuclear-powered ships. I can't go home empty-handed, can I?" Mountbatten said, "As for your reason for helping me, because we both We face one thing in common, that is, the navy costs money, and the navy wants big money. I believe you all feel the same way. The enemy is on Capitol Hill... I have my enemies, and you have your enemies. We should solve this problem together."

"So, how to solve this problem?" Hyman Rickover's expression changed. As a supporter of the nuclear-powered fleet, of course he was also dissatisfied with the congressmen who were stuck with the budget. This was a real expression of emotion.

"Like I said, the Royal Navy and the U.S. Navy are facing the same problems. As the father of nuclear power, Heyman, you must support the full nuclear fleet, right? But without a reference, your support is not very effective. ." Mountbatten smiled and said with a face like I was our mouth. "What if the British Navy has a similar plan? Can that be used as evidence to go to the MPs on Capitol Hill to ask for money?"

Hyman Rickover was silent for a long time, and finally smiled and said, "I want to discuss it with my colleagues."

"I'm looking forward to it very much." Mountbatten stopped, and the two got up and continued to shuttle among the nuclear submarines.

After a while, Mountbatten and Hyman Rickover came out of the nuclear submarine together, hanging on their shoulders. In the eyes of others, it was the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, and no one could fault it.

The next phase of Mountbatten's itinerary is to meet with friends in the US Air Force, while Hyman Rickover is going to find another supporter of the all-nuclear fleet to talk about operability. This man is Arleigh Albert Burke. A favorite of the Secretary of the Navy, like Hayman Rickover, Arleigh Albert Burke was very supportive of an all-nuclear fleet.

This later admiral named after the Arleigh Burke-class destroyer was just fifty-four years old at this time. For a senior general, Arleigh Burke was not only young, but was in his prime.

Arleigh Burke was highly valued by President Eisenhower. He became an admiral two years ago, but unlike others, he was promoted by leapfrog, from rear admiral to admiral directly, In particular, it can be seen that Eisenhower valued it.

"Mountbatten also wants to build a full nuclear fleet in the UK?" Arleigh Burke frowned listening to Hyman Rickover's retelling, "It seems that he is the same as ours."

Arleigh Burke believes that the most valuable line in Hyman Rickover's retelling is that the enemy is on Capitol Hill. The establishment of an all-nuclear fleet must require a lot of money to support, and the congressional gentlemen who can approve the budget have never made the soldiers who are loyal to the country comfortable.

If the British side can help, once there is a move, maybe it will really allow the Congressmen with regular budgets to develop more budget for the Navy.

"But for what reason do we help the British?" Arleigh Burke said to Hyman Rickover. "It doesn't make sense. We can't help just because of General Mountbatten's request."

"British nuclear submarines have made great progress. We refuse to provide nuclear power support for aircraft carriers, which is an account to Congress. On nuclear submarines, even if we do not help, the United Kingdom will make progress later. It is better that we offer to help, this will also We can learn about the progress of British nuclear submarines." Hyman Rickover then added, "General Mountbatten, said that there is a need for cooperation between the two sides on the aircraft carrier. The United Kingdom can transfer the patent of the steam catapult and exchange the support of the nuclear reactor on the aircraft carrier. We Support for nuclear submarine reactors should not be a problem in exchange."

"Once the British nuclear submarine appears, it can be used as evidence that the entire nuclear fleet should be established." Arleigh Burke stood up and walked back and forth, nodded and said, "Let's keep quiet, I heard that the president has expressed that he wants to meet him, we Let's see how it goes."

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