British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 836: The future of the Vanguard

In fact, Mountbatten is only the head of the navy, paying attention to the affairs of the British troops stationed in Germany, in a sense, is overstepping his authority.

But when will he not overstep his authority? When he was the fourth sea minister, he did all the affairs of several sea ministers. Now that he is the First Sea Lord, he takes care of the affairs of the British military.

"Alan, are you interested in the military?" Edward Bridges was delighted, and then replied after listening to Alan Wilson's question, "It is theoretically plausible to transfer the cost back to the Germans, but from It can't be seen on the books."

"It turns out that it is." Alan Wilson nodded. In fact, for countries like Germany and Japan, which have a good foundation in themselves, garrisoning is sure to make money. The investment of the garrison is visible, but the benefits are invisible.

Once the investment is not as good as the income, France may not retreat because of this, but the United Kingdom will most likely abandon the colony.

This is why Alan Wilson feels that among the colonies currently in his hands, Nigeria is likely to be the next reason to be abandoned. Too many people will not benefit much, and the evacuated garrison can also strengthen the military power of other colonies.

Edward Bridges, like the delicate cabinet secretary, asked about the trip to Africa, and Alan Wilson could only repeat most of it, but there were new complaints, "The people of Northern Rhodesia and I complained, the local There is a problem with the borders of the country, and asking if I can talk to the Belgians is a high regard for me."

Mikhailovich, the Slavs, were dissatisfied with the border between Northern Rhodesia and Belgian Congo. In the southern part of the Belgian Congo, there is a salient that inserts into Northern Rhodesia. This salient is 50,000 square kilometers in size.

Because of this protrusion, Northern Rhodesia was almost divided into east and west. If, according to the previous thinking of the United Kingdom, North and South Rhodesia merged, it was not obvious.

However, the merger of North and South Rhodesia has become a waste case, and North Rhodesia has developed itself, and this prominence is very uncomfortable. Mikhailovich wanted to transfer the Belgian Congo south of Lubumbashi to Northern Rhodesia.

The area seems to occupy a small part of the Belgian Congo, but Lubumbashi is very important. There are two famous copper mines, Kipshi and Ruash, rich in copper, zinc, lead, cadmium, germanium, actinium, Tantalum and other metals, with large metallurgical enterprises.

Ask Alan Wilson to go to Belgium to ask for it, he doesn't have such a big face yet. Alan Wilson could only tell Mikhailovich that there was only one chance, and that was the end of Belgian Congo's colonization, and the chance to get the salient part that penetrated into Northern Rhodesia. Don't think about it at this stage.

"That group of Slavs are quite greedy?" Edward Bridges laughed after hearing this, and said in silence, "This matter can mobilize Belgian expatriates from Belgian Congo, and Lubumbashi is from Belgian Congo. The mining center must be a paradise for many gold diggers, once the colony cannot be maintained, those people will not be reconciled, and can incite the local white people to occupy that place and merge with Northern Rhodesia.”

"If that's not enough?" Edward Bridges continued before Alan Wilson could speak. "You know, the official language of Belgium is French, and many French people think that Belgian Congo is a French-speaking area. You have This understanding, and then looking at the spheres of influence of African countries, will have different understandings.”

Alan Wilson was startled. If it wasn't for Edward Bridges' reminder, he would have forgotten that the official language of Belgium is French, and there is no cultural barrier between Belgian Congo and French Africa.

From this point of view, adding more than 2 million square kilometers of Belgian Congo, African French-speaking culture occupies half of Africa’s land, and France itself occupies half of Africa’s 30 million square kilometers. No wonder African French-speaking culture is Mainstream, the English culture is an overwhelming advantage.

Seeing Alan Wilson pondering, Edward Bridges said, "Now you understand that the influence of the French in Africa, the colonies of Belgium, is only nominally not part of France."

"Sir, I actually fell into a misunderstanding and forgot that Belgians speak French." Alan Wilson patted his head, very embarrassed. He had the memory of the Rwanda genocide in his head and knew that there was a shadow of France in it.

However, it did not connect memory with reality, and ignored that Belgium is a French-speaking culture. Otherwise, how could France exert influence on Rwanda through the independent Congo, a Belgian colony?

"So in this matter, the French can help in a certain sense." Edward Bridges was happy to be able to give Alan Wilson some pointers. Doesn't this young official know everything?

"Thank you Sir, I think I still have a lot of shortcomings." After Alan Wilson regarded Belgian Congo as a French colony, he suddenly became more enlightened.

Not entirely happy, France's foundation in Africa is indeed much larger than that of Britain.

After chatting for a while, he left Whitehall. In fact, Mountbatten was not at ease. NATO's North Atlantic show had just ended. At that time, he was still in North Rhodesia, chatting and laughing with Mikhailovich.

Currently, Mountbatten is trying to save military expenditures. Within the scope of optimization, he will try not to let the cabinet's tightening of military expenditures affect the combat effectiveness of the Royal Navy.

Thinking about avoiding disarmament and freeing up some funds, it is logical to send the domestic garrison to Germany. And that's not all.

After arriving home, Pamela Mountbatten was already busy preparing food, so Alan Wilson naturally couldn't let his wife do the work, and went to visit to fight, "Don't make my wife too busy."

"It's not very busy, but I just met a few organizers of the women's movement." Pamela Mountbatten said while boiling the water, "Are you interested in listening? Those people have caused a lot of trouble for Markins. ."

"What do you hear? Don't you agree?" Alan Wilson was very interested and asked his wife what was going on.

"That's not true!" Pamela Mountbatten pondered for a while and said, "Maybe I'm a little aggrieved, by the way, my dear, what do you think of them? You really can't touch them?"

"It's harmful in the long run, no matter how legitimate the idea is." Alan Wilson replied without thinking.

In his eyes, there is no feminism, 100% women's boxing, and women's rights and women's boxing are two sides of the same body.

Women's boxing is responsible for harassing people, and women's rights will not stop it, which is similar to the radicals and moderates of religious groups. Radicals make trouble, moderates pretend to be good people, and the ultimate beneficiary is the whole.

Women themselves have no ability. Power is built on the basis of man's tolerance. Once a man does not want to endure, the foundation will collapse.

European and American society is a big deal. For example, Eastern society chooses to lie down, while religious society chooses to forcefully suppress women's rights. These are all different responses.

But whether it is Europe, America or Japan and South Korea, one shot and two scattered or lying flat are all based on a certain economic strength. In other words, the standard of living is high, Europe and the United States are higher, and Japan and South Korea are worse.

It may not be easy to lay flat on a certain big country, because there is no such foundation, and it can even be said that in terms of income data, it is between the world of Peace Religion and Japan and South Korea, so it is possible to choose any route. Once you find that there is no economic basis and you can't bear it? Maybe the Taliban fans will grow more and more.

If you choose to be a fan of the Taliban, then it will not be a matter of women's rights not taking advantage of it.

"Indeed, it doesn't work when you have no financial foundation." Pamela Mountbatten gave her husband a blank look when she said that, "Especially in front of you, you must have some tricks to deal with them, don't you? Tell me and listen."

"Of course there is, but I didn't deal with them, this time it was just a small containment. If I really acted as an enemy, I would definitely contact the newspaper to intensively report the felony cases of women in the past year, and create a hatred of men. The image is linked to the Soviet Union."

Pamela Mountbatten squinted slightly and asked incomprehensibly, "What's the use of this?"

"Darling, the power is mutual. Once the intense coverage is offensive, you know Jack the Ripper?" Alan Wilson mentioned what may be the most famous murderer in history, "Once the emotions are stirred up, they may appear Just a batch."

Pamela Mountbatten swallowed a mouthful of It seemed that the name Jack the Ripper frightened her, "Fortunately you didn't do that."

"I'm just casually saying that doing this will terrify women in the UK." Alan Wilson shook his head and said, "So ordinary murders cannot appear in the media. Men are much more dangerous than women. Intensive reporting also has a demonstration effect. If there are not many people who know it, no one will imitate it. Once there is a long-term negative news about women against men, it will be dangerous for women."

"You scared me, idiot." Pamela Mountbatten's face tensed, her fists constantly greeted Alan Wilson, and she suppressed her voice and complained, for fear of disturbing her daughter who was left alone upstairs.

"It's obvious that you asked me... You shouldn't be too honest." Alan Wilson looked helpless and bowed his head decisively in front of his vexatious wife, "I was wrong."

It was still early, and there was no need to exercise after dinner. Alan Wilson held his wife in his arms and said a little topic to divert his attention. The discussion just now was treated like a fart, what Jack the Ripper does not exist...

"The Admiralty intends to dispose of the battleship Vanguard to save on high logistics costs. My father's intention is to transfer the battleship Vanguard to the Pacific Fleet. If possible, can Malaya afford the cost of this battleship?" Pamei Ramon Button mentioned the latest move by the First Sea Lord to increase income and reduce expenditure.

"I have no problem, that is the latest battleship." Alan Wilson was ready to receive it with confidence, "It can serve for a long time, which is good for the security of the Malayan colony."

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