British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 807: back to the free world

The NATO joint military exercise in the second half of the year has nothing to do with him as a colonial official, and he doesn't care about any results.

All in all, no two actresses who are about to return to Paris are important, and it is what he wants to continue to live on five and two days off.

Early on the weekend, Alan Wilson was still sleeping soundly on the bed. In the bathroom, the two clean-loving actresses teased each other under the shower and touched each other.

"Look at how you looked last night, hehe!" Heidi Lamar tutted in amazement, her eyes swept past Ingrid Bergman's nuclear bomb-like body, "Who can stand up to an average man."

"You don't need to talk about me!" Ingrid Bergman raised her neck to face the spray head, squinting her eyes and retorting, "You're not bad, I don't know who it is, hug his waist to encourage, when you were in Hollywood, But it is sought after by thousands of people. It is not worse than the current Monroe, and it has reached this point today."

"I don't want to argue with you." Heidi Lamar stopped exposing each other and wiped her body with a white bath towel.

The beautiful scene has been seen by Alan Wilson who did not know when it appeared. The imperial commissioner, who came with a stick, walked into the bathroom in a big way. For the consideration of equality between men and women, everyone Can't engage in privileges, he also has to wash.

As a result, the processing time for personal hygiene issues has been extended again, but the process is absolutely wonderful.

The two coveted actresses have already left, and at this time, they will not violate the behavior of the child's father.

"I've missed my daughter for so long. I should go back and have a look, don't let my daughter know me by then." Ingrid Bergman sat at the dining table and watched the man serve the food.

Heidi Rama also nodded, indicating that she also thinks the same way. Her son is still young, so her mother cannot always be around.

"It's hard work, two ladies." Alan Wilson said apologetically and handed over two sausages to fill the belly of the actress who had just eaten British sausages, "Although I am reluctant to give up, the next generation has a lot of problems too. It's important. How can I rob my child of a mother's love?"

"You stop robbing?" Heidi Rama rolled her eyes at the man, she didn't believe a word of this duplicitous excuse.

Alan Wilson coughed softly to cover up his embarrassment, and said with a lack of confidence, "Give me a little bit of a big heart. If the child needs it, I don't need it. The world should be better for men. You don't know that I have it. How much pressure needs a woman to talk to."

"I don't usually see you talk to me at all." Ingrid Bergman thought to herself, "Just seeing you is like a bull."

"Ingrid, are you a sponsor of the French women's movement?" Ellen Wilson recalled that she once taught Ingrid Bergman boxing, and wondered if she had the skill for 20 years now.

Ingrid Bergman nodded, she had indeed heard a man's proposition, just a wave of dividends, and then asked, "What's the matter?"

"Pay attention to the immigrants from South Vietnam. The French withdrawal took away a lot of people." Alan Wilson said with a smile, "Let the people you fund speak, you don't speak. Those people who speak extremes show that you are empathetic. Now, you and Heidi are in the film industry, and you don't need me to tell you that actresses can't afford the box office, and it's men who pay to sell tickets."

He didn't want the women's movement to affect the careers of Heidi Lamarr and Ingrid Bergman. Whether it's a film company or even Louis Vuitton, men must pay for it. Louis Vuitton seems to be a female customer, and he would have believed it if he didn't know that French women's wages are only 60% of men's.

"I see." Ingrid Bergman nodded, she believed the man's good intentions, at least for her.

"Isn't the tape project ready yet? It's an industry that is in line with the French temperament. Film, television and music are both entertainment industries, and movies are invented by the French. If the tapes are up to standard, it will also be a huge profit. Alan Wilson asked Heidi Lamar, "If there is no problem, promote it with a free standard when promoting, and formulate the standard, and the future income will be much more than the patent at the beginning."

"I have been paying attention, and Woodpecker Pictures has also injected funds to support it, but some problems still exist, and the reliability is still insufficient." When it comes to business, Heidi Rama has also become more serious, explaining the current progress.

Both of them know that when this man talks about problems, he speaks very seriously, which is completely different from when he is happy. It has indeed brought great help to the careers of the two, and it can even be said that he has given too much.

"It's good that your life won't be disturbed by trivial matters." Alan Wilson nodded and said, "I'll take you to the airport tomorrow."

On the last night in Malaya, Ingrid Bergman pestered the imperial commissioner for advice on how to punch, and not surprisingly, she also endured the commissioner's jab. This punch has 20 years of skill, but the Swedish queen with outstanding hardware can still bear it.

Alan Wilson, who hugged from left to right, couldn't sleep, and talked with the two actresses for a long time until they fell asleep together.

While he was working hard, the First Sea Lord had completed his mission to visit the United States and arrived at the loyal Admiralty. This visit was a complete success for him, and he got off to a good start when he just sat as First Sea Minister. Get the nuclear power technology support you want from the Americans.

He believes that coupled with the research that the United Kingdom has been carrying out, the British nuclear submarine will definitely be available in the not-too-distant future.

At No. 10 Downing Street, Prime Minister Mountbatten and Prime Minister Attlee reported on the progress of the visit, and also explained the exchange of nuclear power technology support on the condition that the Federal Republic of Germany joined NATO and NATO's joint military exercises.

"I hope the American experts will come soon. Only when the experts arrive will we relax on the issue of the Federal Republic of Germany." Attlee still remembers that the United States tore up the consensus of the Quebec Conference and added a lot of obstacles to the British nuclear program. .

It can even be said that it was the first major event Attlee faced after he became Prime Minister, and he couldn't remember it deeply.

When the Federal Republic of Germany joined NATO, the United Kingdom is good to say that the French must be uncomfortable. This is equivalent to the Germans inviting the Soviet Union to join NATO. The Soviet Union has always been the target of NATO members' strict guard. The three nuclear-armed countries within NATO, the United States, the United Kingdom, and France, have also aimed most of their nuclear missiles at the Soviet Union. As long as the timing is right, major NATO members such as the United States, Britain, and France will A military operation against the Soviet Union will be launched, and the reason why it will not be done is because it cannot be done.

Prime Minister Attlee probably didn't know that, decades later, the Germans really did something similar. German MPs from the Christian Democrats have proposed inviting Russia to join NATO, arguing that this would help ensure European security.

Things are changing all the time. Today, France's vigilance towards Germany has not dissipated, and they can embrace each other in the future.

"It is inevitable for Germany to join NATO, and the Americans very much hope that Germany can shoulder the role of blocking the Soviet Union." General Mountbatten said with a wry smile, "As for what the French think, I believe the French will understand."

Mountbatten is very politically savvy, knowing that once the Federal Republic of Germany joins NATO, it will take a crucial step on the road from enemy to ally. It is also known that although France fears that Germany is rearmament, the Western allies have agreed to admit it to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

In a sense, this is inevitable. With a population of nearly 60 million in Germany, joining NATO will greatly enhance the strength of the free world. Only when Germany joins, NATO will not worry about the Soviet Union's quantitative advantage.

"It seems that Morrison has been busy again recently." Prime Minister Attlee also knew that things were inevitable, so he could only let the Foreign Secretary and the French have a good talk.

"It's best to add Adenauer, and the three countries will sit down and have a good talk." General Mountbatten suggested, "On the premise of safeguarding the interests of the victorious countries, and knowing each other's needs, things will be much easier to handle. "

"Good idea." Prime Minister Attlee's eyes lit up and he said, "Louis, you should actually consider becoming a minister."

"I am now the Minister of the Sea." General Mountbatten thought of his son-in-law thousands of miles away for no reason. When Alan Wilson heard the word Minister, he remembered the expression ~Almost immediately, the British Foreign Office entered a working state and invited French Foreign Minister Georges Pidour to go to Bonn, the capital of Germany, to discuss with Adenauer about Germany's entry into NATO.

You don't need to think about it to know what George Pidour really thinks. He has no interest in Germany joining NATO. But Morrison also made it clear that this is the future America wants to emerge as a sign of unity in the free world.

George Pidour sighed, what can he say, France, like many European countries, is supported by the Marshall Plan. Although he knew in his heart, and even publicly said in Paris, that every dollar received by France reduces France's independence by one point, but there is no way to do it. Relying on the United States is a fact.

In Bonn, the capital of Germany, British Foreign Secretary Scott Morrison and French Foreign Minister Georges Pidour together expressed the position of Britain and France, and asked Adenauer to agree to the conditions of the two countries in exchange for the two countries not setting obstacles to Germany's entry into NATO.

The current Federal Republic of Germany is not yet independent. The commissioners of the three countries in Germany still have a lot of right to speak. In fact, Adenauer has no qualifications to resist. Moreover, this is an opportunity for Germany to return to the civilized world, which cannot be given up.

Adenauer naturally accepted the demands put forward by Morrison and Georges Dupier on behalf of Britain and France.

After a series of contracts were signed, on March 4, NATO headquarters in Paris announced that the Federal Republic of Germany joined NATO and became a full member of NATO.

Heidi Lamarr and Ingrid Bergman returned to Paris when they heard the news.

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