British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 824: Public opinion in South Sudan

"Sir, the hatred between us and the Arabs is not something you can easily erase with a single word." Joseph Agu did not buy it, and said word by word, "Our idea is very simple, since the United Kingdom is in order to facilitate management It was a mistake to merge into one colony, so it is a right decision to separate now. The attitude of the South is to follow the example of India and Pakistan and become two places that do not interfere with each other, which is good for everyone. Other than that , we do not accept any resolution."

"Bullshit, there is no reason to divide one's own land." Ismail Azari was very dissatisfied and retorted loudly, "I believe in the United Kingdom, the United States or any country, such remarks will be met with criticism. criticized."

After all, Ismail Azari looked at the representatives of Britain and France here, and wanted to see the reaction of the two countries.

"John, what do you think?" York Kiddston was an American, so he naturally sought the opinion of the British Sudanese Commissioner.

"It depends on whether the independence of Sudan is in line with the concept of splitting the British Empire. Perhaps, we should form an expeditionary force to deal with this problem." How could John take York Kidzton's words and put him in it? , and immediately questioned Ismail Azari just now on the relationship between Sudan and the United Kingdom.

If Ismail Azari doesn't think it makes sense for Joseph Agu to pursue South Sudan's independence, but wants to prevent it, then in turn, it makes no sense for Sudan to be free from British rule now.

On any current world map, there is no doubt that Sudan is still a British colony.

If preventing independence is a broad attitude in the world, then the UK has something to say. Anyway, the UK is very willing, and even if the United States will not agree, York Kiddston would not dare to give the British a wrong impression on this issue.

The United States is eager for the colonies under the rule of Britain and France to become independent as soon as possible, but there is another point. The United States will not make such an announcement publicly, but will try to force the colonial empire to leave the field by itself.

"Anyone has the right to pursue independence." York Kiddston said while thinking, thinking about how to round up the field, "but respected colonel, partition cannot solve all problems, and even some problems are brought about by partition. America just wants people in the South to think carefully."

"We've considered it very carefully." Just now John spoke as the British Sudanese Commissioner and talked about the Arabs who were preventing South Sudan's independence, and Joseph Agu had a bottom line.

As Alan Wilson promised, he will try his best to stand on the side of South Sudan during the negotiations to facilitate partition.

Originally, Joseph Agou didn't fully believe in the guarantee to Britain, although he had signed a secret agreement with Alan Wilson, guaranteeing that he would not seek independence before time, guaranteeing the interests of the United Kingdom, and so on.

But Joseph Agou was still a little worried about whether Britain would really help. But now there are no worries. The Sudanese Commissioner's words just now indicate that the UK will help as promised.

It's a joke. There are few people in this world who are more professional than Alan Wilson when it comes to black box operations. He has personally participated in the Potsdam Conference. He is very professional, and he has done it more than once.

Rahman Mahdi saw that the atmosphere on both sides was very unfriendly, preventing Ismail Azari from continuing to refute, and said to the leader of the black southerners, "It is meaningless to be entangled in historical issues now, from a practical point of view , we live together in one land, and we will live in one country in the future.”

"It's easy to say, Rahman wants to take the history of Arabs selling blacks as slaves?" Joseph Agu sneered, "You don't sell Arabs, of course you don't care, I think many blacks were also sold to the United States at the time. already."

Cough cough... York Kidzton could not help coughing twice after hearing this black man's words to ease his embarrassment. For the United States, which is proving the glory of the beacon of human beings all over the world today, the slave trade is not something to be honored.

Although this is a fact, it is also the dark history of the United States. For a time, York Kiddston didn't know what to say. He couldn't get the black people in South Sudan to let go of their hatred anyway, because the foundation of the United States is precisely on the black issue.

"What we hope is that all parties can talk calmly, and the two party leaders also came to Juba with sincerity." John opened his mouth to persuade at this time, although he disagreed, but the integrity of professional bureaucrats Let his words be affectionate, "We are not ready to see the results that everyone is satisfied with on the first day, but I believe that gentlemen have time, so go back and rest and calm down."

The Sudanese Commissioner's words officially ended the first day of negotiation that was fruitless except for arguing with each other.

Rahman Mahdi opened his mouth, and finally said unwillingly, "Okay, it's okay to be calm."

Rahman Mahdi is actually very authoritative in Sudan because he is a Sudanese national hero.

Ahmed Mahdi killed the Governor of the British Sudan and wiped out the Anglo-Egyptian coalition forces in Sudan, and was regarded as a national hero by the Arabs. As his son, Rahman Mahdi was a child. Period, the United Kingdom has been making a comeback to restrict free movement.

After being controlled by the British, Rahman initially lived with a relative in Gezira. On the advice of Inspector General Slatin Pasha, Rahman Mahdi was under constant surveillance during the early days of British rule, received very little stipend and was not allowed to call himself Mahdi.

But the United Kingdom did not keep suppressing Rahman Mahdi. As the banner of Sudan's insistence on independence and independence, he was not liquidated without his father killing the governor of the British Sudan.

Later, Rahman Mahdi publicly opposed the treaty signed by Egypt and the United Kingdom, which recognized Egypt's claim to Sudan's sovereignty. He went to London to explain the situation without consulting the Sudanese. His opinion played a major role in Sudan's rejection of Egyptian forces.

During the First World War, because the sultan of the Ottoman Empire, in the name of the world caliph of pacifism, called on pacifists all over the world to launch a holy war against the Allied Powers, a large number of pacifist regions around the world reacted hostilely to the United Kingdom. It was also Rahman Mahdi who, in the name of Ahmed Mahdi's son, sided with Britain and maintained the stability of Sudan.

Therefore, Rahman Mahdi and the National People's Party led by him, although the United Kingdom does not trust it, are still better than Ismail Azari, who wants to merge with Egypt.

"That's the way it is, don't you know, York Kidzton shut up as soon as he heard about the slave trade." After the meeting, John came to Alan Wilson to describe the process of today's negotiation.

"Of course, will Americans be willing to listen to the dark history of their own country? We won't do that either." Alan Wilson smiled very happily. This is the purpose of making Americans come to Juba too.

Some things are useful without mentioning them. Although the United States is undoubtedly the only superpower in later generations, its influence in Africa can only be regarded as the strongest among the superpowers. It is more powerful than the United Kingdom, which simply forgets its colonial history. Stronger, but not stronger than the traditional African hegemon France, and the new big player China.

Even during the Cold War, the Soviet Union seemed to be stronger than the United States in Africa, and even lost the Angola War to the Soviet Union.

The reason is that the United States has never solved the domestic racial problem, and big news is made from time to time. How can it be qualified to pretend to be a human beacon in the hometown of black people? Is it true that black people don't hold grudges? It's just that he doesn't have the ability to express hatred.

The most unwilling people in the black world to have a strong country are Europe and the United States. One of the reasons is that the black slave trade has been carried out. Another reason is that when there are a large proportion of black groups in the country, if the black people really have a strong country, the impact on the United States will be very large. Big.

"The attitude of the two party leaders in Khartoum was unexpected. According to common sense, Rahman Mahdi's claim to independence is definitely more popular than Ismail Azari's claim to maintain special relations with Egypt. Welcome. So the focus of our work is to firmly advance the partition and rule process, while keeping the independent North Sudan as much as possible in the hands of Rahman Mahdi.”

John listened to Alan Wilson's words, and then said with a smile, "Who said that a country must listen to only one person? Look at France, doesn't it always change the government? In fact, if Sudan is like the French government~www.wuxiaspot. com~ is not a bad thing, is it?"

"Oh, dear John, you are so surprising." Alan Wilson's eyes lit up, why didn't he think of this? As the birthplace of modern political ideas, France is certainly worthy of emulation. "It seems that we have to prepare a set, the constitution of the French Fourth Republic, to prepare for the issue of democracy after Sudan's independence."

Who dares to say that France is not a powerful country? At least for now, no one dares to say that to France, which is battling in Algeria.

It would be great if Sudan could change the government at the same speed as France after independence.

"We have always respected France, especially France's good intentions to test various political ideas." John understood it, and after the two talked, he was about to send a report to London.

As for Alan Wilson, he also has his own affairs. First of all, he must ensure the safety of all forces in Juba. Then what...

Two days later, Juba launched a massive protest, and countless black people flocked to the streets, shouting that independence from Sudan was completely spontaneous, not instigated by anyone, and Alan Wilson, who came to be a wingman, had nothing to do with it. It doesn't matter.

Colonel Joseph Agu, who came to hear the news, shouted loudly in front of the angry protesters, "I have been fighting for the rights and interests of our compatriots. I hope that our compatriots will not use this angry attitude to solve the problem."

"It's so touching, I even want tears in my eyes." Alan Wilson wiped a handful of crocodile tears that didn't exist, and said sarcastically very moved.


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