British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 834: The pressure is all in France

After the completion of the 25th Plan, Alan Wilson can leave Malaya with confidence for the next stage of his life.

First of all, this still needs the approval of Whitehall. After the London smog incident, the tolerance of highly polluting industries in the UK has been greatly reduced. During this time period, the chemical industry is not a low-end industry. If you want to transfer, you need to Consider how reliable Malaya is.

It was the second day. On the first day back in London, Alan Wilson invited Lord Sheffield for a drink, and by the way congratulated the London City Hall for its great victory in case law.

"Thank you, but the turmoil this time is really scary. But the judicial system has withstood the pressure of public opinion and made a just verdict." Markins held a wine glass and sighed constantly to Alan Wilson, who was away on a business trip.

Dear Lord, I don't know anything about this. Although Alan Wilson was on a business trip, he was very clear about the development of the subway incident in China.

If it weren't for Pamela Mountbatten, who happened to be doing business in China, would the women's movement have the courage?

The reason why he encouraged his wife to support the women's movement was broken because of the subway incident that Alan Wilson had personally experienced. He knew that the women's movement had a high probability of losing, which might lead to the heavy blow of imperialism from the civil service.

If he was sure to win the lawsuit, he would tell his wife to quickly put out the fire and settle things down. How could the women's movement make trouble?

In short, the result is good. Now the local civil servants think that the women's movement is unreasonable, and they are already resentful. Even among some conservative groups, a bad impression was left.

In general, this subway incident is still beneficial. It provides a positive precedent, which can provide a way to deal with similar incidents in the future. This is also a benefit for countries that implement case law.

"Although the process was tortuous, the result was good." Alan Wilson followed Markins' words with a pun, that is, congratulations to Markins for maintaining the legal system, and also happy for the women's movement against the wall.

It's just that a woman who made trouble was sacrificed, and she was not sacrificed. Pamela Mountbatten has instructed donations to help the sentenced woman pay the fine. She has no monetary loss, but the death of the society is definitely the death of the society.

After discussing for a while, Alan Wilson sighed, "How important a positive precedent is."

He even wanted to plan a case of no help, but there is a high probability that this is not the case in the UK. The soil of the Peng Yu case does not exist in the UK at all, but it basically does not exist either.

This classic case in Alan Wilson's mind is not without merit. Everything has two sides.

In fact, he just clarified the unspoken rules and let the whole society know the teachings of his long-term family.

Before the Peng Yu case, when many families were educating their children, they were also educating their children not to mind their own business.

The biggest role of the Peng Yu case is to show the cards, providing an excuse that people only dare to teach in private.

"How's the harvest this time?" After Markins finished talking about himself, he asked about Alan Wilson's trip to Africa.

"I'm going to report to Whitehall tomorrow, and I've already made a report." Alan Wilson had a cup of tea with his friend, and said indifferently, "The tide of colonial independence will be suspended, and we will see if France can win the military operation. On the one hand, it also has to contribute to the failure of the newly independent Sudan, which is a test field, and it is best to use it as a deterrent."

After the friends got together and greeted each other, Alan Wilson went home. He couldn't let his wife stay in the vacant room. There were bright lights in the house. A virtuous wife. Five minutes later, he came out again and sent out his beautiful sister-in-law.

"Dear Princess, rest early." Alan Wilson maintained his usual gentle attitude, and told Princess Margaret with a subtle expression, I know what you came for, and I am grateful.

"Then I'll go first, Mr. Wilson." Princess Margaret responded resentfully, and the driver of the royal family outside the door was already waiting, doing their due duty.

"I watched you get in the car!" Alan Wilson didn't target anyone in terms of surface engineering. He followed Princess Margaret into the car all the time, then watched the car out of his sight, and stood for a while before heading home again. .

The look of a man standing on the edge of the road and watching his sweetheart go away also fell into the eyes of the princess who kept looking back.

Now it is serious to see each other as soon as three autumns. Pamela Mountbatten can understand it because of work. But as long as you meet, you must be passionate, otherwise it will be harmful to the relationship between husband and wife.

The effect is still very obvious. Pamela Mountbatten hugged her husband happily, "I can't stand you bumping into me, it's so good..."

After eating a simple milk and egg breakfast in the morning, Alan Wilson began to prepare the report documents, and calculated the time to report to Whitehall. He had already booked a time to meet Norman Brooke in advance.

"It's not easy to convince the cabinet secretary. You're fine. The key is that Malayan officials must be credible. You've already started your second term, and if you leave Malaya, something happens." Pamela Mountbatten was dressing up, and she was going to drive her husband to Whitehall herself. "How do you feel about your subordinates?"

"Fortunately, at least it's better than domestic officials." Alan Wilson stunned and replied.

Fortunately for him, he really has no problems in execution. He can carry out his ideas. For the Malayan colony at this stage, this is enough.

Alan Wilson must have a hundred space district chiefs, Sun Liancheng, and he has absolute confidence to turn the Malayan colony into an iron bucket, and he can't get involved in anything from the Soviet Union, China, and Indonesia.

It's a pity that he didn't. In his eyes, Sun Liancheng wanted to say something bad. The immediate boss of the cosmic district chief is not a human being.

The fundamental reason why Sun Liancheng later cherished the universe was that his immediate boss pushed him again to fight thunder, and he found out.

Alan Wilson feels that at least so far, he has never sacrificed his subordinates to fight against thunder, but let a subordinate who does not pay him be the bench. He even plans to win the position of Aden for his friend this time.

The Rolls-Royce Gintama stopped at No. 70 in Whitehall. Pamela Mountbatten waved at her husband, "I'll wait for you at home." Then she walked away with envious eyes.

A few minutes later, Alan Wilson was already in the cabinet secretary's office. Norman Brooke, holding a newspaper in one hand, picked up the phone and said, "If there are guests, let them wait for the time being."

"Ellen, you've worked hard for you, and you've helped John deal with the Sudan." Norman Brooke put down the phone and said with a smile on his face, "The colleagues in Whitehall appreciate your work, and I also know that you The second term has already begun. In fact, earlier, some voices did not want you to continue to start the second term of Malaya, after all, it is not a special period of war, a foreign commissioner's time is too long, it may cause some troubles, and It does not contribute to the establishment of a clean image."

"But because of the importance of the Malayan colony to the British, it needs a commissioner to shape it reliably. I also agreed to your second term with hesitation. Looking at it now, Malaya fills the original British India. contribution, and the development of the colony takes place at the same time, which is very gratifying.”

"Thanks to Whitehall and the cabinet for their trust. Although I am in Asia, I dare not forget the responsibility of the empire. I deeply realize the expectations of the Sir and the Prime Minister for me and the Malayan colony. Now I have achieved some achievements. I can shoulder the responsibility on the indicators. The responsibility of British India is also credited to the previous commissioner, and Gerrard has done many basic things."

Alan Wilson expressed his loyalty on the one hand, but also expressed humility on the other hand, "I personally believe that modern management based on Malaya and injection of funds are far from the local upper limit. After all, the original British India, We didn't control a lot of land, and the population of British India wasn't really mobilized."

Although British India claims to have 10 million industrial workers, in fact they are not industrial workers at all, it is better to call them handicraftsmen.

As far as steel production is concerned, India reached 1.7 million tons last year, while the steel output of the Malayan colony supported by Kuching, the capital of Sarawak, was on par with the British mainland, reaching 18 million tons.

In this indicator, the Malayan colony has reached ten times that of India, which is caused by various factors. It is supported by the high-quality iron ore of has the steel equipment transferred from the United Kingdom as the foundation, and the British Commonwealth and The EC provides the market and so on.

"Your performance in your first term is very surprising. My colleagues and I have seen it." Norman Brooke pondered for a while and said, "Alan, where do you think the upper limit of Malaya is?"

Of course, per capita is no worse than Japan! Alan Wilson opened his mouth and said uncertainly, "Portugal shouldn't be a problem."

Norman Brooke nodded, this standard was actually fine, and continued to ask, "If this standard is met, will it be able to calm London's worries and prevent local independence?"

"At least half of the Chinese people are not interested in independence." Alan Wilson said firmly, "From the perspective of Africa, the local Indians generally do not like colonial independence, because for the local blacks, the Indians themselves are Outsiders. Similar mentality also exists among the Chinese. I have been strengthening this mentality of the Chinese. The textbooks of the two ethnic groups are different. The entire content of the Chinese textbooks has nothing to do with Malaya. The education of human origin is that 10,000 years ago, the Malayans traveled south from ancient China and wiped out the local aborigines.”

"This arrangement is very interesting." Norman Brooke smiled and emphasized, "This is also true, right?"

Alan Wilson nodded. Under the illumination of supreme authority, this is of course a fact. The two chatted about the process of Sudan's independence, and Alan Wilson made a conclusion in the form of a report, "At this stage, there is no result in Algeria. It's better to end the independence of the African colonies and wait and see for a while."

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