British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 830: Bonn again

Now the boundary between the two Rhodesias is quite clear, and there is no possibility of any merger. The comparative population of Rhodesia far exceeds that of North Rhodesia, but there are more Slavs in North Rhodesia than there are white immigrants in South Rhodesia.

Alan Wilson met South Rhodesian High Commissioner Johnston two days later. Johnston represented the symbol of British rule in Rhodesia. Like Alan Wilson in the British Malayan colony, Johnston was also resident. Administrative Office.

"There is a voice in Southern Rhodesia that wants to merge with Northern Rhodesia." Johnston was very happy to see Alan Wilson, and then revealed the news.

"This? It might not be easy!" Alan Wilson replied slowly, "The problem is not you and me, it's the Northern Rhodesians who don't want to merge with Rhodesia."

To be honest, he heard Mikhailovich say this, and his attitude was very clear. Merger is impossible. The white population in Southern Rhodesia is an absolute minority, and the black population is not only large, but also rising.

In the eyes of these Balkans, something will happen to Southern Rhodesia sooner or later. The advantage of the merger is that it will ruin the stability of Northern Rhodesia. In any case, these battle-hardened Slavs will not be allowed to accepted by people.

Sure enough, after meeting Johnston, Alan Wilson told Grace about it.

"We would never agree." Grace sneered, "We are grateful for Southern Rhodesia's help when we first arrived. If one day Southern Rhodesia falls into war, we will definitely provide refuge for whites. Others Don't think about it, there is no second Indian community to give us an excuse to raid."

Grace still firmly believes that Southern Rhodesia is a colony sitting in a volcanic crater, and even South Africa is like this. Don't think that South Africa seems to be doing well now, and it will roll over sooner or later.

Alan Wilson lamented that these Slavs, who had been involved in the Balkans for hundreds of years, were more sober than the original immigrants in this regard. Rhodesia and South Africa were indeed destroyed later.

"I thought you would envy the lives of Southern Rhodesians. They have labor, and you have to do everything by yourself." Alan Wilson said with a wry smile, "There are still most people in this world who like to take shortcuts."

"Our life experience tells us that life is more important, and even if life is gone, all wealth is fleeting." Grace tilted his head and glanced at Alan Wilson, "Dear Commissioner, your teaching on the German seaside is also Let us remember it fresh, and let us not forget it every moment. But my father and I also know very well that you have nothing to blame for what you did. Although you have cleaned us up, you have preserved our lives. "

"Life is very important!" Alan Wilson was not embarrassed, and followed the other party's tone, "I hope you don't hate me."

"Absolutely not, you are our benefactor." Grace said nonchalantly, "I know very well which is more important."

"I don't think I know what you did to Nyasaland." Alan Wilson snorted and curled his lips, "You robbed Nyasaland's land, and Commissioner Nyasaland also talked about it. matter. How does that count?"

"We did it, but for the water supply of Lake Niassa. And we were very restrained, if we were to really play hard, at least half of the area of ​​Niassaland would be lost. And we only controlled one-sixth Land near Lake Niassa." Grace did not deny it, saying that there was indeed a piece of land in Niassaland under the control of Northern Rhodesia.

And Grace and the others had already established the relationship with Commissioner Nyasaland, and they turned a blind eye to Nyasaland only that piece of land still existed on the map.

Alan Wilson estimates that these Slavs must be doing a lot of work, and that 20,000 square kilometers of land is a big deal.

The entire colony of Nyasaland is a narrow strip next to Lake Nyasa, which is incomparable in size to Rhodesia and Northern Rhodesia. The colony is divided into three parts. The armed farmers like Grace are robbing the northern area. A piece of land, so that it can be close to Lake Niassa and take advantage of this famous large lake in Africa.

The more than 60,000 square kilometers of Lake Victoria, Rhodesia, cannot be reached, so we can only think of ways from this half-small lake.

Alan Wilson can understand that if he takes Grace's perspective, he can't be indifferent to the great lake that is close at hand but separated by a long and narrow colony. The area of ​​Nyasa Lake is ten times that of Qinghai Lake. Get a name.

The newly discovered situation in Africa, for the sake of preserving the face of the commissioner of the three major colonies of British Central Africa, Alan Wilson assumed that he did not know about it, and of course he would not take the initiative to help cover it up.

Necessary disputes will help Northern Rhodesia's dependence on the United Kingdom in the future. He can almost conclude that Lake Niassa will definitely cause disputes among neighboring countries in the future. The water source of a large lake in Africa is too important.

Southern Africa is better. If it is North Africa, anyone who dares to touch the upper reaches of the Nile will blow up Egypt, which is enough to prove it.

And Lake Chad, which is drying up decades later, has reached the point where it threatens the existence of Chad as a nation.

On the opposite side of Lake Niassa is Tanzania, which was originally a German colony. The United Kingdom signed a treaty with Germany regarding the ownership of the lake, and the entire lake belonged to the United Kingdom. But then Germany was defeated and Tanzania became a German colony.

And Niassa Lake also borders Mozambique in Portugal. Once Mozambique becomes independent, it will definitely not admit that such a large lake has nothing to do with itself. These are potential landmines.

On the second day, Alan Wilson and the commissioners of the three colonies, including Johnston, hinted that he already knew about this, but it could be assumed that he had not seen it. Several people expressed their understanding and sent a souvenir.

He was an imperial servant, so naturally he wouldn't want him, but Heidi Rama accompanied him in Africa for so long, with no credit or hard work, and in the end he could only deal with it with a flexible attitude.

"Why can't I control this hand?" Alan Wilson clapped his hand vigorously in front of Heidi Lamar, his mouth full of anger.

"Okay, just think it's me who made you fall." Heidi Rama glanced at the imperial servant, of course she also knew that this was a performance, but the man who came to Africa did not leave any gains, and he forwarded it all to she is.

"I said your wife's status is so high, why can't she withstand your offensive?" Heidi Rama now understands what it means to give too much. She couldn't stand it for her.

"These are all foreign objects, mainly because I am moved by my sincerity." Alan Wilson waved his hand, boasting of his extraordinary charm.

Thanks to the relationship with the people of Northern Rhodesia warming up again, under the care of Mikhailovich and his son, he still embarked on a journey back to Europe, ending his mission to help in Africa this time.

After staying in Paris for two days, he went directly to Germany to continue to shoulder the responsibility of coordinating overseas assets.

In the Hellmann Manor in Bonn, Anna would go to the window from time to time to see if her sweetheart was coming. After every disappointing look, she couldn't help sighing to herself.

This scene fell into Pokina's eyes, and she couldn't help shaking her head. Only God knows how Anna was selected. Is it because it's stupid enough? While thinking so, Anna suddenly stood up and said, "He's here."

"Really!" Pokina also stood up directly and ran to the window to look around, "Where is it?"

"So you're in a hurry too?" A playful look flashed in Anna's eyes, "Aren't you a strong woman? Do you also need a man?"

Before arriving at Heilman Manor, Alan Wilson dressed up in a rare fashion, and even sprayed on the perfume sold in Paris, as if it was to support the industry of the actresses, but he did not know that the wolf had already been staged in the manor.

After the West Berlin incident, when he stepped into Germany for the first time, the dragoon sisters were very excited and jumped at the man's visit, "Don't mind, I'm just a humble social tool, and I really don't have much money."

Holding the wildflowers picked on the road, Ellen Wilson expressed her loyalty in front of the Pokina sisters.

"Just come." Anna coaxed her eyes and was moved by the worthless gift. She felt that Alan Wilson was able to come to Bonn to completely forget what happened before.

"It still has some I know that you guys were spies, I now doubt whether your tears are real." Alan Wilson, who was holding wildflowers, teased the little girl, looking very serious.

"I hate it." Anna patted the man. "When you leave Bonn, I'll beat Hans's ass."

It is estimated that the future German Koch brothers will be indignant when they hear their mother say this.

Although Pokina didn't say anything, she was happy with the arrival of the man, her short blond hair fluttering after she was busy.

Filling her stomach, Anna asked with interest, "I heard that there is a controversial case in the UK?"

"The subway incident?" Alan Wilson was a little surprised. How could Germany know about it? Seeing the two sisters nodded and said, "There's nothing to say, it's about to be judged. After that, the popularity will drop. Do you have any opinions?"

Just as Anna was about to say something, Pokina said first, "No, Germany doesn't know much, it's just an anecdote."

"I thought you had something to say. After all, many of the women's movements during the Chinese New Year were supported by the Soviet Union." Alan Wilson shrugged, "Don't be dissatisfied, high-level officials of all countries know this is true. You are not also Germany. A woman's role model?"

"I'd rather not be a role model. Other countries cannot feel the consequences of the mass deaths of German men." Pokina said without thinking, "I'd rather have more men as workers."

"Indeed, from the perspective of exploitation, men are more valuable." Alan Wilson said with conviction.

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