British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 813: Algerian War

"In principle, we respect the majority and protect the minority, but after the British withdrawal, if there is a power vacuum, the Arabs may not continue to do so. At that time, the British situation will be very embarrassing. If we are on the side of the blacks, The Arab countries may be dissatisfied, but on the side of the Arabs, what will the black people in British Africa think?"

"So the purpose of separating Sudan is to clarify the boundaries between the two. If you intervene in the future, you will not be criticized."

"Is that so?" Prime Minister Attlee asked after a long while listening to Norman Brooke's words.

"Indeed, esteemed Prime Minister." Norman Brooke said with an air of victory. "For this reason, I specially asked Allen to come back and deal with this difficult matter. The Prime Minister knows that he is the Assistant Commissioner of British India. In 1948, he handled the independence of British India very well. It is a rare talent among the young officials of Whitehall. The now prosperous Malayan colony can prove this."

Attlee nodded directly after hearing this. He remembered that the young official was not because he was Mountbatten's son-in-law. It's just that Alan Wilson's resume is too hard. In the last two years of British India, he took the entire British Indian civil servant and scraped out nearly 500 million pounds.

Turning around to become the chief executive of Newfoundland, he reversed the debt-ridden Newfoundland's finances and directly extinguished the wave of Newfoundland's independence. In the final referendum result, Newfoundland was transformed into a royal domain, creating an offshore center in North America.

The current Newfoundland royal family has no difficulties after the war, and the living standard has already caught up with the United States and Canada. The existence of the gaming industry alone can take good care of Newfoundland residents.

Although Congress is dissatisfied with this practice of the gaming industry and considers it a very degenerate policy, the Newfoundland Parliament and the British Parliament are not in the relationship between superiors and subordinates, and they have never turned a deaf ear to similar opinions.

Newfoundland is willing to be a royal territory. It is purely because a small country next to a big country has a sense of crisis, and is afraid of becoming part of Canada or the United States, losing its local autonomy, but there is no such problem with the United Kingdom. After all, Newfoundland and the United Kingdom are separated by an Atlantic Ocean, very far produce beauty.

After ending his career as chief executive in Newfoundland, Alan Wilson went to Malaya Colonial High Commissioner non-stop, and served as the deputy secretary general of the Overseas Assets Management Committee, integrating the wealth of overseas colonies, and managing British Malaya on the front line. .

Now less than 30 years old, he is the chief executive of a colony covering nearly 500,000 square kilometers, and he also controls over 3.5 billion pounds of overseas assets. The steel output of the Malayan colony alone caught up with the British mainland in a short period of time, filling the demand for the sterling area and stabilizing the crumbling sterling area.

He fought in the three major colonies, and each of them achieved outstanding results, and it was impossible for people to not pay attention.

"If Allen paid attention to himself, it should not have let the situation get out of control." Prime Minister Attlee finally expressed optimism, "Of course, whether we can separate the relationship is the most important. Norman, you know, some countries always That is to say, Britain deliberately divided British India, which is not the case."

"After all, we are not willing to have a tragedy. It should be handled by someone who has had similar experience." Norman Brooke agreed loudly. "The most important thing is, I hope that Britain will not bear the moral burden in the future."

Alan Wilson, who was returning home in Markins' private car, was very happy with the changes in the East District. He kept boasting all the way, feeling that God never gave birth to me, Alan, and that the world is like a long night.

As for the subway incident that happened during the day, that's one thing, something like an ant, if you step on it, you'll be trampled to death.

It's a pity that London can't ask for logistical support now, so this matter is more difficult. The other party's royal limited-edition luxury car has already indicated that you can test drive it at any time, but in London, the capital of the empire, can you test drive a royal luxury car?

The risk is still very high. This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. It is better to do things on your own territory.

He tossed and turned that night, and even when he accepted Norman Brooke's appointment the next day, he was a little absent-minded.

"Ellen, I believe you have already felt the Prime Minister's trust in you." Norman Brooke was only a promising young official, just because he returned from Asia, he didn't have much jet lag, and asked, "About Sudan Independent things, what do you think?"

"There are so many basic ideas. Divide Sudan into two parts. Set up an independent country dominated by Arabs and blacks. The withdrawal of troops, especially the garrison in South Sudan, is not in a hurry. It can reflect the responsible attitude of the United Kingdom." Alan Wilson said while thinking, "The problem with South Sudan is not big. As for North Sudan, to prevent the merger of North Sudan and Egypt, only when we get there, can we find which faction is worthy of support, and more macro aspects, such as the Arab world and black Africa. The relationship can only be changed accordingly.”

"The fundamental purpose is that independent countries cannot live too well. It is actually very important for Britain and the entire civilized world. Of course, Dear Sir Norman, this is just my personal opinion."

"It's also the collective will of the entire Whitehall." Norman Brooke nodded with satisfaction, "When will your John leave?"

"Any time!" Alan Wilson expressed his heart for progress in boxing at the right time, showing that he is a brick of Great Britain, and he never asks how many enemies there are, but only where they are.

Then Alan Wilson left Whitehall, ready to go to a brand new? It is not entirely new. He has already experienced similar independent projects twice, once in British India and once in British Newfoundland. The results are different, but the process is similar.

From this moment on, the entire independence agenda of the British Sudan is in his hands, and the glorious era is back...

So his first stop was actually Egypt. There was no way. Egypt was the leader of the Arab world, and King Farouk I looked like Ali Pasha was alive. It is necessary to find out what the views of the sultans that once ruled were.

Immediately afterwards, Alan Wilson and John set off, transiting in Paris to Cairo. After the two left, Heidi Rama put on an Arabian robe and embarked on a logistical journey.

Soon after, the two had arrived at the Farouk I International Airport in Cairo, and it was now 1955, a year before the historic Suez War.

Alan Wilson does not think that history will continue to move towards the established goal so stubbornly, but the time is sensitive, and he still wants to learn more about Egypt at this time to see if it is possible to overturn.

As for the basic independent process, it was not difficult for two people who had worked in British India. It is nothing more than a balanced strategy, leaving as much weaponry as possible to the weaker southern black army, which is a basic operation.

Of course, the current Sudan also has a British garrison. There are only more than 3,000 troops, but it is enough. Like the wars against many colonies, the British suffered losses in Sudan, and the Governor was also killed by the Sudanese.

The first attempt to conquer Sudan failed. Britain instigated Ethiopia to attack Sudan many times, which greatly weakened Sudan's power. This is also a routine operation of the United Kingdom. To conquer India is to win Hyderabad for help. In the end, the fate of Sudan's entire territory becoming a colony cannot be changed.

"Once the Sudan becomes independent, where do you want to go?" In the hotel arranged under the care of King Farouk I, Alan Wilson asked while holding a wine glass and looking down at the city of Cairo.

"I haven't thought about it yet, maybe I can go back to work in China?" John was also full of confusion when he heard this question. Obviously, he was not very sure about the future, and finally joked, "Maybe I will be a businessman, selling Arabic rubber."

Although they are all called rubber, arabic rubber is mainly used in the food industry. Gum arabic does not generate heat basically, and is a good water-soluble dietary fiber. It is used in health products, candy and beverages. In medicine, gum arabic also has the function of lowering cholesterol in the blood.

The largest producer of Arabic rubber is Sudan, which is a relatively iconic industry in Sudan.

"John, don't be so pessimistic. Isn't there still South Sudan? If a war breaks out because of maybe South Sudan doesn't want us to leave." Alan Wilson is still quite optimistic, after all, black people Not only is there a small number of people in Sudan, but also the level of civilization is worse than that of the Arabs, which is in line with the British Empire's consistent standard of hoeing the strong and helping the weak.

At least the situation is better than that of France. Algeria is no surprise. After the French army was defeated in the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, they wanted to personally test the quality of France, and they started to make trouble.

This thing, if there is a beginning, there will be countless imitators. Britain and India are talking about independence, and many colonies want to continue the discussion. Vietnam and France have achieved independence, and countless colonies also want to try it.

At the end of 1954, the National Liberation Army of Algeria launched simultaneous uprisings in more than 30 parts of the country, attacking the colonial authorities' quarters, outposts, gendarmerie, police stations and other military targets.

It can be said that this was a blow to the Paris government, which had just received Algerian oil from Pamela Mountbatten. It's just that the climate has not yet formed, and it has not led to a large-scale increase in French troops.

Alan Wilson thought so anyway, but it turns out that this kind of thing can't be resisted. On the day Alan Wilson picked up a woman in a black robe from the Farouk I International Airport, Paris announced an increase in troops to Algeria, which is comparable to the original history. The response is much faster.

"Did you hear anything like that when you were in Paris?" Alan Wilson asked Heidi Rama, dressed in Arabian clothes.

"There is some folk news that the French are going to fight." Heidi Lamar recalled and said, "I just don't know what it will be like."

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