British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 808: 5th largest grain merchant

The saloon of the headquarters building is already waiting, carrying two bosses facing loyal Woodpecker Pictures.

Obviously, the two bosses who just got nourishment from Asia are in a good mood. What is the significance of the impact of Germany's entry into NATO? It is still too far for the two public figures.

The driver, who was born in Northern Rhodesia, strictly abides by his personal responsibilities and never says a word.

"Actually, according to what he said, if a whole is divided into two groups named men and women, will there be any problems in the whole society in the future?" Heidi Lamar said quietly, looking at the fast-moving scenery on the streets of Paris.

"What does this have to do with us." Ingrid Bergman said disapprovingly, "At least one thing he has been doing, and has been doing well, is that he will never deceive us."

Before leaving, Alan Wilson taught another set of boxing techniques, which made the two of them stand out in France.

The two did not fully accept it. After all, Alan Wilson said it very straightforwardly. Under the language that was not concealed at all, some signs of future dangers still leaked out a little.

This allowed the two female boxers to see that this set of punches was a set of boxing techniques called Qishangquan. The Saigon boxing champion is famous for taking shortcuts, and his boxing cheats have great sequelae.

It's not like there's a saying, I've only met people one by one, and I've never seen any people.

Dividing the people into two groups, men and women, helps to increase the resistance of the free world under the red tide caused by the Soviet Union, the source of danger.

It is not a secret at all that many women's movements in the countries of the free world were supported by the Soviet Union.

Now that you know about this, and you can't eliminate the influence through normal methods, joining them and then deviating the goals of the women's movement is a way that is not the way to go.

It is true that this will create a large number of female boxers and cause certain harm to the men in the vast free world.

But this price is acceptable. It is better for the people to die than to die together. For the great victory of the free world, the leeks can stand it.

The male group will be hurt a little at the beginning, but as long as you can think about it in the end, don't shoulder any obligations to women and families, return to the most basic competitive mentality, don't treat women as women, and eventually you will find that without women's dependence, they Even better, after all, in the field of employment, men's adaptability, endurance and energy to the whole industry are more than women's.

Everyone is equal in front of capital, and facing a man and a woman at the same time, must choose a man with greater value.

But it's just that men can do whatever they want, and they don't need to talk about marriage. Anyway, this is how Europe and the United States will be in the future, and there will be no major troubles.

To say that Alan Wilson is not ashamed, it is not at all. In order to overcome the source of the scourge that advocates equality for all, people in the free world should bear a trivial sacrifice.

This is also in line with what Alan Wilson has always advertised for dealing with weak and heavy punches. Compared with men who don't know what they can do, a woman who has no resistance is a good target and can achieve the same goal.

And that's a matter of France. France has the French Communist Party, and the British Communist Party in the United Kingdom has little influence, at least for now. As we all know, once there is a trend-setting movement in France, the UK will not follow it.

At Kuala Lumpur International Airport, Saigon boxing champion Alan Wilson, with his Rolls-Royce Gintama, waited at the exit of a separate special passage. It didn't take long for Pamela Mountbatten to appear at the exit with his assistant Marina and several bodyguards.

The boss of the Mountbatten Group, who was full of dust, got into her husband's car directly. As for the others, they naturally had other arrangements.

Without looking closely, Alan Wilson saw the smile of a winner on his wife's face. He was not a curious person, and he could go home and talk about some things first.

"Margaret is going to play in Hong Kong. I told her on the telegram that she will be back soon." Pamela Mountbatten leaned on Ellen Wilson's shoulders, with a trace of fatigue, but her tone was relaxed and obviously rewarded. rich.

"Her Royal Highness is really energetic." Alan Wilson gently said, "You don't need to look to know, it must be a lot of gain."

"I'll tell you when I get home." Pamela Mountbatten smiled like a little fox, looking very proud.

During this trip to Hong Kong, the people Pamela Mountbatten met included but not limited to the four major families, as well as Kadoorie and HSBC. Alan Wilson knew HSBC, and HSBC was very famous.

In order to compete with the Jardine Group, the strongest among the four major families in Hong Kong, HSBC is the "God of Wealth" of the four major families of Hong Kong Chinese, while HSBC regards the four families as "cash cows". When Bao Yu just won the Wharf, thanks to the help of HSBC, in fact, HSBC's move was also to compete with the Jardine Group in the market.

After that, HSBC also helped the Li family win Hutchison Whampoa. In a certain sense, HSBC was kind to the Li family, so because of their love, the Li family could not fight with HSBC.

The HSBC Group has many shareholders, and it is not a family business. When it was established, the chairman was Baoshun Yanghang on behalf of Chomley, and the members were Xiudalan from Tiehang Shipping Company, Hurd from Qiongji Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. Ryan, Hong Kong's richest man Douglas Laplec, Chidde of Chanchen, and Lyman of Pacific.

Smith of Felicia & Co., Arthur Sassoon of Sassoon & Co., Robert Brandt of Gongyi Co., Ltd., Barangi of Guangnan Co., Ltd., William Adamson of Bird & Bird Co., Ltd., Herrant of Biyang Co., Ltd. , Rustonki Tunkisho of Shunzhang, and Pollard, legal counsel.

These people included British, American, German, Danish, Jewish and Indian Parsi, but in the following years the shareholders withdrew, and HSBC was already controlled by British shareholders.

As for the Kadoorie family, apart from the four major family groups, they are also very powerful businessmen. This family is of Jewish origin.

"After the Jews heard about you, would they have a relationship with you?" Alan Wilson joked to his wife after listening.

"Don't make trouble, it's business talk." Pamela Mountbatten gave her husband a blank look, waited for her husband to open the door, and directly asked, "Give me bath water, I'm exhausted."

"It's better to be respectful than to obey." Alan Wilson said, and hurriedly entered the bathroom.

Half an hour later, the official business couple's business venue was moved to the bathroom. Pamela Mountbatten was lying in the bathtub, while the Imperial Commissioner dared not speak, and moved a small bench to sit by the bathtub and watch his wife.

"It took so long this time, mainly to talk with the HSBC Group again, to let them know that I have no hostility." Pamela Mountbatten reached out and patted the foamy water, and said lazily.

"Morgan inevitably became hostile when he saw Rockefeller." Alan Wilson laughed and made an image metaphor. Of course, HSBC Group also has business, but HSBC Group's business and its banks are incomparable.

This is like the Morgan Group from the late 19th century to before the Great Depression. The purpose of developing the industry is to make its banks stronger, and the primary and secondary relationship must be understood.

Pamela Mountbatten agreed with her husband and continued, "It's almost like this. After meeting with the major shareholders of HSBC Group, the rest is to discuss how to form an alliance with the four major families of Xiangjiang. The sincerity of the other party is still enough. Yes, it took a little time for the accounting firm to calculate the asset size.”

Listening to his wife's narration, Alan Wilson nodded frequently. The two have a closer bond than the average bureaucrat and businessman. Who made the two husband and wife relationship, they should be closely bonded.

"Do you still have any liquidity in your hands?" Alan Wilson asked as he wiped his wife's body after taking a shower.

"Of course there is. You said before that it was them, not me, who asked for others." Pamela Mountbatten was like a comfortable kitten, enjoying her husband's care.

"At the beginning of the year, the Administrative Office announced the adjustment policy for agriculture. It is almost time to enter this important field." After drying his wife's body, he brought pajamas for his wife, Alan Wilson and Pamela Mountbatten walked out of the bathroom hand in hand.

The ultimate goal of Alan Wilson's reverse practice of magic is of course to use other people's books to read his own The agricultural adjustment policy seems to be similar to that of the hostile camp, but the conditions in the hands of the two sides are different after all.

Its purpose is just to let the Malayan colony break into the enemy's interior, and then do things that suit its own interests.

"Dear, have you heard of Louis Dreyfus?" Alan Wilson asked.

"A French company, right? I remember it was an agricultural and animal husbandry group." Pamela Mountbatten has worked with many French people and has heard of this company.

Alan Wilson nodded. Louis Dreyfus has been established for 100 years and is the only French company among the four major grain merchants in later generations.

LDC grows, processes and transports about 80 million tons of agricultural products around the world, providing food and clothing for about 500 million people around the world.

Pamela Mountbatten knew her man too well, and immediately knew that there was more to come. She groaned and pinched Alan Wilson, "Don't talk to your wife like that, just tell me what you want me to do."

"Actually, with our local conditions, the food problem may be contained by other countries." Alan Wilson was swayed by his wife, and said calmly, "In terms of importance to the country, there are only a few Industry and arms have the help of my father. Even if there is no progress in a short period of time, it will not be a problem in the future. The rest is agriculture. You must support me in the agricultural adjustment of the colony. Of course, I will not let you do it in vain. How about you?"

After the war, the British knife was quite powerful. Not only did it cut off the Thai part of the Kra Isthmus, but even the part belonging to Burma was included in the Malayan colony.

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