British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 821: oil and food

As for which matter is more important, of course it is oil. Pamela Mountbatten just asked her assistant Marina to pay attention to the women's movement, and the main focus is still on the Brent oil field.

The top priority is to determine the quality of Brent oil, which needs to be done by the British Department of Science and Industrial Research. The National Fuel Research Institute under its jurisdiction can give the three major oil companies a reassurance in terms of oil quality and cost.

The UK Department of Science and Industrial Research, which has 20 industry research associations, was established in 1917. It can be said that if the British Department of Scientific and Industrial Research is not optimistic, then the future of Brent Oil will be up and down.

At the headquarters of BP in London, Phil Brown personally came down to greet Pamela Mountbatten, as well as Eckberg, the president of Shell Oil, which was established in 1890 and was specially authorized by the Queen of the Netherlands, Hence the name Royal Dutch Petroleum.

In order to compete with Standard Oil, the largest oil company in the United States at that time, the company implemented a two-headquarter holding system, of which the Dutch capital accounted for 60% and the United Kingdom accounted for 40%. The two headquarters were located in Rotterdam, the Netherlands and London, England.

So for the UK, Shell Oil is of course its own. The three greeted each other and walked into the headquarters of BP.

"Pamela, I haven't seen you for a while, and you still look so beautiful." Phil Brown said while walking, "Your business sense is a model for the whole world, even in the United States on the other side of the Atlantic. Your business story."

"Mr. Mayfair is too polite. Compared with the two gentlemen who have been in business for decades, I still have a lot to learn." Pamela Mountbatten responded politely, saying that she reported to both BP and Shell. with great respect.

"Thanks to Allen for his help during the Iranian oil crisis and achieved good results for our company." Phil Brown expressed his gratitude.

The two parties actually formed a good relationship before, and BP was actually the former Anglo-Iranian Oil Company.

During the Iranian oil crisis two years ago, it was Alan Wilson who went to the Middle East to negotiate and finally made things happen smoothly.

Although the United Kingdom supported BP, BP has indeed suffered heavy losses during the year of the Iranian oil crisis. As long as the confrontation begins, it will definitely pay a price.

Compared with the two oil giants that have been renamed British Petroleum and Shell, Mountbatten Oil has a terrible short history, and it is less than five years. But this short period of time is completely incomprehensible in the eyes of others.

Pamela Mountbatten first discovered oil in Libya, then squeezed into the Persian Gulf during the Iranian oil crisis, and previously discovered high-quality oil in Algeria.

This is still the oil field that Phil Brown and Eckberg are familiar with. No one will forget that the Mountbatten Group discovered the iron ore in Western Australia before. If the emergence of the Mountbatten Group can be explained by luck, it is too lucky.

Entering the conference room, the three of them took their seats and discussed how to distribute the interests of Brent Oil.

"We all know the importance of oil resources to the country, especially to Europe." Pamela Mountbatten explained softly, "To be honest, based on the current news, the government wants to nationalize important industries, It's not a secret."

Phil Brown and Eckberg both nodded, and Prime Minister Attlee's manifesto that combined the virtues of socialism and capitalism was no stranger to anyone.

And since the discovery of Brent oil, the Labour government has claimed that this is a new economic growth point in the UK. The Labour Party is so enthusiastic, it is hard to worry about whether to nationalize Brent oil, after all, many industries have already been nationalized pass.

"Of course we hope to combine the advantages of the two systems." Phil Brown said meaningfully, "Pamela, I believe you think so too."

The last round of British nationalization of major industries did not harm the interests of the public. The Labour Party's nationalization was bought with money, and a total of 2 billion pounds was invested to complete the last round of nationalized industries.

If this is the case, none of the three will object, knowing that the extra cost of the complex sea conditions in the North Sea is quite high. The storm surges of previous years have ravaged London and the Netherlands.

In the eyes of Phil Brown and Eckberg, nationalization means that the state buys oil shares as shareholders, and completes some difficult tasks that private individuals cannot undertake. It is called combining the advantages of capitalism and socialism.

"Our three companies must take a stand against the government." Eckberg said unhurriedly, "Only in this way can the greatest interests be preserved, and the initial investment is best done with state funding."

Pamela Mountbatten and Phil Brown nodded in approval. This was the result they both hoped for. Let the country complete the most difficult things, and everyone will swarm to get the benefits.

In fact, Pamela Mountbatten thinks more. In addition to supplying Britain, Brent Oil can also serve Europe. This will increase its economic influence in Europe.

If Alan Wilson was here, he would definitely be very relieved. The little girl who was dazed by a handful of diamonds has grown up.

It's a pity that he is battling the disease in Juba. According to his idea, this kind of small cold will be finished by taking some painkillers and sweating a little. Things did develop that way, but not so quickly.

After Grace arrived in Juba with a group of Chetnicks, Alan Wilson was still corpse in the house, with his head resting on Heidi Lamar's long legs, lying down to thank Grace for coming.

"Mr. Wilson, it's very different from what I imagined. I really don't think it's serious." Grace had seen Heidi Rama, and she wouldn't recognize him because he was wearing an Arabian robe.

"Oh, my friend, it's really heartbreaking for you to be like this. I'm not bad for the Slavs. I dare not say that I have a favor, but I always help." Alan Wilson reached out and touched his somewhat hot forehead. It is not too much to ask you to come over to help because of the intimacy between us."

"Of course you're good at resolving the independence movement." Grace nodded and said, "But it doesn't seem to have anything to do with us. Let's stay in Northern Rhodesia."

"It doesn't matter. In the future, the UK's influence on Africa needs to be achieved through your Northern Rhodesia." Alan Wilson retorted, "Whether it is a royal domain or a dominion, you are a white-dominated place. In a black country, it is not politically correct. But by defending blacks, provoking blacks and Arabs, and the contradiction between Christianity and peace, it may be a change for Northern Rhodesia, which is under siege.”

Grace pouted. He didn't think Alan Wilson's words would come true. It was just an excuse to ask him to help. He went straight to the subject and said, "Alan, you know. I'm very busy."

"There is really one thing I can help you with, about India." Alan Wilson thought for a while and said, "Although the Bandung Conference made London and Washington very dissatisfied, the current focus on India and the free world is to win over India. ... But you also understand that a Labour government tends to do big things with little money."

"So what are you going to do?" Grace frowned slightly. Looking back, she didn't think there was any connection between the two places.

"Agricultural revolution, Pamela has recently made efforts in the field of agriculture, and according to our information, after the first five-year plan, the development of agriculture in India has not changed. Nehru's national development strategy is mainly in the industry. There are still famines in India now. Helping India in this field can export British agricultural technology and hold India hostage from seeds."

Even in Africa, Alan Wilson still worries about whether the people of India can get enough to eat. It's amazing how the colonists did this.

While Nehru presided over the Bandung Conference, India was importing large quantities of American grain to maintain Indian demand.

This is not a good thing for the United Kingdom. India's imports and exports are settled in British pounds, and the connection with the United States has become closer, which will weaken the British pound and increase the circulation share of the dollar.

For Alan Wilson he has just let his wife invest more in agriculture and now needs a test field. And India, which has a good relationship with the Mountbatten family, is more suitable.

During the period of Nehru, famine occurred from time to time in India, and her daughter Indira Gandhi took over as Prime Minister of India. Facing the food crisis in India, she changed her father's thinking and policy measures of focusing on industry and neglecting agriculture, and accepted agricultural experts and the World Bank. , and established the policy of implementing the "green revolution" of agriculture in India.

For example, a large number of high-yield grains have been introduced to countries around the world, scientific farming measures have been adopted in large areas, investment and construction of agricultural water conservancy irrigation systems have been strengthened, and various incentive measures have been set up throughout India to fully support farmers in using new technologies in modern agriculture. Increase the enthusiasm for food production and crops.

Pamela Mountbatten's road to grain merchants, the Isthmus of Kra is just the beginning, and Northern Rhodesia is not the focus. He hoped that the road of his wife's grain merchants could lead to India.

"Okay!" Grace thought for a moment and said, "Actually, we and Rhodesia are also working hard to develop agriculture. If Pamela is interested in cooperation, we can benefit each other."

"Absolute mutual benefit. You may not believe it. In the whole of Africa, I believe in you the most." Alan Wilson continued, "We need to combine both advantages."

Finally, under the careful care of Heidi Rama, Alan Wilson's illness has recovered, and he can have a deep talk with Joseph Agu about the future of South Sudan. During his illness, I believe Joseph Agu should have thought a lot. He had a hunch that this time there would be results.

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