British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 811: Partition of Sudan

"Are you in such a hurry? Did the wave of Sudanese independence inspire your memories of the glorious years?" Pamela Mountbatten gave her husband a half-smile, and her eyes went straight to the heart of the imperial commissioner.

"I'm not that kind of person. What do you think of your husband." Alan Wilson greeted his wife's scrutiny with a sullen face, and finally couldn't help laughing, "Okay, you know it yourself, Hey-hey……"

He has a kind of schadenfreude mentality in his heart, and his favorite scene is that you have something unhappy, and it makes me happy. Now, as a colonial commissioner, I have magnified this kind of dark and shameful thinking.

Sisui said, "I'm all here for the benefit of the United Kingdom. Can this country still find an imperial servant like me?"

"You can say whatever you want." Pamela Mountbatten was also holding on to her husband's pigtails. She knew that her husband was always serious in this regard, and persuasion was useless.

For the United Kingdom, the partition of British India was of course very tragic, and the United Kingdom did prevent it. But now the result is that all countries in the world believe that the evolution of British India into the partition of India and Pakistan was deliberately done by Britain.

But when he entered the British official system, Alan Wilson could understand that the United Kingdom has always been keen on merging colonies for unified management, but such things as colonial policy are destined to cause trouble. Countries that want to become independent never think that they are obtained by relying on the suzerain, they only think that it should be theirs.

So Nehru declared that although Great India does not exist geographically, it has always existed in a cultural sense, and it is even larger than British India. The British nose without a finger asked you why you didn't shoot down Afghanistan. , and then sent it to India, which has already been counted as a face for the United Kingdom.

Indonesia is about to take over all the Dutch colonies in Asia, which is not enough, even the British Malayan colony wants it.

As for Vietnam's claims, we all know that it is not a secret at all to swallow Cambodia and Laos.

A series of colonies merged by the United Kingdom will not receive even a little thanks. Since the colonial empire is destined to have original sin, Alan Wilson's idea is much simpler. You don't need to thank you. Whoever becomes independent will be cut down.

Since the fact that the British India killed each other was a little far away from Africa, this time I will choose one that is not too far away. Sudan is in Africa, it is more clear to observe it up close.

"It's a pity, the Bandung Conference is about to be held." When Alan Wilson and John got on the Comet passenger plane the next day, they kept lamenting that they might miss the Bandung Conference under their noses, which is a pity.

"Nehru's meeting of emerging independent countries?" John looked at the special plane, and said with envy, "It is very enviable to be a colonial commissioner to do this. Pamela has equipped you with The car you use alone, no wonder so many people complain about you."

"Say I rely on the Mountbatten family? You don't understand." Alan Wilson said indifferently. He didn't need to explain anything to this kind of melon eaters who didn't know the truth. The Mountbatten family didn't have his son-in-law. He's just an ordinary member of the upper class, how can he be so brilliant today?

He didn't need to explain, and instead said, "Washington has tried his best to stop it, but Nehru still wants to convene. There is no way, but he will regret today. But I believe that Japan will speak for the United States. ."

The Bandung Conference was originally the Asia-Africa Conference. It was decided by the meeting of the five countries in Colombo. It was not only the conference on the awakening of Asian and African countries and anti-colonialism, but also the economic cooperation between Asian and African countries. Of course, Japan belongs to Asian countries and can participate.

In fact, China participated in what many countries opposed, because many Asian and African countries were hostile, but because of India's insistence, China and North Vietnam successfully participated.

Alan Wilson's regret is to see how the current Bandung Conference is different from history. Because the United States has found its own proxy, Japan, and the United Kingdom has actually found its own spokesperson, Egypt, and Farouk I has already stated that he will participate in the Bandung Conference.

There are also differences from the original history. It has nothing to do with Yugoslavia. Yugoslavia is a European country and has not participated in the Bandung Conference in history, although Tito is also recognized as a non-aligned leader. Now the leaders of the non-aligned countries have nothing to do with Yugoslavia, and Tito has brought Yugoslavia to join the Warsaw Pact.

There is also the Gold Coast, which originally participated in the historical meeting. Because the leaders of the independence movement disappeared over North Africa with the plane, so far they have not succeeded in fighting for independence. Naturally, they have missed the Bandung Conference.

It's a pity, he can't just watch the fun, regardless of the difficulties of African colleagues or because of the high popularity of the Bandung Conference, he doesn't care about Africa's urgent needs or whether colonies are more important to Britain.

With regard to Sudan's independence, Alan Wilson must provide an example for the independence of African colonies. He doesn't care how the independent country fares, the worse the better. Maybe he was saving the African people. As far as he knew, when Sudan became independent, blacks and Arabs in North and South Sudan fought.

If the partition is successful, there may be fewer deaths. From this point of view, he now says that he can save Africa.

After the transit in Dubai, which has already begun to take shape, the two of them discussed Dubai while refueling, saying that it would definitely become an aviation center in the future before continuing to fly to London.

If it weren't for the time conflict, Alan Wilson would also like to visit his old boss, Sir Barron.

When Comet 1 landed and appeared over London, through the window, Alan Wilson looked down at London. After the London smog incident, the transformation of London is proceeding in an orderly manner. In the past two years, many urban areas in London have undergone great changes, especially the East End, which was originally a poor London area.

There is a certain amount of credit for Alan Wilson here, and he has ample reasons to think so.

Walking out of the airport, Alan Wilson and John agreed to start their own contacts. Of course, his biggest network was the First Sea Lord Mountbatten, who was very successful during his visit to the United States.

The independence of Sudan is a major event, and it must be ensured that it is in the interests of the United Kingdom. As for how it is in the interests of the United Kingdom. Anyway, the relationship between Sudan and Egypt is too close and incompatible.

Egypt in later generations has discovered that in the process of driving the UK away, it was still trapped by the UK. Egypt, whose population explosion is full of deserts, can no longer become a pivotal force. Egypt has been trying to promote reunification with Sudan and establish a A country spanning the upper and lower reaches of the Nile; some Arabs in northern Sudan also tried to push for a merger or alliance with Egypt.

Of course, the main purpose of British control of Sudan was to control the Nile Valley and thereby suppress Egypt.

Once Sudan is divided, will the Arab-dominated North Sudan be able to maintain its independent status and not be infiltrated by Egypt? This is the primary issue that London considers. After all, it has only been a few years since the Anglo-Egyptian co-administration treaty on Sudan was abolished. Many Arabs in North Sudan may still have a good impression of Egypt. This is something that must be considered.

The most important thing is what the current Labour government thinks about partition. Alan Wilson does not think that when British India is partitioned, it is only natural that Sudan will be partitioned successfully. There are different ideas and decisions made are the result of comprehensive consideration.

"You came back because of this?" General Mountbatten looked at his son-in-law who came to the door, and then smiled shyly, "It really shouldn't be an accident. You like to get involved in this kind of thing, and you can also make money from it."

"Huh? It can also be called the preservation of the legal property of the British Empire." Alan Wilson changed a statement in front of his father-in-law. This statement is absolutely correct. Everything he has done has indeed benefited the United Kingdom.

"Just tell me what you think?" General Mountbatten just listened to this sophistry, neither admitting nor denying it.

"Imitate British India and divide and conquer." Alan Wilson's answer was concise.

General Mountbatten chuckled, with a slightly unsurprising expression on his face, and couldn't help laughing, "That's right, after all, you have a glorious history in British India, and now it's not surprising that you want to do the same, I What can I do to help?"

Mountbatten knew that there must be something wrong with his son-in-law coming to the This son-in-law is someone who can't afford to be late.

"I would like to know what the Cabinet's view on the partition of the Sudan is now." Alan Wilson replied 1510. "As for Whitehall, I will go back and see Sir Norman later."

"Isn't Norman working as a carpenter?" General Mountbatten apparently knew a little about the hobbies of the respected cabinet secretary, so he thought about it and gave an answer, "I will help you agree to the cabinet's opinion, you go to see Noah Man."

As a promising imperial commissioner working alone overseas, Alan Wilson has a habit of being keen to connect with other people. Although he cannot meet the respected cabinet secretary, his sense of presence has not disappeared.

Soon he appeared in front of Norman Brooke, listening to the teachings of British civil servants.

"Alan, it's really gratifying that you can come back." Norman Brooke listened to Alan Wilson's words, and looked at the promising subordinates with satisfaction, and seemed to pay attention to the future of the empire no matter where he was. The behavior was very moved, "I have heard about the Sudan, John has been busy with this matter for nearly a year, he has done his best, and now he has found you. It can be seen that the determination to safeguard the interests of the empire exists. Yes, so what do you want?"

"Partition the Sudan!" Alan Wilson looked at Norman Brooke's wink and said cautiously.

"Then divide and conquer. That's Whitehall's opinion." Norman Brooke replied simply, but there was still room for it. "Of course I don't understand the situation, and this is not necessarily the final result."

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