British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 832: Anna who is eager to try

"That woman is very old." Alan Wilson hesitated, wondering whether the idea was reliable.

"Just say who it is." Anna asked reluctantly, she must complete the two-to-one lead over Botkina.

"Pauline Goldie, she has always regretted not being able to have children. Before I came, I stayed in Paris for a few days, and he was filming the second Casino Royale of Zero Zero Seven." Alan Wilson, who was entangled, told the truth.

At present, Woodpecker Pictures has three preparatory projects, the feminist film masterpiece Resident Evil. The sequel to Zero Zero Seven, Casino Royale, and the movie Time Machine involving time and space.

The third film, based on the film version of the British novel, tells the story of a time traveler who invents a machine that can traverse the past and the future at will. When he rode the machine to the year 800,000 AD, he was presented with a strange and terrifying sight. Humans are divided into two races: the Eloys and the Morlocks.

The former kind of person is delicate and beautiful, and has lost the ability to work. The latter kind of people are grim-faced, work all day long, and are used to living in the damp and dark underground. They fatten the Aloys and hunt them around at night.

Pauline Goldie is selecting the script, and there are Lana Turner and Joan Bennett in Paris now. I don't know if they have selected the script they need now.

"It's her? You're really not a picky eater." Anna glanced at Ellen Wilson, "I admit that she is beautiful, but she seems to be in her forties. Even if she is well-maintained as a star, she can last for a few years. ?"

"Where do you want to go?" Alan Wilson categorically denied that in the past few years, he would rather kill 3,000 by mistake, as long as he was beautiful, regardless of age, but now it is different, he is just willing to look at the original relationship and provide some help.

Anna was noncommittal and was very dissatisfied with Alan Wilson's central air-conditioning style. "I will go to Paris to talk to her. Does she really like children?"

"That's absolutely true, she kept saying that it was a lifetime of regrets not having children of her own," Ellen Wilson swore.

"That's good!" Anna was eager to try, wishing to take out the chromosomes from the man's body now.

Alan Wilson couldn't understand. They both have a child. Why does Little Mao still have such a big desire to have children?

He didn't know anything about it. Anna felt that it would not be advantageous to **** property with Pokina's child, so she wanted to increase her own strength, but at the current time, she really couldn't explain the child's identity. If she could have another woman Even better if you help.

For example, Pauline Godai couldn't have children. In Anna's view, she was a good foster care object. Isn't it the relationship between the biological mother and the adoptive mother? It is very common in post-war Germany, and she has seen many examples, many complex relationships, and the British garrison also has some of the credit.

Alan Wilson's life is simple. He plays with cultural relics during the day and Maomei at night. He is going to take this Qianlong sword with him. It is indeed something a man likes.

"I don't pay attention to its value, but mainly to experience the heaviness of history." Holding the Qianlong sword, Alan Wilson felt that if he was not afraid of damage, he could consider bringing it back to Malaya and try to chop off a few heads to consecrate it.

Pokina's face was full of taste, and Anna once again launched a fierce attack on the man's soft underbelly. How could this sister be so accurate? Is it a talent for dealing with men? "You are very interested in China, what do you think of this country?"

"What do you think? Isn't that an ally of the Soviet Union? There are not many idiots in this world, and they are all concentrated in the Soviet camp. Look at it, how hard the Soviet Union supports today, and how much regret it will be in the future." Allen Wilson put his knife in the sheath again, and said nonchalantly, "You ask me what I think of China? If you two countries are tied together in terms of strength, your strength is far worse than the entire free world. The current Soviet Union is a threat to the free world. It's bigger, not because of national strength, but because the Soviet Union was the first socialist country."

Pokina sounded a little unhappy, although Alan Wilson was complimenting, but this sarcastic compliment sounded uncomfortable, and she said dissatisfiedly, "Are you very confident?"

"I can't help but be confident. If you, the Soviet Union, really have confidence in your own national strength, you won't increase foreign aid to this level. Don't you subconsciously know that in the face of NATO, the Soviet Union will not be able to bring Eastern European countries that wear open-crotch pants?"

Alan Wilson pointed his fingers at the treasures, "A German manpower is equivalent to the GDR, Poland and Yugoslavia. An Italy is equivalent to the rest of the countries. I don't even count Belgium, the Netherlands, and the Soviet Union against the three countries of Britain, the United States and France at the same time. Soviet technology We are already backward, not even manpower, if it weren't for the strong system, this confrontation would not have been fought at all."

It is possible for the Soviet Union to fight against the United States. If it brings a group of poor brothers, it is better to fight against it by itself.

This also applies to China in the 21st century. It is possible for individual countries to win the confrontation, but there is no possibility of victory in forming an alliance. Originally, China's manpower is a big advantage. If the pressure is shared among 1.3 billion individuals, it is equivalent to the Soviet Union. Relying on the huge land area to be able to resist.

But Alan Wilson knows that the population has collapsed, but the huge resources of the Five Eyes Alliance are still there.

From this point of view, the threat is far less than that of the Soviet Union, and the choice of confrontation is correct. No matter what the old Europe is, if it really promotes the old Europe to stand on the side of the United States, it is already possible to consider when to lose. Losing is certain. Yes, the difference is nothing but time.

Pokina is still patriotic, and even though he has made a choice, he still does not want to see men speak ill of the Soviet Union, "As far as Britain still wants to carry the Soviet Union, it would be good if you could figure out the Malayan colony. infiltrated."

"A bunch of countries around are not much better than India, and they still want to penetrate Malaya. They can't even penetrate Thailand." Alan Wilson replied contemptuously, "The Soviet Union has infiltrated Western Europe for ten years since the war? Does it work? ? Except funding some women's movements has some effect."

"I won't tell you, these things have nothing to do with me." Pokina ended the argument. In fact, she couldn't argue anymore. The penetration of the Soviet Union into Western Europe was indeed ineffective.

The fact is that Eastern Europe is much poorer than Western Europe. The Soviet Union has huge territorial resources to share the pressure. Other countries in Eastern Europe do not have it. Not to mention the old imperialism, it is far behind Portugal.

In the world of later generations, the per capita output value cannot represent everything, and the pensions of the richest countries in Eastern Europe cannot catch up with Portugal. For non-European and American countries, Portugal is already the upper limit of the living standard of ordinary people.

Even when Japan's economy was at its strongest, people from the United States who went to Japan would comment on it after returning home. The salaries of ordinary people in Japan seem to be good, but the comprehensive prices will be much lower all of a sudden. Spend the same money to live a quality of life far inferior to Europe and the United States.

Even Japan, the richest country in Asia, is like this, and so is South Korea after that. However, compared with South Asia, which is a benchmark, East Asia is still ok, much stronger than some parallel import countries that are not worthy of the name, such as Eastern Europe, which is not poor on paper, and far surpasses Latin American countries.

The standard Alan Wilson set for Malaya is to catch up with Portugal, and even this may not be achieved. If it is achieved, Malaya should live better than Japan due to the ratio of population and resources.

After finishing her work in Germany, Anna had to go to Paris. Pokina thought about it for a long time and decided to go.

What about Alan Wilson? He could only run back and forth once, evading the trial that was criticized by the women's movement, and only communicated with Markins via telegram.

The esteemed Lord Sheffield has made all preparations. After all, it caused damage to the subway that day, and the police who arrested and the witnesses of the day have all been in place. He himself is full of confidence that he can definitely be promoted this time. London boxer.

In the telegram, he could only wish his friend all the best, saying that if there were no accidents, he would return to London after the trial. As for why there must be a result before going back, the lord does not need to know.

Ellen Wilson, who was staying in the headquarters building, was leisurely, and even Ingrid Bergman did not object. It was opposed by other monsters and monsters. Mann is not easy to fiddle with.

After a while, Pauline Godai absentmindedly walked into the office, looked at Alan Wilson thoughtfully, and finally found an opportunity to ask, "Do you know about this?"

"This you can refuse, you are a free individual. But I see that you really like children, so I revealed this." Alan Wilson said politely, "Pauline, I won't force you to make a choice."

"I just feel very complicated. When the child grows up, will he recognize me as a mother?" Pauline Godai said uncertainly.

At this time, Pauline Godai was in need of support, and Alan Wilson did his part and took her into his arms, "I really envy that child, to have two such excellent mothers to raise it, it is simply a great luck, what else is there to be picky about? "

Pauline Goldie was still hesitating, but Ellen Wilson's subtext settled the matter. She was dazed by the warm embrace, but she didn't realize it.

"Looks like I'm here at the wrong time." Anna's figure appeared, and Pokina's expression was even worse behind her.

Alan Wilson was not at all cowardly, he stretched out his other hand and said, "You came at the right time."

"I'm going to live in Malaya!" Anna, who came over, said her thoughts directly. She had been there several times, and she didn't feel any rejection. "It's more secretive this way."

"I'm fine!" Alan Wilson's mouth was tougher than a boiled duck. In wartime, he was a martyr who was not afraid of torture.

"Honey, I hope it's really all right." Anna said while Botkina watched, "I had my first child before Pamela, and now I am earlier than her second child."

"What's the comparison!" Alan Wilson smiled bitterly. What's the point of this comparison?

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