British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 831: 2 child plan

The two Pokina sisters have already understood the difference between men and women. Women can only be used as men, and men can be used as animals. This sentence is the essence of the value of men and women.

In fact, the German dragoons are relatively good for use. The environment in which a large number of German men died in battle made German women unqualified to fight. The desired treatment can be achieved in current Germany. Men have to swing their hoes just like women. Men do construction workers, and women do the same.

Gender equality has already been achieved in Germany in advance because of the shortage of men. It’s just that German women don’t like it. Any book that touches on the post-war period a few decades later emphasizes that under this objective equality between men and women, German women endured enormous pressure to survive.

The Hellmann family discovered that women are far less useful than men in production. Men can withstand continuous high-intensity work, but women cannot achieve the same effect due to physical reasons.

"There is a shortage of labor now, but there is a voice to introduce immigrants." Pokina is the representative of the Herman family on the bright side. What is this place? Bonn, the capital of the Federal Republic of Germany.

With Alan Wilson, the biggest funnel in the free world, and the Pokina sisters hoarding a lot of land in Bonn, the base camp is close to the capital, so it can be said that they are naturally able to understand the movements of the German government.

If it weren't for the West Berlin incident, Alan Wilson would have known that there were Soviet spies around. If the two sisters are not discovered, Germany will be reduced to a sieve for decades to come.

"Immigration?" Alan Wilson was startled, suddenly thought of the Turks, and said, "The Commissioner in Germany will object. Gerald Edward is the former Commissioner of Malaya, and I have a good relationship with him."

The two sisters were very surprised, and heard Alan Wilson continue, "I can't say that it is absolutely correct, but the benefits of banning immigration are still great. The most important thing is that the UK does not want to see European countries introduce immigrants."

After the war, due to the sharp reduction of the German population and the need for labor to rebuild, Germany was very difficult to rebuild at that time. Facing the dilemma of labor shortage, Germany had to import labor force from abroad. At this time, the Turkish labor force was relatively abundant, so a large number of Turks were introduced to help Germany rebuild. Since then, nearly one million Turks have stayed in Germany.

Nearly one million Turks lived in Germany, and after a few decades it became three million.

The original intention of introducing immigrants was because of the lack of labor in Germany. After these Turks entered Germany, they did help Germany create a lot of value, which cannot be regarded as a disadvantage.

But Alan Wilson is British, and he sees all the downsides in his eyes. The introduction of immigrants to Germany for economic development doesn't mean that Britain is not so successful? Will this damage the national pride of the British, fought two world wars with Germany, and ended up developing better than the UK? Does the U.S. pay more attention to Germany?

Now because of his relationship, the labor gap in the Federal Republic of Germany is much more serious than in the past. Although many Germans were expelled from Eastern Europe, most of the Germans in Eastern Europe were intercepted by the Soviet Union.

As a result, the population of Germany is now 50 million, which is more than that of France and slightly less than that of Britain, which has a population of over 50 million.

Now it seems that the German government has also noticed this problem and wants to solve the population problem, but now that Alan Wilson knows about it, he can't let the German people achieve what they want. A weaker Germany is better for everyone.

"There's a huge shortage of labor right now, and you don't help." Anna said angrily, "I just like to see that Germany is not developing well, right? You British are the worst."

"There is a huge population gap, so I can give birth by myself, can't I help?" Alan Wilson was unhappy when he heard it, stretched out his hand to put Anna in his arms, and said with a wicked smile, "Didn't I have two with your sisters? Not a contribution to Germany? Or two boys, helping to protect Germany in the future."

Anna blushed and spat lightly. She didn't know it was a man's dark psychology, but she didn't care, "Two? Maybe it's not enough, at least I don't think it's enough."

Pokina frowned slightly, then changed the subject and said, "The reason for the introduction of immigrants is that there is an objective labor shortage."

"The question is where to import it. There are not many people from nearby countries. Germany has only one choice, which is Turkey, which has a good relationship with Germany in both world wars." Alan Wilson pouted, "With me here, the United Kingdom will definitely object. "

Turkey is not without its advantages. It is a famous TV drama power in later generations, and it has strong influence with the United States, Mexico, and Brazil. As for any Korean drama, it is all blown out, and the influence is far from it. Even Korean dramas have no influence, let alone other countries in East Asia.

Although the British occupation no longer exists, Germany is still a place worth remembering for Alan Wilson. By the way, I would like to chat with my colleagues in Germany. The Commissioner in Germany is still very powerful at the current time, and the German government is also influenced by the three countries of Britain, the United States and France.

"Are you really going to have a baby?" Botkina glanced at her sister with cold eyes at Hellman Manor. "Now, at this time, you are having a baby. How will you explain it later? Who is the father of the baby?"

"It wasn't you who gave birth. You are the strong woman in this family." Anna curled her lips in disapproval, "If I give birth to my man, do I have to submit a report like Lubyanka for approval?"

She felt that a son was not enough, and she also hoped to have a child to accompany her so that she could completely bridge the relationship.

She didn't ask Botkina to give birth to another, but instead the other party interfered. Obviously, he was afraid that his two children would occupy an advantageous position in the Hellmann family's industry.

"Why don't you think about what you do?" Pokina was furious. It's okay to create a character. After all, the gender ratio in Germany is not balanced, but what excuse can Anna's child be born on? If you are giving birth to one, how can you turn the old lie back?

Alan Wilson and Gerald Edward had a very successful exchange on how to interfere in Germany's introduction of immigrants and cause scale pressure on other countries.

Originally, Germany and the United Kingdom are relatives. In the field of assimilation, the world today is divided into three levels. Peace is the only one, India and China, etc., relying on the home field advantage of a large number of people, it can be regarded as more than self-preservation.

It is precisely Germans like Yingde, whose assimilation ability is in a mess. The white Americans occupy 93% of the population and cannot digest black people.

Although interfering with Germany's introduction of immigrants will lead to difficulties in Germany's economy, many single women are destined to die alone. But it can guarantee that Germany is free from many conflicts, and it is nothing to suffer the people first.

Alan Wilson has no guilt at all. As far as he knows, there are more than 100,000 cases of intermarriage between Britain and Germany, which can make the British who intermarry with the dragoons have to work hard. Didn't you see that he did this?

After talking with the commissioner in Germany, Alan Wilson returned to Hellman Manor by Shi Shiran. The next stop is to return to London, so I'll talk about it by staying for a few days.

"Dear. I have a gift in your collection, you must like it?" Anna whispered mysteriously, creating a sense of mystery.

"What? Mysterious?" Alan Wilson asked with great interest.

"Wait, I'll get it!" Anna said, and walked out of the door. After a while, she took another box and went back.

After creating enough mystery, Anna opened the box, "I heard that you are an expert in Orientalism, and now you are a specialist in Malaya. Take a look at this knife. I got it from a German collector."

"Huh?" Alan Wilson glanced, then narrowed his eyes to see clearly, "No. 17 of the sky? If you stare carefully, your eyes will feel a tingling sensation.

"It's really a good thing!" Alan Wilson couldn't put it down in admiration, isn't this 50 million walking?

Unexpectedly, this treasured saber, which set an auction record, fell into Anna's hands, and now it is given to him.

"Do you like it? Darling!" Anna smiled unabated, seeing Ellen Wilson happy, she was equally happy, "I knew, you must like this."

"Men just like to fight and kill." Alan Wilson sighed when he put the knife in the sheath, "This knife belongs to a very powerful monarch. It may be very valuable in the future, but I will definitely not sell it."

"A very powerful monarch? Who is it!" It was really difficult for Anna to know an oriental monarch. She just felt that Ellen Wilson was able to deal with oriental issues and must have an understanding of the local culture.

"It doesn't matter who he is, his reputation is very complicated." Alan Wilson disliked Qianlong's If Qianlong became emperor in an era where the West did not hang the world, his reputation would be much better. If you change the nationality, with his merits, he can be named in any dynasty.

The problem is that during the Qianlong era, the West was indeed invincible on earth, and one civilization after another fell under its feet. Qianlong also came from a minority, so there was nothing he could do. So there is the appearance of Emperor Yang Guangguang, the ridiculous remarks of Qianlong's prodigal son.

Alan Wilson rarely accepts gifts from women. The corners of his mouth are almost behind his ears. He hugs Anna and doesn't let go, "Honey, what do you want, as long as the world has it, I can think of a way."

"I want a child." Anna, who was being hugged, kissed the man and whispered, "But my sister said that she couldn't explain who the father of the child was when she was born. Identity is a problem, so it can't be said to be adopted. ?"

Ellen Wilson frowned and said, "There is indeed this problem. Her worries are not unreasonable. If you don't mind, there is actually a person who likes children very much, but she can't have children. I always think it's a pity."

"You want me to give birth to the baby and send samples?" Anna fell into thought, "Tell me who it is first, and I'll talk to her."

"You really want to talk?" Alan Wilson was taken aback, thinking that he was just talking casually, and he was not at all prepared for Anna's reaction.

"Let's talk about it, and clarify what we need between the two of us." Anna said firmly, she also fought for the second child plan, and the identity matter will be discussed later, and the child will be born first.

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