British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 810: Everyone has independent power

Based on the current population density, geographical area and other basic conditions, provide support to grain business companies in British Malaya.

It will not have an impact on the existing agricultural population. In the final analysis, the population of the Malayan colony is not large.

The adult labor force does not need to expand agricultural production to solve the employment problem, so the development of the Kra Isthmus this time follows the model of large-scale mechanized agricultural production. The United States calls it big family farms, the Soviet Union calls it collective farms, it doesn't matter what they are called, they are almost the same anyway.

"It's not about intensive farming that's called agriculture, it's called agriculture like sheep eats people." Alan Wilson took his wife's hand and said with a relaxed expression, "It's not that we haven't done it, as long as Respect the original intention of profit-seeking, and do it bravely, whoever dares to resist, I will settle him for you."

"It doesn't need to be so serious, the technology is much better now than when sheep cannibalized people." Pamela Mountbatten downplayed that she was really afraid of her husband's cruel hand, and she knew very well that her man always succeeded based on results. And do whatever it takes for it.

"I'm just talking casually." He walked to a cool place, reached out to wipe the chair, and waited until his wife sat down before Alan Wilson sat down and said, "Of course some stubbornness may affect the matter. Those who have hindered the development of the colonies, for the sake of safeguarding the interests of the 12 million imperial subjects, are regarded as pro-Soviet elements to clear up, and I believe that there will be no opposition."

Pamela Mountbatten opposed a loneliness, and Alan Wilson was more inclined to solve the problem once and for all. When necessary, he will provoke the ethnic groups of the Kra Isthmus that originally belonged to different countries to cleanse each other.

"Just exile to the Andaman Islands." Pamela Mountbatten pondered for a long time and proposed a compromise solution. She still felt that if there was a large number of deaths, even if it was due to ethnic conflict, it would not be good for her husband's future.

"Oh, dear, you are so kind." Alan Wilson sighed apologetically, he didn't think of this way. I even forgot the existence of this isolated overseas archipelago. Indeed, the sequelae of this method are smaller, so I went back and added, "I'm just taking precautions before it happens, you know, on the Asian side, farmers are more likely to be this group. To be a pro-Soviet member, there are many examples to prove what I said."

After some self-defense, this topic is temporarily over, and the development of the Kra Isthmus is just the beginning. Just one carat isthmus cannot support a big grain merchant.

Pamela Mountbatten listened to her husband briefly describe the history of the four major grain merchants, nodded and said, "Indeed, the shortest of these four companies has been established for 50 years, and after so many years of development, it has accumulated strong advantages. "

"Of course!" Alan Wilson answered affirmatively, even if a pig lives for a million years, it can become immortal, "so the development of the Kra Isthmus will not impact their status. One Kra isthmus is not enough, I will join forces with others. Colleagues, look for reliable places in Africa to expand the land in your hands. Look at Northern Rhodesia, three native areas, and now there are Slavs living there, as long as half of the development is developed, it will become a support for your business The basics."

As far as the British colonies in Africa are concerned, Northern Rhodesia is not special, but it is reliable.

At least from the current communication, Northern Rhodesia does not have a tendency to become independent, and even if it is independent. Northern Rhodesia is also far more reliable than black countries. Reliability is the biggest advantage, at least after signing the contract, it will not turn against Mountbatten Group.

It is like the Banana Republic in Central America. From a personal point of view, he is very sympathetic to these countries, but from another point of view, it is completely different. No one wants to be nationalized and confiscated.

This also understands why the CIA insisted on taking Guatemala as a model to death.

"Thank you for your hard work, my dear." Pamela Mountbatten glanced at her with almond eyes, as if it was entirely up to you.

Today, Pamela Mountbatten has long understood the fact that big capitalists cannot leave politics.

She knew very well how much convenience her father and husband gave her when she was doing business. She would be lying if she thought it was all about her gifted business acumen.

A day later, Alan Wilson, in the name of the High Commissioner, handed over the documents for the development of the Kra Isthmus to Pamela Mountbatten through channels that were absolutely in line with procedures. The Mountbatten Group paid 3 million pounds for ten years, Contracted the development of the Kra Isthmus.

Under the care of the Malayan Administrative Office and the Far East Joint Operations Command, and with the help of Richard, the head of the administrative bureau, Pamela Mountbatten ordered the Mountbatten Group to transport a large number of management personnel from Australia by Comet airliner. and invested in the development of the Kra Isthmus.

On this day in Kuala Lumpur, we welcomed an old friend of Alan Wilson, who was once the commissioner of the capital state with him, and now the commissioner of the Sudan, John, who came to Malaya and brought bad news, "The Sudanese The wave of independence cannot be suppressed. I have exhausted all means, and the most important thing is that Whitehall also said that although he has been fighting with the cabinet, it has not had much effect."

"Is there really no way?" Alan Wilson looked sad. Although he had always been prepared for the British to retreat step by step, and knew that many colonies could not be preserved, when this day really came, he couldn't help feeling sad.

John shook his head. The National Alliance Coalition Party won the parliamentary election and formed the Sudanese national government. Political suppression has completely failed. The situation in Sudan has evolved to today, and it is also related to Egypt.

Farouk I looked like the reincarnation of Ali Pasha, and he incited grief in Egypt. He called on Egyptians to invest in national construction, which also had an impact on Sudan.

Alan Wilson's face was embarrassed. It seemed to be related to him, but what could he do? Let Nasser come to power like history, isn't it more embarrassing for Britain?

The current predicament of the United Kingdom lies here. Doing nothing will definitely not work, and doing it is not necessarily much better than standing by.

"If there is really nothing we can do, we can only throw away the warmth, and we can't let any resisting colony live well." Alan Wilson said coldly, "you and I both came from British India. , is no stranger to this situation.”

"Yeah." John narrowed his eyes, of course he knew what Alan Wilson was referring to, and then said, "It needs the approval of the cabinet, maybe just what I say is not enough to settle the matter."

"They kill each other, at least they won't disturb others." Alan Wilson said relaxedly with his head raised, "Divide and rule."

Sudan has a natural basis for division, with Arabs in the north and blacks in the south. Why does it appear today as a whole? Of course, it is not surprising that it is the credit of the British Empire. Like British India, Sudan is a political entity that was pinched by the United Kingdom.

Although North and South Sudan have intersected in history, the Arab Nubians established a relatively weak rule in South Sudan during their heyday, but what really made North and South Sudan a country was actually because of British colonial rule.

The main ethnic group in South Sudan is black, who believe in Christianity and primitive religions. Before the British merger, it was actually a Belgian colony. In 1896, the United Kingdom and Belgium reached an agreement that the Lado enclave just occupied by Belgium was transferred to the British, and this area is South Sudan in the general sense.

So far, North and South Sudan has become a separate political region, which is the later independent Republic of Sudan. In the early days of British rule, North and South Sudan was actually divided because of local ethnic and religious differences.

However, after the end of World War II, the British Empire's rule in the global colonies faced the collapse, and in order to maintain its rule in Sudan, and also to stabilize its indirect rule in Egypt, the United Kingdom decided to unite the entire British Sudan.

The biggest change in this way is that the Nubians have gained greater power in the entire Sudan, and the Arabic spoken by the Nubians has also become the official language of the entire In essence, North and South Sudan lived together for ten years.

Once again, the UK bears inescapable responsibility for the consequences of the absence of five hundred countries in the world.

"I'll go to London with you." Alan Wilson has already learned the seriousness of the matter from his colleagues. This time is not the time to enjoy life in British Malaya. You must face it bravely.

"Okay!" John happily agreed, "Since you want to be independent, you must bear all the consequences of independence."

"Everyone has the right to pursue independence, including blacks of course." Alan Wilson smiled indifferently, "We gave South Sudan a chance to choose, and asked whether they would like to be with the Arabs or become an independent country. .Or not independent first, and see how Sudan develops after independence in a few years. Let’s take a step by step, it’s too early to say this.”

Returning home in the evening, Alan Wilson confessed the matter to his wife, who was developing the remote control of the Kra Isthmus, "I'm going back to London to help John get Sudan's independence. There are a lot of things involved, and they belong to overseas assets. It is the responsibility of the management committee, and we cannot allow any colony to independently impact the mainland."

"That's it!" Pamela Mountbatten nodded when she saw her husband's solemn expression, "Go, I'll arrange a special plane for you. Margaret was going to come here, and I still want you to give it to her. Arrange a trip."

"Your Royal Highness, it's okay for you to receive it." Alan Wilson left the relationship without a trace, as if he was willing to go through fire and water for the sake of the empire.

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