British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 835: Alan's grand blueprint

"This point has also been discussed in Whitehall, and it can be slowed down. Now the financial pressure is not too big. The operation of the Imperial Preferential System and the European Community have initially helped us get rid of the most difficult days." Norman Brooke Nodding in approval, "It is no longer necessary to consider giving up the colony to save costs, at least in principle."

"In principle, in the current imperial territory, the only thing that is difficult to do is Nigeria. If our statistics are correct, Nigeria should be the most densely populated place in Africa. Of course, we do not want any colony to easily become independent, but we should provide A plan to deal with it, so as not to be caught off guard.”

While speaking, Alan Wilson took out a Nigerian investigation report, which contained Nigeria's response plan.

The remaining British colonies in Africa are mainly on the east coast, and West Africa is a weak link for the United Kingdom. It was French, the Gold Coast and Nigeria, surrounded by French colonies all around.

Who let Germany lose the war? German Cameroon was divided between Britain and France, and 80% of the land became French Cameroon. So on the map, Britain appears very alone in Nigeria and the Gold Coast in West Africa.

However, the natural conditions of the two colonies in British West Africa are not bad. Otherwise, they will not be able to support Nigeria's population of more than 200 million in later generations. The population is also Nigeria's greatest value.

The reason why Nigeria has a high status in Africa and is treated by the five major countries is not unrelated to its huge population.

In fact, when China entered Africa during the Cold War, the three key areas where China invested its forces were Nigeria, Tanzania, West Africa, East Africa, and Angola, which later caused melee.

Nigeria was chosen considering its population size, which is useful even in modern society.

In addition to China, Nigeria also maintains good relations with other major powers, which of course also includes the United Kingdom. In fact, other countries, usually new countries after independence from the British colonies, send diplomats called ambassadors.

But in many African countries of the Commonwealth, the British diplomats in the local area are not called ambassadors, but high commissioners, and Alan Wilson's position in Malaya is a name.

These ambassadors, called High Commissioners, are distributed in, including but not limited to, the African member states of the Commonwealth of Nations.

Nigeria's filing mainly focuses on how to maintain British influence in Nigeria if independence cannot be prevented.

Alan Wilson is already very familiar with this set of business. He has experienced it in India and Sudan. Know what the UK needs.

In later generations, Nigeria was also a country in which the British maintained their influence fairly well. In fact, after the revolutionary wave faded away, the African countries were unable to support themselves in the mud, and the British influence was restored to some extent.

Norman Brooke just flipped through the pages at random and asked, "Just about West African colonies?"

"West Africa is surrounded by French Africa. Even if we don't continue to invest, we will not break away from our dependence on Britain in a short period of time. East Africa is different, and we need overseas British troops to continue to be stationed."

Alan Wilson's meaning is not difficult to understand. West Africa can shrink. Even if Britain shrinks, France will still insist. In East Africa, the United Kingdom cannot borrow the power of France, and needs to maintain the interests of the United Kingdom by itself.

Fortunately, before Alan Wilson came back, he also went to Northern Rhodesia, thinking that Northern Rhodesia could be used as a stronghold for Britain to intervene in Africa in the future. Moreover, the position of Northern Rhodesia can also be borrowed, and this borrowing is the strength of Rhodesia and South Africans.

Times are changing, and maintaining colonies requires more and more investment. Compared with Nigeria, which has a large population, East Africa is currently relatively easy to deal with. Alan Wilson of course also knew that there would be a new player entering the game, and the main dangerous area was Tanzania, but he had already supported Sannibal Sultan to expel the black people before.

Turned the Sannibar Islands into an offshore balancing stronghold, where two countries currently have garrisoned troops.

One is the British army, and the other is the Egyptian garrison. Yes, after the Anglo-Egyptian co-administration of Sudan ended, the two countries reappeared in the same country, that is, Sanibar, who was tasked with keeping an eye on East Africa.

Once Tanganyika turns unfriendly to Britain, Sanibar will block the Tanganyika coastline.

British West Africa will borrow from France, the suzerain of French Africa, while British East Africa, with Northern Rhodesia as the core, needs the help of South Africa and Rhodesia. The weak point is Tanganyika, and Zanzibar is in advance The connection with Tanganyika is cut off, and if there is a change, it can respond in time.

As for the colonies where the British directly garrisoned troops, they were mainly in South Sudan and Kenya, which was also the original arrangement of British East Africa.

"In this way, after the independence of Sudan, the African colonies will usher in a period of stability." Norman Brooke is still very satisfied with this blueprint.

The places where he can borrow resources have been mentioned, and he has gained a lot from Alan Wilson's trip to Africa. A similar judgment was also made, and the first phase of post-war contraction has been completed.

This may not be the end, but it is a half-time break. By the ten years after the war, the British power center has clearly understood that the United States wants all colonies to be independent, but will not use military means in the environment where the Soviet Union is eyeing come grab.

It was also impossible for Britain to be comprehensive on its European front against the Soviet Union and its remaining colonies. There may be colonial independence in the future, which is a general trend, but London still has the right to decide when it will become independent.

Norman Brooke believes that Prime Minister Attlee will be pleased with the news that the colony will usher in a plateau.

"Do you have anything else to do?" Norman Brooke saw that Alan Wilson hesitated, and the cabinet secretary in a good mood asked, "If you need support, you can say it directly."

"Dear Sir, Sudan's independence has entered the process. John, the High Commissioner, has been directly transferred to diplomatic work, and it seems that he cannot exert his ability." Alan Wilson has not forgotten that his purpose in coming to Whitehall is to find a comfortable person for his colleagues. Go home, "Our old boss, Sir Barron, is tired of the heavy work, but Aden's work is very important..."

Norman Brooke stared at Alan Wilson with a half-smile, and said with a smile, "It turns out that this matter, Barron's position is indeed very important, and a tolerant, open-minded and capable successor is needed."

"Especially reliable!" Alan Wilson continued following the words of the cabinet secretary. "With the current colonial position, compared with Africa and other countries' colonies that can be leveraged, Asia is much more isolated. The Malaya under my management. We need to support each other with the Persian Gulf, where Commissioner Aden is located. I will not deny that John is my colleague. We used to be commissioners of the native state. We have the same ideas and it is easy to communicate."

After explaining his reasons, Alan Wilson kept his mouth shut. He knew that the final decision was in the hands of Norman Brook. For a long time, Norman Brook had considered it, "Trust and reliability are mutual, I hope you To be worthy of Whitehall's trust."

"We never dared to forget the imperial responsibility on our shoulders." Alan Wilson was overjoyed, is this an agreement?

"Barron has worked for so many years, and it should not be a problem to persist for a few months. At that time, the Sudanese Commissioner will be transferred to the Aden Commissioner and will be in charge of the Empire's work in the Arab world." Norman Brooke said with a firm voice.

Of course, Norman Brooke is still concerned about whether the Malayan colony still has the potential to surpass the status of British India when it comes to shouldering imperial responsibility.

"I will prepare some orders." Alan Wilson thought for a while, and used the financial balance of this year to develop the chemical industry. He has not forgotten to take the Formosa Plastics route.

It is a very suitable method to take out the wealth to buy the chemical industry in the UK.

"Do you want to develop the chemical industry?" Norman Brooke hesitated and said indifferently, "It seems that the local garrison needs to be strengthened, otherwise, it will be difficult to ensure local security."

" I will use five to ten years to establish the chemical industry. Of course, no one can find fault with legal trading." Alan Wilson said that his boss had misunderstood, and he could not Years hollowed out Britain's chemical industry.

This is unrealistic. The British government is not the Soviet government, and it will not support the development of a place without money for no reason. The United Kingdom will never do the stupid support of the Soviet Union.

"Ten years from now, Malaya and Hong Kong will create an economic radiation belt for the entire Southeast Asia. This will be used by the United Kingdom to jointly control Australia and New Zealand, and it will also bring the relationship between the British Commonwealth closer."

"If it's successful, it's really gratifying." Norman Brooke listened to Alan Wilson's grand blueprint, even if this thing was just on the road, he couldn't help but feel excited, "At that time, the important wing of the two wings was That's the end of the build, isn't it?"

This trip to Whitehall was fruitful. Norman Brooke did not object to the development of the chemical industry in Malaya. And it also recognized the candidate to sit in Aden after Sir Barron's resignation.

Then he went to the Treasury Department again to find Edward Bridges, the Permanent Undersecretary. Although Edward Bridges and Norman Brooke had a delicate relationship, Alan Wilson did not avoid it.

The British finances have been greatly improved, but the Labour Party still hopes to find a way to spend on the military, at least not to continue to increase.

And Mountbatten, the First Sea Lord's countermeasure, was to reduce the number of troops stationed in the UK and increase the number of British troops stationed in Germany. Whether it works, no one knows better than Edward Bridges.

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