British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 806: confident specialist

Even if it is true history, the United States finally spit out that it is willing to transfer nuclear reactor technology.

You must know that the gap between Britain and France after the war was actually very large. France was busy suppressing colonial resistance everywhere, and a lot of energy was devoted to these military operations. There was no British condition at all, but they all succeeded in developing nuclear submarines in the end.

Technically speaking, the nuclear reactor should not be difficult for the UK. With this technical foundation, it should not be difficult to negotiate with the US, but the UK has encountered troubles in the original history.

To sum up the reason, Alan Wilson compared the two histories. The original history was that the United Kingdom was almost hijacked by American debts to wet its pants, which led to the post-war dealings with the United States.

At the same time, the United States held high the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States, and used debt and aid as bait to prevent the United Kingdom from turning its face.

During the whole process, in fact, after the war, the United Kingdom continued to sell its imperial heritage to the United States, as it did in the world, and received American assistance and technical support. Interest in exchange, until the final disintegration of the British Empire.

Now, the biggest difference is that, by making a fortune in British India, backed by Australia's cheap mineral resources, supplemented by laborers from British Malaya, and using the rest of the pound area as the market, the British Get rid of the huge debt brought by the world war.

When the debt problem no longer exists, the United Kingdom will have a lot of confidence when negotiating with the United States. Some weights will not be as unusable as the original history, such as the Federal Republic of Germany joining NATO.

After all, Germany is the source of world wars, not just one. Germany has launched two world wars. The establishment of the North Atlantic Treaty was also established under the banner of carrying the Soviet Union outside and defending Germany inside.

It will only take a few years for the Federal Republic of Germany to become a full member of NATO. The United States has called for it, but Britain and France can negotiate and let the United States offer some benefits.

From his father-in-law's telegram, Alan Wilson could see that Mountbatten must have used this matter to bargain, not the whole reason, but at least part of the reason.

In two different histories, on the face of it, the tenth year after the end of World War II, Britain seems to be no different.

All of them lost British India, and the size of the huge Royal Navy was also shrinking.

However, the core is completely different. Alan Wilson believes that the UK will eventually take a different path than it has in history.

The smooth progress of nuclear submarines is enough. As for the all-nuclear fleet, the United Kingdom is a global navy. Even without nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, naval bases all over the world can maintain the combat effectiveness of the Royal Navy.

The meeting at the beginning of the year will set the tone for the next year. The agricultural documents have been known to all walks of life in the colonies through major newspapers, and the discussion is heating up.

West Malaysia Commissioner Alyssa and East Malaysia Commissioner Edel brought out demographic data, compiled the population statistics of states and special cities, and discussed the population issues of the colony with Alan Wilson.

The two major parts of the British Malayan colony are part of the Malay Peninsula and Kalimantan Island, commonly known as West Malaysia and East Malaysia. Alyssa and Edel seem to be equal, but in fact the colonies Eighty percent of the population is in Peninsular Malaysia, and Alyssa has a lot more to do than Edel.

However, East Malaysia is the hardest hit area facing Indonesian infiltration. Eder has a good relationship with the local British garrison. In another aspect, it reflects his importance.

"9.5 million people in West Malaysia, 2.4 million in East Malaysia, and 12 million people in the colonies in this round of statistics. It must be in places that cannot be counted, but it is similar. Compared with before, More than 2 million newborns were born. The data is very rapid, and it only takes a few years in total." Eder reported the statistics of the states and special cities, "The proportion of Chinese and Malays has generally remained the same."

"The colony's population is growing rapidly!" Alyssa asked after listening to it, "I wonder if there is any domestic data for comparison."

"The 1946 census was 48.5 million. Last year's figure was 51.1 million. The population of Greater London is slowly declining, and the permanent population is decreasing." Alan Wilson knows this mutual The data was directly told to the two subordinates.

"From this point of view, the population of the Malayan colony is growing too fast. With a base of less than 10 million, the increase is the same as that of the mainland." Eder sucked in a breath, "Do you want to think of a way?"

After the World War, there were baby booms in all countries. The birth rate in North America climbed to 3.5. In Japan, 1.6 million babies were born every year. Of course, there was a baby boom in Europe, but it was not as exaggerated as that in North America.

It seems that the population growth of the United Kingdom is not very large. It is entirely because of the immigration wave. Many people choose to immigrate to other white English-speaking countries, so they do not look conspicuous. If you really want to compare, British Malaya should be compared with Australia, which has the same population base.

At present, Australia's population is still more than nine million, and it still receives a lot of British immigrants. The Malayan colony, also close to 10 million, now has 12 million people.

And this wave of population growth is definitely not over yet. How old are men and women of reproductive age? There is at least ten years of golden age, and it is certain that the colony's population will increase.

Concerned by the two subordinates, Alan Wilson said optimistically, "It doesn't matter, although the fertility rate is high, but the base is here, there is no need to worry, the native population is four times that of the colonies, Malaya will be within a few decades. Can't catch up."

"It's hard to say!" Alyssa felt that things were not optimistic. "A person can get married at the age of 18 or 19. When the current child grows up, it will actually be ten years later."

"This is based on maintaining a high growth rate." Alan Wilson chuckled, "It will not be so easy, the thinking of the next generation is definitely different from this generation. Such a growth rate is unsustainable. , do you think it's India?"

In fact, India's fertility rate has also dropped significantly in the 21st century. Of course, this is a place that the Indian government can control. As for the black households that cannot be controlled, it is impossible to count.

If you want to suppress the population, you don't necessarily need an executive order. Many methods are more effective than executive orders and can have the same effect.

When Japan's economy was booming, Japanese women were so arrogant. The skill of this boxing for 20 years was much more powerful than that of European and American boxers in the same period. In the end, didn't the bubble burst and kneeled.

However, the methods in his mind may not work in Malaya. The idea of ​​a boxer, but he is promoting conservatism in the Malayan colony.

The idea of ​​​​moving the real estate economy is not enough. The Malayan colony has a population of 500,000 square kilometers and a population of 12 million. Even now, it is useless to instill more in this generation of parents to buy houses for their children. There are about 20 people per square kilometer. How to engage in real estate?

However, there is still a way. It is a good way to start with education. The modern Chinese are convinced that they will be beaten if they fall behind.

It is absolutely acceptable to the Chinese to not fight or play real estate, and to cut leeks from the cost of education. On this point, the Chinese are absolutely willing to spend money.

And the United Kingdom can still do this. It is inevitable that the education in the United Kingdom is not as good as that of the United States. It is still possible to make waves in a colony.

"But I shouldn't be a commissioner by then. How to cut these sturdy wheat is up to you." Alan Wilson looked very optimistic about you, full of longing, "Actually, we should all thank Malaya Colony, solved the living problems of 30,000 civil servants. Otherwise, British India will become independent and we will be unemployed."

Raising the cost of education is only a means. The key is whether the distribution is fair or not. Alan Wilson believes that a major reason for the emergence of baby booms in various countries after the war is that Germany suffered heavy losses when it participated in the war, and all participating countries except the United States were in disarray.

For people from all over the world who have lost almost everything, the vast majority of them are empty-handed, it is equivalent to the proletarians who just lost their shackles. Naturally, there is no soil for punching.

In the United States, the war has made a lot of money, and there is a huge wealth behind the baby boom.

With the re-accumulation of wealth, injustice will gradually accumulate, and gradually there will be endless means of boxing, real estate, and education to sharpen knives against leeks.

As long as the exploitation is ruthless, no leek will slip through the net. Allen Wilson can remember that later generations have made statistics on the family tree of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and one-third of the members of the family tree will eventually be the last. As long as the oppression is ruthless enough, the population cannot be reduced.

Even India with a caste system can prove this. When the caste system was established, there were definitely far more untouchables than today, but after thousands of years, the untouchables are less than one-fifth of the total population. The number of people, so the caste system was forced to turn inward, and Sudra became the de facto bottom.

With the historical knowledge of two ancient civilizations, Alan Wilson does not think that the problem of colonial population expansion cannot be solved.

It's just that the leeks are not yet lush, and it's not the time to start.

Seeing that their boss was so ordinary and confident, Alyssa and Edel couldn't say anything.

"The task now is to use everything possible to promote rapid development, and you will know when the time comes. I am not blindly optimistic."

Alan Wilson comforted him, raised his watch, pointed his finger on his wrist and said, "Look, it's time to get off work. We must strictly observe the off-duty time. Prime Minister Attlee is calling for the establishment of the Great Britain Socialist Community."

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