British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 816: North Sea Oil

"That's what you said, but?" John hesitated before speaking with an embarrassed expression. "It's not easy, isn't it?"

If the shrinkage is so easy to shrink, the United States will not be a chicken feather in a few decades.

As long as there is a little leeway to fight for, who will give away the site that has spent time and energy?

"But we have to avoid the sequelae of colonization in the mainland. Those people in India are a special case. I believe that no one will compare Tata, Bilal, and Maharaja Ali Khan with ordinary people." Alan Wilson sighed. Tone said, "There are still many colonies at the moment. I don't know how many tens of thousands of people have retreated at a time, and they will eventually return to the mainland. At present, the independence of Sudan is the beginning of the independence of the British colonies in Africa. We provide an example, It's a convention, and the future independence of the colonies will be handled according to the current standards."

"That's right, it doesn't seem like a big problem now, but within the framework of the entire colony, it becomes very big." John's face changed slightly, and he shuddered when he thought of the scene in which the country would be full of aliens in the future.

As Alan Wilson said, this is just a Sudan, but it is not just a Sudan in the hands of the British in Africa.

Even if it lives up to the grand occasion from Cairo to Cape Town in the past, the number of expatriates living in the existing colonies is still not a small number.

Even if the United Kingdom does not pursue colonial rule and does withdraw, it will be a long process. It is not the unified action in South Asia that may last for decades.

At that time, neither of them could take care of it, so it was imperative to provide an example to deal with groups that intermarry with the locals. This is also to provide a step-by-step example for other colonial commissioners.

Of course, this is not easy. Together with the garrison and the expatriates in Khartoum, it is not so difficult. The tricky part is what to do with the descendants of these people and colonies combined.

This is where John finds it difficult. Looking at Alan Wilson, who is also the colonial commissioner, "If something similar happened in Malaya, what would you do?"

"It's Sudan now, not Malaya, my friend." Alan Wilson corrected his long-time friend, "We have to let the representative of Sudan's independence take the initiative to bring it up to lighten our impersonal moral burden. ...Since they want to fight for independence, I believe it will not be a problem to make such a commitment."

Although Alan Wilson planned to let the British army in the colony abandon their wives and children, they could not bring their descendants back to England.

But this kind of thing offends people more. He doesn't want to do it regardless of the risk. It's better for the Sudanese to take the initiative.

If John knew the saying that a leaf in a thousand flowers never touches his body, he would definitely use it to describe his colleague's chicken thief.

Obviously, he wanted to cut off some foreigners who couldn't control their crotch, but he had to ask the Sudan to take the initiative.

Of course, the new government after independence is not ready to show fraternity?

As long as the Sudanese brought it up, Alan Wilson was absolutely rude, and immediately agreed, in order to respect the feelings of the Sudanese people, let the illegitimate children of the United Kingdom stay in Sudan, and shine for this new country.

This is also for the benefit of these marginalized groups. Although there are Indian communities in the UK, there are not many people. To put it bluntly, they are all the residence permits issued by Alan Wilson himself, and the per capita assets are millions of pounds.

Such people are welcomed by the London government, and the citizens of London will not feel bad about going anywhere. Alan Wilson was so generous once, and that kind of thing will never happen again.

From this point of view, he is worthy of being an old friend of the Indian people and has given India special treatment.

Now time has changed, and the situation in Sudan is different from that in India. The key is that Sudan is a country in Africa. If people are generously brought back, the African colonies will follow the same example and bring back a group of black people? It hurts to think about.

Black and green are the same, if they are both, the imperial servants will not be able to pass the hurdle in his heart.

He has always respected the most successful Peace Religion culture in the agricultural era, especially the characteristics that are extremely difficult to assimilate. China and India are only happy, and it is nothing compared to the expansion speed of Peace Religion.

It's a joke when the three major religions appear the latest and the fastest-expanding religions are all surrounded by the world of Christ.

After the two discussed it, they immediately acted separately to liquidate the British colonial Sudan. How many families were left with the colonists? It should be not many. If it was a French colony, there would be no need to investigate.

The world doesn't revolve around an imperial commissioner while he's busy wrapping up the British Empire in Sudan.

There are also major events with far-reaching influence all over the world. Although the United States has not forgotten to criticize the establishment of the Warsaw Pact, Eisenhower did not put all his energy on confrontation.

Although he is a military president, he started a large-scale infrastructure project in the United States. He used the prestige accumulated in World War II to promote the strategic highway plan in the United States. Where does the huge construction funds come from has become the key to the problem.

Eisenhower defied the odds and offered a cure for deflation with a package of federal fiscal investment, jobs, income, and taxes.

After the opposition from all parties was settled, this large infrastructure project that has been serving until the 21st century was officially launched in 1955. The long-term investment is expected to be as high as 100 billion US dollars, accounting for the total economic volume of the United States today. a quarter of .

A telegram from Kuala Lumpur arrived in Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. The news came from South Vietnam. Wu Dinh Diem initiated a referendum, and the situation was very unfavorable for Emperor Bao.

As a card that has been used by the French, the Americans of Emperor Baodi are obviously not very good at using them. They still hope that Wu Tingyan, who has more ties to the United States, will control this bridgehead that resists the pro-Soviet forces going south.

Alyssa's telegram was because she was asked by Emperor Bao Dai whether the original promise would be valid once the referendum result was unfavorable to him. Of course, this promise was made by Alan Wilson, the Lord of the Hall in the eyes of Malayan Chinese.

Alan Wilson, who received the telegram, immediately called back to Alyssa. Of course, the previous promise was valid, so Bao Dadi was relieved.

Keep in touch with his wife, so there is no need to send a telegram to Kuala Lumpur. Pamela Mountbatten has returned to the UK, not because the women's movement is fighting, but because there is good news in North Sea oil. If other oil resources are discovered, the interests will still be lost British oil companies get that the discovery of oil in the North Sea will bring greater benefits to the United Kingdom.

You must know that at the time of the first oil crisis, the United Kingdom relied on the output of North Sea oil, and maintained a good economic development despite the grief and sorrow in Europe. Otherwise, as early as during the oil crisis, the British economy would have been overtaken by Italy, becoming the fourth largest in Europe.

With its own oil resources in hand, the United Kingdom will be more at ease when dealing with the situation in the Middle East.

The news of the discovery of oil in the North Sea by the United Kingdom brought an unexpected consequence. The French government's attitude towards Algeria became increasingly tough. The French expeditionary force boarding the ship in the port of Toulon, with the expectations of the French government, and the shameful belief of the French military, once again embarked on a journey.

Almost every day, new troop transport ships appear in the Mediterranean Sea. In the eyes of the French, Vietnam is, after all, thousands of miles away. And Algeria is only separated by a Mediterranean Sea, which is definitely not a problem.

The major French newspapers, in a very aggressive tone, carried out agitation, "Algeria is a natural extension of the French territory to the south, and we will never abandon Algeria's brothers."

At this moment, the support of the other side of the Anglo-French alliance cannot be lacking. Pamela Mountbatten returned to London and let the media force in his hand join in. The slogan went further, "There are no Algerians, only the Gobi French."

She, who has been in correspondence with her husband, believes in Ellen Wilson's words, "Someone must do the thing that is violently repressed. Our French friends are willing to do it, we should adopt an encouraging attitude, and then secretly take advantage of the attention to not be on us, Get the job done right."

After receiving the instructions of the misfortune, Pamela directly went to talk to the people of BP.

Because the North Sea also involves the Netherlands, and the Anglo-Dutch Shell Oil Company is also the object of the negotiation.

Pamela Mountbatten is a newcomer to the oil business and may be inexperienced compared to these established oil companies.

But with Alan Wilson's words and deeds, Pamela Mountbatten understands the importance of Brent crude oil, otherwise she would not set off directly to meet with the relevant oil giants.

In fact, the discovery of Brent crude oil has not only shaken these oil giants. Also shocked was the British government, which by now has no doubts about the importance of oil in any country.

Modern society is inseparable from this fuel, and the place where oil can be produced for a long time is the Persian Gulf. European countries are extremely dependent on the oil in the Persian Gulf. The governments of various countries are not invisible to this hidden danger, but they really have no way to do it.

In the previous conflict with Iran, the United Kingdom relied on the garrison of the Persian Gulf, the influence of the world empire, and the Iranian government for a long time, but in the end it gave up an unequal distribution agreement and shook hands with Tehran.

There is also overt and covert pressure from the United States and the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom has to pay attention to what it looks like. It cannot be unreasonable like it was before the war.

Although seemingly nothing, the confrontation with Iran has achieved decent results. But that incident still made London vigilant and worried about the situation of oil dependence on the Persian Gulf.

Now, the Labour government seems to be able to rest assured temporarily that if it is a big oil field, it will undoubtedly meet the great needs of the UK and get rid of the situation of being controlled by others.

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