British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 825: Hidemi 1

Grace leaned against the window and saw Alan Wilson holding Heidi Lamar in a pretentious manner, and suddenly remembered that on that afternoon on the German coastline, there might be rows of Slavs bathing by the sea, handing over the last When it was a copper plate, the people in front of him were so cynical.

If he knew that Grace thought so, Alan Wilson would feel very wronged. Anyway, is it true that he saved hundreds of thousands of Slavs? This is not a small effort, and the UK is paying the price today.

If it wasn't for these anti-Tito elements who have already reached Rhodesia, in Italy near the border of Yugoslavia, they are constantly inciting unsettled elements in Yugoslavia to flee? I have been reminding Tito that there are still a group of his life and death enemies abroad, and it is estimated that he will not join the Warsaw Pact so happily.

Although there is information that, compared with many Eastern European countries, Tito still preserved the sovereignty of Yugoslavia and the independent command of the army.

But just after Yugoslavia entered the Warsaw Pact, how much energy was needed to pull Yugoslavia out? It's almost impossible.

"Ellen, Miss Heidi, John is back." Grace, who was standing by the window, paid attention to the movement outside and turned around.

"Then I'll go to the opposite room first." Heidi Rama stood up from the man's lap and whispered, "Call me when you're done."

"Okay!" Alan Wilson almost responded with a flattering expression, his eyes following Heidi Lamar's figure until the door was closed.

Grace had a toothache and said that this person is not doing a proper job, but he is really doing a lot of big things at the same time. But to say that he is a workaholic, which elite person in people's impression is like this, he said helplessly, "Mr. Allen really knows how to combine work and rest."

"I don't dare to understand, I want to take care of a woman's mood, which is as important as work." Alan Wilson didn't think anything was wrong. "Everything has a value, doesn't it?"

"I just think it's not the same as the officials I know." Grace smiled bitterly.

"The reason why elites are elites is because elites can hide, and they hide a lot of things. It's just that they are well packaged and hidden. You can't see it. I'm different. I don't hide anything in front of my friends. , especially in front of you, after all, we may have a long time in the future, and we will still benefit from each other. If you are good, I will be better, and if you are good, you will be better. Exposing some weaknesses to each other helps to show candor."

When Grace listened to Alan Wilson's tirade, thoughts flashed in his eyes, and he nodded to himself, "That's right."

The relationship between the two has been firmly bound together after a series of mutual help after the war.

They both know how much **** is under each other's ass. With this premise, the two sides have no choice but to work closely together.

Dong dong dong... There was a knock at the door, Alan Wilson's face changed, just as he was about to say that Grace had already stepped forward and shouted, "Is it Mr. John, we are here, there is no one in the opposite room."

Alan Wilson breathed a sigh of relief. The opposite room Heidi Lamar had just passed by. What if this was discovered by a colleague?

"I just came back from the Americans. The place where York Kidzton lives was surrounded by protesting blacks. However, we are prepared and have arranged for the garrison to defend. Those blacks still have no courage to oppose us."

As soon as he came in, John couldn't wait to tell the latest situation. It sounded like schadenfreude, but it was not. John is still a little nervous about the current situation in Juba.

Surrounded by the crowd of protesters, Alan Wilson faced it at the Malayan Executive Office, but he didn't, and he was afraid that something would happen and cause the situation to develop in an uncontrollable direction.

"Don't worry, just shoot if you dare to make trouble. For the safety of our American allies, we can do anything." Alan Wilson comforted, the situation here is much better than the situation in Kuala Lumpur at the beginning.

Back then, he couldn't sleep at night, because he was afraid that the protesting crowd would be bewitched by Indonesia or some big country, which made his plan playful. If something uncontrollable happened, he must have supported the garrison to suppress it first.

Compared with the grand scene in Malaya, the situation here in Juba is actually better. The key is that the performance of the black uncles is reassuring. Although they don’t want to say racist words, the reason why Africa was not until the late 19th century was The main reason for the division was that the colonial expeditions had overcome many diseases in Africa at that time. This has little to do with the fighting power of the blacks themselves.

John nodded and continued, "I just persuaded the protesters to go back with Joseph Agu. I didn't expect that black man to be a bit of a jerk, and why does he need international support. It's only for Arabs, and those black people really bought it. ."

"Those **** are smart, I really know you're not easy to mess with, so they won't jump out to find death." Grace snorted and said sarcastically, "When you meet them, you must be clear at the beginning, and you must not be soft-hearted. "

"Grace, this is not Northern Rhodesia. Of course, if the French want to hire you, provide some experience. I definitely have no objection!" Alan Wilson asked Grace to say a few words at this time. It was not him at this moment. It's time to show off professionalism here.

"Now, wait or what?" John didn't treat Gretel as an uninvited guest, and discussed with Ellen Wilson what to do next.

"Wait first, we also want to give our friends in the media a little time to prepare. I have already contacted by telegram. Take the historical hatred of the slave trade as the entry point. The Americans will definitely not jump out of this entry point to make trouble. Yes, be modest, you won't make it clear." Alan Wilson took out the stock his wife had given him, and threw a cigar pass at each of them.

It's not like Alan Wilson has nothing to do. Besides the actress, he can also write a diary. He won't be like Chang Gong who greets Marshall with a smile and nods in reality. Son.

Diary is not written every day. On the contrary, Alan Wilson does not have the habit of keeping a diary. He just writes down the major events he has experienced. In essence, it is to record the response when facing the problem, and forget how to deal with similar problems later. question.

"Such a woman is lying in front of you, yet you keep a diary?" Heidi Rama quit at this time, "Who keeps a diary for serious people?"

"Writing a diary can make a serious person?" Alan Wilson said without thinking, and then said, "I want to record Sudan's response to independence. For example, John proposed to amend a constitution according to the French constitution and give it to Khartoum. Use. I didn’t expect this, so it’s good to discuss issues peacefully with colleagues.”

Once again, it is time to use the British Empire to damage the hegemony of public opinion. At present, it is only in this field that the United Kingdom is still the British Empire. The independence of Sudan must be shaped as the United Kingdom wants, and the work of public opinion is inevitable.

The Times, Daily Times and other major British newspapers, together with radio stations, began to follow up on Sudan's affairs. The same formula and taste, as if the partition of British India was correct, proved that the partition of Sudan was also reasonable.

And Sudan also has a natural handle. Arabs and blacks have feuded over the slave trade, countless grievances on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean, and blacks who are close to one-tenth of the population of the United States. This is enough for the major newspapers in the United States to be unable to oppose British public opinion.

Because the slave trade seems to be Sudan, but almost everyone knows that the United States is not clean, and there is a civil war for it. Even considering the perception of one tenth of the population, American newspapers will not publish it. sing praises.

Folk racial discrimination is private, but American public opinion cannot endorse it, at most it is regarded as not seen. Even if you want to take the opportunity to connote black people, you will only do so with the headline of a foreign newspaper.

John, the Sudanese Commissioner, once again came to the place where York Kidzton and the representative of the United States lived. Just a few days ago, this place was surrounded by angry black people. He came specifically to appease the local protesting black people.

He was brave enough to gain a good impression, otherwise who would say that the shameful scene of the Libyan ambassador would not appear in advance in a few decades?

The whole world has been quarreling because of the conflict between the north and the south of After all, there is no big news recently, Sudan has a sufficient sense of existence, and the newspapers also want to sell, so the issue of Sudan's independence is very popular.

"At this point, we may have to admit that the hatred caused by the slave trade should not be resolved. I wonder if Washington can speak out and make some efforts? Protect the integrity of the Sudan?" John bewildered for a long time. It's still getting to the point, and as soon as we get to the point, we're going to put America on fire.

"John, after all, this is a matter of the United Kingdom, although we are close allies. But the independence of Sudan is ultimately the responsibility of the United Kingdom, and we respect the result of the United Kingdom's handling." York Kiddston quickly shook his head and said, "The United States does not have ambitions for British colonies. Many mouthpieces bought by the Soviets always say that. You don't think so?"

"Of course not. The special relationship between Britain and the United States is an objective fact." John said with approval, "but we really hope that the United States will play a key role."

"The United States is happy to see any British-led program emerge." York Kiddston said righteously.

That's good! The Sudanese Commissioner raised his eyebrows. Now at least one thing can be confirmed. The United States will not take a stand on the partition of Sudan. Then things can start after that. The North and the South will be dealt with, and then the United States will be drawn together to express that they are doing it together.

The independence leader of South Sudan, Joseph Agu, received a unilateral suggestion from the United Kingdom that the United Kingdom and the United States would support South Sudan’s independence from Sudan, but the United States is not willing to make a public statement.

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