British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 818: Peak of this life

"Nehru, Nehru..." Starting from Delhi Gate, countless Indians poured in from all corners, forming a wall of people who could not see the head at a glance. They shouted the name of Nehru and presided over the meeting for the Prime Minister. The Asian-African Conference, which established India's leadership in Asian and African countries, cheered.

Standing on the convertible car, facing the mountain and tsunami cheering Nehru, seeing this scene, he could not help but be filled with pride. He was moved by the heartfelt love of the Indian people and kept waving to the cheering people.

Undoubtedly, the biggest star of the Bandung Conference was Nehru as the initiator. Despite the difficulties of many countries, Nehru finally made this meeting a success, and the whole of India is proud of it.

Nehru did not know that such pride is not all good, maybe at a certain time, it will become the source of bad luck in India, but at this moment, the love of all Indians makes him extremely satisfied, the problems of the whole India There are many more, and he still has many more ideas to be completed.

Even Nehru himself seldom saw such a scene. When he returned to the Prime Minister's Office, he could not forget the scene he had just welcomed, and this was exactly what he pursued and fought for.

After Patel's death, Nehru devoted himself to unifying the Congress party both organizationally and ideologically. Nehru advocated a uniquely Indian style of socialism.

Nehru repeatedly stressed that industrialization was the only way. It is not to change the existing social system and ownership structure by force or expropriation, but to nationalize basic and important industries and implement cooperative and collective management of agricultural land under the premise of parliamentary democracy.

The mixed economy has become a system and the core of India's long-term economic strategy.

The public and private economies coexist, and the public sector dominates. The state effectively regulates the mixed economy by means of planning.

Under this circumstance, the assets of the Tata Group and the Birla Consortium of up to US$300 million were unscathed. Since it is impossible to take strong measures to clean up these large groups, they must think of other ways.

Fortunately, in the first five-year plan, Nehru did not need to face difficult opponents, and some power stations and a number of large-scale water conservancy projects were established. In industrial development, capital investment is focused on transportation and key industrial sectors, especially in basic industries such as fertilizer, steel, and machine tools. A number of state-owned enterprises were built. Three state-owned steel companies that attracted foreign investment from Britain, the Federal Republic of Germany and the Soviet Union broke ground.

Although he did not want to fall out with the United States, the Mysore iron ore was extremely important to India, and Nehru could not tolerate this iron ore, which was extremely important to India, being outside the control of the Indian government.

In general, except for the Mysore iron ore that cannot be compromised, Nehru is quite restrained in other matters.

But he is very clear in his heart that the first five-year plan can be regarded as a fine-tuning after India's independence, and when the second five-year plan begins, it will no longer be a small talk, and the resistance he will face will be unprecedented.

He needed popular support to face this resistance, and the greater the resistance, the more support Nehru needed.

Land reform is the core of the agricultural development strategy. This is what Nehru must do. Otherwise, India will not undergo earth-shaking changes. He does not need to pursue a single step. He can do it slowly, but it must be done.

Although the road ahead is difficult, Nehru believes that he can solve India's problems.

Nehru, who was in a good mood, even saw his daughter Indira Gandhi. Indira Gandhi, who had not seen his father for more than half a month, expressed his congratulations to Nehru, "This time has raised India's reputation in the world. Of course, I have also heard that Japan, Liberia, and the Philippines, who speak for the United States, have caused a lot of trouble.”

"There is trouble." Facing his daughter's question, Nehru did not shy away from it, and made clear some of the problems he faced at the Bandung Conference, including extremely difficult diplomatic issues.

In fact, if we are realistic, support China and North Vietnam to appear at such a high-profile meeting? Among the more than 20 participating countries, speak for these two countries that have just embarrassed the United States and France? Only India itself.

India struggled to find supporters at the Bandung Conference, but in the end, only Myanmar helped India to say a few words.

"Although the relationship between India and the United States is not good, this time my father must still make the United States very angry." Indira Gandhi heard this and couldn't help but worry, "With the arrogant personality of the Americans, will there be trouble?"

The low tide of India and the United States comes from Kashmir, which is the hometown of the Nehru family. The United States wants to make Kashmir independent. How could the Nehru family agree? At the same time, the United States is also very dissatisfied with India's unwillingness to approach the United States, and it always talks about independence in the international arena. After the Korean War, it began to provide military assistance to Pakistan.

"Indira, India is not a small country, and the world is not the only powerful country in the United States. Mr. Khrushchev is very kind to India." Nehru was not very worried. He believed that with India's size, It is something that neither the United States nor the Soviet Union is willing to ignore, even if the relationship is bad, it will not last long.

After listening to his father's words, Indira Gandhi nodded in approval for a long time, and did not continue to delve into this issue. At this moment, his father was a hero of the whole of India, so it was a good thing.

In Khartoum, the capital of Sudan, Alan Wilson scratched his scalp from time to time with a telegram about the Bandung Conference. On the table next to him was an Indian newspaper. The newspaper had a scene of Nehru returning to New Delhi.

"So many people?" John came in, saw the newspaper on the table at a glance, and commented inexplicably, "Indeed, India has never lacked such things as population."

"According to Churchill's words, they reproduce like cockroaches." Alan Wilson smiled, and then put the report of the Bandung Conference on the table, "This is outrageous, this ordinary conference deserves such extensive coverage?"

"A group of poor countries?" John was not optimistic at all. He glanced at a Chinese newspaper and asked, "Are you really well informed?"

"I'm the Malayan Commissioner, and the Bandung Conference was held next to the colony." Alan Wilson explained with a smile, "I'm very guilty, I really don't know Malay, otherwise I'd like to see how Sukarno is written. Self-proclaimed."

Hehe, the two of them laughed in unison, as if they remembered something happy.

"You've all come to Africa, and you still care so much about matters in Malaya." John couldn't help but sigh, "I'm really sorry for asking you to help me this time."

"John, don't say that, we are experienced professionals after all. Dealing with independence issues is a counterpart." Alan Wilson waved his hand, "Everything is for existence, and existence is everything."

The Bandung Conference just passed, and the two just had some private discussions. On a broader level, given the geographical location of the UK, would they care about a conference that was not attended by thousands of miles away? The few remaining concerns are still from the perspective of the Malayan colony.

There are 3,000 British troops stationed in Sudan, and there are tens of thousands of British people in Khartoum alone.

The two have asked London about the guidelines. Some of the British troops stationed in Sudan will withdraw from Africa and return to the mainland or supplement the British troops stationed in Germany. In short, they will return to Europe.

As for the remaining part, it is a change of defense. Although it is evacuated from Sudan, it is still stationed in the African colony. From a distance point of view, it should be to Kenya, the core area of ​​British East Africa.

Neither of them had any objection to this. It was nothing more than to talk to the British troops about which part would go back to Europe and which part would remain in Africa. Knowing this situation, John thought of a way to avoid offending the garrison.

"We can keep the officers and soldiers who form families with the locals here, and let the troops who have nothing to do with the locals return home." John said while thinking, "In this way, the six of us can avoid letting the soldiers who form families choose."

"Then I didn't come here for nothing?" Alan Wilson shook his head directly and said unmoved, "This way you can avoid offending people, but it just postpones the problem, and these problems will still arise in the future. Then everyone still has to This is nerve-racking. Since I have come here, I think I will solve the problem directly, and don't bother my colleagues in the future to offend others. "

"Indeed." John nodded. Since Alan Wilson was willing to solve this hidden danger, he would not object.

After the two negotiated, they reached a consensus to investigate the marriage talks between the British expatriate garrison and the locals. Because there are expats living in Khartoum, Alan Wilson believes that the scale of intermarriage should be small.

Under normal circumstances, most people will not choose people from another place to form a Alan Wilson is an exception. As long as the hardware is passed, he does not exclude women from any country.

The survey is divided into two parts, the garrison and the diaspora, and the classification survey is also divided into two parts. British women married Sudanese and formed families with British men and local women.

When the investigative report was sent, Alan Wilson was not surprised at all, the latter far outweighed the former. Although the garrison should be more disciplined, the British army can be regarded as an army with good military discipline in the world, but if the officers and soldiers are stationed in the colony, do you still expect them to be monks? This is indeed difficult for the strong.

After serving for a few years, I can see a pig and feel good-looking, not to mention that the people in Khartoum belong to Arabs, so they will not be invisible.

"There are more than 800 men in the garrison and expatriates who maintain partnerships, and less than 20 women and Sudanese have families." Alan Wilson took the investigation report, "Let me deal with men, and the dozen or so The woman is yours."

"I'm the Sudanese Commissioner, and I always keep you busy?" John said a little embarrassedly, "How can this make me feel good?"

"There's nothing wrong with it, but it's easier for men to solve it. Men and women think differently." Alan Wilson said indifferently. For example, the proportion of economic conditions in marriage, if a man attaches great importance to money, he will directly say that he wants to work less for 20 years when encountering such problems.

Women will not. Women will say some conditions that don't seem to be too high, and it seems that no man is so devoted to money, but these conditions are combined, and few people can achieve it. It also means that they want to work less for 20 years.

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