British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 819: black friend wilson

"What do you want to do?" John only felt that Alan Wilson was comforting him. After all, compared with the number of out-married women, there were too many people in the garrison, expatriates and local women involved.

"Let's be honest," Alan Wilson said directly, "Obviously tell them that they should abandon their wives and children. I believe that after consideration, they will make the right choice."

A man is not a woman. The so-called empathy of a woman, to put it bluntly, is a nuisance. It can't be said that there is no such thing as a man, but it is almost non-existent.

At the peak of the British Empire, even the poor in the East End of London were proud of this empire.

But things are different now. The UK is already on a shrinking track. These overseas garrisoned troops and expatriates must choose between the welfare of the empire and their future life. It is impossible to have both.

They either abandoned their wives and children and returned to their homeland alone, or they were concerned about the families they formed and stayed soft-hearted. They could only choose one of the two, absolutely not me. Since you choose, you can't regret it.

"Well, I think these people can do multiple-choice questions now." John sighed. This choice is destined to be difficult. In theory, he also wants to find a solution that everyone can accept. Everyone accepts it, isn't it that no one is satisfied?

"It's not yet time, we will talk to the black people in the south, and then we will settle the matter with the two parties of the Arabs, and then we will evacuate. Of course, we will release some unverifiable news first, so that everyone can be mentally prepared. If someone comes to ask, it will not be firmly denied."

Alan Wilson thought for a while and decided that he still couldn't change the order, and still had to complete the orderly retreat bit by bit.

Sudan has two problems decades later, one is the independence of South Sudan, and the other is the Darfur issue. These two issues are not the same thing, especially the latter, which is geographically close to Western Sudan in French Chad.

The residents of Darfur are divided into Arabs and blacks nationally. There are more blacks than Arabs, but they all believe in the religion of peace. This is different from South Sudan. Black people in South Sudan do not believe in peace religion.

In the early years, Sudan was divided into three juxtaposed regions: South Sudan, North Sudan and Darfur. The former two were ruled by the British colonial government, while Darfur was colonized by Ottoman Egypt.

Later, after the suppression of the Mahdi uprising in the Sudanese region, the United Kingdom and Egypt merged the three lands into a unified Sudan for common rule, but in fact North Sudan and Darfur were ruled by one colonial government, and South Sudan by another colonial government Government rule.

The merger of North and South Sudan was ten years ago, and the time it took to become a country was quite short.

So in theory, this time the Sudan is divided, the UK can divide Sudan into three parts, namely Sudan, West Sudan and South Sudan, which correspond to Arabs, blacks who believe in peace, and blacks who do not believe in peace.

However, it is not good to be too fragmented. Mainly, after independence, West Sudan may not have much strength to resist the invasion of French African colonies. You must know that France is more concerned than the United Kingdom when it comes to African issues.

Don't think that the current situation will remain unchanged. The Rwanda genocide means that the shadow of France is hovering over Africa.

France wants to continue to push French culture to the British colonies, which must be guarded against.

Therefore, there must be a premise for the partition of Sudan. Even if it is partitioned, it cannot be weaker than Chad, which is dominated by French culture. It has the upper hand in terms of area and population. It is very difficult for a country to resist.

So when there was a chance to divide India, Alan Wilson thought about it for a long time, but he couldn't divide India into many small countries. First of all, it may not be successful. The consequence of success is that a bunch of small Hindu countries have to call Pakistan "Dad".

John is the Sudanese Commissioner and has a much bigger target than Alan Wilson, so he must stay in Khartoum. Negotiations with blacks in South Sudan can only be done by Alan Wilson.

"I'm really bothering you." John was a little embarrassed. Alan Wilson seemed to be coming to fight, but in fact the other party was half a level higher than him. The reason for that was that Alan Wilson was the deputy secretary general of the Overseas Assets Management Committee.

"Make a good plan to ship the precious metals back to London, and just leave the pound for Sudan as foreign exchange." Alan Wilson waved his hand indifferently, and was ready to have a good talk with the African black uncle.

Different colonies have different colonial management methods, such as Southeast Asia, no matter which European country is colonized. They all chose to support the Chinese and suppress the local indigenous people.

Of course, there are sequelae. Once the colonies become independent, the long-term impression left by the Chinese is that they are the accomplices of the colonists, the source of inequality that most indigenous people can see.

British India is more complicated. In different periods, Britain has different attitudes towards peace religion and Hinduism.

It's hard to say which sect is more favorable to you. Who made these two religions half-hearted? But to Alan Wilson, peace religion is still more than one level higher than Hinduism.

The African region has a special matching mechanism. It’s not that the United Kingdom has never thought about hoeing the strong and helping the weak in Sudan, and it is better for black people, but after trying it, it still chooses to win the Arabs honestly. Black people are indeed difficult to support.

Returning to the sponsored villa, Alan Wilson took off his shirt. Because of his political knowledge, he knew before he came that Sudan's weather was famous for its extreme heat, and it was almost on the same level as Basra, the world's hottest pole.

But the imagination is still different from the personal experience. The temperature in Khartoum is really difficult to endure at 40 degrees.

After coming in, Alan Wilson smiled. Heidi Lamar lay on the big bed without a trace, facing the ceiling fan on the roof, with a big character on her body, and even Alan Wilson didn't want to move when she came in.

"My dear, I can understand your determination to fight the heat, but this gesture makes me very embarrassed." Alan Wilson was shirtless, but compared to the jaded actress, he was nothing.

Heidi Rama hummed, without any intention of moving, "I regret it, it's hotter than Malaya near the equator, and it's making me oily. Who would come here if you hadn't asked for it. A ghost place?"

Alan Wilson is also helpless. If others say that, he will definitely expose the essence of the gangster, and ask who told you that it must be hot near the equator. The places with the highest temperature in the world are all in the line of Basra, and the dimension is not close to the equator.

But seeing how Heidi Rama didn't even want to move her fingers, she knew that the actress was suffering this time, so she stepped forward and hugged Heidi Rama's uncovered body, "Okay, let's go to a different place. Too hot place, say while washing."

"Wash and wash, it's not just a bath." Heidi Lamar hooked the man's neck and looked at Ellen Wilson with almond eyes. She could almost see through the essence of this man.

Regarding the serious question of slandering the morality of the imperial commissioner, Alan Wilson said that the actress was right.

The capital of South Sudan is called Juba, and it is also the largest city in South Sudan with a population of more than 100,000 people. There is also a British army stationed there, which reflects the presence of the colonial government.

Juba is located on the banks of the White Nile River. Compared with Khartoum in terms of city size, there are few buildings that are not bad. They are all related to the British colonists. They are colonial facilities before the merger of Sudan.

But fortunately, although the sparrow is small and complete, the conditions are not bad. Alan Wilson brought Heidi Rama, who was used to Arab robes. He didn't lie. The temperature here is compared to Khartoum. It's kind of friendly.

At the former colonial governor's palace, Alan Wilson met Joseph Agu, the commander of the South Sudanese army, which the British called the Equatorial Corps, who, according to his colleague John, was the one who was determined to cut the line with the Arabs South Sudanese military strongman.

The United Kingdom has always had a strong interest in merging colonies. South Sudan was originally going to merge with Uganda, but at the Juba Conference ten years ago, it was finally decided to merge with North Sudan to become Sudan.

Black people in South Sudan have always been deeply dissatisfied with this, and Joseph Agu is one of them. When North Sudan protested the British withdrawal from Sudan, Joseph Agu stood on the sidelines and was ready to start a civil war after the British left, to fight the Arabs.

But the empathetic Alan Wilson is The matter of starting the civil war can be slowed down for a while. There are also British troops stationed in Juba. Although the number is not large, it is not a problem to deal with a so-called equatorial army.

"Colonel Joseph." Looking at the military rank on the other side, Alan Wilson called him Colonel.

From the perspective of the whole of Africa, among the long-standing candidates to launch civil wars or military coups, Joseph Agu is not low in the military rank.

"Mr. Wilson, my friends and I have prepared a gift for you when we learned of your arrival." Joseph Agu came back to his senses and quickly spoke to express his friendliness.

Alan Wilson's face was calm, but he was not interested in the other party's gift. He saw it when Joseph Agu first came in. It was ivory and two rhino horns. A few crocodile skins were not bad. They belonged to the famous Nile. crocodile.

"It's a pity, I'm here mainly to help everyone. As we all know, the UK has always respected the ideas of the nations under its jurisdiction. Whether it's a big or a small nation, all are treated equally." Alan Wilson took a long tone and looked with anticipation. Look at each other.

"Then, I don't know whether the legitimate rights and interests of South Sudan can be valued by London. Or in other words, they can be valued by London from Mr. Wilson's mouth." Joseph Agou said immediately.

"Very good, you see, the way to solve a problem is not necessarily to find the answer, the key is to find the right problem." Alan Wilson emphasized with a relaxed smile, "See who can find the key problem."

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