British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 829: Colonial division of labor

If an old colleague is interested in the position of Commissioner of the Persian Gulf, he feels that it is of course his duty to help. Everyone can see the influence of the Persian Gulf and its importance to the United Kingdom.

The Persian Gulf Commissioner is based in Aden and has to take into account the issue of the Suez Canal. Alan Wilson is of course inclined to have a familiar and reliable colleague there, which makes it easier to communicate.

It will take some time for the plane to take off, mainly because Alan Wilson is so popular that he needs to take away the gift from his trip to Sudan.

During this time, the two exchanged views on the possible impact of Sudan's independence on the situation in Africa.

John shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Now the French are very dissatisfied, and feel that it is irresponsible for the United Kingdom to let Sudan become independent. I have already received a lot of hints from French African officials."

"There are really not many solutions to Sudan's problem. It's not just Sudan's problem. Sudan is special because there are also Egyptian factors." Alan Wilson spread his hands and said that he had no choice. If Egypt was also like Algeria, There are millions of British immigrants who can do internal counseling, and the probability of the British doing it is no less than that of the French.

But no one of the colonies in the hands of the United Kingdom has the same foundation as Algeria. Even the stability of Malaya requires the help of Australia and New Zealand in the framework of the Commonwealth.

"Emphasis on the uniqueness of Sudan, and expresses that Britain will not allow African territories to continue to be independent in a short period of time. However, we also have our demands, implying that the French, the victory of the Algerian war will determine the future choice of the two countries, not The French family." Alan Wilson squinted his eyes and said to his old colleague, "I believe that the French are both colonists, and the French must understand our potential meaning."

"My God, you're really afraid that the French won't be ruthless enough." John grinned after hearing this. This was simply killing someone with a knife.

"They're always better than us. With the attitude of France, we should cherish it at this stage." Alan Wilson chuckled, then sighed, "There is no one else here, and if I tell the truth, our situation is worse than that of the French. It's a little more difficult. The UK's spread out, even at this time, is much bigger than France's, and it's more difficult to shrink than the French."

Does France still have interests in the Far East now? The three countries of the Indochina Peninsula have become independent, and the French power has declined from the Far East.

However, Hong Kong and Malaya have not yet become independent, and the United Kingdom must continue to invest in the Far East.

Does France have influence in the Persian Gulf? Not at all, but basically not. But the United Kingdom has it, and the United Kingdom has a bunch of protectorates in the Persian Gulf, which are small in size but very valuable.

Even in Africa, even if Sudan has become independent, the British business is no smaller than that of France.

Although France was the No. 2 power in the colonial era, it is still incomparable with the British Empire.

Then the question is, France has been able to shrink its tentacles around the world and concentrate on Algeria. The United Kingdom cannot do it, and the United Kingdom must continue its policy of orderly withdrawal.

Leaving tentacles who can intervene, focusing on operating a few colonies, such as waiting for his Northern Rhodesian flight, is one of the options.

Not long after, the harvest of the trip to Sudan had been transported, and Grace came over with a group of Northern Rhodesian assistants. Alan Wilson could only bid farewell to his colleagues, "Then our cooperation this time is over, Sudan's system The status of design and sterling is up to you, and we may have opportunities for cooperation in the future.”

"It's very touching that you can come to help this time." John glanced at Grace, nodded, stretched out his hand and shook it with Alan Wilson, "Then, I wish you a happy fulfillment."

"Goodbye." Alan Wilson nodded and waved to board the plane. A few minutes later, the Comet passenger plane took off and disappeared over Juba.

A few hours later, Alan Wilson has arrived in Northern Rhodesia. It is not the first time he has come here. This time he also wants to get agricultural materials here, and talk about the grain merchant of his wife Pamela Mountbatten. The road, and the question of how to win in Northern Rhodesia.

Alan Wilson thinks, if the Confederate States of America that once existed were to live to this day, would it be what Northern Rhodesia would look like? But after thinking about it, it is still closer to the Rhodesian model.

These ruthless men who were born in the Balkans, when they arrived in Northern Rhodesia, took advantage of the Indian massacre to bring the black people to the pot. Compared with the subtlety of the operation, it is more rare to be bold.

Now the situation is very obvious. The ruthless hand at that time has put an end to the possibility of black people coming back.

Alan Wilson felt that the Slavs living in Northern Rhodesia now live very close to a collective of armed farmers.

Northern Rhodesia already has the ability to manufacture light weapons, and minefields are set up on the east and west borders. If it weren't for railways and animal migrations, it is estimated that Northern Rhodesia could be surrounded by minefields.

Mikhailovich is still alive, but he is indeed old and not as determined as when we first met, but his health is still good. Obviously, he is quite satisfied with his life in Northern Rhodesia.

"In fact, after several years of observation, we have closed the gap in the north while animals are migrating. Animal migration in East Africa only affects a small part of the northeastern part of Northern Rhodesia, and those animals have returned. I won’t come anymore.” Mikhailovich said happily, “The barbed wire and minefields, the arrangement of this World War I, makes me feel very safe.”

"It seems that you are almost half-closed. You have to live behind closed doors. However, you are on the border between Italy and Yugoslavia, and you continue to incite the Yugoslavs to flee, which has led to the delay in repairing the relationship between the United Kingdom and Yugoslavia." Alan Wilson said Deputy Ku Da Qiu Shen said, "How to compensate for the loss caused by this."

"Isn't it enough that Northern Rhodesia does not pursue independence? Isn't Newfoundland transformed into a royal domain? We do not reject the monarchy, and we can do the same." Mikhailovich solemnly assured, "I I don't believe the UK seems to be acting like it doesn't care after hearing from Grace that Sudan is on the road to independence."

How could you not care? Wait for the next sultan, then wait! Alan Wilson secretly murmured and turned his head to look at the endless farmland, "I can still help with the development of Northern Rhodesia. In fact, the route to a powerful agricultural country is a good option for Northern Rhodesia, which has a small population. Good choice. The supply of many fruits and vegetables in the United Kingdom also depends on Spain. You know, the climate in the United Kingdom can cope with growing food, so I think too much about other things.”

"I would like to hear what the commissioner has to say? I still remember the scene at the beach. I never imagined in my life that there would be such a day with hundreds of thousands of followers, like a pig on the shelf." Miha Ilovic paused when he said this, and then changed the conversation, "I have no other intentions, I just want to show that the two sides understand each other."

Mikhailovich knew the Zhou Papi style of the person in front of him, and the Zhou Papi in his eyes was not at all cowardly. Both sides have handles in each other's hands, which is very equal.

In terms of altitude, most of Northern Rhodesia are plateaus, but plateaus are different from plateaus. The plateau of Northern Rhodesia is only high in altitude, and its agricultural conditions are quite good, not like the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

There are many rivers in Northern Rhodesia, vast forests, and abundant hydropower and forestry resources. Hydropower accounts for 99% of the total power generation, and the forest coverage rate is 70%. At the junction of Northern Rhodesia and Rhodesia, there is the world-famous Victoria Falls, and the distribution of forestry is relatively concentrated.

With the current population base of Northern Rhodesia and more than 700,000 square kilometers of land, Mikhailovich and the others cannot develop all of them at all, but even so, these Balkan version of the slip through the net are not ready to cheap black people, Use minefields and barbed wire to seal off undeveloped land to prevent loopholes.

There is no doubt that Alan Wilson once again stood in the position of helping the tyrants, making the road of the Mountbatten Group grain merchants smoother after the initial stage, and it is necessary for Northern Rhodesia to exert its agricultural ~ The headquarters of Mountbatten Agricultural Group, which can be located in Lusaka. what do you think? "Alan Wilson suggested, "The market exists objectively, for reliability. Britain needed a colony like Northern Rhodesia to shoulder its agricultural responsibilities. "

"Sounds good!" Mikhailovich took a sip of black tea, and before he knew it, he also began to have some British habits.

"The most important thing is standardization, and agriculture and animal husbandry must also be standardized." Alan Wilson's face was sincere, as was his heart, showing the sincerity of cooperation.

Standardized agriculture will rout small farmers, and this is not only in the food with huge output. It can also appear in market segments.

Take tea as an example, we all know that China is the hometown of tea, but the largest tea company in the world is Lipton Company.

Lipton's tea may not be as good as China's top tea, but so what? Teas of the same price are certainly not as good as Lipton's products, and the prices of teas that can beat Lipton's are appallingly high.

The idea in Alan Wilson's mind is that Newfoundland will be the financial offshore center, Northern Rhodesia will be the agricultural and animal husbandry industry, British Malaya will mainly develop industry and necessary agriculture, and the British garrison in the Persian Gulf will ensure energy.

The remaining colony task is to scrape the ground as much as possible before independence, even if the shrinkage is completed.

If it succeeds, even if France turns Algeria into Gobi-French land, Britain can still maintain its advantage over France.

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