British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 809: Military and political smooth

At that time, Myanmar was not yet independent, and it was a colony under the British Empire. The part of the Kra Isthmus that belonged to Myanmar was also directly transferred to the Malayan colony. Without independence, Myanmar could not resist.

And it is necessary to do so. The Kra Isthmus is partly intertwined with Myanmar and Thailand. If only the land of Thailand is cut, it is still not easy to defend against the British, which is known for its navy, and the land of Myanmar must also be cut off.

As for whether Thailand, which lost the Kra Isthmus, is hostile to the United Kingdom, of course, in theory, but considering that Bangkok, like Jakarta, is within the range of the main guns of battleships, it has not been shown.

In terms of the current area of ​​the entire Malayan colony, even in West Malaysia, which occupies nearly 80%, there is no population pressure. After a round of land allocation, there is still arable land available for reclamation.

Alan Wilson later saw a statistic that Malaysia's arable land area is slightly smaller than Vietnam's, the two countries are in the same level, while Thailand's arable land area is twice that of Vietnam. The area of ​​arable land in Indonesia is twice that of Thailand.

This shows how rare Indonesia's Java Island is among the islands. Japan's arable land wall, which is also an island country, is one-fifth of Indonesia's.

Strictly speaking, the Kra Isthmus is not very high-quality arable land, but it is definitely not bad by the standards of a large country. The region has been under military rule since it was ceded by Burma and Thailand. A limited land allocation has been made, and it is still a wild land in the Malay Peninsula.

The Mountbatten Group has a branch company that operates grains. Pamela Mountbatten has cultivated deeply in Australia, and naturally bought some land for farming and animal husbandry. However, you can understand the quality of land in Australia, and the areas that can be developed are counted. Large cities only account for 4 percent of the country's land area, and most of them depend on the sky for food.

It is impossible for the Mountbatten Group to become a grain merchant by relying on Australia, let alone compared with the four major grain merchants. The emergence of the four major grain merchants is rooted in the strong agricultural position of the United States and France. America's agricultural imperial attributes are more difficult to overthrow than any imperial attributes possessed by the United States.

France is also the place with the best agricultural foundation in Europe. In World War I, half of France became the main battlefield of the tug-of-war in a few years. Even so, there was no food crisis in France, but there was a food crisis in Germany the following year.

The four major grain merchants can be used to deal with any country, and of course they can also be used against the United Kingdom. The United Kingdom can’t always put its hope on France, right? Emotionally, it is better to hope that the United States is a little better to the United Kingdom.

"My dear, you have really high expectations for me." Pamela Mountbatten was surprised, covering her mouth very cutely, "Why haven't I heard you mention it before."

"Because agricultural issues are very important, you can't get in without a certain threshold. Don't think that anyone can plant the land, and to plant the land well, it's not just pulling a buffalo to plough." Alan Wilson shook his head slightly, "Then You can only fill one person's stomach, not at the level of a weapon."

Agriculture is an industry with large investment but not very high profits in normal years. With the exception of some years when food wars were waged.

Therefore, it is impossible to enter this field without huge capital, especially now that the four major grain merchants have been operating for a hundred years in the early days, and decades later. Pamela Mountbatten is now entering agriculture, which is indeed quite difficult.

Yes! Pamela Mountbatten stopped talking, and continued to listen to her husband's high-spirited guidance. From the moment she realized her marriage to today, Pamela Mountbatten has formed an instinctive reaction. Do your best to help her.

"Now you think I have the ability to enter the agricultural field?" Pamela Mountbatten asked in a low voice.

"It should be almost the same in terms of hardware." Alan Wilson said with a thoughtful tone, "After completing the four major family alliances, there are almost no areas with obvious shortcomings."

For agriculture, in addition to some agricultural technologies, arable land conditions and seeds, transportation issues are also very important. Take Louis Dreyfus in France as an example. Louis Dreyfus operates a fleet of more than 170 ships to support its global commodity trading and processing business and customize shipping solutions for customers. Its fleet ranges from Handysize to Capesize, transporting cargo across the world's oceans.

The four major families of Xiangjiang all operate shipping companies. Shipping is no stranger to the UK, and the UK is absolutely second to none in the European shipbuilding industry. Once these conditions are in place, the biggest difficulty will be overcome.

"The Kra Isthmus?" Pamela Mountbatten saw her husband take out a map and explained the local situation, "Having a father who is the First Sea Minister, I believe that the Kra Isthmus, which is currently under military control, does not exist for you. obstacles."

From this point of view, the military-controlled Isthmus of Kra is simply tailor-made for Pamela Mountbatten, just waiting for this day.

As for her husband's judgment, Pamela Mountbatten of course chose to believe it completely, and then asked, "So what should I do now?"

"Now?" Alan Wilson said with some doubts and uncertainty, "Talk to General Bilton?"

"Idiot, take me to bed." Pamela Mountbatten pushed her husband and asked what General Bilton to talk to? Let the horse run without letting the horse graze? How can there be such a reason.

You said it earlier! For the sake of the food security of the British Empire, the imperial commissioner dared not speak his anger. He could only sweat and serve the pampered aristocratic young lady. The pain in it cannot be known.

Xiao Yanma went to Xiangjiang for a trip. He just came back full of energy and showed excellent physical fitness. For a long time, he exhausted his energy happily, and fell asleep with his beloved man in his arms.

The attitude of the military is not a problem. It can be said that if it weren't for Mountbatten's overly enthusiastic proposal, there would never have been the emergence of the three major joint operations commands in the Near East, Middle East and Far East.

Although at that time, Mountbatten was only a lieutenant general, and he was only a fourth sea secretary in the Admiralty.

But he is the fourth Minister of the Sea, who does the same thing as the First Minister of the Sea, and has also contributed to the reform of the overseas garrison command system. This can only be said that his identity is there, and it is difficult for many people. , not difficult for Mountbatten.

Due to the division of responsibilities, in principle, Alan Wilson should not come forward, and Pamela Mountbatten did not work for his appearance at all. He could only ask his wife to go to the Far East Joint Operations Command to talk to Lieutenant General Bilton.

With little encouragement, Pamela Mountbatten went straight to the military center, took the agricultural adjustment document issued by the colonial government, and met with General Bilton, who was very troubled for no reason.

Mountbatten's son-in-law is already very difficult to deal with, and now the appearance of the younger daughter, who is even more difficult, makes the esteemed headquarters not know how to deal with it.

Lieutenant Admiral Bilton did not know Pamela Mountbatten's purpose, but he knew that Admiral Mountbatten was the First Sea Lord who had just visited Washington and had a good relationship with the US military. Through channels within the military, he knew that Mountbatten was now well-loved, and especially maintained a good relationship with the cabinet.

And Pamela Mountbatten has a huge talent for business, operating a series of businesses in steel, oil, and banking. With the support of many grand dukes behind him, business spreads across the Commonwealth of Nations, major colonies and monarchies with harmonious relations in the United Kingdom.

Pamela Mountbatten took the agricultural adjustment document of the colonial government, sat in front of Lieutenant General Bilton in uniform, and greeted politely, "Dear Uncle Bilton, I haven't seen you for a while. Today's reckless Come to the headquarters, hopefully not to blame."

"Oh, Pamela, how can uncle blame you." Lieutenant General Bilton looked like a kind elder, his eyes fell on the document in Pamela Mountbatten's hand, thinking about the other party's purpose.

Pamela Mountbatten smiled and said, "Uncle is too polite, my father appreciates your performance in the war. Otherwise, the country would not have given you such an important colony that manages the three major golden waterways in the world. We all Understand how important Malaya is to Britain now."

Then Pamela Mountbatten took out the document and handed it to Lieutenant General Bilton, "Has uncle read this executive order?"

"I've seen but I'm not an administrative commissioner." Lieutenant General Bilton was a little strange, thinking that this executive order was not issued by your husband? What does this have to do with him, the garrison commander.

"It is like this. It is related to the development of the Malayan colony, and the macroscopic consideration of balancing the two ethnic groups." Pamela Mountbatten spoke as if singing, "The harmonious relationship between the colonial government administrative department and the garrison, the complex division of labor in it. , unnecessary entanglements, in a word, the overall opinion of the executive department, put myself in the shoes of the Garrison Command's attitude, I decided to help my husband and come to the Joint Operations Command to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings."

Lieutenant General Bilton's face changed for a while, and when Pamela Mountbatten finished speaking, she said with doubt, "So what are you talking about?"

"Uncle Bilton, the Isthmus of Clark is under military control, right?" Seeing Lieutenant General Bilton nodding, Pamela Mountbatten did not continue to use his words, and went straight to the road, "The Isthmus of Clark is in an undeveloped state, according to this book. In the second policy adjustment, the Administrative Office believes that the state of military control should be lifted and the local area should be included in agricultural development. Of course, this requires a lot of money. As a British citizen, patriotism is a matter of duty, and I will try my best to help Malaya. development, and hope that the local garrison will provide convenience.”

"So it is." Lieutenant General Bilton finally understood, Pamela Mountbatten wanted the land of the Kra Isthmus, and said with a smile, "No problem, in fact, you just need to say it, the purpose of the garrison is to protect the colonies. healthy growth."

"It's better to come here to show respect for the general." Pamela Mountbatten praised with a smile.

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