British Civil Servant

Vol 2 Chapter 838: good idea

Latest website: There are many short-legged countries in the world. It must be admitted that the world is not so fair. The problem with Australia is that the agricultural base is so short, but the mining base is too long, long enough to cover up the shortcomings in agriculture. .

In theory, there is no shortage of minerals in any country, but the difference between 100 meters underground and 1000 meters underground is so big that no minerals can be found. The great thing about Australia's minerals is that it has all kinds of minerals, and they are buried very shallowly, including uranium.

One of the major reasons for the slow progress of the alloy tube project in the United Kingdom was that there was no progress in high-quality uranium mines at that time.

"Uranium ore is only useful in the military industry!" Pamela Mountbatten didn't care much about the discovery of uranium ore.

"Wrong, since nuclear reactors can be used as power, isn't it natural to use them to generate electricity?" Alan Wilson corrected his wife's words, "Australia doesn't even have a perennial river, so it can't always burn coal for power generation. If a nuclear power plant is built to supply nuclear power, It's good for Australia as well."

Pamela Mountbatten nodded her head frequently, but as if she remembered something, she asked directly, "Will you be so kind?"

"Use Australia to verify nuclear power. After all, the United States and the Soviet Union are also studying it." Alan Wilson replied in a high-sounding manner, what if something happened? Even if nothing happened, it would be good for Australia to take the risk of technical validation in the UK.

In fact, the United Kingdom is the pioneer of nuclear power. It was not until the 1970s that the installed nuclear power capacity of the United States surpassed that of the United Kingdom and became the world's number one.

Like other pioneering technologies in nuclear power, Britain has maintained the excellent style of getting up early in the morning and catching up with the evening market.

Just as the Comet lost to Boeing, the Royal Navy was surpassed by the U.S. Navy, and a series of traditions, it was eventually overtaken by the U.S. in nuclear power, and again and again, became the most backward pioneer.

After the completion of the Calderhall graphite gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plant for both plutonium production and power generation in 1956, a number of graphite gas-cooled reactor nuclear power plants were built one after another. Cox reactor. The UK was once the country with the largest installed nuclear capacity in the world.

Now that the UK has this technical reserve, Australia has discovered the largest and best-quality uranium mine. The problem is simple, what is needed now is for Pamela Mountbatten, the second generation of the British Empire, to bring British nuclear power technology to loyal Australia for realization.

Later Australia is anti-nuclear because Australia has no shortage of coal, oil and gas, and it is cheap. Whether there is a nuclear power plant or not, it is the same, and the interest in solar power generation is greater than that in nuclear power.

However, Alan Wilson believes that with Australia's loyalty to the United Kingdom, building a nuclear power plant is definitely not a problem at this time, and the country will not reject the United Kingdom.

Alan Wilson even wanted to deploy British strategic bombers in Australia. Unfortunately, such an important weapon, the United Kingdom must be reluctant to put it in a secondary direction. Maybe after the nuclear submarines are put into service, the status of the bombers will be lowered, and this can be done.

After all, compared with the United States, the United Kingdom still likes to share weapons technology, especially to countries such as Australia and Canada. As long as Australia gives money, everything is not a problem.

"Australia doesn't lack energy at all, why should it?" Pamela Mountbatten didn't understand.

"The reason for this is because they don't have a shortage of energy," Alan Wilson explained. "Australia's power generation is so good that you have to find a way to make it harder. Anything that guarantees British influence in Australia has to be done. , let alone nuclear power, if Australia likes nuclear bombs, they should sell them."

Alan Wilson doesn't know Australians yet? If Australia's agricultural conditions were better, it could support a population of 100 million people, let alone the United Kingdom. Australians dare to treat Americans as farts.

When it comes to Australia's security, Australians will not object, and the most secure thing in the world today is the nuclear thing. Now that uranium mines have been discovered in Australia, the timing is very suitable.

There is too much competition on the European side. According to the Asian monster room decades later, Europe is the real monster room. Moreover, the size of each country is similar, and it is impossible to crush them.

This can understand why Britain is far more softened than France, and is also unwilling to give up its colonies.

What is the difference between England, France and Germany once they abandon their colonies? With its own size, it is difficult to even deal with Italy.

After discussing with his wife, Alan Wilson decided to see if he could get government support on the uranium issue.

In fact, based on the contract signed by Pamela Mountbatten with Australia before, the Mountbatten Group can completely get rid of the United Kingdom and negotiate with Australia in the name of the group.

The Mountbatten Group previously claimed that the iron ore reserves were 2 billion tons, which lowered the peeps of American counterparts from the reserves. This is useful for iron ore, but uranium ore is different from iron ore, and its importance is completely different.

This kind of terrible thing cannot be done without the backing of the state. Soon, Alan Wilson arrived in Whitehall and informed the Mountbatten Group of the discovery of the uranium mine. He also bluntly stated that the government needed the backing.

"Uranium mine? How big is it?" Norman Brooke was shocked when he heard it. This was a big deal, and he hurriedly asked.

"The reserves exceed all the uranium mines that have been discovered, and the quality also exceeds." Alan Wilson answered without concealment.

It is meaningless to conceal, compared with the reserves of several billion tons of iron ore, the reserves of uranium ore are too small and easy to calculate. There are not many samples from all over the world, and the blurred vision simply insults the IQ of other countries.

It is better to be honest than to be sloppy, and directly show the need for state support.

"Are you afraid that your wife's group will be under pressure from the state in uranium mining?" Norman Brooke, a leader of the civil service, immediately understood Alan Wilson's intentions.

Mountbatten Group is racing around in Australia, constantly looking for minerals that can be mined, including but not limited to coal, iron, natural gas, gold, and copper. These are all commercial minerals, and uranium mines can be different.

"The key is that the empire also needs uranium mines, and it is better to have the influence of the state." Alan Wilson made no secret of his determination to hand over the share of uranium mines. At least in the matter of uranium mines, he was willing to bring the country into the party.

Alan Wilson not only contacted the great British nobles to invest in Australia, but also wanted to introduce national capital.

So after this communication with the cabinet secretary, the candidates to represent the UK and Australia to discuss uranium mines have been announced. Alan Wilson himself is the most suitable choice.

This of course requires the approval of the cabinet. After Prime Minister Attlee knew about this, he agreed without saying a word. Britain is promoting the research of nuclear power technology just when high-quality uranium ore is needed.

"This time, there is one more mission to return to Malaya!" Walking out of No. 70 Whitehall, Alan Wilson counted the current mission with his fingers, and talked to Australia about uranium mines and advertised nuclear power. Set up a chemical industry in the Malayan colony, develop oil in Sarawak, and settle the cost of the battleship Vanguard.

Of course, the last point is that the military is not worried about the threat of the bamboo curtain. Britain's dykes against a great power still exist.

It's not that Alan Wilson doesn't take the threat of the bamboo curtain as non-existent, but he has some knowledge of the inside story and is not too afraid.

The same thing from different angles will have different views. To a large extent, fear comes from ignorance. He won't believe all one-sided words, the Soviet Union also said that communism will win? Is it now that the free world simply surrenders by listening directly to the Soviet Union?

The biggest achievement of returning to London this time is actually that Alan Wilson and Whitehall have reached a consensus. To defeat the enemies of the free world, the key is to split the relationship between a certain power and the Soviet Union.

Whitehall recognized this, too, but had no idea what to do. At this time, an expert in Orientalism is needed to answer. Alan Wilson can even write Chinese characters. No one knows what the East is better than him.

It took an hour, a **** didn't make sense, and hydrology took up half of the content, but the conclusion was that the China-Soviet split sooner or later the report was released. The content is not really important, but the conclusion is important.

The content is not all useless content, at least what China wants, and the Soviet Union can't give it, it is still approved by Whitehall.

When that day comes, this is an important basis for Alan Wilson's advanced cabinet secretary.

Back home, Pamela Mountbatten heard from her husband about going to Whitehall, so she asked, "Then what do you do? To get Australia to cooperate This is simple, talk more about bamboo The threat of curtain." Alan Wilson replied with a relaxed expression, "Security is Australia's greatest need, and this has been proven many times."

He himself wasn't bothered by the so-called bamboo curtain threat, but he knew that this set of threats would work for many people. Especially for Australia, a former colony once spooked by Japan's southward advance.

"You are my husband, helping my company on behalf of the country, and negotiating with the Australian government?" Pamela Mountbatten thought about it and asked, "Will it affect you?"

Alan Wilson, a career bureaucrat, also accepted the task, which was nothing, but the company involved was his wife's industry, and Pamela Mountbatten was a little worried.

"It's nothing, it's all a family. We and the Australians are the Queen's subjects. If you feel that the emotional card is not enough, you can consider bringing the princess. The confidence of victory has increased." Alan Wilson said nonchalantly.

"Good way!" Pamela Mountbatten agrees very much. The positive influence of the royal family can make things easier.

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