British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 815: colonial legacy

"Mr. Charlie, I understand the British side's request, but there is one thing I don't want to correct again." Haile Selassie I said with a condescending gesture, "I am a white man."

"Of course, Your Majesty, you are the heir to King Solomon and Queen Sheba."

Charlie smiled slightly, "I would like to explain from several angles, regarding this British request for His Majesty the Emperor's concern about the situation in Sudan. First of all, the British Empire, like Ethiopia, is a monarchy. In today's world, because the United States and the Soviet Union have The reason is that many monarchies are in a very dangerous situation. London hopes that His Majesty the Emperor can take care of the stability of Africa."

"As for the other point, it is from a religious point of view. Ethiopia, like many European countries, is a member of Christ's world. You are also a descendant of King Solomon and Queen Sheba. But around your country, there are many countries of peace, regardless of whether Whether it's to protect Christ's world, or the current hostility of the Arab world to Israel, you can't stand by."

"What's more, the area of ​​Sudan is too large. Egypt and Sudan are still inextricably linked. Once Sudan succeeds in becoming independent, there will be consequences that many people do not want, such as the merger of Egypt and Sudan. Transcendent status is a challenge."

Charlie put forward many reasons, whether from the perspective of religion, geography or Haile Selassie I himself, there are reasons for helping the British to control things this time.

Every word of his is true. Just the confirmed title of Haile Selassie I includes "the lion of the Jewish nation" and "the special envoy of God". The former is destined to be associated with Israel, and the latter is seen from Ethiopia's position , which is incompatible with the surrounding peace religion countries.

The Israeli government is indeed showing favor to Ethiopia. After all, Israel is surrounded by a circle of Arab countries.

In order to open up the isolation situation, Israel is very fond of Ethiopia, who is behind Egypt. Whether this kind of favor is sincere or not, it is true that Israel is expressing its closeness.

Haile Selassie I did not speak, and was obviously considering whether to express an opinion on the situation in Sudan.

Because of its performance in the war with Italy, Ethiopia is the only country in Africa that survived the colonial wave, except for the American African trumpet Liberia.

Indeed, there are many African politicians who have been calling on Haile Selassie I to express their position on the African independence movement. Vaguely regarded Haile Selassie I as the savior of Africa.

In fact, Haier Selassie I has indeed met many leaders of the independence movement in the past few years, and there are all kinds of people, but he rarely expressed his position on the independence movement.

This time, when the British came to the door, Haile Selassie I was very suspicious of the true actions of the British. After all, in the past, it was not that Haile Selassie I did not suffer from the British.

But Charles asked Haile Selassie I to cooperate with Britain's move to divide the sultan, so he dispelled his doubts.

As a monarch of a country, he is still clear about Ethiopia's situation, and what the Englishman said was right.

The current series of problems, as the other party said, must be faced by him and his country.

Africa is actually two worlds. North Africa is the world of peace religion, and this world is the result of the Arabian empire swallowing thousands of miles. And Africa, south of the Sahara Desert, is the Christian world.

Christ's world came from the result of the colonial wave launched by Europe, and the black world was drawn into Christ's world as a part of it.

And Ethiopia is right at the junction in the middle. Most of the people in Ethiopia are Christians, including Haile Selassie I himself. The demographic advantage over pacifists exists, but it is not obvious.

"Mr. Charlie, Ethiopia is willing to express a fair attitude on the rights and interests of blacks in southern Sudan." Haile Selassie's consideration finally came to fruition, "I believe, this is rewarding, isn't it?"

"Of course, the UK is willing to give political and material support to His Majesty's reforms." Charlie smiled happily, "London is happy to see the country led by His Majesty the Emperor becoming the backbone of stability in Africa."

In Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, Alan Wilson received a telegram from his colleague Charlie and immediately thanked him in a reply.

Ethiopia's remarks are important to the current situation in Sudan. Although Haile Selassie I claimed to be white, this did not prevent the black people from taking him as the savior. In fact, as long as he was not blind, he could not stare at the dark face of the other party against his will and say that Haile Selassie I was white.

This year marks the 25th anniversary of Haile Selassie I's accession to the throne, and Ethiopia is indeed undergoing reforms.

In addition to stipulating the election of the House of Representatives, the main reforms include the following provisions, such as reaffirming the emperor's hereditary system; stipulating that the country's largest gold mine should be turned into the emperor's private property, etc.

"Is the white emperor willing to help?" John came over after a while and asked Haile Selassie I's attitude. He was the Sudanese Commissioner, and of course he knew the situation around Sudan very well, including the Ethiopian emperor who claimed to be white. .

"It's not a big problem." Alan Wilson handed the telegram from Ethiopia to John and said, "Actually, we can express some real information. Whether there is any reason can let him judge for himself."

From the beginning to the end, he believed that it was not difficult to get Haile Selassie I to make a favorable statement for partition.

Although this may lead to the hostility of the independent Sudan, especially the North Sudan, compared with the nihilistic hostility, dividing the neighboring country into two parts is a real benefit.

You ask the Chinese people that India is divided into North and South India. It only needs China to express its support. Will the Chinese agree? By the same token, Ethiopia certainly wants its neighbors to be as weak as possible.

The so-called unfavorable British diplomacy is just based on the current situation. The most fundamental reason is that the British strength is sufficient, and the performance of the British in later generations is greatly below the standard. It is not necessarily that the British diplomacy in the 21st century is poor, but the strength has already been. Not enough, there is no ability to make the most of the situation.

"There are two major political parties in Sudan now, both of which are based on Arabs in the north. The blacks in the south are still a little behind. Of course, there is still an army dominated by blacks in the south called the Equator Legion." John introduced the current political situation in Sudan.

Both political parties were established during World War II, and nationalist political parties emerged one after another. The more famous ones were the fraternal party founded in 1943 and headed by Ismail Azari, and the one founded in 1945 by the Arab The National People's Party headed by Bud Rahman Mahdi, the former is based on the Khatmiya sect, advocates union with Egypt, and implements "unification of the Nile River Basin"; the latter relies on the Mahdi faction and proposes that "Sultan is Sudanese", the goal is to get rid of British and Egyptian rule and achieve independence.

"This party that is united with Egypt is really annoying. Is the situation controllable? The garrison can maintain the current stable situation." Alan Wilson snorted after hearing this, and said to Ismail Azar, who advocated union with Egypt I didn't feel good about it.

"The Sudanese army has 20,000 people, including the black Equatorial Corps." John replied without thinking, "It's not a big problem."

Of course, it's not a big problem. Three thousand British troops are enough to deal with an army of this size. Alan Wilson smiled and said, "Then I'm relieved, this is an ideal venue for us to show our talents."

The current two parties, one of which is suspected of having a close relationship with Egypt, is very unpleasant. Alan Wilson knew the original history. Egypt and Sudan did not merge in the end, but he still had to guard against it.

Originally, Nasser led Egypt, and Egypt agreed to Sudan's independence, so Britain had to agree to independence. But now the ruler of Egypt is Farouk I, not Nasser who no one knows where he is.

History has already changed, who said there would be no adverse effects on the UK?

In fact, the two major political parties in Sudan already know that the Sudanese Commissioner has returned to Khartoum and brought back a person to discuss the agenda of independence together. Both parties are preparing to fight for independence from the United Kingdom. conditions of.

Among them, the Sultan Brothers Party advocates that, under a common Egyptian king, the Sudan and Egypt will implement a united system with the following as their main goals: to ensure the welfare of the Sudanese people, to ensure the development of their interests, their Active preparations for self-government, and the consequent exercise of power to choose Sudan's future status. The 1899 Agreement will remain in force until the last objective can be achieved in full agreement between the contracting parties and the Sudan after they have entered into consultations.

Alan Wilson would be a ghost if he agreed. He would rather cut Darfur out of Sudan than agree to this idea.

Before meeting with the two parties, Alan Wilson first went to the British army camp in Khartoum. At this time, the garrison was the most trustworthy. The next day, he began to count the number of British expatriates in Sudan and formulate an evacuation plan.

This was when he was in India, and he had done similar things, so it was not difficult for him at all.

But after the investigation, Alan Wilson had another condition in his mind, that is, what to do with the mixed-race population in Sudan? He didn't want these people to return to the United Kingdom. He had to know that Sudan was only the first one. Once the opening was opened, a colony would be independent and a group of people would return to the United Kingdom. How many such mixed ethnic groups were there in the entire British colony in Africa? back to the UK?

"John, this is a big deal. Black people can barely see it, but coupled with the issue of belief, if the colonies become independent in the future, there will be big problems in Britain." Alan Wilson expressed concern to his colleagues, "I don't want to say anything. Understandable, but this matter needs to be resolved."

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