British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 814: Haile Selassie I

"Yeah, I'm also looking forward to it. I mean, I'm worried, yes, worried." Alan Wilson, who was shocked to lose his words, quickly added. There are growing concerns and hopes for peace.

Eyes are the windows to the soul, and thanks to Heidi Rama now wearing a black robe, except for a pair of charming eyes, the contempt on her face is all under the black veil, which avoids the embarrassment of the two.

If you want to be filial, the effect of wearing a black gauze is actually similar to that of a wedding dress. But obviously, Heidi Rama does not have this effect, only the clothes of pure Arab conservatives of later generations.

Even so, as long as anyone can see these eyes, anyone will have the feeling that this woman must be very beautiful.

"I'll change my clothes." Heidi Rama said directly, and went straight into the bathroom.

Alan Wilson was sitting on the sofa by the window, making a reasonable guess about this round of France's big fight. No matter what the final result is, it should be much more tragic than the same period in history. He even thought of a slogan similar to the Turkish government, "No Algerians, only Gobi French."

Heidi Rama came out soon, strutted with long black legs, opened the suitcase in the bedroom, took out the underwear to replace without anyone else, and directly pulled the imperial commissioner who was immersed in the great cause of political affairs back to reality.

"It's too exciting." Alan Wilson let out a suppressed scream, with an unbearable expression on his face.

Only Heidi Lamar, who had no black silk on her legs, looked up at Alan Wilson and kept complaining, "Don't think I have more time, it's just that other people don't want to come over. Greta doesn't even want to go out. , Ingrid is still busy with company affairs, and in the end, only I see you alone."

"Heidi, I'm very grateful." Alan Wilson didn't know what an animal's estrus was like, but his state at this moment interprets the appearance of a person's estrus. A pair of eyes recorded the whole process without dropping every frame.

Such compliments did not cause waves in Heidi Rama. Similar sweet words had been heard countless times in different stages of her life. After a while, Heidi Rama put on a shirt, Untying the tied braids, the long-haired shawl sat over.

"Will I look less solemn like this?" Heidi Rama asked with a black silk draped over the other, looming under her shirt, but with a serious look.

"Are you okay?" Alan Wilson pretended not to be sincere, and looked away with difficulty. He wanted to reflect the professionalism of the imperial commissioner and evaluate it from an objective and neutral point of view, but Yu Guang always wanted to look away. It's embarrassing.

"What are you looking at?" Heidi Lamar jokingly said, "It's not that I haven't seen it, and I haven't let you explore it carefully. At this time, I'm a gentleman again."

"Heidi, you know, I'm on a business trip this time." Alan Wilson organized the language, but in the end, after thinking about it for a long time, he completely forgot the basic literacy of speaking, which was a shame for the years of training in the British Empire.

Heidi Rama nodded and said, "Yes, why did you come to Africa this time? You were in such a hurry in Paris and left after a short notice. What are you doing here this time?"

This can't be blamed on him either. It's about the future of the empire. It's an urgent matter. Of course, Alan Wilson can't stay in the romantic capital for too long. He thought, but time really doesn't allow it.

Opening his mouth, Alan Wilson replied, "Actually, it is similar to what France is doing now, but with different methods?"

Heidi Rama suddenly realized that Britain was also facing a wave of colonial independence, and asked inquiringly, "Where is it?"

"British Sudan." Alan Wilson added after answering, "It's not smaller than Algeria, a huge colony." This is all modesty. The area of ​​British Sudan is bigger than Algeria.

Heidi Rama doesn’t know the situation in Sudan, but Algeria knows a little bit. France was ecstatic about the oil discovery in Algeria before, and the upsurge lasted for a long time. The side effect of the political chaos in France is that all parties are political The popularity is very high. In other words, the key political environment in France is much more popular than the UK.

Naturally, some basic information about Algeria had to be made known to people like Heidi Rama who didn't care much about politics, following this wave of popularity.

"Are you going to suppress it too?" Heidi Rama asked after thinking about it, a flash of worry flashed in her eyes. If suppression, the Sultan might cause conflict. She had to worry a little. Facing the terrible danger of war, The woman was still a little panicked.

"No, the method adopted by France is absolutely not adopted by the United Kingdom." Alan Wilson flatly denied, adding, "Usually we will use political means to solve problems."

The fact is that Britain did not have the extra force to suppress it. Before the battle with France from the colonial era to World War I, the victory or defeat was quite obvious. The United Kingdom occupied areas with better land and a higher degree of civilization.

As a result, the resistance forces faced by Britain were generally more difficult to deal with than those faced by France.

If you choose the same repression as France, French Africa is within France's combat range, and Britain's combat distance is farther than that of France, and the cost of suppression will also be greater.

Compared with the colonies before the war, Algeria is the best among the French colonies. But I believe that any normal person will not think that Algeria or Vietnam can be compared with British India.

The national will may be higher, but this cannot make up for the gap in all aspects. After independence, India can hammer Vietnam to death. If Vietnam goes to war with India, it can take some advantage in the beginning. Once there is a little mistake, it will be the end of the whole line collapse.

"What is the so-called mature political method?" Heidi Rama didn't think that what Alan Wilson said was literally. He also knew this man in New Delhi. At that time, he was full of bad water, like a master key. Hollywood lock.

"You'll know when the time comes, hehe." Alan Wilson smiled lightly, he was really embarrassed to say that he wanted to divide and rule. After all, this trick has already been used once, although this is the result of the two major religions themselves, and the UK was reluctant to do it at first.

The area of ​​British Sudan is 2.5 million square kilometers, which is more than twice that of Egypt. Just looking at the area, Sudan should be the big brother of Egypt, but in fact, for ordinary countries, the size of the population determines one Whether the country is strong or not, war needs the support of the population after all.

Sudan has a population of about seven million, of which the ratio of Arabs to blacks is about four to one. There are more than five million Arabs and more than one million blacks in South Sudan.

Egypt's population is more than three times that of Sudan. When there was no population explosion, Egypt's national power was far stronger than Sudan's.

Of course, in the eyes of many people in later generations, the split of Sudan is also a strong evidence of British colonization, and they believe that the result of the split is the landmines planted by the British. In Alan Wilson's view, this is so unreasonable than the partition of India and Pakistan.

Arabs and blacks, which one is easier to deal with? It's like if there is no Britain, people will love each other in harmony. One by one standing and talking without back pain.

Judging from the ratio of population to area, Alan Wilson is quite confident. The population is only the level of Hyderabad, or even worse. Sudan is an existence that has no resistance to the United Kingdom.

In the British embassy in Cairo, Alan Wilson, in front of colleagues from the Foreign Office and Sudanese Commissioner John, brazenly shouted, "The future of the entire Sudan is in my hands, as long as my pencil is drawn on the map. , is the birth of a new nation."

The British people in the embassy burst into laughter and raised their glasses to express their approval. They knew that this sentence was a boast made by Prime Minister Lloyd George and the French Prime Minister during the Paris Peace Conference, saying that the post-war world consists of two people. under the pencil.

At this time, Alan Wilson said the famous words of the Paris Peace Conference, expressing his mighty determination, "A colony of seven million people, what do we want to do, how do we do it? We don't need anyone's teaching, just do it right. Great Britain regardless of what other countries think."

"That's right! Cheers!" Colleagues at the British embassy loudly agreed, agreeing with such imperialist words.

"Alan, what are your specific thoughts this time?" John held the glass and asked if he had any ideas.

"Do you still have to think of a way to get a bigger ass? Humph..." Alan Wilson drank the liquid in the cup and said nonchalantly, "If you dare to provoke me, I may take out one of them that is very A bad plan. It's not good for everyone."

Khartoum is the current capital of Sudan. Khartoum is the confluence of two Nile rivers. The Blue Nile River has a small island in the middle of the riverbed before it joins with the White Nile River. The water meets the White Nile on the south side of the island, flows forward, and joins another stream of water at the north end of the island. The Blue and White Nile merges into one, called the Nile, and then flows northward to Egypt.

Although the total population of Sudan is only seven million, Khartoum is a real big city with a population of one million. The whole city looks very Arab.

After staying in Egypt for a few days, Alan Wilson and John took the plane with their assistants and landed at the airport built by the United Kingdom, officially arriving in this independent city.

At the same time, in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, in the palace of Emperor Haile Selassie I, a white face in a suit was communicating with His Majesty the Emperor, "Many of my friends and I believe that with His Majesty the Emperor in African influence should have a say on the situation in Sudan."

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