British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 837: The world's first uranium mine

In addition to firepower, Alan Wilson doesn't think there is any problem with the Vanguard. This battleship is the last British battleship, and all indicators are top-notch. The small firepower problem is already the least important option in the current era. It is not enough to start a war with the United States. It is enough to shock the third world countries.

In the future visible to the naked eye, there will be no more battleships. The afterglow of this cannon ship era has the opportunity to fall into the hands of Alan Wilson, of course, it is gratifying.

Originally, the retirement of the Vanguard marked the end of an era. The Royal Navy with battleships as the core gave Britain four hundred years of sea power. The sailing battleships witnessed the rise of the empire on which the sun never sets, and the Vanguard witnessed this. The fall of the empire.

When the Avantgarde's gun barrel was severed and her mast was torn down, it marked the handover of the sea power that Britain had held for four centuries to the emerging United States. Although not perfect, "Vanguard" still draws a happy ending to the grand and long history of British battleship development.

But now the Admiralty is trying to find a way to preserve the size of the Royal Navy, which shows that the United Kingdom has not given up its sea power, even though the current size of the US Navy has surpassed that of the Royal Navy.

As for whether the battleships can still keep up with the times, Alan Wilson feels that there is no problem. This world is not only the United States and the Soviet Union, but also a large number of countries that are not very powerful, waiting for the Vanguard to exert its residual heat.

"There is one more thing, the commander of the Far East Joint Operations Command may be replaced. Lieutenant General Bilton may be entering NATO." Pamela Mountbatten immediately mentioned another matter, which is very important for Malays. more important for sub-colonies.

"So?" Alan Wilson said that he was not particularly surprised. Lieutenant General Bilton was the garrison commander before he took office. It is normal to change positions for so long. "Who is the successor?"

If he sits on his back in Malaya and never moves again, doesn't that mean that Lieutenant General Billton is on the bench?

"Lieutenant General Scones, David Scars." Pamela Mountbatten knew that her husband was interested, and immediately said familiarly.

Alan Wilson was startled, and said uncertainly, "Marshal Slim's subordinate, the division commander of the Anglo-Indian Corps?"

Pamela Mountbatten nodded, "This is also approved by Marshal Slim. Lieutenant General Scones has served in Asia and has some understanding of the local situation. When Singapore was surrendered, he also went to Malaya."

"That's really good." Alan Wilson sighed that since he had served in the British and Indian Army, it means that he was a former subordinate of his father-in-law, and it was not a problem to cooperate.

As for the former garrison commander, Bilton, he was also considered a high-ranking officer. He was released back to Europe and entered the British Army in Germany, becoming a part of NATO. Good for him too.

"The military also recognizes the importance of the Malayan colony. After all, although you never feel dangerous. But the threat exists objectively." Pamela Mountbatten expressed vaguely that the military was worried about the Malayan colony.

Alan Wilson has nothing to say. He can understand the so-called worries of the military and who they are worried about. Bamboo curtain!

Although he was not worried and felt that London was making a fuss, he would not object to this arrangement.

Once the Vanguard joins the Pacific Fleet, the temperament of the entire Pacific Fleet will be completely the same as that of the previous era. The Pacific Fleet with eight battleships as its core, if the Prestige-class battlecruisers have not been dismantled after the war, then the Pacific Fleet will would be more interesting.

Looking at the fleet west of the Suez Canal, with heavy aircraft carriers as the core, it is hard to imagine that both belong to the same country's navy.

This is like modern Britain, in the same contradiction. Under the leadership of the Attlee Cabinet, the post-war Britain started a journey of healing, but it is obviously not as bright as the United States' achievements.

Although the United Kingdom withstood the gold and dollar offensive of the United States, other European countries did not.

The power of the Marshall Plan is still quite strong, allowing the U.S. economy to continue to grow by leaps and bounds after the war. After Eisenhower came to power, the United States began to build large-scale infrastructure. Now the entire country is really thriving.

In terms of finance, the United Kingdom, which was the first to establish a financial market and played a long-term role as the world's financial center, is more worthy of its "abundance of talents" in this regard, while the United States, which has made great progress in the economy in the past century and has gradually replaced the United Kingdom's position in the world's financial world, is also Has a large number of outstanding talents.

It's no wonder that some voices believe that Britain is like the relationship between Greece and Rome in front of the United States. It is about to inevitably give up its long-standing world dominance.

Alan Wilson also knows that with the current situation in the UK, only God can do it if he wants to put America under his feet again.

All he wants now is independence. It's a bit ridiculous to say that the once empire on which the sun never sets, but now the goal of independence is to redouble efforts to achieve it.

At least compared to the current France, isn't it still passable? The Algerian war is no longer a petty fight. After only a few months, the French garrison in Algeria has doubled to 400,000 people.

Paris has shown with practical actions that the suppression of the colonial French government is absolutely serious.

According to the characteristics of guerrilla warfare that is both scattered and concealed, the French army determined the tactics of "focusing on encirclement and suppression, mobile search, and airborne assault".

At the same time, in response to the situation that the National Liberation Army's equipment and equipment mainly come from abroad, the border blockade has been strengthened. A number of land and sea blockades have been established on the borders between Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia and the Mediterranean coast of Afghanistan. and aircraft patrolling day and night.

For the safety of the whole of Africa, the United Kingdom also began to help secretly, and the Mediterranean Fleet, to a certain extent, shouldered the task of cutting off other countries' aid to Algeria from the sea.

Although on the surface it has nothing to do with the United Kingdom, in fact, the United Kingdom is very concerned about the French crackdown on Algeria.

In turn, France's attention to North Africa also stemmed from the entry of Britain and the United States into North Africa during the World War, which led France to see the power of other countries in North Africa for the first time. The United Kingdom is fine, but the role of the United States has made France very wary.

The operating area of ​​French monopoly capital is shrinking, but on the other hand, French capital is becoming more and more concentrated, and it needs a way out.

It is not difficult to understand why the French government is striving to maintain and consolidate its colonial rule in various places, and actively carry out "development". In particular, the three colonies of rich North Africa—Morocco, Algeria and Tunisia—are increasingly seen as its lifeblood.

Now that Algeria has discovered oil, France cannot give up. Compared with the influence of the United Kingdom in the Persian Gulf and the news of the discovery of oil in the North Sea, France has become more eager for Algeria's oil resources.

Although the land of France is the land with the best agricultural basic conditions in Europe, there are not many resources on it. And Germany desperately for Alsace and Lorraine, but also for this reason.

In modern society, oil resources are becoming more and more important. France has no influence in the Persian Gulf, so naturally it cannot let it go.

"Maybe the oil we found, to some extent, exacerbated the suffering of the Algerians." Alan Wilson joked with his wife when he talked about it.

"There's no way." Pamela Mountbatten didn't care, she had the money anyway, and the rest of the matter was up to the French.

Alan Wilson was all smiles. He felt that Malaya's oil resources should be on the agenda. This added to the importance of the Malayan colony in the eyes of London.

Compared with the carpet search in the North Sea for several years, Malaya's oil resources should not be difficult to find, just search around Brunei, the scope is much easier than blind elephants in the North Sea.

But don't be in a hurry, Malaya's military strength needs to be strengthened, at least until the Vanguard arrives.

As for when to go back, it can't be done for a few days anyway. Alan Wilson has to be a good father for a few days, and he found out that his daughter is a little strange to him now, which is not a good thing.

Pamela Mountbatten now has a problem, similar to Anna's problem, that is the discussion about the second child Sometimes the charm is too great, and the excellent genes are missed! Alan Wilson said quite narcissistically.

A hand accurately grabbed the man's ear, Pamela Mountbatten smiled coldly, "I want to hear how many people care about your excellent genes."

"I'm talking about you, dear." Following his wife's hand, Alan Wilson didn't panic at all, and directly kissed his wife's red lips, and his hand was placed where it should be. Pamela Mountbatten is a very hygienic woman, so smooth!

Under such circumstances, the Imperial Commissioner wanted to sing loudly, "Ride on my beloved ocean horse..."

Sometimes it's not that Alan Wilson has no resistance to beauty, but that there are bad people in the crowd who are always attacking his weakness. Among those who want to corrupt excellent officials, there are even princesses in power.

Alan Wilson actually has a lot to pursue, but his current location is in the colony. If he can return to Whitehall one day, these ideas can only be realized. After all, the content of two wings flying together can be more abundant.

Perth sent a telegram, and Pamela Mountbatten immediately shared with her husband, "My exploration team has discovered a large uranium mine in Australia."

"This is very important to the country. If the Australian government doesn't know about it, first block the news and ask the cabinet's opinion." Alan Wilson sighed, the world's largest uranium mine has been discovered, and Australia's mineral resources are completely God's reward Food is just the opposite of France, and the agricultural conditions are really poor.

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