British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 817: Bandung Conference

For Nasser, starting over was a difficult process, leaving Egypt no longer a high-ranking military officer.

In a foreign country, he has to start from scratch.

The rebels pulled up are far from the supporters of the Egyptian army at the time, and here, the local people are obviously not as brave as the Egyptian residents, and they are more afraid of the French.

The only consolation is that the environment in Algeria is stronger than Egypt, even if it is only limited.

The most trusted friend of this team is camels, but unfortunately they suffer from the lack of pastures. The water is also lacking, the last drop of water in the pond is dry, the soil is a mixture of mud and sand which is very unfavorable for vegetation growth, the rainwater accumulated by the rain seeps into the sand layer, and soon from these covered Disappeared in formations with a lot of sandstone that could not hold a single liquid molecule.

Not only the land, but also the air is so dry that iron objects exposed to the air will not rust.

The wider area is the desert, not only because of the dryness, but because there are few living creatures to venture there.

Nasser's team, walking under the scorching sun and through the air without a speck of moisture, was visibly tired.

Their water reserves, which are kept in sheepskin bags heated by the scorching heat, are gradually dwindling, and they have had to limit their use, which makes them very uncomfortable.

Obviously, the lack of water will soon become an insurmountable difficulty, and they must stop going north or go back.

It was impossible to go back, they couldn't have been hiding in the desert as if they had been chased by the French army before.

Although Algeria is vast, the environment is not sufficient for Nasser to make a career by relying only on sand.

They had to get closer to places more suitable for human habitation in order to establish a stronghold against the colonizers for a long time.

Nasser, who was born in an orthodox soldier, has come to understand the way of life that the enemy advances and retreats after a period of time.

Everyone try to save physical strength and reduce the consumption of the body itself. Fortunately, the day is about to pass, and when you move at night, it will not be so painful during the day.

After a short rest, they resumed their journey. Colonel Nasser used the ground conditions to set up some large triangles that did not require frequent benchmarking. Because they are mostly on clear nights, the signs are very clear in the Gobi.

This saves time and reduces fatigue, and it should be admitted that it is a must-have skill for both those who are determined to resist the colonizers, and for the natives who are used to living in a terrible climate.

Finally, this team, after several days of trials, saw a small village on the edge of the desert.

This difficult journey finally allowed them to find a place to live, where they could truly rest.

After taking off his exhausted Nasser, he soon fell asleep. In a dream, he seemed to have returned to Cairo and became a respected leader, leading Egypt to the road of glory.

Alan Wilson in Khartoum, of course, did not know that the famous leader of the Third World was going through hardships in the Gobi, Algeria. How busy he was, in an environment where he could not see his fingers, his degree of hardship was no worse than that of Nasser.

In the end, Alan Wilson gasped for breath as his head came out of the black robe, full of exhaustion that I couldn't breathe.

Heidi Rama's eyes were in the moonlight, like beacons. She looked at the man who was doing the wrong thing, and said inexplicably, "A high-ranking official of the empire, he puts his mind on this every day."

"I'm just an ordinary man who only puts his mind on this." Alan Wilson sighed contentedly and explained, "I'm not afraid that you are alone? You always stay in the room and have no entertainment."

"I think you are treating me as an entertainment project." Heidi Rama pouted, pointing directly to the essence of the problem.

She knew that what the man said was also true. Her face was indeed too conspicuous. Even if she wore an Arab woman's clothes on the boat, she had to be careful when going out, because the two lived together and might be bumped into.

Considering Ellen Wilson's work, she could only stay in the room as much as possible and concentrate on logistical support.

For the sacrifice of the actress, Alan Wilson was very grateful and stayed in the room as much as possible, not running around.

You can visit the world without leaving home, what are you running around? This is already happier than many people in the world!

Unbeknownst to Alan Wilson, he is now happier than Nasser, the Arabian lion who was supposed to be a great man in Egypt.

Compared with the great man from heaven who often hides in Tibet, he is not qualified to be picky about the current environment at all.

France's large-scale increase of troops in Algeria to forcefully suppress the resistance has been perfectly used to intimidate the leaders of Sudan's independence. The time is right, and it would be a pity not to use it.

Although it may be unkind to step on France, publicizing France's attitude in the colonies will help make the Sudanese leaders who can't wait to be their masters sober, and don't rush over without thinking about it.

Regarding the independence of Sudan, Alan Wilson's established policy is to complicate simple problems, and the spirit of both needs and the spirit is the original intention to solve the problem, so he has to meet with the Ethiopian envoy and also receive Farouk. I's minister, Sudan independence is a big event.

The spirit of Britain is that the whole process is peaceful and the tragedy of India after independence is avoided. So listen to the reasonable opinions of the two great powers, Egypt and Ethiopia.

Even the Americans agree with this point. In fact, after the war, the United States has already set up a representative office in Khartoum, and its hidden evil intentions are evident. The capital of the British colony now has a representative office that shoulders the responsibilities of an embassy. Looking at the UK in the dark, how the **** is going to deal with Sudan's independence.

The attitude of the United Kingdom is generous. John goes to the representative office of the United States when he has nothing to do, and manages the special relationship between the United Kingdom and the United States. Maintaining the transparency between allies, full of love for the rebels.

"These Americans, on the surface, didn't do anything, but now they are the ones who want to reach out everywhere." John said with disgust, "More than once, they asked us what plan we prepared."

"As long as you don't tell them the partition plan, the rest doesn't matter." Alan Wilson held an ivory with disgust on his face. This kind of thing was useless to him. Could it be used to make mahjong?

"When will we meet the leaders of the two parties?" John is not as laid back as Alan Wilson. After all, this is the colony he manages. In terms of responsibilities, his responsibilities are heavier.

"According to the process, it will take some time. We will negotiate things with the black people in the south, and then it will be the Arabs' turn." Alan Wilson put down his ivory and said calmly, "There was no way to do it in India, we didn't. Law can weaken either India or Pakistan. Pakistan surrounds India from east to west, and India is stronger than Pakistan, in a delicate balance, weakening Pakistan will make India bigger. Weakening India is not realistic. This time is different.”

"At least Egypt and Ethiopia should choose proxies to support them. Even Egypt and Ethiopia are not very powerful. It will put the independent Sudan in a low-intensity confrontation. Don't even think about it. developed."

Not only Sudan itself, but also the relationship between Sudan and its neighboring countries after independence. After all, from the perspective of the United Kingdom, the development of the former colonies after independence was not good, but it was good for the United Kingdom.

As for what the Sudanese think, it is enough to be independent this year? Don't mention other requirements, no matter what, Alan Wilson thinks it is too much.

While Sudan was in suffocating silence, that conference, which had attracted the attention of many countries since the beginning of its preparations, has been held.

Bandung, Indonesia, has become the most lively place this month. Asian and African countries have been invited by Nehru and Sukarno to come here to celebrate the grand event.

Including Afghanistan, Cambodia, China, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Iraq, Japan, Jordan, Laos, Lebanon, Liberia, Libya, Nepal, Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Thailand, Turkey, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, Vietnam, Yemen and other countries The leader of UU, which was not well-known before, has become the focus of global attention.

The meeting was very lively from the beginning, with some American horses from Liberia, the Philippines, and Japan. They attacked Nehru, while Iraq, Egypt and other countries with which the United Kingdom maintains relations are in a state of nothing to do with themselves. Seeing the attack on countries adhering to the will of the United States, how will Nehru respond?

Although the United States, Britain, France and the Soviet Union were not present, they were everywhere at the Bandung Conference, but the confrontation was conducted through other countries.

From the perspective of the United States, of course, I hope that this meeting will not have any results. But Nehru is obviously not a fuel-efficient lamp, and he has the support of Sukarno. In addition, India has been very prestigious since its independence, and even the United States does not want to offend. The attack of these servant countries will not shake Neh. Lu's determination.

Despite all kinds of difficulties, Nehru still firmly grasped the direction of the conference, and all walks of life in India also gave warm support to the Prime Minister's performance at the Bandung Conference.

Nehru eventually led the countries of the Bandung Conference and proposed the ten principles of the Bandung Conference, including but not limited to the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence. As the final communiqué of the Bandung Conference, it was announced as the final communiqué of the Asian-African Conference.

In late April, when the Bandung Conference ended, the smug Nehru returned to New Delhi, the capital of India, with a goodbye from Sukarno. He was always welcomed by all walks of life in India, and countless people flocked to the streets, holding up pictures of Nehru. , expressing his love.

There is no doubt that Nehru at this time has reached the peak of his personal prestige in the whole of India. Whoever opposes Nehru is India's enemy.

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