British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 804: justice commissioner

All-nuclear fleets, the phrase holds enigmatic magic to a part of the Admiralty and is willing to put it into action.

The fathers of nuclear power, Hyman Rickover and Arleigh Burke, are staunch all-nuclear fleet factions. The two were able to cite numerous examples of the superiority of an all-nuclear fleet, just not adopted by Capitol Hill.

At such a time, Mountbatten appeared as a supporter of the British domestic nuclear fleet, which was more able to prove the correctness of their claims.

They hoped that Mountbatten and Eisenhower could have a pleasant meeting.

This idea is normal, just like the relationship between Whitehall and the British Chancellor of the Exchequer. Talking about anything is fine, but cutting funding is not enough. This bureaucratic idea works just as well in the United States.

Mountbatten's trip to the United States is destined to take a long time. Pamela Mountbatten, who also convened a group of nobles, also negotiated with the four major families in Hong Kong, which made Alan Wilson very lonely.

Staying in Singapore, I talked to Lieutenant General Billton, commander of the British army, every day about the ins and outs of my relationship with my father-in-law.

In the end, the right to deal with the perpetrators with conclusive evidence was taken away from the British garrison. The military of any country is a difficult existence, and the United Kingdom is of course no exception.

Coming out of the Far East Joint Operations Command, inside the truck that escorted the offending soldiers, two rows of British soldiers with silver bracelets looked at the perpetrator angrily through the field of vision behind the truck.

Without this person, they would never enjoy this kind of treatment in their entire lives. An administrative commissioner actually appeared at the headquarters and brought them out of the garrison base.

"Don't look at me like that!" Alan Wilson in a suit put his hands in his pockets, staring at the car and defending himself, "The thing I despise the most in my life is a person who is completely comfortable and irresponsible. There was a good assistant who had a bright future, and now I don't know where he went. The mistakes are similar to yours, but far less serious."

"The two major ethnic groups in British Malaya are very conservative no matter which social atmosphere they are in. If you are involved in money transactions, I will not go too far, but it is irresponsible to have a relationship with a woman from a good family, which is not conducive to the work of the colonial government. "

Alan Wilson stood in the back of the truck chattering, "Just be lucky. When you get married, skip the matter and replace it with a civil lynching. How can it be so easy to end."

"I didn't force the other party..." A first-class soldier defended angrily, "There are girlfriends in my country."

"Will you still be waiting for you after serving so long? I don't want to explain some things." Alan Wilson looked like you were too young, and thought for a moment, "I will contact Whitehall to learn about your domestic family. Relationship, let you die. Well, you are welcome at Qingshan Mental Hospital. The East Malaysia Commissioner will wait for you to live in the pigeon cage to preside over the wedding. If you refuse, it will be done in accordance with the laws of the colonial government. Regarding the crime of rape, because The social atmosphere in colonial Malaya is conservative, and the reputation of chastity is highly valued, and such mistakes are serious crimes.”

In fact, in a society that is open to the relationship between the sexes in Europe and the United States in later generations, it does not matter that the punishment for **** is reduced. The family is disintegrating, still struggling with this kind of thing? But in Malaya it is different, the sentencing must be severe.

People can't do it if they want to. Now the colony is like this. Soldiers who commit crimes pat their butts and leave, leaving women behind in such a conservative colony. How will people live in the future?

Alan Wilson was working hard under the command, talking about his own difficulties as a high commissioner, and his voice was loud enough to reach the headquarters building, which made the soldiers of the British command disgusting enough.

Even General Bilton's conference room could hear it clearly. A group of senior officers looked ugly and said to General Bilton, "General, military personnel will deal with them, and naturally there will be a military court to deal with them. He does not conform to the rules."

"No one from the Mountbatten family knows the rules." Lieutenant General Bilton said with a wry smile, "He is the chief executive of the colony, and he made the laws of this colony, and Whitehall is very satisfied with his work. Colonial commissioners rarely serve two terms, and he will be here for years to come."

Although Lieutenant General Bilton did not respond positively to the question, he has already hinted it clearly. Even if the administrative department wants to hand it over, there is nothing he can do.

At this time, Alan Wilson finally finished talking, and took time to glance at the sergeant who beat up the coca. It is estimated that he will be taken care of at the Qingshan Detention Center.

From his point of view as a high commissioner, let alone looking for military dignitaries, even if the heads of these people are chopped off in the street, as long as the stability of this 500,000-square-kilometer colony can be maintained, it will definitely be worth it.

Seeing that the military vehicle started, and the soldiers with silver bracelets headed towards the Qingshan Mental Hospital, Alan Wilson pinched his hands on his waist, or that people should do more good deeds, and the whole person became cheerful by doing good deeds every day.

"Thank you for the cooperation of the headquarters." A respectful shout came into the headquarters conference room.

"This bastard." The entire conference room scolded, and even Lieutenant General Bilton shook his head.

Fortunately, after doing a good deed every day, Alan Wilson left by car. He did not come to seek trouble, but to demonstrate the justice of the Malayan colony. If he catches ten people here, he will naturally blow out 100,000 people. Effect.

As for the operation process, you can also take this opportunity to look at the abilities of the commissioners at all levels. He always felt that bureaucratic incompetence and shamelessness can only account for one, not both.

In fact, from his point of view, officials in the south are also much more capable than their colleagues in the north. This strength is all-round, especially when combined with the hegemony of public opinion. Good things must be promoted, bad things must be suppressed, and the popularity of the Xu Xin incident has been suppressed. If this were replaced by places like Northeast China and Henan, it would be unimaginable.

Under the blessing of the hegemony of public opinion, some people will follow the public opinion, otherwise so many people will not believe that the south is really colder than the north, instead of spending a few dollars to buy a thermometer.

Facts have proved that the world accurately obeys the 28 rule, and there are more stupid people than smart people. As a professional bureaucrat, Alan Wilson felt that if he was in Malaya, he would be able to go anywhere. After returning to China, playing with the old-fashioned British domestic is not a trivial thing. a plate of?

Since his second term, Alan Wilson not only continued to pay attention to the economic development of the colony, but also began to observe the officials' abilities of the colonial government secretly. It is impossible for him to work in British Malaya all his life.

If this is the case, the purpose of his current work is not for the United Kingdom, but should consider when Malaya became independent, imitate the historical Rhodesia, and imagine how to be the king of the mountain.

Returning to the apartment, Alan Wilson, who was in a good mood all day, held Heidi Lamar in his arms, just like holding a little girl. This kind of intimate gesture is very popular with women. Who is not a little fairy Woolen cloth?

During the period, he must brag about his actions to uphold justice today. Heidi Rama asked after hearing it, "You should be very impressed by such a move, but it's not good for the military."

"The people in this colony believe in killing people to pay for their lives and debts, but as a colonist, I know that although the same thing happens here even if we don't exist, because it involves the garrison, it will definitely provoke a backlash, so it should be played down. Colonialism focuses on justice in the end." Alan Wilson said this, and emphasized after a long silence, "Especially in contrast to countries where the US military is stationed."

"You're right, the French hate the US garrison very much now." Ingrid Bergman just came downstairs and nodded, "I've heard a lot of people talk about their views on the US garrison."

"The French...they can endure it." Alan Wilson smiled, but it doesn't matter, the French will drive away the American garrison sooner or later, just wait and see.

Feeling Alan Wilson's reaction when you came at the right time, Ingrid Bergman also came over and sat down, and heard Alan Wilson say, "Sometimes you two live in Paris and I worry about the Germans of the US military abroad. Sex has made France unsafe."

"It's nice again. Anyway, the two of us should go back." Ingrid Bergman rolled her eyes at the and said in an unnatural voice, "Continue to stay here and just go back. become four."

"Don't we have a way to avoid pregnancy?" Alan Wilson assured absolute safety with a sincere look on his face.

"Bah!" Heidi Lamarr and Ingrid Bergman spat at the same time. This man doesn't want to take the right path every day, but only thinks about the evil spirits. The two will never agree.

Alan Wilson raised his hands in a gesture of surrender, saying that as a man, he must walk the right way and not follow the evil way.

The industrious colonial commissioner finally left the Singapore Command and arrived in loyal Kuala Lumpur. Presided over the colony's annual meeting. The members of the meeting at the beginning of the year change every year, which is generally reflected in the commissioners who have returned from Christmas Island.

Alyssa has prepared information about a certain major country and handed it over to Alan Wilson to see if there are any policies worth following up, including but not limited to criticizing bourgeois literary and artistic ideas, which Malaya does not use.

On the report on birth control, there is no population pressure in Malaya. With regard to the draft of simplified Chinese characters, Malaya has completed the simplification.

New banknotes issued? Malaya has also adopted the Asian pound as the currency, which is also unnecessary.

In the end, Alan Wilson took out a document on grain from it. As the content of his meeting, about agricultural work, he emphasized that in the unified purchase and sales of grain, measures must be taken to determine production, production, purchase, and sales, so that farmers can be more aware of their own It is of great significance to stabilize the mood of farmers and ease the tension in the countryside.

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