British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 820: Husband and wife cooperate to smash the car

Joseph Agu didn't want to stay in the same country with the Arabs, just like Ali Jinnah didn't want to live with the Hindus in the same country.

From the perspective of the colonists, the United Kingdom can be merged or divided, no matter how it is handled, it makes sense.

Although it is inevitable that some countries will talk about deliberately splitting the colonies under its jurisdiction, but who made Britain really a colonial empire, it should be scolded for enjoying the benefits.

Alan Wilson has no moral burden. He doesn't even think the colonization is wrong and shouldn't apologize.

In this way, when talking with Joseph Agu, Alan Wilson went straight to the point, asking what Joseph Agu wanted and what Joseph Agu could bring to the UK if he helped him.

When it comes to hundreds of thousands of square kilometers of land, if Joseph Agu thinks that he can handle it with a little ivory rhino horn, he will underestimate Alan Wilson, who manages British overseas assets.

"I don't care what I can get from the Colonel, the key is what the UK can get. If there is no benefit, we might as well do more than one less thing, and let the Sudan become independent as if you don't hear the call of South Sudan. At that time, you will only be mutual. What can you do to the UK if you make trouble?"

Alan Wilson said that you have misunderstood Mr. Colonel. When he came to Juba, the capital of South Sudan, he was definitely not here for a sightseeing tour.

"We hope to be able to make our own voices. Didn't the United Kingdom partition India and Pakistan? We are also unwilling to stay with the Arabs in the country." Joseph Agu finally expressed his true thoughts.

It's obvious that anyone can see it, so if you have to go around it, you won't get to the point for a long time. Alan Wilson even doubted that Colonel Joseph Agu was in charge of that part, had he never been on the battlefield?

Both of them had a lot of time, and the first time they met, there was nothing like gunpowder. They just put forward their own opinions and refuted the other party's statement. Joseph Agu obviously wanted to make Britain's efforts in vain. Although Alan Wilson did want to divide the Sudan, But never let go.

Three possibilities are given after Sudan's independence. The first is to ignore Joseph Agu's voice, adopt a convenient method, finish the UK's own affairs, and directly let Sudan become independent. Joseph Agu will raise his troops to fight against Cameroon. Toum, that's a matter of the Arabs and the blacks themselves, nothing to do with the UK.

The second possibility is that the plan to divide the north and the south was clarified before the independence of Sudan. This is considered to take care of the interests of Joseph Agu, but the Arabs will definitely be dissatisfied. Everyone knows the situation in Sudan. Arabs outnumber blacks in terms of population and cultural heritage.

The third possibility is strictly an extension of the first two possibilities. Even if Sudan is independent, British East Africa is still in the hands of the United Kingdom. North Sudan may not feel it, and South Sudan is next to British East Africa.

Juba, the capital of South Sudan, Alan Wilson has a very golden metaphor, which is very close to the border of South Sudan. If an African version of the emperor guards the country properly, even if Sudan is independent, South Sudan will definitely be within the radiation range of the British garrison.

Of these three possibilities, two of them are almost identical, and the third is completely unacceptable, at least according to Joseph Agu.

"Dear Colonel, this is not all options. For example, in the case of partition, the Arabs in North Sudan can also become independent first, and you wait for a few years for independence. Of course, during this period, you can't rush the British garrison away, otherwise you will Very lacking in the spirit of the contract." Alan Wilson was a little tired because he came all the way, and his words seemed weak.

Half an hour later, the two said goodbye to each other, and Joseph Agu was also willing to go back and think about how he could achieve the best interests, whether he believed in the colonizers of the past decades, or in the neighbors who couldn't move.

With a chaotic brain, Alan Wilson returned to where he lived and couldn't help gasping for breath.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing that the man's condition was not right, Heidi Rama quickly came over to help and said, "Don't scare me, why does it seem like you're beating yourself up? Where's the discomfort?"

"What's wrong? My body is a little cold, my head is a little hot." Alan Wilson joked, panting, "I'm right, although it's closer to the equator, the temperature is much cooler than Khartoum."

"I still have the mind to joke." Heidi Lamar wanted to reach out and hammer Alan Wilson, but she put it down, leaned over and touched her man's forehead with red lips, and then said, "This temperature is not right, hurry up and call to get some Medicines. Or send telegrams, this is a remote place, and if you don’t take it seriously, it will be troublesome.”

Ellen Wilson looked at Heidi Lamar's face with an unabated smile, and waited until the words were finished, "You are like a wife I imagined, and it is not too hot now, otherwise I will think I am dreaming. ."

Heidi Rama said angrily, "Then you can use your body to resist, I don't care."

"Send me a telegram to Northern Rhodesia. John is dealing with Khartoum, don't bother him this time." Alan Wilson shivered. "Painkillers are available in the garrison, but I I'm worried about you being discovered, Grace already knew you, and it wouldn't be a surprise to meet you."

He was embarrassed to let his wife, who returned to London for business activities, know that such a trivial matter, with the memory in his head, Alan Wilson felt that he could handle it with the help of medicine in a day or two at most.

Pamela Mountbatten did not know that her husband was battling a minor illness. The thing that currently concerns Mountbatten the most is undoubtedly the discovery of oil in the North Sea, which is also the purpose of his return to London.

Pamela Mountbatten, who has been out of the country most of the time, and the purpose of returning to London, of course, is to negotiate with the two major oil companies to show that the Mountbatten Group will not eat alone. Another thing is the issue of demarcation.

I don't know why the Ministry of Foreign Affairs didn't follow her husband's advice. Maybe it was forgotten or the demarcation was not done. Now she feels that maybe the Ministry of Foreign Affairs needs some support, especially from the Navy.

Pamela Mountbatten took the next step after obtaining the approval of the First Sea Lord from the perspective of the father-daughter relationship, and was going to have a good talk with BP and Shell.

She has always believed in her husband. The husband said that not eating alone is more long-term, that is, it is more long-term.

When Markins learned that the richest man in the UK had returned home, he immediately gave up his messy chores and came to meet. Pamela Mountbatten was very grateful for this, the Lord Sheffield who had a good relationship with BP.

"Dear Lord, I need your help this time." Although she was able to bypass the other party and do the same thing, Pamela Mountbatten sacrificed a little efficiency to ensure the success rate.

"No problem, given my relationship with Allen, of course I'm willing to do my best." Markins kept his spirits high, but a hint of worry flashed across his face from time to time, and Pamela Mountbatten saw him in his eyes.

"Lord, is there something bothering you? Let's hear it!" Pamela Mountbatten said with great interest, "Maybe I can help."

"The London Police Service has been in some trouble recently, and it has something to do with me." Markins smiled wryly. He didn't understand how a small subway incident could attract so much attention. These concerns caused huge pressure on London City Hall.

"So that's the case." Pamela Mountbatten's eyes flashed a trace of pity. It turned out that her husband let him support the women's movement to make things bigger, but in the end it fell on his friend.

She knows her husband very well, and never does anything without reason. It didn't take long for her to pay attention to it in the telegram. There must be a reason.

Although the Lord of Sheffield in front of him is not very high, he is quite energetic among the London civil servants.

Coupled with her close relationship with BP, Pamela Mountbatten feels she has found the code of wealth.

Immediately, Pamela Mountbatten's face changed, "Allen once said that the biggest supporter of the women's movement is the Soviet Union, which is a means of subverting the free world. This is a fact, but one who knows the inside story. No one dares to say it. Dear Lord, if you don't respond strongly, there may be conspiracies in the future."

"Isn't it that serious?" Markins' face was uncertain, if such a thing happened, it would be a huge trouble for him.

"This is a guilty inference. Lord, if they succeed this you need to know the following effect of case law." Pamela Mountbatten raised an eyebrow, she now understood what her husband meant, Set fire to herself and hide away, then let her wife come back and put out the fire.

Maybe Alan Wilson didn't think too much about it at first, but after learning about the discovery of the North Sea oil field, he had the idea of ​​connecting the two things together.

It was difficult to ride a tiger with Makins locked in the middle of the two ends. I have to say that Pamela Mountbatten felt that her husband was finished.

"It's impossible to back down now. We have to confront and settle such incidents head-on, and the court has to go. I don't believe that a small women's movement can really stand up to the City of London. Lord, I am willing to provide All the help. After all, your relationship with Alan deserves it."

Markins also thought it was reasonable, not knowing that all the problems were brought up by a couple, and then skipped the topic, "Thanks for the help of my wife, I am very grateful for it, the meeting between BP and Shell, I It will definitely help to have a good result.”

"Then I would like to thank the Lord. Allen always said that you are one of his few friends." Pamela Mountbatten said with a smile, half-truth, "If all goes well, I believe that the Lord's way is on the way. The future will be broad.”

This time, Pamela Mountbatten's purpose is to unite the three major oil companies, behind a united front, to discuss the interests of oil and gas fields with the British government. As for cleaning up the women's movement, Pamela Mountbatten believes it's not a problem, she's also a woman, and only magic can defeat magic.

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